“He is very kind, but he is also very distant. He avoids a lot of my questions and he avoids looking into my eyes. Tell me, Fai, does he hate me for some reason I don’t know about?”

  The beast climbed onto the bed and then slipped under the cover. A flash of light radiated throughout the room.

  “He loves you, master.” The beast comforted her. “It is not possible for him to hate you, even though you have done so many terrible things to him in the past.”

  “I did terrible things to him?” She gasped. “What did I do?”

  “I am not supposed to tell.”


  “Are you happy the way you are now, master?”


  “I better keep my mouth shut.”

  “Fai, as your master, I order you to tell me!”

  Fai exhaled. “I don’t even know where to start. The question should be what have you not done to him. You have gotten very creative over the years. That is all I can tell you. Even if you threw my pups off a cliff, I would not say another word on the subject.”

  She lowered her eyes with guilt. “Why was I so horrible to him?”

  “Not another word.” Fai retreated back into the blanket. It was getting warm and cozy. Maybe he could get started on that nap.

  Nala could not guess the reason why the queen summoned her to her quarters. They had never even exchanged a word. What could the queen possibly what from her? It was because of her that her husband was killed. Could it be that she wanted revenge? She had to expect the worst.

  Nala let out a sigh of relief when she could sense Sayan’s presence in the queen’s quarters as well. All worries dissipated from her mind when she saw Sayan sitting by the queen’s side. With Sayan here, the Queen could not act out any ill intentions.

  “Your Majesty. My Queen.” Nala knelt down in front of them and bowed her head to the floor. Even if she and Sayan could speak on the same level when they are alone, she could not ignore protocol in front of the queen. It is the easiest way to get executed. “How may I serve you?”

  “Rise,” the queen commanded.

  Nala got up to her feet again. She hoped this conversation would be short because she could sense her brother’s presence close by. He must have returned to visit her.

  “So you are the famous dancer everyone has been talking about,” the queen left Sayan’s side and circled Nala. “It is a shame that I was not able to attend your previous performance.”

  “I can dance for you whenever you wish, my queen.”

  “There is something else that I am more interested in.”

  “What would you like me to do, my queen?”

  “I have heard that dancers are known to be skilled at seducing men. I want to learn just how it is that you please His Majesty in his bed. Is it the same as pleasing other men?”

  Her sense of pride is scarred. “I would gladly teach you if I knew, my queen.”

  The queen softly laughed. “This girl is so charming, Sayan! I want to keep her by my side already.” The queen returned to her seat and leaned toward him. “Can you give this girl to me, Your Majesty?”

  Nala looked to Sayan for help. She did not know the queen’s true intention, but it could be good. Being the queen’s servant meant that she would be more vulnerable to whatever the queen had in store for her.

  “Nala is not a servant,” Sayan replied. “If you need more servants to serve you, you may pick any in the palace. If they are not to your liking, then you can recruit some from the city.”

  “She is not a servant, but she is one of your subjects, Your Majesty.” The Queen smiled. “You are her King and master, and she must obey your wishes. Do not worry, Your Majesty, I will treat her gently. I simply adore this girl!”

  Sayan leaned toward the queen to whisper into her ear. “You are also one of my subjects. Perhaps I should give you to whoever asks it of me.”

  The queen’s complexion became even paler than her natural color, but she quickly regained her composure. “Perhaps we could reach mutual benefits. I know for a fact that your treasury is nearly gone. As for myself, I have collected a vast fortune over the years. Sell this girl to me. I will agree on any price.”

  Nala could see the subtle signs of thinning patience on his face. He bolted to his feet, grabbed her hand, and led her out of the queen’s quarters. He increased their pace as he walked, showing that his irritation was building. Sayan was not used to yelling or shouting when he got angry. He would release it physically.

  “Is your kingdom in financial trouble?” Nala asked.

  “It always has been and has gotten worst since she arrived.” Sayan replied. “The nobles propose increased taxation, but life is already hard for the people as it is. You can’t milk a dry cow.”

  “How about we get donations from the nobles themselves?” Nala asked.

  Sayan suddenly stopped. “I had thought of that, but the nobles would not give up a portion of their wealth so easily.” He noticed she seemed distracted by something. “Is something wrong, Nala?”

  “Brother!” Nala let go of his hand and ran to Trent’s side as soon as she saw him. “Where have you been for the last few days?”

  “I had other things I needed to do, too, silly,” Trent replied.

  She read the subtle signs on his face. “You look a bit irritated. Did someone anger you?”

  Trent leaned in closer to whisper into her ear. “I will make that woman eat every word.”

  Essa was awakened early in the morning by the servants. They informed her that the ambassador of a faraway country had arrived with wagons of gifts. Although she had always hated waking up so early in the morning, Essa didn’t want to miss out on getting the first pick of the tribute before it went into the treasury. It was a queen’s right and she intended to make the most of it. She hurriedly got dressed and by the time she reached the throne room, the ambassador was already having an audience with the king.

  The man standing in front speaking directly to the king must be the ambassador. He was a tall and heartbreakingly handsome young man with long red hair and green eyes. His hair reminded her of the fiercest flame and his eyes were the most flawless emeralds. His voice was cool and well-toned. His speech was incredibly eloquent.

  “That was a fine introduction, ambassador.” Sayan complimented.

  “You are most kind, Your Majesty.” The ambassador gave a friendly smile. “We have traveled here from very far away, because we believe that our missing princess is here in your palace. I would be eternally grateful if you would grant us an audience with her.”

  The nobles filled the room with conversations.

  “I have no knowledge of a princess visiting my kingdom.” Sayan replied. “Could it be some sort of misunderstanding?”

  “There is no mistake, Your Majesty. Our princess, Nala is here in the palace.”

  “That dancer?” Essa gasped. “A princess? Disguising herself as a dancer? What are her intentions for coming here?

  “Summon Nala,” Sayan whispered to the servant standing beside him.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Nala was coming back from a bath when she heard the servants calling her name. It must have been urgent for so many people to be looking for her all at once. She turned around to see why they needed her.

  “His Majesty has summoned me to the throne room?” Nala asked. “Do you know why?”

  The servant shook his head. “No, my lady. I was only instructed to find you and get you to the throne room as quickly as possible.”

  Nala followed the servant down many hallways before they reached the throne room. The servants opened the double doors for her to enter. As she walked down the aisles toward the throne, she felt the noble’s eyes upon her. She immediately noticed the red-haired man wearing white armor standing in front of the throne. As soon as their eyes met, she knew that it was one of her kind. It was not only the scent that told her so. It was something more instinctual than that, but she could not point out what i
t was.

  “Princess Nala,” The man reached out for her hand and then knelt down on one knee. He kissed her hand and then rested his forehead on it. He looked up at her with his deep green eyes. “It is a pleasure and privilege to find you here.”

  “Princess?” Nala slightly tilted her head. “Th…there must be some mistake.”

  “I swear by the head on my neck that there is no mistake. You are the daughter of my lord.” He searched her eyes. “Therefore, you are our master.”

  The man got up to his feet and turned toward the throne. He clapped his hands together and at his signal, chests upon chests were being carried into the throne room. The servants opened them one by one. Gold, diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emeralds burst out of every chest.

  The room was filled with an uproar. Unimaginable amounts of riches were being lined up down the length of the aisle.

  “You have fulfilled our deepest wish, Your Majesty.” The man bowed his head. “This wealth is a peaceful gesture from Skydor and our lord. It now belongs to you, Your Majesty, but under one condition.”

  “I am listening,” Sayan replied.

  “To ensure that our princess continues to be well cared for in your kingdom, she will have every right to the treasures before you. Not a single coin can be spent without her approval. Do you accept this condition, Your Majesty?”

  Sayan glanced over to Nala. “I accept.”

  “Then my duty has been fulfilled.”

  “I will arrange a place to stay for you and your attendants.” Sayan said.

  “We have urgent business to attend to at Skydor, Your Majesty. I am afraid it cannot be delayed. We will leave as soon as possible.”

  “If that is so, then I will not detain you any longer. Have a safe trip home, ambassador. Please let your lord know that I thank him for his generous gift and that his beloved daughter will always be an honored guest at our kingdom.”

  “Farewell, Your Majesty.” The ambassador bowed to Sayan and then turned to Nala. He kissed the back of her hand again. “Now that we have met, we can never truly part. I am Noctiam, my princess. The moment you do not feel like staying here any longer, I will come to take you home.”

  “Farewell, Noctiam.” Nala said in a soft voice. Even though it was the first time meeting him, it felt sad to say goodbye. The feeling of sadness lingered after he left.

  Sayan dismissed the nobles from the throne room. Their eyes were still glued on the treasure chests as they were exiting. It looked as though they would actually salivate over the twinkling jewels. He ordered the servants to close the doors behind them so that he and Nala would have the privacy he had been looking forward to.

  Once they were alone, Sayan stepped down from the throne and walked toward the first chest. He dug his hand into the chest and picked up a handful of gold coins. He showed it to her.

  “I want an explanation, but it doesn’t look like you know the answer yourself. This is a ridiculous amount of wealth, princess. ”

  “Are you angry with me or are you teasing me?” Nala asked.

  “I am not angry with you. I am simply curious as to who your father is to have sent all of this. Is it a dowry? Is it a bribe? It can’t have been for nothing. There is always a tradeoff. I don’t like to be kept in the dark.”

  Sayan pulled Nala toward him when saw was the strange circle with inscription appearing on the ground. Trent emerged from the circle and it disappeared from the marble floor.

  “Rest assured that there is no string attached.” Trent said. “You can use it however you wish.”

  “Brother, did you stage everything?” Nala asked. “Why did you make them think that I am a princess from some far away land?”

  “That is because you are a princess from a faraway land.” Trent replied with a faint smile.

  “There must be something you want in return.” Sayan said. He did not believe in gaining something without giving up something in return.

  “You must ask Nala what she wants in return. Every chest you see here is hers.”

  “Mine?” Nala blinked. “How can it possibly be mine?”

  “We have an acquisitive father. He takes great pleasure in collecting chattels. He left us a mountain of treasures just in case we ever needed it. I can’t think of a better time to use it. The sooner we help him unite this nation, the sooner you can return home.”

  Sayan laughed out loud. “I see how it is now. You are doing all of this just so you can take her back home.”

  “Why else would I bother to do anything?”

  Sayan grabbed tightly to Nala’s hand. “If accepting your help means that I have to let her go, then I don’t need any of it. I will not let anyone take her from me as long as I still breathe.”

  “I cannot stop her or make her do anything, Your Majesty. The only thing I can do is help her with whatever it is that she wants to do.”

  “Now I see why Nala is confused by you. Your love exceeds that of a normal brother. Don’t you think that you are abnormal?”

  Anger flickered in Trent’s cold blue eyes. He grabbed Sayan by the throat and threw him onto the marble floor. “You know nothing about us!”

  “Sayan!” Nala ran to his side. She gasped when he coughed out blood. “Why did you do that, brother?”

  “Don’t call me brother, Nala. I am not used to it.” Trent said and then he vanished.

  Sayan placed a hand on the back of her head and pulled her down toward him. “You know that he is your brother, right?”

  She nodded. “Are you alright?”

  “Are you going to leave with him?”

  “Stay still, Sayan, I will fetch a physician.”

  He held her in place. “Tell me that you will not leave with him.” He stared into her eyes. “I want to hear it from your own lips.”

  “I can’t tell you that, because he will take me home, where I belong. My mother is there. My family is there.”

  “But I am here! This is your home. I am your family.” He caressed her face with both of his hands. “Can you give all of that up for me?”

  “Do you know what you are saying, Sayan?”

  “Where does your mother live? I will send people to escort her here. She can live here with us. I will treat her with honor and respect, as if she were my own mother.”

  She tried to read the expression on his face. “Sayan, you are confusing me.”

  “I am important to you, right, Nala?” He guided her forehead to touch his. “Without a doubt, I would go crazy if you abandoned me again.”

  She yanked herself away from him and stood up. She looked down at him with her pale green eyes and then walked away. He didn’t know what he was doing anymore. Confusion, anger, and jealousy stormed his mind.

  “What can I do to make you stay?”

  Sayan had been sitting on the porch by himself for a while, staring blankly into the courtyard. When it came to advice, he realized that he didn’t have a friend to turn to. Malin is the closest thing he had to a friend and he didn’t even like the man very well. Is he really that difficult of a person that he didn’t even have one person to talk to? Then again, it is not like he usually had anything to talk about.

  “You there, how dare you sit in front of the King’s residence?” Essa gasped when she had gotten a closer look. “Your Majesty! I could barely recognize you in those clothes!”

  “Must I always be in armor for you to recognize me?” he asked.

  “Forgive me, this is the first time I have ever seen you like this. You look very…humble.” She smiled. “Why are you sitting there, Your Majesty? I heard you were needed in the meeting room.”

  “I need to rethink something.”

  Essa dismissed her servants. “Did your little mistress leave you all alone?” she asked.

  Sayan knew who the queen was referring to. “Something like that.”

  Essa knelt behind him and wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders. “Is there something I can help you with, Your Majesty?” She whispered into his ear
. “I can’t compare myself to a dancer, but I will serve you the best I can.”

  “I am your brother-in-law,” he reminded her.

  “You are more than that. You are my King.” She nibbled on his ear. “Give me a chance to prove myself to you, Your Majesty. I am confident I can win over her place in your heart.”

  “Forgive the interruption, Your Majesty!” The guard captain ran toward them. His eyes quietly observed the queen. “Lord Yasa, Lord Kenu and the others are requesting your immediate presence at the meeting room.”

  “I’m coming.”

  Sayan stood up and followed the guard captain to the meeting room. The nobles rose as he and the queen entered the room.

  “What do you need me for?” Sayan asked them.

  “Your Majesty, you have missed out on half of the discussion.” Lord Yasa said.

  “Sum it up for me,” Sayan ordered and then took a seat in his chair.

  “We were discussing the candidates to be your queen consort, Your Majesty.” Lord Kenu said. “As you know, protocol demands that you elect a queen as soon as possible to secure an heir for our kingdom.”

  “I am well aware of that. I will leave the decision to you. I have no opinion on the matter.”

  “Your queen is your life partner, Your Majesty. How can you say that you have no opinion?”

  “A woman is a woman. If you want an heir, I will do my part.”

  The nobles stared at each other.

  “Please give me permission to voice my opinion, Your Majesty.”

  “You have my permission, Lord Yasa.”

  “Forming a strong alliance has always been the objective of royal marriages. It ensures the future of our kingdom. We have always thought that the Eastern Princess was the best candidate to be your partner. However, now that the Eastern kingdom has fallen under our control, she is no longer of use to us. That leaves us with two possible candidates: Queen Essa or Princess Nala.”

  What does Nala have to do with this? “Do I have any other choices? Queen Essa is my brother’s widow and she is still in mourning.”