She vaguely remembered ripping at his belt to release him. She wasn’t sure if she finished the job or he did. His tongue was bold and demanding, plunging into her mouth and pulling her into an intimate dance she instinctively knew every step to.

  When his freed cock nudged against her stomach, it should have been too much, too fast, but it was the opposite. Her hands couldn’t get enough of him. She dug her fingers into the muscles of his back, found his hard, rounded ass, and reveled at the promise of power.

  He kissed his way down her neck to her breasts. He teased with an expertise that sent her over the edge. Although she could tell he was trying to take his time, she didn’t want him to. She was out of her mind and wanted him just as much as he wanted her. Wild. She sunk to her knees and took him deep into her mouth. He groaned and dug his hands into the hair on the back of her head.

  He was big, so big, and the taste of him was like coming home. She sucked him deeper, harder, until he roughly pulled her back to her feet.

  He opened a foil package and slid a condom on his large shaft before turning his attention back to her. His mouth found hers again, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He picked her up and slid her down his chest until her sex was just about at the tip of his cock. He raised and lowered her, sliding himself deeper within her folds until he was caressing her clit with his length.

  Willa wrapped her legs around his waist and opened herself wider to him. He shifted and plunged inside her with one powerful thrust that had her crying out in an animalistic way. He stepped forward until her back was against the wall of the foyer. This was no longer a gentle taking, it was a wild mating. He thrust up and into her powerfully while fucking her mouth with his tongue. She clung to him, greedy to take him deeper into her, to be filled by him.

  He adjusted her so she arched backward over his arm, and he suckled at her breast while continuing to pound into her. A fire, unlike any she’d ever felt, seared through her. She dug her nails into his shoulders and came with a cry. He didn’t break stride, but her pleasure drove him even more out of control. His hands bit into her and the power of his thrust was so good it almost hurt.

  She writhed against him, kissing every part of him she could reach with her mouth. The taste of him, the feel of him, was so much better than she’d imagined. She felt herself rising toward her second climax and this time told him.

  His pace increased, and she was back against the wall to be fucked like both of their lives depended on it, and in that moment it felt as if hers did.

  He came with a groan but kept moving deeply as she gave herself over to her second orgasm. Still joined, sweaty and shaking, they tried to catch their breath. He kissed her shoulder. “I’m sorry. I meant to—”

  “Shut up,” she growled, pulling his head up by his hair. “It was perfect.”

  As she realized how blunt she’d been, she blushed, but he caught her chin with one hand before she could turn away in embarrassment. “Yes, it was.” The kiss he gave her was every bit as passionate as what they’d just done.

  She felt him begin to harden inside her again.

  He groaned and pulled out. “I’ll be right back.” He whipped the condom off, and stepped away for a moment. When he returned she had barely moved.

  Still under his spell, she dropped to her knees again and took him back into her mouth. Never in her life had any man tasted as good or had going down on him felt so right. She took him as deep as possible, loving how hard he became.

  He sank to his knees and pushed her onto her back. The foyer carpet tickled her, but it was quickly forgotten as his tongue found and circled her clit. He took his time, exploring her, learning what drove her wild, then took her to a place she didn’t think was possible. By the time he donned another condom, she was a limp vessel awaiting his taking. He positioned himself above her and moved in and out of her slowly. They kissed on and on, in no rush this time, as he stroked her with his hands and his tongue.

  When he finally came, she was in a beautiful post-orgasm glow. He rolled her over so she was on top of him and ran his hands over her lovingly. “Shit, Willa.”

  She would have said something, but she was beyond speech. She cuddled next to him, closed her eyes, and simply enjoyed the feel of his arms around her and his shaft within her.

  Lance was shaken to the core. Until that moment, he thought he’d known all varieties that sex came in. It could be impatient, skillful, tender, or comfortable. He’d always made sure his partner was satisfied. Until Willa, sex had always been—civil.

  He felt like a man who’d thought ice cream only came in one bland flavor then discovered what he’d thought was delicious would never again be enough.

  And we haven’t even made it out of the foyer. He chuckled and groaned at the same time.

  Willa stirred against him. As if she could read his mind, she said, “So far I love the house.”

  He nuzzled her neck. “I hear there are other rooms. Even an indoor pool.”

  She moved sensuously against him. Every place their bodies touched was a warm reminder of the pleasure that had just rocketed through him. There was an easiness to being with her he’d never felt with another woman. He attributed it to the length of time he’d known her, but he knew it was more than that. There was a depth to sex with Willa, an emotional component that was almost terrifying. No matter what he might try to tell himself, he knew things would never be the same between them. There was no going back to pretending they didn’t have feelings for each other. No way to tell himself he’d be better off without her. He ran a hand slowly up and down her bare back. His stomach rumbled. “Why did I tell the staff we didn’t need them?”

  She tipped her head back and nodded at their entwined legs. “It may have had something to do with this.”

  He rolled her beneath him, resting on his elbows above her. “That might have been it.” He kissed her lips gently. “You are amazing, Willa.”

  She smiled up at him, surprisingly shy despite what they’d just shared. “You, too.”

  He knew he was grinning down at her like a dope. “I feel like I should get you off the floor.”

  She shifted beneath him like a cat stretching out in the sun. “Standing is overrated.”

  They kissed leisurely for a few long moments, then Lance eased off her. He went to the bathroom and cleaned himself off then wet a washcloth with warm water and brought it back to her. She was sitting up already so he offered her a hand. When she was standing before him he ran the warm washcloth intimately over her. She accepted his attention timidly for a moment, then relaxed and enjoyed being pampered.

  She was a complicated woman, a mix of sweet and spicy. Which he was discovering as his favorite flavor. He took a step away, tossed the washcloth through the door of the bathroom and returned to her side.

  For a moment, things felt awkward, but then he said, “I have an idea. Let’s order pizza and go swimming while we wait for it to arrive.”

  “That sounds perfect.” She tipped her head to the side. “Pizza, huh?”

  He looked around for his phone. “I’m hungry. It’s easy, and who doesn’t love pizza?”

  She went up on her tiptoes and kissed him. “I like this side of you.”

  He smiled against her lips and grabbed her bare ass playfully. “I’m equally impressed with all of your sides, but I’ll need to explore them more before I can say which is my favorite.”

  She slapped his hand, but she was laughing. “Order the food. I’m starving.”

  “Will we still have to tip him if he sees us naked?” He wasn’t serious, but he loved hearing her laugh almost as much as he loved hearing her cry out in orgasm. He doubted he’d ever tire of hearing either.

  With laughter shining in her eyes, she said, “You try it first, tough guy, and if you don’t get arrested I’ll go next.”

  He searched his phone for a local place, called in a quick order for a vegetarian pizza, which he knew was her favorite, then tossed his phone back on his pants. ?
??I have a better idea. Last one to the pool answers the door.” He took off in a run but came to sliding halt when he heard her call after him.

  “You’re not even going the right way.” She sped off down a long hallway and he followed after her. He didn’t even try to win. The view of her gorgeous naked ass and the triumphant smile she shot over her bare shoulder made it worth losing.

  So worth losing.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Early the next day, Willa woke to the bright morning sun streaming into the beach house master suite’s large windows. It took a moment for her to realize where she was and that the arm flung across her waist belonged to a man she’d loved, then hated, and now didn’t know what she felt.

  She slid out from beneath his arm, pulled on shorts and a T-shirt, and located her phone. She closed the curtains, darkening the room for Lance, and stepped out of the bedroom in search of tea. A few moments later she was seated outside on the porch with her feet pulled up in front of her. The peaceful location soothed her and added to the relaxed state great sex had already provided.

  She wondered briefly if she should call Dax and apologize for taking a day off during her second week of work. It wasn’t something she was proud of. It was completely irresponsible and the opposite of how she’d lived her life.

  She was the one who held back, worried, and planned every step carefully.

  Except for one other time, which had also involved the man asleep inside. What would Lexi say if she knew where I was? She’d sent her sister a vague text about going out of town overnight, but she hadn’t told her with whom or where.

  Because I don’t trust her not to ruin this for me? We’re not eighteen anymore; we have to be beyond that by now. And if we’re not, we need to find a way back to how we were before. What did she say? It used to be us against the world? I don’t need a partner in battle anymore, I need a sister.

  Crying the day before had been cleansing. I’ve kept my anger locked in a little box inside for so long because I’ve been too afraid to face it, but we’re not children any more. With age comes the realization that talks don’t have to become fights. There doesn’t have to be a winner or loser. All I want is to be close with Lexi again. I should be able to call her this morning and share this part of my life with her.

  I don’t know how to do that, but I have a feeling it starts with letting go of the past.

  Lexi had said she’d felt badly about messing things up between Lance and her. She’d said, “I guess I thought that if my pretending to be you didn’t work, then maybe you pretending to be me would.” There was no denying that the flash mob scenario had somehow jump-started a second chance with Lance.

  I wouldn’t be here with Lance if Lexi hadn’t given me a push toward him.

  Willa sent an impulsive text to Lexi. Can we do dinner this week? I miss you.

  A text message came back a moment later. Miss you, too. When do you get back?


  I’ll cook. Lexi’s version of an olive branch. Of course, since she was an awful cook, it was also amusing.

  Normally Willa would have suggested that they order something delivered, but she wanted a fresh start with her sister as well. That sounds wonderful. She almost placed the phone down, but instead texted, I’m at the Cape with Lance.

  How is it going?


  We’ll talk when you get home. Stop texting and go jump the man.

  Willa laughed. Classic Lexi. Feeling suddenly carefree, Willa wrote, I would if I could still walk.

  “So this is where you went,” Lance said from behind her. He bent, pushed her hair to one side and gave the back of her neck a kiss.

  Willa glanced back at him. He had a pair of shorts on, but his chest was bare and his hair was delightfully still mussed from bed. “I woke up early but thought you’d want to sleep in.” She placed her phone face down on the arm of the Adirondack chair.

  He pulled up a chair beside hers and sank into it. “I’m an early riser, but I would have stayed in bed if you were still there.” He said it as a simple fact that also just happened to be sexy and sweet at the same time. “We technically have this place until tomorrow morning, but I thought it would be easier if we went back tonight. What would you like to do today?”

  Her first response was a suggestive smile which brought a twinkle to his eyes. “Oh, you mean outside of the house?”

  She loved his easy chuckle. Then his expression turned serious. “What’s your idea of a perfect day at the Cape?”

  It felt like the most natural thing in the world when he laced his hand with hers. “I’d like to see the area, but I’ve always loved quiet places like this. Lexi has our parents’ adventurous gene. I’m also happy with a hammock and a good book.”

  “What do you like to read?”

  A week ago she would have tried to think of an impressive title. She no longer felt the need to. The most amazing part of being with Lance was that he seemed to like her just the way she was. “Everything from romances to autobiographies. I’m a bit of a history junkie. If I see something in a movie or hear about it in a book I love to go back and research it.”

  He looked at her warmly. “E-book or paperback?”

  “E-book unless I read it more than once. Then I want it in paperback so I can own it. I have a small library of signed books from my favorite authors. I started collecting them when I was in college. Right now they’re boxed in a corner of my room, but one day I’d like to have a spare room I could make into a reading room with a library.” Willa stopped when she felt like she’d started rambling.

  “What would your dream library look like?”

  She’d dreamed of one since she was a child, so this was easy to answer. She described the dark wood, the ladder on wheels, even the comfortable furniture and the fireplace she’d cuddle up in front of. It wasn’t the first time she’d shared her fantasy library, but when her eyes met Lance’s she felt strange about sharing it with him. He was watching her intently. Suddenly self-conscious she shrugged. “Sorry to go on and on.”

  “I’d love to design that library for you,” he said abruptly.

  Unsure of how to respond, Willa made light of his comment. “If I ever get a place big enough to have a library, I’ll call you.”

  His hand tightened on hers. “I could buy you a house.”

  Willa pressed her lips together and held in her first answer. He thought he was being generous. He wouldn’t understand how that kind of comment could put an ugly spin on their time together. She and Lexi had been friends with Kenzi for well over a decade and had never taken a dime from her. I thought he knew me better than that.

  He stood, then used their linked hands to pull her to stand before him. “Say it, Willa.”

  She raised her eyes to his. “What?”

  “I’ve sat back for years while you silently shot daggers at me with your eyes, and I always told myself it was better left alone. We’re beyond that. If you’re upset about something, say it.”

  If you’re sure . . . “I’m offended. Just because I don’t have much money doesn’t mean I’m looking for a handout. I have a perfectly good life. Everyone dreams of having something special, but offering me a house made it sound like you thought I was your . . . it made me feel . . .”

  He pulled her to his chest and hugged her. “I’m sorry.”

  Willa tipped her head back. She’d expected him to defend himself or to try to convince her that she was being too sensitive. Her irritation and self-consciousness fell away. Was it that simple? With Lance it felt as if it could be. “Apology accepted. I just didn’t want you to think—”

  “I don’t.” He took her face between his hands and kissed her tenderly. “What do you say to venturing out to find breakfast somewhere? We could walk around until it gets hot, come back and lounge in a hammock in the shade. I’m halfway through a mystery book.”

  She looked around. “Are there hammocks here? I didn’t see any.”

  His smile was
confident without being cocky. “There will be a large one by the time we get back.”

  And that’s the difference between you and me, Lance. You expect everything to work out the way you want it to because that’s the way it always has for you.

  That’s not my experience.

  Life can quickly get ugly, and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it.

  “But first we should shower,” Lance said, then swung her up and over his shoulder. “You’re coming with me, woman.”

  Hanging upside down, Willa pushed her panic attack aside and laughed. “Seriously? Like a sack of potatoes?”

  He gave her a playful swat on the rump and said, “More like a bounty I’m claiming. Let a man have his fantasy.”

  Completely amused and more than a little turned on, Willa jokingly flailed against his back. “Oh, you big brute, put me down.”

  “Never,” he growled as he carried her back into the house and started toward the bedroom with her. “You’re mine.”

  Yes. Even though she knew he wasn’t serious, Willa’s stomach did a crazy flip. I am. I always have been.

  He stopped just long enough to grab the strip of condoms from beside the bed. Once in the master bath, he lowered her to her feet and began to strip her. All jokes had fallen to the wayside along with coherent thought. It was only them and their need for each other. She helped him out of his shorts, lovingly encircling his huge, hard shaft with her hand. They stepped into the shower together but completely neglected to turn on the water. Just like everything else, it simply wasn’t as important as how much they enjoyed each other.

  He slammed her back against the glass wall of the shower, held her hands on either side of her head, and kissed her mouth, her neck, her breasts until she thought she’d come from that alone.

  A little voice in her head warned that she needed to be careful, but she ignored it. The only fear she had at that moment was that he might stop kissing her. She was pretty sure she’d die if he did.

  Hours later, in bathing suits, Lance and Willa were side by side in the large hammock he’d had installed beneath the shade of a few trees in the area of the yard that overlooked the beach below. It was close enough to provide a breeze off the water, but private enough that it felt as if they were alone on their own island.