17. The Separation of the High Ki

  For nearly a week Prince Marvel and Nerle remained confined to thepalace and gardens of the High Ki. Together with the twin Ki, whoseemed to be friendly to them, they occupied one of the twin palaces,while the Ki-Ki secluded themselves in the other.

  The pretty High Ki maidens they did not see at all, nor did they knowwhat part of the palaces they occupied, not being permitted to wanderaway from the rooms allotted to them, except to walk in the garden.There was no way for them to escape, had they felt inclined to, for thesilver steps had disappeared.

  From the garden walks they sometimes caught sight of the solemn headsof the handsome Ki-Ki looking at them through the twin windows of theother palace, and although the expression of their faces was alwaysmild and gentle, Nerle and Marvel well knew the Ki-Ki were only waitingin the hope of having them killed.

  "Are you nervous about the decision of the pretty High Ki?" asked Nerleone day.

  "No, indeed," said the prince, laughing; "for I do not expect them tokill me, in any event."

  "If I felt as sure of my safety," returned the boy, "it would destroyall my pleasure. These are really happy days for me. Every moment Iexpect to see the executioner arrive with his ax."

  "The executioner is double," said the two old Ki, breaking into theconversation. "You should say you expect to see the executionersarrive with their axes."

  "Then how will they cut off my head with two axes? For I suppose theywill both chop at the same time, and I have but one neck."

  "Wait and see," answered the two Ki, sighing deeply and rubbing theirred noses thoughtfully.

  "Oh, I'll wait," answered the boy; "but as for seeing them cut off myhead, I refuse; for I intend to shut my eyes."

  So they sat in their rooms or walked in the gardens, yawning andwaiting, until one day, just as the two clocks on the wall werestriking twenty-four o'clock, the door opened and to their surprise oneof the High Ki twins walked in upon them.

  She was as sweet and fair to look upon as when she occupied one of thebeautiful thrones, but at first no one could tell which of the High Kishe was--their friend or their enemy. Even the Ki were puzzled andanxious, until the girl said:

  "My other half and I have completely separated, for we have agreed todisagree for all time. And she has gone to ask the Ki-Ki to assisther, for war is declared between us. And hereafter her color is to bethe green and mine the yellow, and we intend to fight until one of usconquers and overthrows the other."

  This announcement was interesting to Marvel and Nerle, but greatlyshocked the aged Ki, who asked:

  "What is to become of our kingdom? Half of a High Ki can not rule it.It is against the law."

  "I will make my own laws when I have won the fight," returned the girl,with a lovely smile; "so do not let that bother you. And now tell me,will you help me to fight my battles?"

  "Willingly!" exclaimed Nerle and Prince Marvel, almost as if they hadbeen twins of Twi. And the Ki rubbed their bald heads a moment, andthen sneezed together and wiped their eyes on faded yellowhandkerchiefs, and finally declared they would "stick to her SupremeHighness through thick and thin!"

  "Then go over the wall to the cities, at once, and get together all thesoldiers to fight for me and my cause," commanded the girl.

  The twin Ki at once left the room, and the High Ki sat down and beganto ask questions of Prince Marvel and Nerle about the big outside worldfrom whence they came. Nerle was rather shy and bashful before thedainty little maiden, whose yellow robe contrasted delightfully withher pink cheeks and blue eyes and brown flowing locks; but PrinceMarvel did not mind girls at all, so he talked with her freely, and shein return allowed him to examine the pretty gold crown she wore uponher brow.

  By and by the Ki came back with both faces sad and gloomy.

  "Your Highness," they announced, "we have bad news for you. The otherHigh Ki, who is wearing a green gown, has been more prompt in actionthan yourself. She and the Ki-Ki have secured the silver steps andwill allow no others to use them; and already they have sent for thesoldiers of the royal armies to come and aid them. So we are unable toleave the garden, and presently the army will be here to destroy us."

  Then the girl showed her good courage; for she laughed and said:

  "Then we must remain here and fight to the last; and if I am unable tosave you, who are my friends, it will be because I can not save myself."

  This speech pleased Prince Marvel greatly. He kissed the little maid'shand respectfully and said:

  "Fear nothing, your Highness. My friend and I are not so helpless asyou think. We consider it our privilege to protect and save you,instead of your saving us; and we are really able to do this in spiteof the other High Ki and her entire army."

  So they remained quietly in the palace the rest of that day, and no onemolested them in the least. In the evening the girl played and sangfor them, and the ancient pair of Ki danced a double-shuffle for theiramusement that nearly convulsed them with laughter. For one dancedexactly like the other, and the old men's legs were still very nimble,although their wrinkled faces remained anxiously grave throughout theirantics. Nerle also sang a song about the King of Thieves whom PrinceMarvel had conquered, and another about the Red Rogue of Dawna, so thataltogether the evening passed pleasantly enough, and they managed toforget all their uneasy doubts of the morrow.

  When at last they separated for the night, Prince Marvel alone did notseek his bed; there was still some business he wished to transact. Sohe shut himself up in his room and summoned before him, by means of hisfairy knowledge, the Prince of the Knooks, the King of the Ryls and theGovernor of the Goblins. These were all three his especial friends,and he soon told them the story of the quarrel and separation of thetwin High Ki, and claimed their assistance. Then he told them how theymight aid him, and afterward dismissed them. Having thus accomplishedhis task, the fairy prince went to bed and slept peacefully theremainder of the night.

  The next morning the blond Ki-Ki and all the army of Twi, which hadbeen won to their cause, came climbing up the silver steps and over thewall to the palace of the green High Ki; but what was their amazementto find the twin palaces separated by a wall so high that no laddersnor steps they possessed could reach to the top! It had been built ina single night, and only Prince Marvel and his fairy friends knew howthe work had been done so quickly.

  The yellow High Ki, coming downstairs to breakfast with her friends,found herself securely shut in from her enemies, and the bald-headedold Ki were so pleased to escape that they danced another jig from purejoy.

  Over the wall could be heard the shouts and threats of the army of Twi,who were seeking a way to get at the fugitives; but for the present ourfriends knew themselves to be perfectly safe, and they could afford tolaugh at the fury of the entire population of Twi.