Page 19 of Loving Gigi

  Gigi didn’t know what to expect when Rocco, her security guard, called to announce Kane’s arrival. Her stomach was doing somersaults. Part of her wanted so badly to believe this was the beginning of a real future with Kane. Part of her froze at the idea of opening her heart to him again.

  Annelise was beside her with her overnight bag. “Are you going to open the door when he knocks or barricade it?”

  Gigi looked across at her friend. “Am I that transparent?”

  Annelise gave a knowing look. “You can do this. I’ve seen you handle feisty customers with ease. Do you remember during our freshman year at Kensington Academy when they announced they were no longer allowing students to choose their own roommates? You fought all the way up to the headmaster and won. You, Gigi. Most of us called our parents and had them contact the headmaster, but you took on that battle yourself.”

  Gigi grimaced. “My mother had enough on her plate. She was already working a second job to pay for my schooling.”

  “That’s my point. You’re stronger than you think. You’re also the kindest and most loyal person I know. You deserve this. Yes, you had a tough childhood, but it made you who you are. You don’t have to wish you were a white rose, you are one.”

  Annelise’s pep talk was interrupted by a knock on the hotel room door. Gigi shot her friend a grateful smile and said to herself, “I am a white rose.” Annelise gave her a thumbs up. Gigi squared her shoulders and walked over to open the door.

  Dressed in jeans and a black T-shirt that accentuated his muscular chest, Kane stood there proudly holding the largest bouquet of white roses she’d ever seen. It wasn’t just the flowers, though, that moved her the most. It was the expression in his eyes. Every bit of emotion she’d yearned to see in them was openly displayed.

  He handed the flowers to Annelise, took Gigi’s face between his hands and gave her a kiss so tender tears filled Gigi’s eyes. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him back with all the questions, the yearning, and the love churning inside her.

  “I’ll put these in water,” Annelise said dryly from behind them.

  When the kiss ended they stood there in each other’s arms, breathing heavily and unable to look away. One of his strong hands was buried beneath her hair. The other still cupped her face, and he wiped away one of her tears with his thumb. “Don’t run away again, Gigi. This time stay, and let me show you why we belong together.”

  “Call me when you get back,” Annelise said from beside them.

  “No,” Kane said firmly without looking away from Gigi. “Come with us. We’re staying overnight, and you should be there tomorrow.”

  “Okay,” Annelise said slowly. “Listen, I love you, Gigi. I’d do anything for you. And I like you, Kane. But this has that awkward, third wheel, I don’t want to be trapped while you two maul each other, feel about it. I’m perfectly fine waiting here until you come back.”

  Kane stepped back, took one of Gigi’s hands in his, raised it to his mouth, and kissed it lightly. Then he turned to Annelise and smiled. “I can control myself.” He gave Gigi’s hand a gentle squeeze and met her eyes. “Especially since I’m hoping for a lifetime of mauling.”

  Gigi’s breath caught in her throat. Did he just say what I thought he said? Her eyes flew to her friend for confirmation. The approving expression on Annelise’s face confirmed that she had. Holy Moly. He’s going to propose. And if he wants Annelise there, it means he has something planned for how he’ll do it. In a slightly strangled voice, Gigi said, “Annelise, please come with us.”

  Annelise picked up her overnight bag and shook her head in amusement. “I’ll go, but you two need to keep your hands off each other, or I swear I’ll throw a glass of water on you both.”

  Kane barked out a laugh.

  Gigi squeezed his hand between both of hers. “She’d do it, you know.”

  Kane pulled Gigi to his side for an affectionate hug. “I bet she would. I like you, too, Annelise. Now let’s go. I have a helicopter waiting for us on the roof.” While still holding Gigi’s hand, Kane picked up her luggage.

  Even though the destination had zero chance of changing her mind, Gigi asked, “Where are we going?”

  They stepped out of the hotel room and took an elevator up to the roof. Kane waited until they were bent over and rushing beneath the spinning blades of the executive helicopter before he answered. “Slater Island.”

  Gigi was already seated beside Kane inside the lavish silver and ivory interior by the time his answer sunk in. Did he have to choose where she’d made a fool of herself? If he was going to propose she could think of a thousand places she’d rather go. She didn’t want to think about how she’d felt at her brothers’ weddings, toward him or toward them. Couldn’t they put all that behind them? “I’d rather not go there.”

  From a seat across from her, Annelise looked on with sympathy. Moments like that made Gigi glad she told her friend everything. She didn’t have to explain herself to Annelise. Gigi turned to Kane and hoped she could make him understand as well. “Especially if you’re about to do what I think you might be about to do, let’s not do it on that island.”

  Kane studied her expression closely. “You don’t like Slater Island? It’s where we met.”

  Gigi looked away in embarrassment. “Have you forgotten how that went?”

  Kane shook his head and laced his fingers with hers. “All I remember about that night is meeting an incredibly sexy Italian woman who would haunt my dreams for the next three years.”

  Gigi’s eyes flew back to his. She blushed, but with a mix of hope and excitement. She challenged him, hoping to hear a version that would make it all right. “You turned me down. And you laughed at me when you did it.”

  He kissed the knuckles of one of her hands then said, “I laughed at myself for not seeing how young you were. Trust me, there was nothing funny about walking away from you that night. I wanted you then just as badly as I do now.”

  Annelise cleared her throat. “We are quickly approaching the intersection of ‘this is awkward to listen to, and I wish I hadn’t come.’”

  Gigi and Kane exchanged a guilty smile and most of Gigi’s anxiety slipped away. They turned back to look at Annelise and said in unison, “Sorry.” Then glanced at each other and burst out laughing.

  Annelise rolled her eyes. “I’ll give you two points for being adorable together, but don’t forget I’m here and armed with a water bottle.”

  * * *

  Kane watched Gigi and Annelise laugh together over her comment, and he knew bringing her had been the right choice. Their friendship was a source of strength for Gigi, and he wanted that to be part of his future with her. His parents had always maintained that love wasn’t competitive or limiting. Not when it was right.

  It was amazing how advice he’d brushed off before suddenly fit. Annelise had offered to stay behind. He could have agreed with her, and the ride over to the island might have involved a whole lot less clothing. It might have been a night to remember, but it wouldn’t have been what Gigi needed.

  For the first time in his life, the needs of a woman overshadowed his own. That didn’t mean he didn’t want her so much he ached for her, but it did mean her happiness came first. In the past, he’d used the word love with a couple of women. He’d walked away from them. They’d walked away from him. He’d always moved on easily, and now he understood why.

  He loved Gigi. He shook his head. The word love couldn’t fully express how he felt about her. Which was why he was taking her to Slater Island. He needed to show her.

  Out of respect for Annelise, Kane brought up more mundane topics for discussion. They spent the next couple hours talking about the places Gigi and Annelise had visited and where they might enjoy going.

  When they finally approached Slater Island, the pilot did as Kane had instructed and circled the bluffs where the Andrade homes were. Kane leaned over Gigi. “Do you see those mansions?”

  She tensed against him. “I
see them,” Gigi said and turned away from the view of them. Her eyes were wild with a panic he was beginning to understand. “You’re not showing me anything I haven’t already seen.”

  “The last time you were here, you felt like you didn’t belong, but you did,” he said softly.

  “Can we go somewhere else, Kane? Please.”

  Kane took her chin in his hand and gently turned it back to the window. “When you look down there you see four Andrade homes, but I see five. That last house, the one just before the curve of the bluffs, that’s yours, Gigi. Max bought it for you. It’s been waiting for you all this time. If you need proof your brothers love you, it’s right there. When they planned a place for their family to gather, they planned for you to be there with them.”

  Gigi looked at the houses, back at Kane, back at the houses, then at Annelise before focusing once more on the mansion Kane had pointed out to her. “When did he buy it for me?”

  “Back when he first learned you existed. They’ve debated telling you about it often, but they were waiting for the right time to surprise you with it. Your family is having a large Andrade gathering here tomorrow. They’re planning to make the announcement to you then.”

  “That’s why they invited me.” Her voice was shaky with emotion.

  “Yes, and because they know I intend to propose to you tomorrow.”

  Her eyes rounded with surprise. For a moment she was stunned into silence, then she asked, “Tomorrow? Not today?”

  Kane flashed her a gentle smile. “Not today.”

  Gigi brought a trembling hand up to her lips. “Then why are we here today?”

  “Because there is something in your house down there I want you to see before I ask you to marry me.”

  Gigi looked across at Annelise who shrugged as if saying she had no clue what he was referring to. When Gigi met Kane’s eyes again, she was smiling even as her eyes shone with tears. “You don’t need to prove anything to me. I love you, and I’m so sorry I doubted you.”

  He put a finger up to her lips. “I know, Gigi, but let me do this. It took me a while, but I understand now. With me, Gigi, you’ll never have to wonder, you’ll never have to doubt, you’ll never have to wish again. You’ll know I love you. I’ll spend the rest of my life happily showing you.”

  Gigi took his hand in hers, held it to the side of her face and gave him a teary smile.

  From the other side of the helicopter, Annelise sniffed loudly. “I brought a water bottle, but I didn’t bring tissues. You guys are killing me here.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Some moments in life are experienced and quickly forgotten. Others are etched on a person’s soul, and they are forever changed because of them. Regardless of what Kane would show her on the island, he had broken past her defenses and left her both vulnerable and indescribably stronger.


  She’d thought she understood it. She’d been sure she’d felt it—even recently for Kane. But she realized then what she’d called love had been merely the beginning of something much, much more beautiful.

  Every sappy movie she’d ever watched suddenly made sense. What she felt for Kane was so intense; she doubted it could be contained in one lifetime. Looking deeply into his eyes she suddenly felt truly free for the first time since her father’s death.

  Free from the anger she’d tried and failed so many times to put behind her.

  Free from insecurities she’d denied, but had succumbed to again and again in moments of weakness.

  Kane saw her, really saw her, and accepted what she considered her greatest flaws. She didn’t know how she’d ever thank him for that, but she knew she’d spend the rest of her life trying to.

  The helicopter landed on the lawn of the home Kane had said was hers. Kane helped Gigi and Annelise out then walked with both of them to the steps of the mansion.

  Annelise looked around and said, “I’ll wait out here.”

  Kane encouraged her to join them but Annelise waved a hand toward the house and laughed. “I have a feeling that whatever you’re about to show her is going to end with a kiss, that I’m completely okay with missing. I will say, though, that if you two don’t get married, I am giving up on love.”

  Gigi closed the distance between her and her best friend and gave her a bone-crushing, grateful hug. “Don’t wait out here. Come inside with us.”

  Annelise hugged her back tightly and whispered, “I have my cell phone. I’m sure this island has a cab service. I’m actually excited to do a little sightseeing.”

  Gigi pulled back and studied Annelise’s expression. “You’re sure?”

  Annelise looked over at Kane and said, “If our roles were reversed, I’d ditch you in a heartbeat. I’m fine. I don’t want to miss a moment of his proposal tomorrow, but you and Kane need a little alone time. I’m fine. Now go. Get outta here.”

  Gigi stopped before walking away. “Ask for Waffle.”

  “For what?”

  “Not what. Who. When you call for a cab, ask for the driver named Waffle.”

  Annelise looked at Gigi as if waiting for the punch line. “Seriously?”

  Gigi smiled. Just as Kane had brought a calm to her by loving her despite her flaws, Gigi could imagine Waffle loving a woman the same way. She didn’t know if Annelise could be that woman, but what she’d learned over the past few months was that you can’t know unless you take a chance. Gigi couldn’t imagine how she would feel had she not allowed Kane to take her home to meet her brothers.

  It was impossible to know which leaps of faith would pay off and which would end in disappointment, but Gigi decided she would never again let that hold her back. Life was a whole hell of a lot better when not hiding from it. “And if he offers you a slice of pie, taste it.”

  “You know I don’t eat—”

  Gigi cut her off and gave her one more quick hug. “Do it this time. Trust me.”

  After Annelise shrugged and searched her phone for the number, Gigi turned back to Kane. He was waiting patiently for her with a grin on his face.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  She placed her hand in his and walked up the steps of the large stone mansion with him. It wasn’t as large as Gio and Julia’s home, but it was impressive by anyone’s standards. He typed in a code on the security system and opened the door.

  Instead of following him inside, Gigi tugged on his hand until he turned to face her. “You don’t have to wait until tomorrow to hear my answer. I’ll marry you, Kane.”

  His smile widened, and he kissed the tip of her nose. “That is not how this works. I went to a great deal of trouble to make sure everything is perfect. You will follow me inside, be suitably shocked, hopefully decadently grateful, and then we’ll come back here tomorrow and do this all over again with your family here. Except the X-rated part. We’ll save that for after they leave.”

  Gigi loved the laughter in his eyes and the way he demanded she go exactly where they both knew she wanted to. “You’re rather bossy today.”

  “Is that a complaint?” he growled softly and pulled her into his arms, nuzzling her neck.

  “Oh, no,” Gigi said and went onto her tiptoes to deliver the kiss she’d been yearning to give but had held back from out of respect for Annelise. “But it makes me want to skip right to the good part.”

  He was instantly hard, and she wasn’t joking.

  He shuddered against her. “I’m trying to do this the right way.”

  “Who is to say this isn’t it?” His lack of control around her was a powerful aphrodisiac. Gigi ran her hands up and down his chest, loving how she could feel his heart thudding wildly. Their clothing was an almost painful barrier between them. Gigi wanted to feel his hands on her bare skin. Her hands on his. She pulled his shirt out of his trousers and slid her hands up his taut stomach.

  From the driveway, Annelise called out, “I’m taking my bag with me. I’ll spend the night in town. You two lovebirds don’t need to worry abo
ut me.”

  Gigi would have answered her, but Kane swept her up in his arms, stepped through the door, and kicked it shut behind him. The foyer was enormous, but that was all that registered. All that existed for Gigi was Kane. His kiss. His strong touch. They stripped each other without breaking the kiss.

  Every caress was better than the last. Each dance of their tongues was sheer heaven. Theirs was a heated, loving mating that rose in tempo like a rhapsody until they were completely lost in the touch and taste of each other. He took her against the wall, thrusting into her as she wrapped herself around him. She cried out as wave after wave of pleasure rocked through her, and he came with one final deep lunge. As they slowly came back to earth, they stayed there, no separation of him or her, just a gloriously sated . . . them.

  He finally lowered her back onto her feet, kissing her deeply as he did. “You’re dangerous, Gigi.”

  Gigi smiled, laid her head against his chest, and wrapped her arms around him. Their lovemaking was incredible, but this, just the feeling of him all around her, was another pleasure she knew she’d never get enough of. “And you’re amazing. At least we made it inside the door.”

  She felt rather than heard his chuckle. “Barely.”

  “We should probably put our clothes back on. Knowing your family, someone is bound to come by to start setting up for tomorrow.”

  “That would be as bad as what Julia almost caught me doing in the closet on the night of my welcome home party.”

  Kane raised his head and his eyes burned with an emotion that took Gigi by surprise. He was jealous. “Who were you in a closet with that night?”

  Gigi rubbed her naked body against his in an all-over caress. Even though she loved how possessive he was, she didn’t want him to imagine what had never and would never happen. “Only myself. I ran into the closet because I needed a moment alone to think, but after what we had shared on the terrace, I was so frustrated I considered taking matters into my own hands, so to speak.” She tipped her head back and grinned. “I’m glad I didn’t. Julia came in to check on me. It would have made for a very awkward sister-in-law moment.”