Page 34 of Know No Fear

  He has the dagger in his hand. The athame, unwrapped. He murmurs to his god for protection and forgiveness. Then he makes a cut.

  ‘How are you doing that?’ asks Katt.

  They all look at her.

  Oll smiles.

  ‘Trust me,’ he says. He pushes the knife harder, deepens the cut. He makes the slit vertical, the height of a man. He makes a slit in the air, so that reality parts.

  The daemon sounds come closer.

  Oll draws back the edge of the cut like a curtain. They gasp as they see what’s on the other side. It isn’t here. It isn’t Calth. It isn’t a broken, pitch-black beach.

  Oll looks at them.

  ‘I won’t pretend this is going to be easy,’ he says, ‘because it isn’t. But it’s better than staying here.’

  They stare at him.

  ‘Follow me,’ he says.


  ‘We keep fighting.’

  –Ventanus, on Calth, prior to the start of the Underworld War


  [mark: 219,479.25.03]

  Colchis, at the bitter, broken end; the mark of Calth still running after all these damned years. It is essentially a futile measurement, merely symbolic, but sometimes symbolism is all you have left. A ritual. The scum of Colchis should understand that much, at least.

  The world burns, devastated. A world for a world. There is little retribution left to be extracted, little punitive satisfaction to be savoured. But the deed must be finished, so the count can be finished, and this is one great step towards completing the process.

  Ventanus, veteran captain, battered by fortune and service, stands on the outcrop of rock, looking out over the benighted landscape. The firestorms reflect off his polished plate and his grim visor, bright orange patterns dancing on the cobalt-blue and gold. So much has passed since this began. The galaxy has changed, and changed again. The revolutions that stunned his mind on Calth seem insignificant beside what he has witnessed since. The end. The fall. The start. The loss.

  He has not known fear, but he has known pain. The breaking of the order of things. He has seen his species discover that the greatest enemy of all is itself.

  The years spent waging the Underworld War seem so distant. They are fading, almost unremembered, like the empire that followed them, and the Heresy that ended it all.

  His officers are waiting, sergeants in red helms, junior captains with their crests and swords. Ventanus can still remember a time when a red helm meant–

  Times change. Things change. Ways change. They are waiting for him, impatient to get on, wondering what the old bastard is thinking about, wondering what’s taking him so long.

  In low orbit above, the barge Octavius waits, cyclonic torpedoes primed.

  Ventanus turns. He thinks of brothers lost, and looks at the brothers with him. He holds out his mailed hand.

  The colour sergeant passes him the standard. It is old and battered, dented, with a slight twist or two in the haft. Surely, the sergeant thinks, the damned thing could have been cleaned and mended.

  Ventanus takes it, honouring every mark upon it.

  He plants it upright in the burning rock of Colchis. The flickering firelight catches at the golden crest of the standard.

  ‘We march for Macragge!’ the sergeant declares.

  ‘No, not today,’ Ventanus replies. ‘Today, we march for Calth.’

  [mark: unspecified]

  While Word Bearers still live, in the madness of the Maelstrom or in the depths of the warp, the mark of Calth will continue to run.

  It is running now.

  Thanks to

  Aaron Dembski-Bowden, Richard Dugher, Bruce Euans, Laurie Goulding, the High Lords of Lenton, Nick Kyme, Graham McNeill, Lindsey Priestley and Nik Vincent.


  Dan Abnett is a multiple New York Times bestselling author and an award-winning comic book writer. He has written over forty novels, including the acclaimed Gaunt’s Ghosts series, and the Eisenhorn and Ravenor trilogies. His previous Horus Heresy novel, Prospero Burns, topped the SF charts in the UK and the US. In addition to writing for Black Library, Dan scripts audio dramas, movies, games, and comics for major publishers in Britain and America. He is also the author of other bestselling novels, including Torchwood: Border Princes, Doctor Who: The Silent Stars Go By, Triumff: Her Majesty’s Hero, and Embedded. He lives and works in Maidstone, Kent.

  Dan’s blog and website can be found at

  and you can follow him on Twitter



  Published in 2012 by Black Library, Games Workshop Ltd., Willow Road, Nottingham, NG7 2WS, UK

  Cover illustration by Neil Roberts

  © Games Workshop Limited, 2012. All rights reserved.

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  Dan Abnett, Know No Fear



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