Page 8 of The Key

What was here before you was very great. It uncovered the secret to which you are blind, the secret of communion with the dead. It began to be able to use intelligent energy in its technology. To use souls as tools. Look at the carvings at Dendera in Egypt. Those strange objects in the containers are not electrical filaments or religious symbols. Those are souls. The walls of the containers bear an electrical charge of a type that imprisons them. Because of the use of such technology, elemental bodies extended their perception outside of the time stream, with the result that the school of the earth ceased to work as a place of change. Who knows the truth, cannot find their weakness, and that is your aim on earth. What was worse, the knowledge of this power was kept from the common, ordinary people who have little self-will to begin with, and so are the only ones really capable of making good use of such abilities. The old world was destroyed because of its own greed and secretiveness. Those least evolved rose to the top, as happens here. Your leaders, as you call them, are all people with damaged senses of self-worth. The damaged goods run the civilization. That’s why it cannot last.

  Abraham Lincoln was damaged goods?

  The need to lead is a symptom.

  So Lincoln and Washington were no better than Hitler and Stalin?

  Don’t be childish. You know that not to be true. Great men have symptoms, too.

  So what happened to the old world, as you call it—this civilization in which I’m not even sure I believe?

  You lived in it—as, when you die, you will recall. It was destroyed and all of its works were undone and laid waste. Where there are now deserts, there were great cities. The very climate of the planet was changed, to make certain that the sands and the waters would forever cover the remains of your glory. Now your souls recycle again and again through life after life, returning each time stripped of all past memories, so that you would live each time as if you had never lived at all. This is why you and your world are called “Dead Forever.”

  Who calls us that?


  God dislikes us?

  God is angry at you, but also in love with you. We are impatient for you to join the rest of us.

  “Dead Forever” implies that God has a long time to wait.

  The impatient must be patient.

  What was this civilization?

  You lost the thread. There was a war. Now the victors call earth “Dead Forever” because you are required to recur in the body until you are truly free. The wheel of life, as it is called by the Buddhists, is your prison.

  The human soul is imprisoned?

  It is imprisoned.

  And nobody ever leaves the recurrence? Every soul eventually comes back for a new life?

  All recur, all do not.

  Will this ever end?

  Your enemy does not want it to end. They fear you too much. When you see UFOs, you see prison guards. They also act within your society to confuse you about your own past, and to prevent progress in areas such as propulsion, which might enable you to spread into the heavens. This is all done to prevent you from escaping.

  I thought the Holocaust was what prevented us from making progress leaving the planet.

  I am speaking now of what is behind the evil done in your world—the large-scale, historical evil.

  Who is this enemy?

  You know them by many names. But you yourself had the privilege of meeting your enemy face-to-face.

  Was I in the company of demons or aliens on that night in 1985? Remember that the air is never so sweet, nor thy wife so comely, nor thy child so beautiful, as after the battle won. We depend upon our enemy for the sweetness of our lives. Love your enemy, for he is your best friend. Without the darkness, you would never know the glory of the firmament.

  We are in chains, just as you said. But you also said you had the key.

  This whole conversation is the key. You should bless your jailers, because without them you could never find your freedom. When you, as a species, remember why you have been imprisoned, and you face what you did, you will be free.

  What did we do?

  I can tell you plainly. But you will not believe me, not in your hearts. Your hearts are in denial. Listen well, because this is the first time the true story of the taking of the fruit of the tree of knowledge has been said since you left the garden. You went to war against God. You fought the deepest meaning of the universe, in quest of what you thought you were missing. Greed drove you to seek this knowledge, which is knowledge of yourselves separate from God. You imagined that being surrendered to God was being enslaved by God. You did not see giving oneself to us is the only true freedom. It is not that man is the servant of God, but that man is God, as are we all.

  There was an actual, physical battle?

  There is a sacred science. It enables complete mastery of time and space. You had access to this science and used technology based on it. You went to war. This whole solar system bears scars from the battle, some of them terrible. You remember this, because you fought.

  I don’t remember a thing.

  Your species bears a wound in its soul that makes you deny the reality of the past that is plainly visible all around you. Mars was murdered by you. At that point, intervention occurred, as it will again when you destroy this planet, as will probably happen. This is the trigger for intervention, the destruction of a living world.

  Who intervenes?

  God acts.

  That is to say, you.

  Remember that God is holographic. Thus all act when God acts. You act.

  We remember this as the angel with the fiery sword who drove us from the garden?

  The planet was seized with upheaval, its climate revised. You fought each other like starving rats, in the end. Then, when you had lost everything, your beautiful world was turned under by the hoe of forgetfulness.

  And we lost access to the science of God—your science?

  The part of your brain that enables you to utilize electrons without drawing them into the particulate state was turned off. You became time-bound. You went to sleep, sinking into the time stream, which is where you remain trapped.

  What’s going to happen to us?

  You have come to the end of the resources that were given you in the time that was given you. We measured the rate at which you would expand and grow very precisely, and fitted your development to a calendar which we devised called the Zodiac. In your writings, Whitley, you have wondered why mankind would have such a long-count calendar. Why were simple farmers in need of it? They were not. We needed it. The constellations of the Zodiac are arbitrary inventions to enable us to mark the progress of the equinox and keep track of exactly where you are in your journey. At this moment, the little fish of Pisces is about to be spilled out onto the dry land by Aquarius. All you know how to do, little fish, is swim. How will you swim upon the dry land?

  When you say “we,” who do you mean? You have not made this clear.

  In the Hindu tradition there is this story: The God of the Universe became curious about how it felt to be a pig. So he entered the body of one. He found it delightful beyond compare—how good the sty smelled, how sweet were the slops, how desirable were the female pigs. But the universe needed tending. There was work to be done. So the helpers and handmaidens went and said, “God, you must come out of there. The universe needs you.” God said, “Who are you talking to? I am just a pig! Leave me alone!” So they killed the pig, and God came out, and refused to believe he had ever refused to leave.

  And we’re the pig?

  Earth is the pig. You are its inhabitant.

  You are responsible, then, for the destruction of mankind?


  How do you intend to do it?

  We are doing it with wealth.

  Please explain.

  What you refer to as “the consumer society” is actually a mechanism designed to ensure your proper transition from Pisces to Aquarius. Each transition has such a mechanism. The last one, transferring you from Aries to Pisces, w
as the idea of the risen man. This idea, and the ethics of the gospel, gave you a structure upon which could be built a new society. But that time is past. The society has outlived its usefulness. It’s time for something new. This is why the present mechanism is destructive, not constructive.

  The consumer society is destroying the planet. And that’s intentional?

  After the suffering you are about to endure, mankind will never again lust after material wealth. You are about to suffocate in your own garbage.

  You are talking about the death of billions in a sea of human agony. And you dare to set yourself up as a moral authority? What you’re doing makes the Holocaust look innocent.

  You are doing it. Your greed is the culprit.

  I thought you were an angel.

  You flatter me. I’m only a Canadian. But I don’t pay taxes.

  Do you have a driver’s license?


  Do you have a home?

  My home is within you.

  Then this is a dream after all?

  If you wish.

  You seem real.

  Appearances can be deceiving, as you will find when the end comes.

  When will that be?

  Look to the details of the transition between signs, and you will be able to find precisely where the earth will cease to support you.

  Can you give me any more information?

  It’s all around you.

  What is going to happen?

  You’ve already been told.

  Can we talk about God again? There’s still something missing. There is something missing in all of us.

  What does that mean?

  The question you asked is its own answer. What is absent within, is God. When you ask the question, “Who am I?” you can’t really answer. Nobody can. The answer is God.

  That’s incredible.

  How so? Do you fail to understand?

  No, I do understand. That’s what’s so incredible. I didn’t think a human being could understand this.

  This is the first time this message is given.

  Not even in that lost civilization you were talking about? They did not understand who they were. That’s why they were lost.

  Can the soul be destroyed?

  An atomic explosion throws all plasmas into chaos. They can also destroy themselves, and technological intervention may destroy them. Souls may last forever, but they may be exploited, even killed. They may be executed.

  How can they be exploited?

  Material of souls is harvested and used to make intelligent machines. An intelligent machine is a being without the potential to be free. In this sense, it is not alive. It must act as it acts.

  Then why does it need to be intelligent?

  An intelligent machine is insightful and precise.

  Is it a terrible thing to exploit consciousness in this way?

  Part of the reason that your species guards its soulblindness so ferociously is a fear you hide from yourselves. It is the fear that you will not be able to cope with the fantastically powerful technologies that involve the use of souls. You failed in the past, and it marked you.

  What is evil?

  Entropy is the natural tendency of all things to disintegrate. Evil is the addition of intention to that process. Hate is like cold. It has an end. Love is like heat. It does not.

  Do we all share in the production and reconstruction of souls? Souls can do more than regret. There can be so much loathing that they commit suicide. They do this by isolating themselves from the greater whole, by seeking toward chaos.

  Is there a hell?

  Hell is the death of a soul. For the rest of us, it is over in an instant. But for that soul, the moment continues forever.

  What is heaven?


  Are you being facetious?

  Heaven is a state of being that intensifies the spin of every electron in the body. It is a music that begins in the roots of being.

  Can we hear it?

  You can go to heaven immediately, right now, with your next breath. You can remain there forever, even while living this life.



  To whom?

  The kingdom is within you.

  I just am not getting this. I have no sense at all of any kingdom inside me.

  Because you are fallen, as I have said. The reason that you can’t understand is that you think of yourself as different from God. This is an illusion.

  How can I understand?

  Personal differentiation is an illusion. You are a fragment like me. We all are. Only God has a personality. To join God, you have to leave your self behind.

  If we have no religions, then what happened to them? Religious leaders doom religions. To lead, they need political power. For this, they must invent dogma and compel belief. As soon as they say “you must believe this,” their religion is over.

  Even the Buddhists?

  Monks burned. People starved by passivity. Persecutions.

  What about Christianity?

  Among the most perfect things ever said are contained in the gospels. But Christianity became a political system very early.

  Did Christ even exist?

  The gospel exists. You can get a copy and hold it in your hands. That’s all you need to know. But be careful. Along with its wisdom, the gospel contains many political statements.

  How can we tell the difference?

  The real gospel is compassionate.

  What is compassion?

  Finding what others need the most and giving it to them. But you have little compassion in your world. You live instead by the code of blame. Slap if slapped. A compassionate world would be very different. In such a world, it is everybody’s duty and delight to find what every other they come into contact with needs most from them, and give it to them.

  That sounds very idealistic.

  It isn’t. The idealistic world is the one that judges and punishes. Only God can judge, because only God knows the truth of the soul. The culture of blame sets itself up in place of God, and so is doomed to eventual destruction.

  What about our courts, our laws, our prisons?

  Your system of justice is random. You punish the guilty and the innocent by chance.

  Oh, I think that there are a lot of guilty people in prison.

  I speak of world justice, not that of only one small country. And look at your country, with its shameful concentration of prisoners of only one race. You treat the black man as if he was some sort of demon, but God sees all of you with the same eyes. I can’t even see the color of skin. Do you know that?

  You’re blind?

  I am blind to the lies of life. My eyes see what God sees. Before me is a child with a dirty face. On earth, I walk in a sea of such children.

  It must be awful for you.

  (Smiles.) I’m filled with joy.

  How would we be compassionate toward—say—Hitler?

  In a culture of compassion, Hitler would never have emerged as a leader. Those around him would have seen his suffering and alleviated it when he was still young. Compassion emerges out of love of one for all. It is active and has the courage to intervene. A culture of blame is passive. It waits, then slaps. When the culture of blame punished the Germans for World War One, it evoked the monster that has kept you bound to the earth at a time when you need to be born into the higher world. All you need to know of compassion was already laid down in the Christian gospels. Now you have evolved to the point that you can enact this teaching.

  What is the most important thing that Christ said? Do unto others?

  That was first said in the western traditions by Rabbi Hillel. The most important thing that Christ said was “be as the lilies of the field.” It is the message for the next millennium. You are going to return to the wild bearing the wisdom of history in your memories. Your surrender to earth will be your ascension to heaven.

  How can we surrender so completely?

  If a robbe
r shoots you in the head, God shot you in the head. Forgiveness is not an act. It is a state of being.

  What is prayer?

  A lost science of communication. This planet was once covered by a gigantic instrument of communication and ascension. Tones were important to inducing a correct flow of energy in the bodies of creatures. The ringing of the Egyptian obelisks set the correct frequency. Using this instrument, human beings could project themselves into higher worlds—what you call interstellar space, but also higher space. All of the ruins you see and consider as entirely separate from one another were actually part of the single great machine. This was a subtle machine. It did things far more sublime than any of your current machines. It was a machinery of God, this machine. It was very intelligent, infused with many souls. It could be addressed—programmed, if you will—with carefully patterned groups of words. These formulae became ritualized among the ignorant as prayers and magical formulae, for they assumed that the machine must be the god of those who addressed it, and they tried to do the same, in hope that it would grant them some benefit. However, the language of the machine was the language of nature, for the machine was not separate from nature.