Page 6 of Sincerely, Carter

  “Hell yeah.” The other one laughed. “Easily a twenty out of ten.”

  “Nineteen point five…Half a point deducted for the smart ass mouth. I ran into her on our campus once.”

  “We’re talking about looks, not attitude.”

  “In that case, I’ll round up to fifty…”

  The two of them laughed and I opened my eyes to see just who they were talking about, but the only woman I saw—the woman who was walking toward us, was Ari.

  Dressed in a pink tank top and jeans, she was mindlessly walking—not a care in the world. Her long brown hair was waving in the wind, and for some reason I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.

  Nearly all of the men who were passing her by on the other side of the marina seemed to feel the same. They were doing double takes or staring at her in admiration for several seconds at a time.

  “Yep…” one of the guys in the back said as she turned around to yell something over her shoulder. “And I would definitely hit it from the back.”

  Normally, I would’ve told him to shut the hell up, but my mind was currently perplexed by Ari—wondering why I’d never given her much of a second glance before today. Even in fourth grade (metal mouth included), I’d always thought she was cute—pretty even, but the woman walking toward us was more than that. Much more than that…

  In fact, the closer she got, the more her features stood out in the sunlight: Plump and perfect lips, almond shaped eyes in a light hue of hazel, and a smile that was driving her backseat admirers somewhat insane.

  What the fuck…

  When she finally made it to the car, she tugged on her door’s handle and groaned. “Really, Josh? I know this was you. Are you doing this to make a point?”

  “Yeah,” he said, leaning forward and unlocking the door. “You don’t keep grown men waiting for you and if you say that you get off at noon, then you better make sure you get off at noon.”

  She rolled her eyes and slid behind the driver’s seat, ignoring him as usual. “Since we’re the only adults in the car…” she said to me as she cranked the engine. “Um…Hello? Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?”

  “No…” I turned away and faced the windshield. “I was just thinking.”

  “About what?” She sounded concerned.

  “I’ll tell you later.”

  “You sure? You look really—”

  “Um, hello?” Josh cut her off. “I hate to interrupt this daily episode of BFFs and their daily lives bullshit, but we have some party stuff to pick up.”

  “Whatever.” She slowly pulled away. “Did I tell you that Carter is helping me to get laid before I leave for culinary school?” she said, smiling a perfect white smile in my direction. “He’s a real friend. Unlike someone I know.”

  “I didn’t grow up with you for over half my life, okay? I don’t owe you anything. And as a matter of fact—”

  I tuned out their voices. The two of them could argue for hours about absolutely nothing just because they wanted to. They always, thankfully, left me out of it for the most part.

  And right now, I was more grateful than ever for their argumentative distraction.

  I turned to my left to look at Ari again, hoping that the past few minutes were a mistake—that I was in the middle of a strange daydream. That there was no way I could be this attracted to her right now—no way I could want to tell her to pull over so I could taste her lips. Both sets of them.

  The thoughts that were crossing my mind—ripping off that tank top—pulling off jeans shorts and spreading her across the top of my hood needed to be erased as soon as possible…

  Holy fucking shit….

  Track 6. Breathless (3:49)

  I pulled over at a gas station and bit my tongue to prevent myself from screaming. I wasn’t sure how many more runs I could make with Josh and his frat brothers in the backseat, and if I heard him complain about my driving or heard the word “tiki torch” one more time, I was going to lose my mind.

  I wasn’t sure why Josh’s fraternity was even attempting to throw another party. Granted, he knew how to throw a really good party, but he also knew how to break every rule in the book: Last year’s “Unforgettable” themed party ended with half of the attendees running from the cops. The year before that—the “Legendary Experience,” ended in a backyard fire, and I didn’t want to even think about what he had on his mind for this year’s “EPIC” event.

  I shut the car off as soon as I put it in park and immediately got out, rushing inside the store to cool off. Literally.

  Humming, I walked down the aisles and grabbed a bunch of junk since we still had quite a few trips to make. Twizzlers, Cheetos, and a couple of soft drinks for good measure.

  Never agree to help Josh with a party again. Never again…

  You want anything from inside?

  I texted Carter.


  What flavor?

  Surprise me.

  I grabbed a blue one and walked to the register, setting down my collection. I waited for the attendant to turn around and ring me up, but she didn’t even look at me.

  Her gaze was literally fixed on whatever was going on outside and she was mumbling to herself. “Oh my god…He is so perfect.”

  I cleared my throat to get her attention. Nothing.

  I coughed a few times, even throwing in an “Excuse me?” but I got nothing.

  Her manager, another woman, came through a back door and I expected her to say something to me, or at least be kind enough to ring up my stuff, but she joined the attendant’s gaze fest instead.

  “Jesus…” she said, making me finally turn around and look at whatever they were gawking at.

  I knew it wasn’t Josh. He was on the phone yelling about something that sounded like Jell-O. His fraternity brothers were laughing about something and pumping the gas. They were cute, but nothing drool-worthy, nothing gawk-worthy.

  I tapped my chest, preparing to clear my throat again so I could get out of their self-imposed Twilight-Zone, but my eyes suddenly latched onto Carter.

  I’d seen him shirtless a million times before, seen his blue eyes gleam in the sunlight many times more, but I’d never felt the slightest bit of attraction. Until now…

  And at that moment, it wasn’t “slight” at all…

  With his six pack on full display, he was leaning against a different pump—looking off into the distance as beads of sweat trickled down his chest. He was flashing that charming smile he always used on an admirer across from him, but it was working on me from all the way over here.

  He ran his hands through his jet black hair and I suddenly envisioned myself helping him with that, envisioned myself running my hands across his abs and lower—down to his perfectly defined “V” that trailed down to—

  Oh. My. God…

  I immediately looked away.

  But then I looked at him again. I couldn’t help myself.

  How could I not have noticed this?

  “Are you finally ready to check out or are you too busy staring at something out there?” The attendant finally addressed me, literally acting as if she hadn’t been staring at him as well.

  “Been ready.” I stole one last glance of Carter and pushed all my stuff across the counter.

  When she finished bagging my stuff, I returned to the car and waited for Carter and the other guys to finish stretching.

  “Thanks for stopping, Ari.” Josh sounded halfway genuine as he got in.

  “No problem…” I said the same to his friends, and when Carter got back into the car, I couldn’t help but take a closer look at him.

  He is literally the epitome of sexy…

  “You look kind of tired,” he said softly. “Do you need me to drive?”

  “No…” I shook my head and faced forward, cranking the engine. “I’m perfectly fine.”

  Holy fucking shit…

  Track 7. Eyes Open (3:59)

  I took a glass mug out of Cart
er’s cabinet and placed it into a box.

  “Is that the last one?” Josh walked over, picking it up.

  “Yes, last one,” I said and he immediately turned away and took it outside. Even though I told myself that I would go home after a day of running errands, I decided to stay and help box up Carter’s valuables for the U-Haul truck. (Okay, and I also stayed behind to stare at him a little more so I could figure out what the hell was happening to me and my poor, confused brain.)

  I looked over at Carter again and realized he was looking at me, too.

  “Do you need me to stay and help with anything else?” I asked.

  “I need you to go get some sleep.” He looked concerned. “Everything’s not going to get done tonight. You can come back tomorrow and help.”

  “I’m not tired,” I said honestly.

  “In that case…” Josh walked back inside at that very moment and pointed to a massive stack of boxes in the corner. “Could you organize all of the alcohol in those boxes by brand and type, please? And then when you get done, could you organize the rest?” He pointed to another stack that was hiding behind the doorframe.”

  “On second thought, I could use a break…”

  “Don’t break too long, then. The guys and I will be putting together a few of the torches outside if you need us, and while we work, I’ll think about inviting you to our party.”

  I waved him away and walked over to the couch, collapsing on the rug instead of sitting next to Carter.

  “Too tired to even make it to the couch?” He smirked. “Are you sure you don’t want me to take you home?”

  That actually might be a great idea right now...

  “Come here.” He grabbed my arm and pulled me closer, positioning me between his legs. Then he began to gently massage my shoulders.

  I shut my eyes and leaned back a bit, relishing the feel of his hands on my skin—trying hard not to focus on the fact that my nerves were currently on edge.

  “How are things with you and Chris?” he asked.

  “Things are pretty good actually. We went out for a run yesterday morning…He’s a pretty decent kisser.”

  “So does that mean there’s a high chance that the two of you will have pretty decent sex?”

  “I think we’ll have amazing sex.” I swallowed as he pressed his palm against the back of my neck. “I also think it will be so amazing that it will make you jealous when I tell you all about it.”

  “Please don’t.” He let out a low laugh. “You should definitely invite him to the party.”

  “I did.”

  “Do I need to loan you my room to make sure you get the job done?”


  “Why not?”

  “Because, although he appreciated the invite, he can’t come. He works the night shift that day…How are things with you and Tina?”

  “Nothing is happening,” he said, kneading my shoulders one last time. “I still need to call her back.”

  “Any reason why you’re dragging your feet?” I looked up at him.

  “I haven’t figured that out yet…”


  Neither of us said anything for a few minutes, we just stared at one another. His leaned down, moving a strand of hair away from my face and I felt my heart speed up, felt it thump and rock against my chest in a way it never had before.

  “EPIC with a capital E!” Josh shouted, making us break away. “We now have the slogan for the party.”

  “Congratulations,” Carter said, still looking at me.

  “I knew you’d like it.” Josh smiled. “Also, I need a quick reaffirmation from both of you for my friend Martin here.” He pointed to the six foot guy who was standing next to him.

  We exchanged confused glances.

  “Please tell him that sex is the number one cause of ruin for all male to female friendships.” Josh crossed his arms. “Before you answer, let me state the facts: One, if you sleep with the person who knows you best, you’re creating a potential enemy. Two, once you have sex—the shit is never the same. Three, if you don’t end up together, then you can’t be friends. Ever. Do I sound like I’m making perfect sense or no?”

  “It sounds like you’re speaking from personal experience…” I stood up and nodded at his friend. “But…You do make a lot of sense.”

  “Perfect sense.” Carter was suddenly at my side, extending his hand to Martin. “You should never sleep with your best friend. He’s right. It’ll never work out for the long term.”

  “But what if we both agree not to let it?”

  “Nah…” Me, Carter, and Josh uttered the same thing in unison and laughed.

  “Now that we’ve cleared that up,” Josh said, smiling. “I don’t mind you being around late tonight, Carter, but we’re about to discuss some serious Epsilon Chi business, so could you kindly take your other half home? Her driving services were greatly appreciated today.”

  I rolled my eyes and tossed him a corkscrew. “I’ll come back and organize the alcohol tomorrow. Although, I think I’ll have to do them by color and not by brand since it looks like you stupidly tore off all of the labels.”

  “Not stupidly. Deliberately, my friend. They’re for our new spin on the wet T-shirt contest.”

  “You disgust me.”

  “And you arouse me.” He playfully licked his lips.

  “Enough, you two...” Carter grabbed his car keys. “I’ll be back. Please try not to burn down my house while I’m gone.”

  “Our house.” He practically shooed us out the door. “And I’ll do my best.”

  On the way home, Carter and I acted as if that moment near the couch never happened.

  The night ended like it usually did in the summer after classes: Him pulling up to my house, waiting on me to go inside before pulling off, and then a late text a few hours later:

  You feel like talking or getting a late dinner with me?

  Ninth Grade

  Dear Arizona,

  You owe me twenty dollars.



  Dear Carter,

  Could you at least TRY to look like you’re paying attention in class? And why are you passing me a note when we both have cell phones?



  Dear Arizona,

  I didn’t see the twenty dollars you owe me in your last note. Please respond with the appropriate funds. Thanks.



  Dear Carter,

  The only way I could possibly owe you twenty dollars is if you had sex/lost your virginity this weekend. And since we both know you didn’t, you can stop pretending like you did. You can, however, send me twenty dollars for putting up with this note writing bullshit.

  Grow up and use your cell phone,


  Dear Arizona,

  Like I said….You owe me twenty dollars



  She gasped as she read my final note, looking over her shoulder and shaking her head. She sent me a text right before the bell rang:

  I’ll see you after my Home-Economics class? Your place?


  I texted back.

  My mom is having her therapist over later. If you guys bake brownies again, bring me one.

  Done deal.

  I floated through the rest of my day at school, not paying any attention to anything that was happening around me. I even spent an extra hour at test-prep tutoring—something I never did unless I was bored out of my mind.

  I walked the long way to Ari’s house—stopping every minute to look around at nothing in particular, but when I arrived she wasn’t there.

  “Hey, there, Carter!” Her older sister, Ariana, ushered me inside. “You want something to drink?”

  “Water, please.”

  “Coming right up,” she said, quickly pressing a cold bottle into my hand. “You can go wait for Ari upstairs in her room if you want. She should be
home in a few minutes.”

  “No, thanks.” I narrowed my eyes at her. “I’ll wait here until she gets back. Thanks to you, your mom thought we were up there having sex last time I was here. Or do you not recall lying to her about that?”

  “It was a joke.” She laughed. “I honestly think we’ve all accepted that you two are just friends. Weird, strange, and way too damn close friends, but just friends.”

  “Not trusting it.” I plopped onto the couch. “I’ve been scarred for life. Sorry.”

  She smiled and crossed her arms. “You know, I was just telling one of my friends about you two. I was telling her that although I think it’s nearly impossible to be strictly friends with a guy, that I think you and Arizona are the rare boy and girl friends that will always remain strictly platonic.”

  “Thank you for your random thoughts,” I said. “I was hoping that you would throw some my way today.”

  “Well, smartass, between you and me, have you ever had any non-friendly thoughts about Arizona? Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe one day she’ll be your girlfriend? Or maybe—”

  “You know what? I’m going to take you up on that room-pass now.” I immediately stood up and walked up the stairs, ignoring her cackling laughter. I shut the door and sat by the window, resorting back to far more entertaining thoughts of sex.

  It was ten times better than I thought it would be, and I couldn’t wait to tell someone else about it. I wasn’t sure how I was going to focus on anything else at school this week because I was going to need to have sex in my life a lot more often to cling to this current feeling.

  “Can you stop smiling like that?” Arizona threw a pillow at my face. “You’re giving it all away.”

  “So, you believe me now?”

  “After seeing you sit there with that dumbass grin on your face for over five minutes?” She plopped onto her bed. “Yeah. I have no choice.”

  “Sorry, I can’t help it.” I walked over and plopped down right next to her. “It was so great.”