Ryke dropped his sweeper and caught Anguissa in his arms, backing her into the wall as he deepened his kiss. She made a little growl of satisfaction that drove him wild, then seized a fistful of his hair when she tipped her head back and surrendered to him. He feasted upon her, wanting her more than he’d wanted anyone in a long time, yet amazed that her reaction excited him so much. She hooked her leg around his and rubbed herself against his erection, making Ryke think of taking her immediately.

  “Here,” she breathed when he broke their kiss. He ran kisses along her jaw to her ear, liking how she shivered. “Now,” she demanded and he realized that she would happily take control of their union.

  He stepped back with an effort, locking his hands around her waist and putting space between them. “You’re demanding, Snake-Eyes,” he murmured, liking the heat in her eyes.

  “I know what I want,” she breathed. “I have no issues explaining.”

  “I know what I want, too.”

  “Tell me, Ryke.”

  “I like women to be submissive, to come when they’re called, to do what they’re told, to wait for me and my pleasure.”

  Anguissa laughed, then ran a hand down his chest and over his erection. “You could have fooled me, Ryke. I’m none of those things but you seem to like me just fine.” Her eyes sparkled. “Maybe variety is the spice of life.”

  “Maybe you need a lesson,” he growled and her smile turned seductive.

  “Are you volunteering for the job?” She was teasing him with her fingertips, her gaze knowing. Ryke gave serious consideration to tossing her over his shoulder, carrying her to some dark corner, and having his fill of her.

  He turned away, knowing that she was manipulating him too easily. He was the umbro! He was the one who decided who should serve him and when. “Sounds to me like you’re a bit spoiled, Princess,” he muttered and picked up his sweeper again.

  She didn’t argue with him, but he felt her watching him.

  What was she thinking?

  He stifled his natural inclination to slip, reminding himself of his vow. Strange how she tempted him to do what he’d sworn not to do again.

  But then, Ryke wasn’t really surprised. Anguissa had a talent for provoking him.

  They shoved the last of the debris into the waste collector and Ryke activated the crusher. Only when it was finished the cycle did Anguissa lean back against the wall and appear to relax. “Did you know that I hate robots?” she asked lightly.

  “I believe you mentioned it.”

  Anguissa frowned. “Here’s the thing. My sister says her Carrier of the Seed is a cyborg. He might even be her HeartKeeper, which is a terrifying prospect indeed.”

  “Should that make sense to me?”

  She spared him a glance then straightened, as if she’d said too much. “No. And it doesn’t matter, anyway.” She pushed away from the wall and he sensed her putting barriers between them again.

  Ryke reminded himself that he didn’t want to get to know her, much less to have any feelings for her. Even though she was intriguing. She challenged his every expectation of princesses and of women, and continually surprised him.

  Maybe that was a dragon shifter trait.

  Either way, he couldn’t resist asking one question.

  “You mentioned the Seed before,” he reminded her, sensing that it was important but not knowing why.

  Anguissa inhaled again, that familiar lustful gleam lighting her eyes. The reaction of Ryke’s body to the sight was becoming familiar, too. “Mmm, yes, the Seed. It’s what got me into this mess.” She tipped her head back and met his gaze. Her smile was sultry and inviting.

  Had he ever met a more enticing woman?

  “Too bad you don’t like kissing, Ryke.”

  “Who says I don’t?”

  “You stopped,” she reminded him, tapping a finger on his chest. “Maybe it’s dragon shifters you don’t like.”

  “Which is only fair, since you don’t like umbros.”

  “And here I thought we’d made a temporary amnesty.”

  “So did I. Backing out?”

  “Not a chance.”

  Ryke fitted his hands around her waist again and lifted her against him, liking that she didn’t protest at all. Anguissa’s smile broadened and the heat rose between them. “I believe you offered to make it worth my while to help you escape,” he reminded her.

  “Have we escaped, Ryke?”

  “Almost,” he ceded. “There is still a chance of pursuit. There always will be.”

  “I like interim rewards.” She flattened her hands and ran them across his chest, then slid her fingers beneath his shirt. The feel of her fingertips against his bare skin sent lust surging through Ryke.

  He swallowed. “We could, alternatively, celebrate our avoidance of certain death.” He felt himself smile. “I could make that worth your while.”

  Anguissa chuckled. She crushed him a little harder against the wall—which was pretty much exactly where Ryke wanted to be—and wrapped her hand around his nape to pull his head down for a kiss.

  “We could,” she agreed, her voice husky, then ran a hand over him. Her touch was bold and proprietary, unlike that of any woman Ryke had ever known, and he liked it just fine. “Are you a good lover, Ryke?” she breathed.

  “A phenomenal one,” he confessed, kissing her quickly. “Thorough.” He punctuated that with another kiss. “With exceptional stamina.”

  “And well-endowed,” she said with a firm caress.

  “A champion in every way. Care to find out for yourself?”

  “Absolutely.” Her eyes were dancing with laughter. “I just wish there was a way to build your confidence, Ryke.”

  “Just surrender to me, Snake-Eyes,” he growled. “And I’ll show you.” He captured her lips then and held her just where he wanted her to be, feasting upon her mouth and holding her captive against him.

  “That could be a dealbreaker,” she whispered when he gave her a chance. Those flames were glowing in her eyes again.

  “How so? You don’t like pleasure?”

  “Of course, but surrender is out of the question. I like to be on top.”

  “Not a chance. That’s not where a woman belongs.”

  Her snakes hissed as Anguissa stepped back. “Belongs?” she echoed, a warning in her tone.

  “Belongs,” Ryke affirmed and reached for her again. “Surrender and I’ll convince you.”

  Anguissa moved quickly, hooking her heel behind his and tripping him. Ryke fell, surprised by her assault, and rolled to his back.

  Only to find Anguissa straddling him, her satisfaction clear. “This is much better,” she said and bent to kiss him.

  Ryke rolled her immediately to her back, pinning her down and kissing her fiercely to stake his claim. She kissed him back, undaunted, and the fire in his veins grew to an inferno. His reaction was primal and fierce. It was all he could do to keep from claiming her right there, when she squirmed beneath him and knotted her hands in his hair, pulling him closer and demanding more.

  “I’ll change your mind,” he said when he finally lifted his head.

  Anguissa smiled and ran one hand down his chest, around his waist, then gripped his butt. “Tell me, Ryke, does this heap of junk have decent hygiene facilities?”

  “Why do you think I picked it?”

  “No idea. It can’t have been for the decor or the company.”

  He bit back a smile, liking that nothing seemed to diminish her passion for life. “Let me show you, Princess.”

  “That’s Snake-Eyes to you,” she retorted, but she didn’t fight him when he stood up and cast her over his shoulder, carrying her to the captain’s quarters.

  He’d won and he’d make sure she didn’t regret it.

  Anguissa was surprised to find every possible comfort installed in the captain’s quarters of the ugliest freighter she’d seen in a long while. It was a comfortable refuge, decorated in a deep plum shade that she found luxurious and pleas
ing. Ryke had put the vessel into a slow spin that was an elegant way of providing a comfortable level of gravity. She would have thought the freighter was too ungainly for the trick, but she’d already noticed Ryke’s skill at the helm.

  She wondered if he needed a job, now that he’d escaped the Gloria Furore. She could always use a good pilot.

  Assuming she ever retrieved the Archangel. It made her heart clench to think she might have lost the vessel that she loved more than life itself.

  So, she didn’t think about it.

  She thought about the Seed instead.

  And the claiming of it.

  Anguissa took a deep breath, letting the scent fill her lungs and feed her passion. In the small space, she was more aware of Ryke—of how tall and broad he was, of what an excellent physical specimen he was—and she thrilled at the prospect of seducing him. She deliberately forgot his nature.

  The portal was sealed. The bed was soft. Ryke was clearly ready for her and she was looking forward to exploring him.

  He wanted to dominate her, it was clear, and Anguissa’s need for the Seed was so intense that she was considering the merit of humoring him.

  On the other hand, changing things from his usual pattern might excite him even more.

  It certainly would excite Anguissa. She wanted the claiming of the Seed to be a memorable mating.

  Ryke secured the door, and she guessed by his expression that he liked having her captive in the space. “Does this make me your concubine?” she asked. “The captain’s captive?”

  Ryke’s eyes glowed. “I’m thinking so.”

  “Then I’d better do your will,” she said. “And serve your needs.”

  “An excellent plan.”

  The Seed seemed to intensify in the small space, the heady scent of it making Anguissa dizzy—and wet with desire. “What do you like, Ryke?” she asked, trying to sound subdued and probably failing.

  “Skin. I like skin. Let me see you.”

  Anguissa faced Ryke, then tugged her shirt over her head. Her breasts bounced slightly and she saw his eyes brighten as he surveyed them. She kicked off her boots and peeled off her tights, then shook out her hair. She felt the snakes rise, echoing her own excitement as they stretched wide around her head.

  He was looking at her, obviously appreciating her figure. She spun, displaying herself to him. “Will I do?” she teased and he made a growl of approval.

  She supposed she should serve him. She moved closer and untucked the top of his uniform. She could see a band of tanned flesh and ran her hand across it, liking how muscled he was. She slid her hands beneath his shirt, pushing it over his head and baring his chest to her view.

  Then she stopped to stare at the thousands, maybe millions, of tiny scars. She shouldn’t stare, she knew it, but she couldn’t help herself.

  “Fire ants,” she whispered, running her fingertips over the distinctive marks. They covered Ryke’s skin, making him look tanned, and she was astonished by the sheer number of them.

  “I don’t recommend Formican’s moon as a vacation destination,” he said tightly.

  Anguissa flicked a glance at his eyes, which were too serious. “It’s not a resort. It’s a penal colony.”

  He nodded, impassive. “Ah. That explains it, then.”

  Anguissa shivered, because she had heard stories of the vats of fire ants there, of the torment inflicted upon prisoners. The line of scars stopped at his throat, just under his chin, meaning that he’d been dipped up to his neck in them. Judging by the number of scars and the variation in their color, it had happened more than once. He watched her, his gaze unflinching.

  “Changing your mind?” he asked, his voice a rumble.

  He’d survived and she admired that. He wasn’t bitter or vengeful, which she respected even more.

  “Not a chance,” she admitted, letting him see her admiration. “I like a lover with stamina.”

  Ryke snorted.

  How had torture changed him? It changed everyone in some way, Anguissa knew, because it was designed to do as much. Bond always said good torture fucked with the mind and left it damaged forever. Maybe Ryke’s experience on Formican’s moon was why he didn’t confide very much very readily.

  If so, that was a pretty small price to have paid.

  He kicked off his own boots, then turned his back on her to remove the bottom of his uniform. When he turned to face her, his enthusiasm was obvious and his size impressive.

  She pushed him to the sleeping couch and he caught her around the waist before he fell backward. “I’ll be the captain and you’ll be the captive,” she whispered just before she kissed him.

  “Not a chance,” he said, then rolled her to her back. He braced himself above her, then cupped her breast in his other hand. He pinched the nipple enough to make her squirm, then bent to kiss it thoroughly. “Looks like there’s going to be a mutiny under your command.”

  It clearly was important to Ryke to be in charge of their seduction. Anguissa decided to let him him take the lead the first time.

  “What do you intend to do with your prisoner?” she asked, her voice catching as his tongue did wicked things to her nipple.

  “It’s only sensible for me to determine exactly how dragon shifter princesses differ from other women I’ve known.”

  “Sounds like a quest you’re going to take seriously.”

  “Very seriously,” he growled. “The only difference I see in your basic physiology is the snakes.” She looked up to find his gaze locked upon her. “Any chance you could turn them off?”

  “They’re part of me,” she said, curious that he might be afraid of anything at all.

  “And I like how they reveal your thoughts. It’s useful in battle, and even a bit hot.”

  “Hot?” Anguissa echoed.

  “Yes. When you’re standing there, eyes flashing, hair writhing, you could lead a company of warriors to their death with no trouble at all.”

  Anguissa smiled at the compliment, which he delivered in a matter-of-fact tone, as if it was indisputable. “Thank you.”

  “But right here and right now...” Ryke shook his head.

  “Not so good for you?”

  He grimaced. “You and robots. Me and snakes in bed.”

  Anguissa chuckled. “How about a blindfold? Then you wouldn’t have to see them.” She stole a quick kiss then whispered in his ear. “I like blindfolding my lovers.”

  “No,” Ryke snapped and pulled away, the humor banished from his eyes.

  Anguissa knew she’d found a nerve and she speculated that the Gloria Furore had blindfolded him at some point—and whatever had happened subsequently hadn’t been good. She sighed with mock forbearance, hoping she could restore his playful mood.

  Maybe there was a good reason he liked to be in charge.

  “You really aren’t going to be a very willing sex slave, are you?”

  The gleam was immediately back in his eyes. “The way I remember it, you’re the sex slave, Snake-Eyes.”

  Anguissa laughed. “I’m not good at being submissive.”

  “That’s not a surprise, but maybe I know what you want better than you do.”

  “Oh, I don’t think so,” she purred. “But that’s a challenge I can’t refuse.” Anguissa sat up and braided the snakes back, whispering to them to soothe them. They stilled at her command and she spared Ryke a glance. “Better?”

  “Perfect,” he said with satisfaction. “Just perfect.”

  “Then go ahead, Ryke, and finish your inventory.”

  “With pleasure,” Ryke murmured, closing the distance between them. His hands ran over her with possessive ease, his touch making her shiver.

  Making her yearn.

  Anguissa parted her lips, inviting his touch. Ryke smiled just a little.

  Then his mouth closed over hers with a proprietary ease that bode very, very well for the immediate future.

  Ryke couldn’t have imagined a more ideal partner for ending his lengthy run
of enforced celibacy, even though he would never have imagined it could be so. Anguissa was beautiful and passionate, unafraid of her desires. He loved the ripe swell of her breasts and the responsiveness of her body. She was so different from his past lovers, so engaged, that he felt he could have been making love for the first time ever.

  He could even forget the snakes with the right encouragement, which was exactly what Anguissa gave him.

  He loved the sweet crush of her beneath him, the feel of her foot sliding up and down his calf. Her hands were locked on his shoulders, her head tipped back and her eyes closed. She was fearless and seductive, prepared to welcome whatever he gave. He broke their kiss and couldn’t resist the urge to trail kisses to her ear.

  “You kiss like other women,” he whispered and she shivered against him at the feel of his breath.

  “Then I wasn’t doing it right,” she replied and he found himself smiling again.

  She caught his head in her hands and gave him another kiss, an open-mouthed hungry one that made his heart pound. When she tore her mouth from his, her eyes were glittering and her lips were a little swollen.

  “Maybe not quite like other women I’ve known,” Ryke acknowledged. “Although your lips appear to be similar.”

  “It’s all in the technique,” she growled and claimed his mouth again. She tried to roll him to his back but Ryke braced himself over her, refusing to succumb. Anguissa kept kissing him and he didn’t want her to stop. The sleeping couch was covered with a soft fabric, but with that against his skin and Anguissa beneath him, he was sure he was in paradise. He lifted her breast on his palm again, He ran his thumb across the nipple and she arched her back, rubbing herself against him with pleasure.

  “The only thing unusual about your breast is how responsive the nipple is.”

  “Maybe I like you,” Anguissa murmured, her eyes glowing.

  “Maybe I’m good at this,” he countered, catching the tight peak between finger and thumb.

  Anguissa gasped. “Maybe you are,” she managed to say, a wonderful tension in her voice. “Just don’t stop.”