Ben had recollected the day of the week on which, he was cast on theisland. By means of a stick which he notched regularly, a plan he hadoften heard of being adopted under similar circumstances, he kept anexact note of the days as they passed. Sunday he made a day of rest.It was not, however, a day of weariness. He read much more than usualof his Testament, and, recollecting the way the natives had repeatedportions of it, he set to work to commit some of its chapters to memory.

  This he found a delightful occupation. When doing so, he spent manyhours walking up and down on the smooth sea sand, with shoeless feet,looking out every now and then on the blue ocean, and thinking what abeautiful world it is we inhabit, and how grievous that man should marit by his evil temper and wicked deeds. Then he would occasionally singall the hymns he knew at the top of his voice, from very joyfulness ofheart. In the week-days, when at work, he would repeat over what he hadlearned on the Sundays. Thus five months, by his calculation, passedaway.

  One Monday forenoon, as he was going out to the end of a reef to fish,on looking in the direction where he had frequently seen what hesupposed to be land, he saw an object moving over the water. It was notwhite, like the sail of a vessel. It must, then, be the mat-sail of alarge double canoe. Thinking no more of his fishing, he ran up to thehighest rocky hill in the neighbourhood to watch its progress. It wasdrawing nearer the island, and yet apparently not steering directly forit, rather, as it were, to pass at some distance.

  "I wonder what sort of people are on board," he thought. "Perhapssavages--cannibals. Then it will be much better if they do not comehere. If they are Christian natives, then I shall be very glad to gowith them, as they of course are on their way to some civilised islandwhere ships are likely to call."

  The wind was light, the canoe moved slowly, and Ben's anxiety increased.At last it seemed clear that the canoe would not come nearer to theisland. He heaved a deep sigh, and sat silent and sad for some time.Then he recollected that he was going to fish. He got up, and againworked his way towards the end of the reef. He cast in his line, andhad hooked a fish, when, just as he landed it, on looking up for aninstant, he saw the canoe gliding towards the island. It was steeringfor the point on which stood the cross, there could be no doubt aboutthat. He watched it eagerly, anxious to ascertain who was on board. Ifthey were savages, should he hide himself, and trust to their going awayagain? "Yet even if they are savages, they will not hurt me," he saidto himself. "They will see at once that I cannot do them any harm. Iwill run and meet them, and welcome them. That will be the best way, Iam sure. I will take a branch in my hand, and wave it as the nativesdo, to show that I wish to be friendly with them."

  Saying this, Ben drew up the fish he had hooked,--a fine large one,--retreated along the reef over the rocks, cut a branch, and ran along thebeach as fast as his legs could carry him towards Cross Point. He gotthere before the canoe, for the wind was light. He could see a numberof people on it as it drew nearer. Were they savages? They were allclothed. Yes, and some of them were dressed as English sailors. Therewas a glitter of gold-lace on the coat of one of them. In the bow stooda young sailor lad. Gradually the faces began to grow distinct. Howhis heart leaped with joy! There were Tom Martin and Mr Manners, andseveral of the prize crew he had long thought in their ocean graves, andthere were also a good number of the natives, busy in lowering the hugemat-sail of the canoe. They were the very men who had been on board theschooner.

  Ben was at first almost beside himself with delight. He waved his handsand shouted wildly; then he ran down and showed them the best place forbringing the canoe to shore. The natives cried out to him, but neitherTom Martin nor any of the English seamen seemed to know him. "I wonderwhat that little savage wants," he heard Tom say to one of the men. "Helooks to me as if he was out of his senses."

  "No, I am not, Tom Martin, I can assure you," cried Ben, running up tohim and putting out his hand; "only very, very glad to see you again,and to find that you are all alive."

  "Well, indeed, I am also glad to find you were not drowned, Ben,"answered Tom, wringing his shipmate's hand till it seemed as if he wouldwring it off. "I felt certain that you were drowned, and was very sorryfor you, that I was!"

  "He speaks truth, Ben," observed Jem Stokes, a seaman who had alwaysstood Tom's friend. "The lad took so ill when he thought that you werelost, that we thought he would have slipped his cable altogether; butMr Manners spoke to him, as he did to all of us, and told him that ifyou had left this world you had gone to a better."

  Jem's remarks were cut short by Mr Manners, who had now come on shore.Ben was not aware, till he observed the surprised look with which hisofficer regarded him, of the odd figure he cut. He then recollectedthat he wore a suit of his own home-made clothes: a hat of leaves, inshape between an extinguisher and an umbrella; a cape of mulberry-treecloth, and a kilt of the same, reaching down to his knees. With shoeshe had learned to dispense, that he might have a good pair to go awayin. He had worn them, however, on Sunday mornings, when he had put themon, with the rest of his best suit. Ben explained to Mr Manners why hewas dressed in that curious fashion, and the young officer highlyapproved of his reasons, and complimented him on his ingenuity in theirmanufacture.

  The whole party then collected round him while he gave a brief accountof the way he had been preserved, and how he had managed to subsistduring his sojourn on the island. He, in return, was informed how hisfriends had escaped. The schooner, from having no cargo in her, did notsink as soon as was expected, but drove on to another reef, where shestuck fast. The gale falling soon after, those on board had time toconstruct a raft, on which, with the aid of one of the boats, theyreached an island which they had seen five or six miles off. They wereable to save a small quantity of provisions; but the larger portion,being under water, could not be got at. The island was of considerablesize, and, thanks to the knowledge possessed by the natives, they hadnot experienced much difficulty in procuring food. The schooner soonbroke up, so that very little more was got out of her, and only a fewarticles of value were washed ashore. Mr Manners at once proposedbuilding a vessel; but the carpenter's mate, who had come in theschooner as carpenter, had been lost when the vessel went on the rocks,and none of the other men knew anything of ship-building. The natives,on hearing the wish of the English officer, offered to construct a largedouble canoe, three or four professional canoe-builders being amongthem. They were far more ingenious than the civilised Englishmen.Their tools they made out of stones, and flints, and shells; the fibreof trees served them instead of nails; their sails were made out ofdried grass. It was a work, however, of great labour; night and daythey toiled at it. At length, aided by the Englishmen, it wascompleted. They had preserved and stored all the food they couldcollect and spare for their voyage; but their great difficulty was tocarry enough water. The water on the island was bad, and they had notsufficient receptacles for it. Still, they hoped to reach some islandwhere they might replenish their stock; but that was very uncertain.

  "Indeed, the possibility--or, I may say, the probability--of our runningshort of water is the greatest cause of anxiety I have for our dangerousvoyage. If that was over, I should have fewer cares on my mind,"observed Mr Manners.

  "Then, sir, I think that I can certainly relieve you of that care,"answered Ben. "There is a spring of excellent water in the middle ofthe island, and near it I planted, on the second day of my arrival, somegourd-seeds. The plants grew up very fast, and the fruit has now becomeof great size, and is perfectly ripe. Each of them would, I shouldthink, when dried, hold a large quantity of water; and I am sure thatthe pulp is very good and wholesome, for I have felt much better since Ilived on it. Besides, I have already dried a number of the outsides, sothat we may judge how they hold water."

  "That is indeed providential, Ben," observed Mr Manners. "God, Ibelieve, never allows anything to be done without
an object; and itseems very clear that you were thrown on this island, not only that yourown life might be saved, but that you might be the means of preservingall our lives. Had it not been for you, we should not have known thatthere exists water on the island; and we certainly should not have hadthe means of carrying it away. Let us at once examine the gourds, thatwe may see what can be done."

  Mr Manners now called Marco, and begged him to set off at once withBen, and examine the gourds, with a few of the other natives, while therest dispersed on the island to collect roots, cocoa-nuts, and, indeed,any other food that they could find.

  Ben could not help feeling proud at the commendation which Mr Mannersbestowed on his hut and its internal arrangements; still more so on hisplantation of gourds. The little seeds which he had brought to shore inhis jacket-pocket had now become large plants, producing gourds twicethe size of a man's head. As he had wisely planted them at a distancefrom each other, they had all grown to their full size. Marco selectedthirty, at least, each of which would hold several quarts of water;while their pulp was a welcome addition to the food of those who hadbeen for so long living on the produce of the sea, and roots, andcocoa-nuts.

  Three days were spent in drying the gourds and in filling them, and inreplenishing the other receptacles on board the canoe with the purewater from Ben's fountain. One or two defects in the canoe were alsomade good, and a considerable addition to their supply of provisions wastaken on board.

  Ben took a last look at the hut he had so long inhabited, and the gardenhe had cultivated with so much care, with a feeling almost of regret,knowing that he was to part from them for ever. Before leaving them,however, he planted a number of ripe seeds, and repaired his hut, incase any other person might be cast on shore on the island. The crosseswere also repaired.

  "We had not intended landing on the island till we saw them," observedMr Manners. "When our eyes caught sight of them, we knew that someChristian person must be, or must have been, on the island; and, thougheager to proceed on our voyage, we at once resolved to touch at theplace. I pray that, before long, the time may come for the cross to beerected on every island throughout the wide Pacific, not as the symbolof nominal Christianity, of a religion of forms and ceremonies, but asthe sign of a true and living faith, of a spiritual worship acceptableto God."

  The last remarks, though spoken aloud, were made by Mr Manners ratherto himself than to those near him.

  All preparations having been made, the whole party, with Ben Hadden,embarked on board the canoe. She was paddled out into the open sea, thewind was fair, the sail was hoisted, and Ben soon saw his island homesink beneath the horizon.

  The difficulties in the navigation of the voyage just commenced werevery great. Mr Manners had saved only a boat's compass; he had noquadrant and no chart. He calculated that they were about sixteenhundred miles at least from Samoa, for which group he shaped his course.They expected to meet with several islands on the way, but though theinhabitants of some of them had been converted to Christianity, those ofothers were still sunk in heathen darkness and barbarism. It would benecessary for them, therefore, to be very careful on which they landed.In the one case, they would be sure of a friendly reception; in theother they would be attacked, and probably murdered, if not on theirguard. Ben hoped that at all events they might touch at severalislands, that he might have more opportunities of making inquiries aboutNed. He found that strict discipline was maintained on board the canoe.All on board were divided into watches, taking regularly their turns ofduty. Morning and evening there were prayers, led by Mr Manners inEnglish and by Marco in his own language. The day was begun by alljoining in a hymn, then the Scriptures were read and commented on by therespective readers. Ben was very glad to find that Tom took a greatinterest in their services, and spoke on religious subjects in a tonethat he had never before done.

  "Why, you see, Ben," said Tom, "on that awful night of the wreck Ithought that we were all going to be drowned, and when, after all, wegot on shore, I felt how merciful and kind God had been to save such awicked fellow as I was, instead of you, who was so much more fit to goto Him. I was still very sorry for you, for your mother's sake, and Iknew father would be very sorry when he heard of it. I do not supposethat those thoughts would have lasted very long; I am afraid not: butthen, Mr Manners spoke to me so kindly, that I felt what an ungratefulwretch I should be if I didn't give my heart to so good and merciful aGod; and from that day to this I have been trying to do so. It is notvery easy, even among the few of our poor fellows remaining; but MrManners says that I must pray for grace, and not trust to my ownstrength, and that then, if I am sincere and not a hypocrite to myself,that I should have every confidence of being supported and protected.It is that thought, Ben, which gives me so much comfort. Otherwise Ishould be very unhappy, and not at all sure that I should not be acastaway after all."

  "That is just the same thought that has made me always happy," remarkedBen. "I know that God never casts out any who go to Him through Christ,and trust to Him completely, and not to themselves, while they try tolove and serve Him as much as they can, though that is very little afterall I can't tell you, though, Tom, how glad I am to hear you speak so,and I am sure that your father will be still more glad, if we ever findthe ship again, which I hope we may do."

  "That's the very thing I am afraid of," said Tom. "I shall be very gladindeed to see my father again; but when I get back among the other boys,and into old ways again, I shall be apt to do just as before, and totalk nonsense and play all my old tricks. I say, Ben, if we ever do getback, you must help me! Won't you, there's a good fellow?"

  Of course Ben promised Tom that he would help him as much as he could,though he reminded him also that he must depend on himself in one sense,though not on his own strength, for that effectual strength he couldalone obtain through the aid of the Holy Spirit.

  The wind was light, and the sea calm, and the canoe glided smoothly overthe water. She was of a curious construction, being in reality twocanoes connected by a very strong platform. The mast was a triangle,which supported a mat-sail spread on a long yard. The vessel had not togo about; but, as the stem and stern were alike, she sailed equally wellboth ways. At each end there were long oars, which served as rudders;but in calms she was impelled by paddles, and could thus also be movedat a considerable rate. Nobody on board was idle. In calm weatherevery one was employed in paddling or steering. Mr Manners took histurn with the rest. If there was a sea,--that is to say, if it wasrough,--Ben and Tom, with the assistance of two or three others, hadenough to do to bale out the water. A constant look-out was alsonecessary, to avoid any reefs or low islands in their course. Ben wasvery happy. He had been so long without talking, that it was asatisfaction to him once more to use his tongue, though still greater tohear other people talk, especially Mr Manners and Tom, when they spokeon subjects in which he was interested. As for his own tongue, whenonce set going, he found no little difficulty in again stopping it.

  The weather continued so calm, that it was impossible to say to whatextent the voyage might be prolonged: it was necessary, therefore, touse the greatest economy in the consumption of water and their scantysupply of provisions. A small allowance of food and water was servedout to each person three times a day; but no one grumbled, for all sawthe necessity of the arrangement.

  Six days had passed by since the canoe had left Ben Hadden's island, asMr Manners called it, when land was sighted ahead, or rather, the treeswhich grew on it, for their tops were first seen. It was an islandextending for three or four miles across the horizon. No one on boardknew anything about the island, but they hoped that they might thereobtain a fresh supply of water and provisions, and, should it beinhabited by Christians, that they might gain some information as totheir direct course for Samoa. Accordingly they steered for an openingwhich appeared in the barrier-reef. On getting through it, other rockswere seen ahead, and Mr Manners was afraid, should he stand on, ofinjuring the canoe. The sail w
as lowered, and they were about to paddleoff again in order to search for a safe landing-place, when a man wasseen on the shore beckoning them. First he pointed to the right hand,by which they knew that they were to sail in that direction; then hebeckoned directly to himself, afterwards to the left, and so on. Byfollowing his directions, they reached the beach in safety. He was awild-looking person dressed in a leaf hat, something like the one Benhad made for himself, with a seaman's tattered jacket, and a kilt ofnative cloth. His feet and legs were bare, his hair was long, and hungdown over his shoulders, while in his hand he carried a heavy club,which he grasped tightly, as if he considered it likely to prove afriend in need. Notwithstanding his wild appearance, it was easy toperceive by the colour of his skin, sunburnt as it was, that he was nota native. He seemed very much surprised at seeing white men on boardthe canoe, for he did not appear to have discovered that till they wereon the point of landing. He did not, however, address them, but spoketo the natives in a language which they understood. Marco inquired ofhim whether there were other inhabitants on the island, and whether theywere Christians. He said that there were a great many; that they werenot _Lota_, that is Christians, but that they were a very good sort ofpeople. They had sent him on to the end of the reef to pilot in thecanoe, he said, and they themselves would soon come to welcome thestrangers. He had scarcely spoken before a large number of wild, nearlynaked savages came out from among the trees. They were armed withspears and clubs, had long matted hair like a black thatch over theirheads, and were altogether a very forbidding, unattractive set ofbeings. Still, from what they said to Marco and the other natives, andby their actions, they appeared to be friendlily disposed towards theirvisitors. It was near evening, and they signified that, if the visitorswould remain overnight, they would the next day bring all the provisionsrequired, and plenty of calabashes of pure water, which they stated wasto be obtained in the middle of the island. Mr Manners thanked them,and said that he would remain till the next day. The natives theninvited them to come and sleep on shore; but this Mr Manners declined,as he preferred sleeping on board the canoe. To allow more room onboard, he said that he would not object to some of his people buildinghuts of boughs for themselves on the beach, but urged them on no accountto go to a distance from it. The natives, however, to show their goodintentions, brought down to the beach a supply of taro and other rootsand fruits, likewise as much fresh-water as their visitors wouldrequire. They seemed, as Mr Manners thought, rather disappointed thatno one would accompany them away from the shore. They stood by whilethe provisions were being cooked, rather astonished at the proceeding;still greater was their surprise when the natives sung a hymn andoffered up a prayer before they began to eat. What it could all mean ofcourse they could not tell, but they probably had an idea that it wassome sort of incantation, for they were seen to draw back for somedistance, and not till the hymn was finished did they return, when theystood looking on as before.

  Ben and Tom, with two of the English seamen, were allowed to go on shorethat they might draw the white man, if possible, into conversation, ifhe could speak English. He had hitherto kept aloof from the strangers,and even stood behind his native companions while the hymn was beingsung. When the natives had finished singing, Ben stood up and said theshort grace which his father had been accustomed to repeat before meals.The white man, who at that time was standing a little way apart fromhis companions while Ben was speaking, drew nearer to him, and seemed tobe listening attentively.

  "I say, old fellow, come and have something to eat," said one of theseamen, holding out a bit of taro at the end of his knife.

  The white man looked wistfully towards the strangers; then he cast aglance at the scowling, savage-looking natives who were watching him,and, shaking his head, again drew farther back from them. There he satwithout speaking, and each time either Ben or Tom, or the other twoseamen, addressed him, he shook his head, as if either he did notunderstand, or, at all events, did not wish to hold any communicationwith them.

  While the party who purposed sleeping on the shore were putting up theirhuts, and collecting leaves for their beds, the natives and the whiteman, as before, stood watching them, but made no offer of assistance.The Christian visitors again sang a hymn, as the sun set and darknesscame on. Then commending themselves to the protection of Heaven, theycrept into their huts, and lay down to sleep. Ben and his shipmates,finding that the natives and their white associate had gone away, soonafter followed their example; one of the seamen promising to sleep withone eye open, so as to be on the watch, though it was the opinion of allthat the natives were a quiet sort of people, who would do them no harm.There was no moon; but the sky was clear, and the bright stars whichglittered forth from it in countless numbers, in that pure atmosphere,afforded sufficient light to enable objects to be visible at a littledistance.

  Ben had slept for some time, he fancied, when he was awakened by feelinga hand placed on his arm.

  "Hist, youngster! don't lie sleeping there," whispered a voice in hisear. "Rouse up the other Englishmen. Get on board the canoe, and beoff, or you'll all be murdered. Never mind the natives with you. Ifyou wake them up, there'll be a noise, and the people of the place willbe down on them. Don't speak above a whisper, whatever you do. Thepeople are not far off, and I found it a hard job to steal away."

  Ben at once comprehended that some danger was threatened. He sat up,and saw the stranger white man standing over him.

  "Leave our Christian friends! No, we will never do that," he answered."I will go and arouse them, while you can awake my shipmates; and,whoever you are, you must come with us."

  "Well, well, I'll do as you wish," answered the white man; "only besharp, and tell the people to creep along over the ground, so as not tobe seen at a distance. We must climb into the canoe, and shove offwithout any noise, or they will be down on us before we can get clear ofthe reefs."

  Without wasting more time on words, Ben crept off to where Marco wassleeping; he had fortunately noted the place. Awaking him, he told himof the warning he had received, and Marco quickly aroused the rest ofhis party.

  It was with difficulty that the seamen could be prevented from speakingwhen called; in a couple of minutes, however, the whole party werecreeping down towards the canoe, which lay afloat alongside some rocksrunning into the water. They were all quickly on board, followed by theyoung Englishman--for such it was supposed the white man was, by hislanguage.

  "Shove off, sir!" he whispered to Mr Manners, who had only then beenaroused. "No time to lose. I will go to the helm."

  The advice was instantly followed; the warps were cast off, the paddlesgot out, and the canoe began slowly to glide out from among the rocks.Scarcely, however, had she begun to move than loud shouts were heard,and large numbers of the savage natives were seen rushing down fromamong the trees to the beach. When they found that the canoe had movedfrom the rocks, they yelled and shouted more fiercely than ever.

  "Give way, lads! give way!" cried the stranger; "there is a narrow placewhere they may catch us if we are not smart."

  Neither the English seamen nor the natives required any urging, butpaddled away as hard as they could. They saw the savages indeed, theirfigures standing out against the sky, as they hurried along over therocks, shouting, and leaping, and brandishing their spears. Before thecanoe had got far, a shower of spears and darts fell among the party onboard; but, thrown from a distance, not much injury was done, and theywere only stimulated to increased exertion. Alone, they could not, inthe dark, have found their way out through the passage in the reefs; theyoung man, however, seemed confident that he knew the right course tosteer. Not a word was spoken; each man paddled as hard as he could.Gradually the rocks were left behind, and the last passage between thereefs was seen; beyond was the open sea. The shouts and shrieks of thesavages became fainter and fainter. They either had not had time tolaunch their canoes, or were afraid to attack the large double canoe inthem. In a short time Mr Manners and h
is companions were in safety.

  Once more a course was steered for Samoa. All were thankful for theirnarrow and providential escape, and did not fail to express theirgratitude to the young Englishman who had been the means of preservingtheir lives. He, however, seemed unwilling to talk on the subject.

  "Nothing particular, sir, to thank me for," he answered. "Less saidabout it the better, according to my notion."

  It was fortunate that they had economised their small stock of water andprovisions, as they had been unable to replenish them at the island fromwhich they had just escaped. It was necessary to be even still morecareful than before, because it might be some time before they couldreach any other island where they could obtain what they required.

  Most of the English seamen were loud in their threats of vengeanceagainst the savages, for their treacherous conduct.

  "If we ever reach the old Ajax, we would like to get her to go back andblow the fellows to pieces," said one.

  "No, no; that is not the way to treat them," observed Marco, when heunderstood what was said. "The way to treat them will be to send amissionary to teach them better things. With God's aid, that will we doas soon as we reach our own island, or can let our brethren at Raratongaknow of their condition."

  "Yes, you do speak like a real Christian, Marco," answered the seamanwho had thoughtlessly made the proposal. "That's the right way, to besure: I didn't mean that I would really wish to kill the poor savages,for of course they don't know better."

  The next morning the wind was fair, the sea smooth, and the canoe glidedswiftly over the waters. The work of the day was commenced, as usual,with a hymn and a prayer, and then the Scriptures were read. The youngstranger stood aloof, disinclined, as it seemed, to join in the service.At length, Mr Manners invited him to join in the prayer he was aboutto offer up with his own men in English.

  "Thank ye, sir," answered the stranger, giving the usual seaman's pullat his hair, when addressing an officer. "It's so long since I haveprayed, that I have forgotten how."

  "That is a sad thing, my lad," answered Mr Manners, "the sooner, then,you begin the better. Did you ever learn how to read your Bible?"

  "Once, sir, long ago; but I have forgotten all about that too, I amafraid," answered the stranger. "For better than three years I haven'tspoken a word of English. I don't think I could read, even if I was totry ever so much."

  "We will see about that after we have had prayers," said Mr Manners ina kind tone. "There is a lad here who never, I believe, misses readingthe Bible every day of his life, if he can avoid it. He will help me toteach you; won't you, Ben?"

  "Yes, sir, very gladly," said Ben Hadden, who was appealed to.

  After prayers, and when Mr Manners had offered up thanks for thepreservation of himself and his companions from the hands of thetreacherous savages, Ben brought out his well-worn Testament, which wassomewhat the worse for the wetting it had got in salt-water, and, at asign from Mr Manners, he went up to the stranger, and offered to readto him. Mr Manners told him to select the parable of the Prodigal Son,and several other portions of Scripture likely to interest a personwhose mind had long been dormant to spiritual matters. The young manwas evidently very much interested. Suddenly he interrupted Ben byremarking--

  "That's just such a book as I once had. I remember it well. My fathergave it to me just before I went to sea. I lost it, though, and havenever looked into another since."

  "My father gave this to me, and I've kept it carefully ever since. Iwouldn't lose it for worlds," said Ben. "Look here: he wrote my name init with his own hand. See: `Benjamin Hadden'--though I was alwayscalled in our parts, Little Ben Hadden."

  "You Ben Hadden!" exclaimed the stranger in a husky voice. "Did youever hear speak of your brother Ned?"

  "Yes indeed," cried Ben eagerly; "I came out to these parts to look forhim. Can you tell me anything about him?"

  "Well, I should think so," answered the stranger in the same husky voiceas before; "though, to be sure, I cannot tell you much in his favour.What should you say if I was to tell you that I am Ned Hadden?"

  "You my brother Ned!" exclaimed Ben, in a half-disappointed and doubtingtone of voice. "You wouldn't deceive me, surely. I have long and longwished to find him. But are you indeed my brother Ned? Oh, tell me!tell me!"

  "Yes, I am Ned Hadden--or was, there is no doubt about that; but I havebecome such a savage sort of chap, that I don't know very well what I amnow."

  Ben seized Ned's hand, and burst into tears. His brother was sodifferent from what he had expected to find him--so rough andsavage-looking almost, and ignorant; yet he was thankful that he hadfound him. Afterwards, when he thought the matter over, he saw that hehad still greater reason to be thankful that he had found him, for Ned'sown sake: the more savage and ignorant he was, the more important thathe should be instructed in the truths of the gospel. From that momentforward that was Ben's daily, hourly task. He wished the voyage to beprolonged, that he might have his brother more to himself, to read tohim, and teach him the Truth. Mr Manners took great pleasure inhelping him in his pious task, and it was easy to see that Ned profitedgreatly by their instruction. His first inquiries had been for hisfamily. He was much affected by hearing of the death of his father andbrothers. That very event seemed to soften his heart, and make himwilling to listen attentively to what Mr Manners and Ben said to him.He confessed that, when the canoe was seen approaching the island, hehad consented to assist the natives in decoying her in, with theintention of destroying all on board; but that, on hearing the hymnsung, and, more than all, on listening to Ben's grace, the words ofwhich sounded familiar to his ears, recollecting his early principles,he resolved to save the visitors, whom he also knew to be hiscountrymen.

  All this came out but slowly, as his mind expanded under the instructionhe was receiving. He had been so long among savages and heathens thathe had imbibed many of their notions and principles; instead ofimproving them, he had nearly sunk to their level. Such has unhappilybeen the case with numerous European and American sailors, who haveeither been wrecked or have deserted their ships, and have lived longamong the once savage inhabitants of the islands of the Pacific. Manyof them have proved, by their evil influence and example, sad hindrancesto the efforts of the missionaries in spreading among the natives thetruths of the gospel.

  For several days the canoe glided slowly on. Though strongly built, herform was not equal to those constructed by the Tonga islanders, notedfor their speed among the surrounding groups of islands.

  Mr Manners had begun to grow very anxious with regard to theirprovisions and water. Before he could hope to reach their finaldestination, it would be absolutely necessary to touch at some islandwhere they might replenish their stock, both of one and the other. Theweather, too, had shown signs of changing; and the sea, hitherto socalm, began to tumble and toss the canoe about in a way which strainedher greatly, and made it necessary for a number of those on board to becontinually baling. As the sea increased more and more, it wasnecessary to do this night and day without ceasing. All on board wereaccordingly looking out anxiously for some island where they might findshelter till the stormy weather was over.

  For two days the wind had been increasing, and when night came on it wasalready blowing a heavy gale. The sail was lowered, and the canoe drovebefore it, kept by the rudder and paddles from broaching to. The nightbecame very dark; on drove the canoe; breakers were heard not far off,and most of those on board believed that their last hour was come.

  Presently the canoe was among the breakers, and the sea swept over herdeck. Her crew with difficulty held on. In another moment she struck,and it seemed certain that she would be dashed to atoms. Still shefloated, and the water became less broken. She drove on; her bow struckviolently on a sandy beach, and tall trees rose before the eyes of thoseon board. They rushed forward, and as the wave receded they scrambledupwards till they reached the dry sand. How could they tell, though,that they were not to me
et with the fate from which they had a few daysbefore escaped? The lives of all were mercifully preserved, but itseemed too likely that their canoe had suffered some material injuryfrom the blows she had received. A few, not without risk, venturedagain on board, and succeeded in landing most of their scanty supply ofprovisions and water. A fire was then, after some time, lighted, roundwhich they collected to dry their drenched garments.

  They were all too anxious to sleep. Soon after daybreak, some personswere seen approaching in the distance. "Good news, my friends,"exclaimed Marco, who was watching them; "they wear the dress ofChristians; they are clothed and in their right mind." A party ofnatives now came up, and cordially welcomed the shipwrecked strangers.Some hurried back to bring water and provisions, others examined thecanoe, which it was pretty evident was not in a condition again to go tosea. Marco found that he could very easily understand them; so couldalso Ned Hadden. They said that they had themselves been scarcely ayear before untaught savages, but that a large ship came to theirshores, and that those in her treated them kindly, and that a missionarywas sent who had taught them the new way; that they found it very good,and that their great wish was to act in accordance with the precepts ofChristianity. The missionary, who had come from Raratonga, was livingnot far off, and would soon be with them. Mr Manners, on hearing thisaccount, and calculating the position of the island, had little doubtthat this was the island visited by the Ajax, the natives of which hadat first given so hostile a reception to those who had landed on theirshores, but had finally been won over by kindness. This opinion wasconfirmed when the missionary, a very intelligent Tahitian, arrived. Hesaid that the people had welcomed him from the first, and that all ofthem, young and old, seemed anxious to learn the Truth.

  Mr Manners was satisfied from all he saw and heard that a genuinechange had taken place among the people. He found that, thoughtolerably industrious, and improving in that respect also, they did notproduce as yet much more food than they required for their own support.He was therefore unwilling to remain longer among them than wasnecessary. All his efforts, however, to get the canoe repaired wereuseless, as some of her principal beams were broken, and it becamenecessary to pull her to pieces and to rebuild her. He hoped, however,that, before that could be done, the island would be visited by themissionary vessel, which would either carry him and his people off, orthrough which he might inform Captain Bertram where he was. In themeantime, that they might not be a burden to the inhabitants, he advisedMarco to offer the services of his people to assist in cultivating theground, while he and his seamen set to work to erect more comfortablehuts than any which he had seen on the island. Marco did not refuse tolabour with his hands, but he was also actively employed in assistingthe missionary in preaching to and teaching the people. In this he washelped by several of his companions. Schools, both for adults andchildren, were also formed, and visible progress was made.

  Three months fled rapidly by, when one day a native came running up toMr Manners' hut, to tell him that a vessel was approaching the island.He at once went, accompanied by most of his men, to the highest spot inthe neighbourhood, whence he could have a good look-out over the sea.His heart leaped for joy, for the ship, there could be little doubt ofit, was the Ajax herself. The seamen one and all were agreed that shewas their own ship. She hove to, a boat came on shore, and Mr Martinand his crew were cordially welcomed by their shipmates. The loss ofthe schooner, in consequence of her non-arrival, had been supposedprobable, and the Ajax was now on a cruise to ascertain her fate, and torescue any of the survivors of those who had been on board. After doingthis, she was to return to Callao, where the admiral in the Pacific thenwas.

  It is not necessary to describe the reception Mr Manners and his peoplemet with on board their ship. Mr Martin was thankful to get back hisson, and more so when he discovered the great change which had takenplace in him. Ned was at once rated on the books of the Ajax as one ofher crew. He had greatly improved since he had been discovered, and,with Ben constantly at his side, assisted also by Mr Manners, hecontinued to progress in Christian knowledge, as well as to improve inconduct and manners. Captain Bertram offered to receive Marco and hisfellow-islanders on board. Two begged to remain where they were; therest accepted his offer, Marco begging that he, with two others who hadvolunteered to accompany him, might be landed on the island on which NedHadden had so long resided. This Captain Bertram undertook to do,hoping that the appearance of a ship-of-war might awe the natives, andinduce them to treat the missionaries with due respect. This plan wascarried out, and Ned, who went on shore first, succeeded in extracting apromise from their chief that he would protect them. After landing thenatives at their respective islands, the Ajax returned to Callao. Thereshe remained till her term of service had expired, and she once moremade sail for Old England. Amply was Ben Hadden repaid for all thedangers he had gone through when he was able to present his long-lostbrother Ned to their widowed mother, not only rescued from the power ofthe savages, but from the dominion of sin and Satan.

  And now there is not much more to tell about Ben Hadden. The experiencehe had had of a seafaring life confirmed his original desire to be asailor; and the favour he had won, by his good conduct, in the regardsof the captain and officers of the Ajax, was of great advantage to him,and led to his promotion in the service. When last we heard of him, Benwas what is called a warrant-officer, on board an admiral's ship--thatadmiral being his first patron and captain.

  As long as his mother lived, Ben had the happiness of doing very muchfor her comfort, and also in assisting his older brother Ned inobtaining a good situation on shore; for he had had enough of the seaand savages, he said. So Mrs Hadden, though she remembered with afeeling of sadness the loss of her husband and other sons, yet felt andthankfully acknowledged that her God and Saviour had been very good toher in sparing those two--Ned and Ben; both of whom heartily adopted,and lived according to, their father's favourite motto:

  "Do Right, whatever comes of it; And Trust in God."


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