“Fuck, Meghan. I think I might just cum,” Ryan bellowed.

  “Yep, I’m sure of it,” Ryan assured her.

  Methodically, Ryan continued to fuck her with long harsh strokes. With his left foot between her feet, and his right pressing against her head, each stroke was penetrating as deep as possible. With his upper thigh against Meghan’s lower back, he pressed his cock as deep as he could and held it inside of her.

  Meghan’s body began to shudder and shake. From her pussy to her nipples, she felt as if she was being shocked. She had never experienced anything like this before, and was incapable of expressing her feelings. The darkness of her head being buried by Ryan’s foot was amplified by the force in which Ryan was pressing against her head. As Ryan held his cock buried deep inside of her, everything she was able to see went black and her ears began to ring.

  “Oh fuck, Meghan. Here it comes,” Ryan howled.

  As Meghan reached the height of her orgasm, she felt Ryan’s cock begin to swell. Slowly, as he pulled it from deep inside of her, she sighed and relaxed as best she could into the couch. As she felt his hands spread her ass cheeks apart, she tensed her arms and stomach muscles. Almost immediately, she heard Ryan groan and felt the warm spurts of cum against her ass.

  Ryan released the pressure of his foot from Meghan’s head. Slowly, she began to raise her head from the couch. As she did, she felt Ryan’s hand on her right shoulder, helping her raise herself from the couch. As she stood, her legs shook and her knees buckled.

  Ryan extended his arms around her back and under her armpit, holding her from falling.

  “Here, let me help you to the bathroom,” Ryan whispered as he held the weight of her body against his right arm.

  As Ryan turned toward the hallway, Meghan’s legs gave out. Exhausted, and in a heightened state of euphoria, she was incapable of walking. As her legs failed, Ryan reached under her thighs with his left arm and picked her up from the floor.

  “Carrying you might be easier,” Ryan chuckled as he hoisted Meghan from the floor.

  “Holy fuck. First time, huh?” Meghan sighed, still out of breath.

  “Excuse me?” Ryan asked as he carried Meghan down the hallway.

  “Your first sex. That was it?” Meghan asked as she laid her head on Ryan’s shoulder.

  “Oh. Yes. That was my first time doing it. I’m fascinated with watching it, though. I just did what I’ve seen others do,” Ryan admitted as he stepped into the bathroom.

  Standing at the entrance of the bathroom, Ryan stood and admired Meghan’s attractive features. As she removed her dress, bra, and jewelry, her hands shook uncontrollably. Standing before him naked, Meghan’s body appeared much younger than her almost thirty years of age. Ryan, still dressed in his shirt, unbuttoned it and set it on top of the bathroom vanity.

  Ryan watched as Meghan reached into the shower and turned on the water. The emotion he felt from the aggressive sex was comparable to the excitement and satisfaction he felt from killing Meghan’s uncle. Consciously, as he watched Meghan step into the shower, he compared the two events and his feelings associated with both.

  “Are you going to get in with me?” Meghan asked from inside the shower.

  Ryan, feeling somewhat disconnected from reality, nodded his head lightly. He turned to focus on Meghan, trying to make sense of the situation. His life, he began to feel, had become a whirlwind of changes. Changes he felt he wasn’t necessarily prepared for or could prepare for.

  As Ryan watched the water from the shower raining down on Meghan’s naked body, he realized that he was not the failure his father had told him he would be.

  “Well. Get in here. Water is going everywhere,” Meghan laughed as she motioned toward the bathroom floor.

  As Ryan stepped into the shower, he thought of his torturous father, of Meghan, and of murder.

  And his mouth slowly formed a smile.



  TWENTY - FIVE. With his shoulders held high, chin tilted up slightly, and his hair freshly trimmed, Ryan maintained a level of confidence he had never felt. As he walked toward the entrance of the coffee shop, he noticed Ami standing at the cash register.

  “Good morning, Ryan,” Ami smiled.

  “Good morning,” Ryan responded as he walked to the counter.

  “Your hair looks nice, did you just get it cut?” Ami asked as Ryan stood on the other side of the countertop, looking at the overhead beverage menu.

  Ryan nodded his head and momentarily raised his eyebrows jokingly.

  “They say the best haircut is one that is never noticed,” Ryan chuckled.

  “The usual?” Ami asked as she reached for an empty cup.

  “No, I think I want something new,” Ryan responded.

  “Wow. Ok. Well, do you want something sweet, salty, healthy, more of a coffee taste, chocolate?” Ami asked as she turned to face the menu behind her.

  “I’m not certain. Something different,” Ryan said as he scanned the menu for choices.

  “I didn’t figure you as a man for making too many changes,” Ami said as she studied the menu.

  “Well, I’m making changes in my life, and my first change is the willingness to make change,” Ryan nodded his head as he finished speaking.

  “How about a Chai tea latte,” Ryan said as he reached into his pants and removed his wallet.

  “Perfect, I think you’ll love it,” Ami said as she turned around to face Ryan.

  “I was surprised to see you here this late at night. Surely you don’t work morning shift and night shift both,” Ryan asked as he handed Ami a ten dollar bill.

  “Oh, yeah. We have a new manager. They promoted me to night shift lead. Actually, it works better with my school schedule,” Ami responded as she accepted the bill and pressed the keys on the register.

  “Put the change in the tip jar, Ami,” Ryan said as turned and looked over the seating are for a place to sit, surprised that the coffee shop was practically empty.

  Ryan walked to a table and sat down as he waited for his drink to be prepared. He watched as Ami wiped the countertop, and day dreamed about what her sexual desires may be. Recalling the events of the night with Meghan caused him to smile and chuckle to himself as he imagined tying Ami to the posts of his bed and pouring hot wax over her naked body.

  “Ryan, your drink is ready,” Ami shouted across the coffee shop.

  Ryan stood and slowly walked to the coffee bar to receive his drink. As he walked past Ami, she brushed her hair with her hand, momentarily exposing the tattoo beside her ear. As Ryan reached for his coffee, he wondered if there was any statistical data to support his belief that women with tattoos were more prone to be sexually adventurous. He had always believed that they were, but now realized that his opinion was unfounded.

  “So, are you headed home?” Ami asked as Ryan walked past the cash register.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact,” Ryan nodded his head as he reached for his drink.

  Ryan grabbed his drink from the bar and turned to face Ami. Full of confidence and a newly fueled sexual desire, the words escaped his mouth before he realized that his mind intended for him to speak.

  “If I were single, available, and asked you out on a date, would you consider going?” Ryan took a sip of his beverage gave a smile of approval regarding the sweet Chai tea.

  Ami, eager that Ryan had asked, attempted to hide her excitement. She realized Ryan was older than she by approximately six or eight years, from her best calculations. She had seen him come and go from the coffee shop for a few years, and had often fantasized about the two of them being together and what it would be like to have Ryan as a respective mate. After she felt that she had paused long enough to make here response not seem over anxious, she spoke.

  “Oh, absolutely. I would. Uhhm. Yeah. I sure would,” Ami struggled with her response.

  “Interesting. Well, have a great night, and mentally prepare for that, Ami. You ne
ver know when the time may come,” Ryan smiled as he spoke, raised his cup of coffee, and turned to face the door.

  As Ryan walked to his car, he considered taking Ami on a date, and what common interests they may have. He considered the possibility of her having no similar sexual interest, and being completely opposed to his desires. As he unlocked his car, he decided there was no real way of determining what Ami’s sexual interests were short of actually finding from either asking or attempting.

  Ryan placed his beverage into the cup holder and turned on the key to his car. As soon as the dash lights were illuminated, the low tire pressure warning lamp illuminated. Frustrated, Ryan pulled the door handle and opened the door. As he stepped from the car, he looked at the two tires on the driver’s side of the car, which were sufficiently inflated.

  As he walked around the front bumper, he noticed the right side of the car sagging. As he reached the passenger side of the car, it was immediately apparent that the right front tire was completely flat. After a quick inspection of the tire, he began to become angry, considering the two times the tire had been repaired in the last month. Knowing that the BMW sedan did not have a spare tire, he realized he was nothing short of stranded.

  Frustrated and angry, he turned and walked back into the coffee shop.

  “Decide to ask me on that date already?” Ami laughed as Ryan walked in the front door.

  Feeling guilty and fractionally selfish, Ryan sighed. “Not yet. Ami, I’m sorry. My car has a flat, and to make a long story short, I’m stranded. One disadvantage of that particular model is that it has no spare tire. There is nowhere at eleven o’clock at night that I will find a tire, and I will need to get a ride home. At what time do you close?”

  “We close in three minutes. I’ll be here for about forty five minutes after that, cleaning up. I could…let me think,” Ami paused and raised her hand to her mouth.

  “My brother has this patrol. I could see what he’s doing. His shift ends at eleven. That’s in just a minute,” Ami smiled.

  “The police officer?” Ryan said in a reluctant tone.

  “Yeah, but he’s cool. He’s really nice. If he’s not busy, he could give you a ride, or you could wait for me, either way. Let me see if he’s even available,” Ami pulled her phone from her pocket.

  Ryan placed his hands on his hips and attempted to hide his frustration as Ami typed into the screen of her phone. He considered the police officer taking him home, and what harm could come from it. As he decided there was no risk to speak of from riding with the officer, Ami spoke.

  “He just responded. He’s off work in a minute. He’s a few miles from here. He’ll be here in a five or ten minutes. He said he’d gladly give you a ride. He might even have a cool story to tell you on the way home, he always does,” Ami smiled as she walked around to the front of the counter.

  “Thank you, I appreciate it,” Ryan nodded.

  “I hate to, but we’re closing. I have to ask you to go outside. I’m really sorry,” Ami said as she walked toward the front door.

  “Oh, not at all,” Ryan said as he turned toward the door.

  Ami pulled the door open, and held it as she waited for Ryan. As Ryan slowly walked past her, he smiled.

  “Ami, thank you again. Tell him I’m waiting in the white BMW. The one with a flat,” Ryan chuckled.

  “No problem, you owe me,” Ami said as she pulled the door shut and locked it.

  Ryan walked to his car, frustrated. Although he appreciated Ami’s brother providing a ride, he felt uneasy about getting in the car with a police officer. As he sat in the car and waited, he turned on the ignition, rolled down the windows, and sipped his now luke-warm beverage.

  As Ryan reclined his seat and began to relax, he noticed a shadow out of his left eye. As he turned and gazed out of his vehicle’s open window, he was facing the barrel of a large caliber revolver pointed directly at his face.



  TWENTY - SIX. “You son-of-a-bitch. I’m going to give you what you deserve. Don’t move,” a familiar female voice demanded.

  Ryan slumped in the seat and stared straight ahead.

  “You-son-of-a-bitch. You’ve ruined my life. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat. I can’t do anything. You and your God forsaken game. You sick bastard, you’ve ruined my life.”

  Slowly, Ryan turned to face the voice.

  Dana stood outside of his car, approximately six feet away, pointing a large revolver at his face. Her hands shook as she spoke.

  “My cancer is malignant. I have three or four weeks to live. I have nothing to lose. The thought of leaving this earth and not taking you with me is something that I can’t imagine. The difference, asshole, is I am going to heaven and you are going to hell,” Dana’s voice became more elevated as she spoke.

  “Dana, take it easy. We can…”

  “Don’t you tell me how to take it,” she screamed.

  Ryan considered what to say. As he sat in the car and watched the barrel of the pistol shake, he wondered what prevented Dana from shooting him already. Assuming she must have things she wanted to say prior to killing him, he decided to attempt to get her to talk.

  “Dana, God isn’t going to support you on this. You…”

  “Shut up. Just shut up. I hate you, you son-of-a-bitch,” Dana’s voice cracked and she began to cry as she spoke.

  As she held the pistol in her right hand, she used her left hand to wipe the tears from her eyes. Ryan slowly placed his hands on the steering wheel in hope of Dana becoming more comfortable that he wasn’t a threat.

  “Freeze. Drop the weapon, ma’am,” A male voice from behind the car demanded.

  Ryan glanced into the rear view mirror. A police officer stood behind a patrol car, his arms outstretched over the hood, pointing his service weapon toward Dana. Ryan averted his gaze toward his open window.

  “He. He’s a monster,” Dana began to speak.

  “Ma’am, drop the weapon. There’ is nothing worth losing your life over,” the officer shouted.

  “But he…” Dana pleaded as she continued to cry and wipe her face.

  “Drop the weapon,” the officer demanded; his voice much louder each time he shouted the command.

  Out of Ryan’s left eye, he saw Dana’s body rotate slightly. As soon as her body began to move, he heard the gunshots.



  Dana’s body fell beside his car. Ryan turned his gaze to the rearview mirror.

  “Sir, are you armed?” the officer screamed, his weapon still pointed at Dana’s body.

  “Armed?” Ryan screamed out the window as he continued to look out the rearview mirror.

  The sound of distant sirens increasingly got louder as the seconds passed.

  “No. Sir, have you been harmed?” the officer screamed.

  “Only my pride officer,” Ryan screamed out the window.

  “Sir, stay in the vehicle,” the officer screamed.

  “Oh my God Ryan, are you okay,” Ami screamed as she ran toward the police car.

  “Ami, get back in the store,” the officer screamed.

  “Is he okay?” Ami screamed.

  “Yes, he’s fine,” the officer responded.

  “Sir, stay in the vehicle,” the officer shouted again.

  “Until you advise me otherwise,” Ryan responded out the window.

  Ryan sat, relieved that the officer did not provide immediate medical attention to Dana as she lay on the parking lot bleeding. He hoped, more than anything, that she was dead, or at minimum, incapable of speaking. He watched out the rearview mirror as the officer spoke into the microphone of his radio.

  As other officers pulled into the parking lot, they discussed Dana still having control of the weapon that was in her hand. Although Ryan could not see, apparently, she was still holding the weapon as she lay on the asphalt in a puddle of blood.

  After a long discussion, one of the officers slowly approached as anot
her followed, his weapon pointed at Dana’s body the entire time. As the officer got within foot’s reach, he kicked the weapon from her hand.

  “Clear,” the officer screamed as he picked the weapon up from the ground.

  Immediately, paramedics rushed to Dana’s body. Within seconds, it was apparent that Dana was, in fact, dead. Ryan waited as the paramedics loaded her onto a stretcher and into an ambulance. Who he assumed was Ami’s brother approached the driver’s side of the car, and advised Ryan that he could exit the vehicle’s passenger side.

  Ryan crawled across the seats of the car, and opened the passenger side door and stepped into the parking lot.

  As soon as Ryan stepped from the car and stood, Ami rushed to him and embraced him in a hug.

  “I’m so glad you weren’t hurt,” Ami sighed.

  “So am I,” Ryan responded.

  “I’m sorry you had to witness that,” Ryan apologized as Ami released him from her arms.

  “Oh. Well, to tell you the truth, I’m not. Blood and violence turn me on. Call me weird, but it does. Always has,” Ami shrugged, showing almost no expression.

  “You don’t say?” Ryan said quietly, attempting to hide his excitement.

  And his mouth began to form a smile.



  TWENTY - SEVEN. “I like your dress,” the cashier said cheerily.

  “Thank you, it’s…well, I just got it,” Meghan smiled as she pressed her hands along the fabric that covered her upper thighs.

  Meghan had purchased the dress earlier in the day at the mall, carefully picking out one that was as revealing as possible without appearing to be slutty. The young lady that helped her told her she looked hot. Meghan chuckled, knowing Ryan would certainly approve of hot.