Page 18 of Gilded Wings

  “He was once an immortal - Emma’s Guardian - who asked for mortality to lead her into the Underworld to seek you out. You and I will outlive him a million times. Let him go, and take me instead,” Samuel courageously requested.

  Ever since I met my father, he’d been my hero. He had defied death and come back to life to watch over me and Alaine, making sure of our safety. And here he was, still protecting us.

  I flashed back to when I met him out beyond Alaine’s gate. That was the first time he saved me, and from that moment on, he came to my aid whenever I needed him most. He was always there for me, and now I was witnessing him offering his life for me… for Kade.

  I didn’t know how much more pain my heart could take.

  Lucifer paused, and his eyes narrowed on Samuel.

  “No,” his voice rumbled. “My only legacy, my son is dead because of her. My Ethon is gone.” Pain and hatred burned in his eyes as he glanced over to Ethon’s lifeless body, then back at me. “Now she will pay for the rest of her life. Her heart was torn because of this worthless mortal. And as per our agreement, his soul will become the final payment.”

  “No!” I hollered. “Let me go!” I struggled to break free from Dom’s hold.

  “Lucifer, don’t,” Samuel urged, stepping toward him.

  Before he or anyone else could make another move, Lucifer slowly pushed his sharp blade into the side of Kade’s chest.

  My entire world collapsed right in front of my eyes.

  Kade gasped, his eyes widened, his body drooped forward.

  Lucifer drew out his blade, and let go of Kade. He fell to his knees, then grabbed at the side of his chest. Blood poured from the wound as he toppled backward, his legs bent awkwardly beneath him.

  “Now, we are even,” Lucifer hissed, with a wicked scowl.

  “You bastard!” I bellowed in anger and hate. Dom’s arms, which had been tightly wrapped around me, unfolded, setting me free.

  Rage torched my insides, turning the world around me red; hatred grasped my entire being and exuded from my pores, squeezing the air from my lungs, trying to render me weak. Every negative emotion wrapped itself tightly around me, suffocating, gripping my heart and compressing it to the point of depleting every ounce of good left in me.

  I wanted nothing more than having the pleasure of killing him and watching him suffer.

  I charged toward Lucifer, crying out with every ounce of anger and pain I had inside me. I raised my trusted dagger above my head, hoping it would aid me in finding its mark, and sink itself deep into Lucifer’s vile, amoral, merciless heart.

  Samuel had also charged forward, but Lucifer had anticipated his move and thrust him to the side. He hit the bannister, cracking a few of the rails.

  I pressed forward and dove for Lucifer, my blade aimed directly at his heart. As soon as the tip touched his flesh, he burst into a million black flies. They swarmed around us, biting at our exposed flesh, then disappeared up and out through the hole he’d entered.

  I scrambled to Kade and saw his eyes roll back into his head. He couldn’t be dead. I dropped down next to his body and felt for a pulse. It was faint, but there was one. He was still alive, but barely.

  Blood pumped out from the wound in the side of his chest.

  “You can’t die. Please, you can’t die,” I grieved, the pain in my heart aching to the point of bursting. I pressed my hands against his injury to help slow the bleeding.

  “Alaine,” I screamed, as blood soaked my hands. Samuel and Dominic knelt next to me. Dom laid his hand on his shoulder.

  “Fight brother. Don’t give up,” he said as tears welled in his eyes.

  “In a few seconds Alaine bounded up the stairs and knelt down beside me. After examining his would, her eyes pressed shut.

  “Where is the potion? We need to get his potion,” I yelled.

  “His potion isn’t going to help a fatal wound inflicted by an immortal blade,” Alaine said with tears spilling down her face. “I’m so sorry, Emma.”

  “What are you saying? You can’t heal him?”

  Her lips quivered uncontrollably as she shook her head, and brought a hand up to brush his hair back.

  “I’m sorry,” she sobbed.

  Samuel came up behind her. Alaine jumped up and wrapped her arms around him.

  “I thought I’d lost you,” she wailed.

  He didn’t respond, but held her tightly.

  “Help me!” I bellowed, pleading with anyone. “There has to be a way. He can’t die. We can’t give up! Is there some magic I can use to give my life for his? Something? Anything?”

  The true love of my life, my first bonded, my protector, my Guardian, was dying right before my eyes and there was nothing I could do about it. I was helpless, watching him quickly fade away. The horrifying dreams were becoming reality.

  Then I remembered the last dream I had… the one where my kiss saved him.

  I leaned over and kissed him. “Don’t die. Please don’t die,” I spoke against his lips, hoping my words would travel down to his heart and magically heal him.

  But they didn’t.

  In absolute horror I helplessly watched him take his last, weak breath and was gone. Just like that. I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye. I didn’t even have a chance to tell him how much I loved him.

  My heart burst in agony, hot tormenting tears burned my swollen eyes.

  He left me.

  I had a chance to say goodbye to Ethon, why not my Kade?

  “Kade,” I wailed, clawing at his shirt. Trembling, I lay over his lifeless body. No one should ever be allowed to feel this kind of pain.

  His body started to glow brightly, and I watched as he dissolved right from under me, disappearing in a fine mist.

  He was gone from my grasp, and I lay alone in a pool of his blood.

  “Where is he? What happened?” I frantically pleaded.

  “His family must have called his body home,” Dom replied. “I’m so sorry, Emma.”

  There wasn’t much more I could take. My body, my mind, my soul was in utter anguish and disbelief. I was exhausted to the point of collapsing.

  Strong arms lifted and cradled me.

  “You’ll be alright. I promise.” Samuel pressed his lips to my forehead. I rolled my head onto his chest, and closed my eyes, too weak to move.

  “You just need to sleep, my Emma.”

  With his words, I faded into darkness, hoping never to awake.

  MY EYES WERE BLURRY WHEN I woke in my bed. Someone had cleaned my bedroom, and fixed the door. The room was dimly lit from a lamp next to my bedside.

  As I started to come fully awake, all the heinous events which had happened earlier came flooding back to me. I knew it couldn’t have been a dream, because the pain and aching proved the reality.

  Kade was gone. Ethon was gone. Malachi and James… gone.

  My thoughts rushed to Kade. I would never again be able to feel his loving touch, his soft kiss, or his warm arms around me again. His gentle words, the buzz of excitement whenever he walked into a room, and the undeniable connection we experienced whenever our eyes met, were all gone.

  They were gone, and I was left with nothing but memories.

  I closed my eyes and tried to picture his face, but my emotions began to brim, and tears rushed back into my swollen, aching eyes.

  Samuel was sitting on the floor and Alaine was sleeping with her head gently resting on his lap. He nudged her and when her eyes landed on me, she sat up.

  “How are you, sweetheart?” she asked. Her eyes were also red and swollen.

  In one day there had been so much heartache, so much pain. How could we ever get through this? I couldn’t answer her. Tears automatically flooded my eyes, and began to spill down my tear stained cheeks.

  “Emma,” Samuel spoke quietly. “We will be here for you. I know your world looks lightless and gloomy right now, but it will only be for a season, and this season will pass. One day you will wake up, and the sun will be shini
ng again. It is then when you will start to find your happiness.”

  I nodded, looking into both of their anguished eyes, knowing full well they wanted what was best for me, hoping everything would work out in the end.

  “I’ll be alright. I just need some time,” I said, although my voice was weak and doubtful.

  I knew those were the words they wanted and needed to hear. They needed to be consoled just as much as I did. But to even give them an answer I had to scrape from whatever remnants were left of me. I had been emptied, drained, and was now a shell of who I used to be. The butterfly in the cocoon had died along with Kade and Ethon.

  “I’m sorry about James,” I said sadly.

  She began nodding her head, tears filled her swollen eyes. “He was a good friend, one of my best. He and Malachi will be sorely missed. We are still praying and hoping for Alex to hold on as well. We’re still uncertain.”

  I nodded, fighting the urge to crumble apart again.

  “Your transformation is tonight. Would you like us to stay with you?” Alaine asked.

  I shook my head. “No, thank you. I need to be alone.”

  “Alright, sweetheart. We understand,” she replied. She walked over to me, then leaned over and lightly kissed my cheek. “If you change your mind, just call. Either of us will be close at all times, just to be sure.”

  I nodded. “Thank you so much. Both of you. For everything.”

  “You’re our daughter,” Samuel said. “We would do anything for you.”

  “And we will always be here for you, should you need us,” Alaine added. She took Samuel’s hand and exited the room, closing the door behind them.

  Now alone, sadness overtook me. I didn’t see how there could be a glorious transformation. I was only existing, not living. Breathing, but just barely.

  I didn’t want it. I never wanted it… any of it. This life was shoved at me, then filled with nothing more than overwhelming heartache and pain. It was suffocating and killing me slowly. The meaning of life had been sucked right out of me, along with the will to live. I had nothing to look forward to.

  Ethon and Kade were gone. Death had me in its clutches, and was pulling me deeper and deeper down into its fiery pit, with no one left to pull me out.

  I closed my eyes and envisioned the two sets of eyes which had consumed my life over the past few months. Two men chosen to be my soul mates, both stolen away, leaving me shattered. My heart would never mend, and my bond would never be fulfilled.

  I was cursed from the beginning. Everyone I had ever loved, aside from Samuel and Alaine, had died. As much as I loved them, they would never be able to fill the empty void that was left.

  James and Malachi were gone, and I still hadn’t even begun to mourn them yet.

  I lay in bed terrified of what the transformation might bring. Merely thinking about it made my heart thrum a million miles an hour, and a cold sweat blanket over my skin. Maybe, I didn’t want to be alone and endure whatever was coming.

  Continued thoughts of Kade and Ethon swirled in my mind, but the one who I wished would be here to hold me, and see me through, was Kade. If the decision had been up to me, I would have chosen him. There was no doubt about it. It was always him. From the very beginning.

  Ethon was an amazing guy, and had everything a girl could want, but he still wasn’t Kade.

  I could feel the sadness eroding away my insides, but I could also feel myself erupting, like a volcano ready to explode.

  I pulled my pillow to my face and screamed.

  “Why God? Why did you even allow me to be born into this misery? Why would you give me love, only to steal it away? Do you hate me that much?”

  Fate was just as evil and hard as Lucifer.

  Agony and torment kept poking their ugly heads in my face, taunting me.

  But then Kade’s face, his smile, his hazel eyes which were once filled with so much love and so much life, flashed before me. I wished I could replay it over and over.

  “Kade,” I anguished. Every part of my body ached. Intense pain ripped through my chest, puncturing my heart over and over again. My world had never felt so dark or so empty, and could never offer a cure, or a magic potion, for this kind of suffering.

  I curled up into a fetal position and let my emotions bleed. Tears soaked my cheeks and my pillow, but the pain only intensified. “Help me,” I cried out in desperation. “Someone help me.”

  “Emma,” a voice spoke ever so softly, as if directly into my ear. I could barely hear it over my cries, so I paused. In between my convulsive gasps for breath, I heard it again.


  I glanced up to witness a bright light emitting from my closet, illuminating the whole frame. It was as if I was experiencing déjà vu.

  Was this real, or was I dreaming?

  Then, even through my very stuffy nose, I could smell a familiar sweet scent which wrapped the room in a warm tranquility.

  My eyelids were swollen, but remained frozen on the knob which appeared to be turning. My breath hitched. I couldn’t scream, but I didn’t feel like I needed to.

  When the door opened, a light shined so bright I had to shield my eyes. Someone stepped forward and walked toward me. I slowly lowered my arm and froze. An impassive peace covered the area.

  Before me stood the most beautiful angel I had ever seen. A golden aura radiated around him, and the most beautiful golden hair fell like silk around his broad shoulders. His features were strong and chiseled, and when I gazed into his dark brown eyes, a halo of gold encircled them. They seemed so familiar, but I knew I’d never seen him before.

  “Emma.” His voice was melodic and melted my anxiety.

  The closer he approached, the more I felt as if we were connected.

  “Are you God?” I exhaled. I figured I’d start at the top because he appeared nothing less than God-like.

  “No,” he chuckled, taking another step forward, leaving about four feet between us. “My name is Michael.”

  I gasped, clasping both hands over my mouth.

  “As in Michael the Archangel?” My heart hammered against my chest, my pulse was racing.

  He nodded and offered me his hand. As I placed mine in his, every ounce of sadness I’d felt inside instantly melted away.

  “You’ve been through so much pain and suffering, Emma, but you’ve shown so much strength. You should be proud of the young woman you’ve become.”

  A tear trickled down my cheek, not knowing how to respond. I hadn’t been strong. I’d been weak and feeble, barely holding myself together.

  “It seems you’ve been in possession of my dagger?” he questioned, with a grin and a tilt to his head.

  I nodded and found my voice.

  “Yes. Yes, I have it. Dominic gave it to me, and it saved me, many times.” I turned back to the dagger lying on my nightstand, now glowing just as brightly as Michael. I reached back and picked it up. It was warm and sent a buzz through my arm. I held it out and offered it to him. “Thank you so much for letting me have it for a while, Michael – Archangel… sir.” I felt like a complete idiot, not sure how I should address him.

  His face lit up and he laughed loudly, then reached out and took the dagger in his right hand. He held it out, and it magically hovered above his palm. I watched it slowly twist, then it floated back in front of me.

  Michael’s brow rose. “Peculiar. It seems my dagger would like to remain in your possession for the time being. Would you care to watch over it a while longer?”

  I was in shock, looking at the dagger magically floating in front of me.

  “Is that a yes?” he asked.

  “Yes. Yes, of course,” I sputtered, reaching forward and grasping it by its shaft. It tingled in my hand, and then the light went out. I carefully placed it back on the dresser. I was glad the dagger wouldn’t be leaving me for now. “This dagger has watched over me more than I have of it,” I smiled.

  “Yes, it has grown quite fond of you,” he acknowledged.

/>   I glanced up to him. “It has? How can you tell?”

  “Because we are connected, the dagger and I. It was a gift from the Creator. We were bonded by blood, which makes our connection even stronger. Magical.”

  “Blood? How?” I questioned. “Once the new blade touched my skin, it tasted my blood and took on my symbol, only revealing it to those it chooses.”

  I looked at the markings on its shaft, and traced it with my finger. “Wow,” I said under my breath.

  “Emma, this is why the dagger came to your aid. It is also connected to you.”

  Our eyes locked, and then he stepped forward and gently laid his hand on my shoulder.

  “I’ve been watching over you from the second you took your first breath, seeing to it that you have had everything you needed to survive.” He paused briefly and his smile widened. “I am the one who commissioned Kade to guard over you, and gave Dominic the dagger. And if you haven’t figured it out yet, the note in your closet was from me as well.”

  My eyes stung with tears, already feeling a realization of truth, anticipating it to be spoken.

  “Why?” I breathed, wanting to hear it from him.

  He stepped closer, eliminating the space between us.

  “Because I wanted my granddaughter to be safe.”

  I burst into tears, never expecting this day to come. I never thought I would get the chance to meet the one who created me and Alaine. It was like a dream, and he was standing in front of me.


  I broke down, then stood and stepped into his arms. Hot tears stung and spilled uncontrollably from my eyes.

  “My sweet, Emma. You were never alone. And you will never be.”

  I was overwhelmed and felt so secure, so safe within his arms.

  “There are a few more who would really like to meet you, but I need your permission before they can come.”

  “Who?” I asked.

  “Friends who have also been watching over you,” he added.

  “Yes, of course,” I nodded, wiping the tears from my eyes. “I’d like to meet them.”

  “Brother, come,” Michael spoke.