Page 33 of Into the Shadows

  The Confederated American States declare their independence from the UCAS.


  The Elves of the Pacific Northwest secede from NAN, declaring themselves the nation of Tir Tairngire (Land of Promise) and confiscating Indian land for themselves. Violent clashes between Indian and Elven tribes break out.

  California declares independence from UCAS and is immediately recognized by Japan. Japanese land troops to protect their interests.

  Texas secedes from the CAS and makes an unsuccessful attempt to seize portions of southwestern Texas ceded to the tribes, of Aztlan by the Treaty of Denver.

  In 2035, the Tsimshian tribal coalition withdraws from NAN.


  A small community of Awakened beings in rural Ohio is napalmed by Alamo 20,000, a terrorist group dedicated to destroying all Awakened beings. Over the next 15 years. Alamo 20,000 is linked to the deaths of a thousand metahumans and openly sympathetic human supporters.


  First simsense entertainment unit introduced.


  Night of Rage. Racial violence breaks out in major urban centers of North America. Thousands die, most of them metahumans and their supporters.


  EuroAir Flight 329, enroute from London to New York, is destroyed over the Atlantic, killing all passengers and crew. Though garbled, the last transmission seems to indicate that a dragon attacked the craft. Many believe the flight was sabotaged to retaliate for the Night of Rage.

  Policlubs, youth-oriented associations devoted to spreading various political or social philosophies, first appear in Europe. Each club hopes to recruit the masses to its own viewpoint and thus play a leading role in the European Restoration.


  Aztlan nationalizes all foreign-owned business. Semiopen war breaks out as some corporations fight to retain their holdings. Under cover of the fighting, Aztlan annexes most of what is left of Mexico except for the Yucatan, where Awakened forces halt all takeover attempts.


  The first simsense megahit. "Free Fall,' starring Honey Brighton, eventually sells 50 million copies.

  The policlub idea spreads to North America, but with violence in its wake. The Humanis Policlub, in particular, attracts a major following that cuts across economic, social, and political divisions. In a series of paid advertisements. Mothers of Metahumans (MOM) denounces Humanis as an army of the shadowy Alamo 20,000.


  The Governor of Seattle signs an exclusive trade deal with representatives of Tir Tairngire. Seattle, already a major cultural and economic center for the UCAS, NAN, and large segments of the Awakened, now takes on new importance as the only access to Elven goods and services.


  Now. The seventh generation cyberdeck is introduced, now down to keyboard-size.



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  Jordan Weisman, Into the Shadows



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