Chapter Three: Tuck and Dana

  Chapter Four: The Story According to Patty

  Chapter Five: Sandy’s Story – August, 1980

  Chapter Six: Tuck and Dana

  Chapter Seven: Sandy’s Story – August, 1980

  Chapter Eight: The Day Tour

  Chapter Nine: Sandy’s Story – August, 1980

  Chapter Ten: The Day Tour II

  Chapter Eleven: Sandy’s Story – August, 1980

  Chapter Twelve: The Day Tour III

  Chapter Thirteen: The Snack Stand

  Chapter Fourteen: Sandy’s Story – August, 1980

  Chapter Fifteen: A Visit from Clyde

  Chapter Sixteen: Sandy’s Story – August, 1980

  Chapter Seventeen: No-Shows

  Chapter Eighteen: The Search

  Chapter Nineteen: In Hot Water

  Chapter Twenty: The Lurker

  Chapter Twenty-One: Eve

  Chapter Twenty-Two: Ice

  Chapter Twenty-Three: Heat

  Chapter Twenty-Four: Friday Morning

  Chapter Twenty-Five: Sandy’s Story – July, 1992

  Chapter Twenty-Six: Staff Encounters

  Chapter Twenty-Seven: Sandy’s Story – July, 1992

  Chapter Twenty-Eight: Owen Tries Again

  Chapter Twenty-Nine: Sandy’s Story – July, 1992

  Chapter Thirty: Picture Perfect

  Chapter Thirty-One: Sandy’s Story – July, 1992

  Chapter Thirty-Two: Lunch Trouble

  Chapter Thirty-Three: Sandy’s Story – July, 1992

  Chapter Thirty-Four: Big John

  Chapter Thirty-Five: Warren’s Place

  Chapter Thirty-Six: Sandy’s Story – July, 1992

  Chapter Thirty-Seven: Secrets

  Chapter Thirty-Eight: Sandy’s Story – July, 1992

  Chapter Thirty-Nine: Flying Fists

  Chapter Forty: The Ride Home

  Chapter Forty-One: Spies

  Chapter Forty-Two: Pool Party

  Chapter Forty-Three: Here They Come

  Chapter Forty-Four: Sandy’s Story – June, 1997

  Chapter Forty-Five: Rude Awakening

  Chapter Forty-Six: Owen’s Bad Night

  Chapter Forty-Seven: Saturday Gets Under Way

  Chapter Forty-Eight: A Ticket to Die for

  Chapter Forty-Nine: Tickets and Badges

  Chapter Fifty: Picnic

  Chapter Fifty-One: Final Warning

  Chapter Fifty-Two: The Haunted Palace

  Chapter Fifty-Three: ‘Let’s Book!’

  Chapter Fifty-Four: Warnings

  Chapter Fifty-Five: The Strangeness of Beasts

  Chapter Fifty-Six: The Cellar

  Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Rescue

  Chapter Fifty-Eight: The Attack

  Chapter Fifty-Nine: Sandy’s Story – June, 1997

  Chapter Sixty: A Fight to the Death

  Chapter Sixty-One: Sunday Morning

  Chapter Sixty-Two: Sunday Night

  Chapter Sixty-Three: Dream Kiss

  Chapter Sixty-Four: Dana

  Horrific events have made the Beast House infamous. For the full story, take the Midnight Tour. Saturday nights only. Limited to thirteen tourists. It begins on the stroke of midnight . . . and you’ll be lucky to get out alive.

  This book is dedicated to

  Ed Gorman

  writer, publisher and friend

  Ed, they don’t make them

  any better than you

  Chapter One

  Sandy’s Story – August, 1980

  ‘Ow!’ Sandy said. ‘Watch it with those teeth, buster. There. There, that’s better. Little monkey. Are you my little monkey? Huh, are you?’

  Through the open window behind her, she suddenly heard footfalls crunching the forest mat of pine needles and twigs near her trailer home.

  Fear knocked her breath out.

  Eric stopped sucking, as if he sensed her alarm. He let go of her nipple, tipped back his head and looked up at her face.

  ‘It’s all right,’ she whispered.

  Eric made a tiny whimper of concern.

  ‘Shhhh.’ Turning her head, Sandy looked over her shoulder. The curtains behind her were shut. She kept them that way most of the time, even though her trailer was hidden away in a clearing and strangers rarely stumbled upon it.

  You just never knew.

  Watching the curtains, she could see the gloom of dusk through the thin yellow fabric. But she saw no movement, no trace of the intruder.

  At least he can’t see us, either.

  She wondered how she knew it was a man.

  Maybe because of the heavy, sure sound of the footsteps.

  He had already walked past the area directly behind her window. He kept going, and the crunching sounds faded a little.

  Maybe he’s leaving.

  More likely, though, he was circling the trailer – heading for the side with the door.

  Just go away! Whoever you are, get out of here!

  For a few seconds, she couldn’t hear him walking anymore.

  Eric took her nipple into his mouth and resumed sucking.

  Then the intruder climbed the stairs. The wood creaked and groaned.

  Sandy turned her head and gazed at the door. It was directly across the narrow room from where she sat. It had no window.

  Did I lock it?

  I always lock it.

  But did I?

  She’d been awfully upset when she came in – hardly able to think straight.

  I must’ve locked it.

  No sound came from the other side of the door.

  Sandy heard her heart pounding hard. And she heard the quiet suck and slurp of Eric at her breast.

  The intruder knocked on the door.

  Sandy flinched and Eric nipped her.

  ‘Who is it?’

  ‘Marlon Slade.’ The voice was rich and deep like Darth Vader. ‘We met this morning.’

  ‘I know that.’

  ‘I’d like to speak with you for a moment, Miss Blume.’

  ‘What about?’

  ‘May I please come in?’

  ‘I don’t think so. My dad’ll be getting home from work any minute. He doesn’t like me to have company when he isn’t here.’

  ‘Miss Blume, the mosquitoes are eating me alive. Please let me in.’

  ‘Can’t. I can hear you just fine through the door.’

  The knob rattled. The sound sent a cold wash of panic through Sandy. ‘Hey!’ she shouted, springing to her feet. ‘Don’t do that!’

  The door stayed shut.

  She had locked it.

  ‘I’d rather not discuss this through a door.’

  ‘There’s nothing to discuss.’

  ‘If you don’t think so, I’ll wait out here and speak with your father. I’m sure he’ll be interested in the offer, even if you’re not.’

  Standing in the middle of the room with Eric clutched in her arms, she shook her head and said, ‘I told you I don’t want to be in your movie.’

  ‘Of course you want to be in it. Now, please be a dear and open the door.’

  ‘No, thank you.’

  Something thumped hard against it, making it jump.

  Making Sandy jump.

  Eric turned his head to look at the door.

  ‘Stop that!’ Sandy shouted.


  But no sound of retreat. Marlon Slade was still standing on the top stair in front of her door.

  ‘We can talk about it tomorrow,’ Sandy suggested. ‘I’ll come down to town, and . . .’

  ‘No,’ he said, just as if he knew she was lying. ‘Let’s talk about it now. I came all the way up from the road to this godforsaken . . . trailer. I will not go all the way down until we’ve spoken face to face about the situation.’

  ‘There isn’t any situation.’

  ‘You’re refusing to be in my film. I do not accept your refusal. That, young lady, is a situation. I’d like to discuss it with you face to
face, like civilized people. Please! The mosquitoes are horrendous out here!’

  ‘Then go away. It’s simple.’

  ‘I tell you what. I’ll give you a hundred dollars if you let me in. Cash. You get it whether or not you agree to be in The Horror. How does that sound?’

  ‘I don’t need your money. I do all right.’

  ‘I’m surprised Miss Kutch pays you anything.’

  ‘I get generous tips.’

  ‘I’m sure you do. You’re a very beautiful young lady.’

  Scowling at the door, she said, ‘I’m a good guide.’

  ‘Five hundred. I’ll give you five hundred dollars in cash if you let me in.’

  That was a lot of money, too much to turn down without a very good reason. If all she had to do was let him in and listen to his offer . . .

  What’ve I got to lose?

  ‘Okay. Just wait a minute. I’ll be right back.’

  She hurried up the hall to Eric’s small bedroom. Leaning over the bars of his crib, she eased him onto the mattress. Then she lowered the lid, fastened the hasp and padlocked it.

  ‘Now keep still, honey,’ she whispered.

  On her way out, she slid the door shut.

  ‘I’ll be right there,’ she called. She rushed into her own room.

  The tan shorts and shirt of her guide uniform still lay rumpled on her bed where she’d thrown them. Her underwear and socks had already gone into the clothes hamper, but she hadn’t figured out what to do about her uniform – there would be no more tours of Beast House for weeks, maybe not for a couple of months – so she’d left her uniform on the bed.

  She grabbed the shorts, hopped into them, pulled them up, and fastened them. The moment her belt was buckled, she snatched her shirt off the bed and raced down the hall. As she hurried along, she worked her arms into the sleeves. When she reached the door, she turned her back to it and scanned the room while she fastened her shirt buttons.

  Except for the rumpled old towel on the sofa, there was no evidence of the baby.

  There was evidence of Sandy’s father, though: an ashtray on the lamp table; an open pack of Camel cigarettes; copies of Field and Stream magazine, The American Rifleman and Hustler scattered about; and a nearly full bottle of Jim Beam bourbon on the kitchen counter. They were all positioned in plain sight.

  Sandy fastened her last button, then tossed the towel behind the sofa.

  She scanned the area once more.

  That’ll do it.

  She went to the door, unlocked it, and swung it open. Marlon Slade started to enter. She blocked his way. ‘That’ll be five hundred bucks,’ she said, putting out her hand.

  ‘Ah, yes. It nearly slipped my mind.’ Smiling but looking miffed, he dug into the back pocket of his slacks. They were the same tan color as Sandy’s uniform, and their legs were tucked into the tops of black leather riding boots. Marlon’s shirt was black silk. Around his neck, he wore a green ascot. Sandy supposed he was trying to look the way he thought a film director ought to look.

  To her, he seemed like a pudgy kid playing dress-up.

  He brought out his wallet and opened it. The bill compartment was fat with money.

  ‘You’re loaded,’ Sandy said.

  ‘I’ll be considerably less loaded after I’ve paid the extortion.’

  ‘It was your idea,’ she reminded him.

  He counted out hundreds and fifties into her waiting hand.

  When she had the promised amount, she said, ‘Thank you,’ and stepped away from the door. Marlon entered. He shut the door.

  Sandy folded the money. As she stuffed it into a pocket of her shorts, she saw that she’d buttoned her shirt crooked.

  She met Marlon’s eyes. He’d noticed, too.

  ‘I had to put it on in a hurry,’ she muttered, blushing.

  He grinned. ‘Sorry if I came at a bad time.’

  ‘It’s all right.’ She almost told him that she’d just finished taking a shower. But she stopped herself in time. Better to leave him wondering than to get caught in a lie.

  ‘Could I get you a drink?’ she asked.

  ‘That would be spiffy.’


  ‘My dad drinks bourbon,’ she said, and nodded toward the bottle.

  ‘Perfect. I’ll have mine straight up.’ He eased himself down on the sofa.

  On her way to the counter, Sandy smiled over her shoulder and asked, ‘Are you old enough to drink? I wouldn’t want to corrupt you.’

  He chortled. ‘I’m older than I look.’

  ‘That’s good, because you look like you’re ten.’

  ‘Aren’t we amusing?’

  ‘Yep.’ She took down a jelly glass and poured bourbon into it. Then she picked up the glass and started toward him.

  ‘Won’t you be joining me?’ he asked.

  ‘I’m a minor.’

  ‘At the very least. How old are you?’

  ‘A lady never tells her age.’

  ‘Fourteen, fifteen?’

  ‘I’m older than I look.’

  ‘Is that so?’

  ‘Sure is.’

  ‘I’m twenty-four,’ Marlon said.


  ‘And how old are you?’

  ‘None of your business.’ She handed the glass to him, then stepped back, crossed her arms and shifted her weight so she was standing mainly on her left leg with her hip shoved out.

  Marlon took a sip of his drink, then sighed and said, ‘Sit down. Please.’ He patted the sofa cushion beside him.

  ‘I’m okay right here.’

  ‘Suit yourself.’

  ‘How did you find my place?’ she asked.

  His eyes dipped, sneaking a look at her chest, then hurried up to her face. ‘Agnes Kutch gave me directions,’ he said.

  ‘Is that so?’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘She wouldn’t do that. She doesn’t tell anyone.’

  ‘She told me.’

  ‘No, she didn’t. And nobody else knows where I live. What did you do, follow me?’

  ‘Of course not. I was otherwise occupied at the time you ran off.’

  She scowled at him. ‘You had someone else follow me?’

  He tried to look innocent, but the answer showed on his face.

  ‘Well,’ Sandy said, ‘that stinks.’

  ‘I needed to know where to find you.’

  ‘Who did you sic on me?’

  ‘One of my assistants.’


  ‘It doesn’t matter.’

  ‘It sure does! He’ll blab it around and pretty soon everybody will be coming up here.’

  ‘She won’t blab. I promise you that. You have my word of honor.’

  ‘Oh, well . . . Your word of honor. Whoop-de-doo.’

  ‘My word is gold.’

  ‘Sure.’ Keeping her arms crossed, she shifted her weight to her other foot. ‘This is just dandy. Just peachy.’

  ‘I want you in my film, Margaret.’

  ‘I already turned you down. Didn’t you believe me? You had to send a spy after me?’

  ‘I want you as my Janice.’


  ‘I want you to play Janice Crogan.’

  ‘That’s ridiculous.’

  ‘Not at all.’

  ‘You’re kidding, right?’

  ‘I never kid about such things.’

  ‘I thought you wanted me as a . . . an extra, or something.’

  ‘I want you as my lead. I would’ve explained that to you this morning if you hadn’t been so quick to run off.’

  ‘But what about . . . whoever she is? The one you hired to play Janice.’

  He took another sip of bourbon. ‘Tricia Talbot. She threw in the towel.’


  ‘Quit. Last night.’

  Sandy found herself smiling. ‘You’re kidding. Why’d she quit?’

  ‘We had . . . creative differences.’

  ‘What do you mean?’
br />   ‘She wanted to do things her way, not mine. I refused to give in, so she walked.’ He grinned. ‘Not only did she walk, but she drove. She packed up and hightailed it back to San Francisco last night, leaving us sans a Janice. And we start filming tomorrow. I need you tomorrow, bright and early.’

  ‘Can’t you just make a phone call, or something, and get yourself a real actress?’

  ‘Why would I want to do that, when you’re here?’

  ‘I’m not going to be in your movie, that’s why.’

  ‘You must be.’

  ‘No, I mustn’t.’

  ‘You’ll be perfect. You’ll be Janice Crogan.’

  ‘Why don’t you get Janice? She’s right here in town.’

  ‘She won’t be in the movie.’

  ‘Well, that makes two of us.’

  ‘Twenty-five thousand dollars.’

  Sandy stared at him, shocked.

  ‘Twenty-five thousand?’ she asked, barely able to speak, her voice a whisper.

  ‘For just ten or twelve weeks of work.’

  She murmured, ‘Can’t.’

  ‘And why can’t you?’

  ‘Just can’t. I’m not an actress.’

  ‘You don’t need to be an actress. I’ll make you a star.’

  She smirked. ‘Oh, yeah. A star. Every day and twice on Sundays.’

  ‘You’ve got the look, Margaret.’

  ‘I don’t look much like Janice.’

  ‘There’s no reason why you should. We’ll color your hair, of course. You’ll be spectacular as a blonde.’

  ‘Think so?’

  ‘I know so.’

  She grinned.

  ‘And what’s that about?’ Marlon asked.

  She imagined herself saying, ‘I’ve got a little secret for you, buddy. Underneath this ugly brown dye job, I am a blonde.’

  That’d sure open a can of worms.

  ‘Is something amusing?’ he asked.

  ‘I wouldn’t want to turn into a dumb blonde.’

  ‘It would only be for the role.’

  ‘I don’t want the role.’

  ‘I think you do, Margaret. I know you do. Everybody wants to be a star. And you have what it takes.’

  ‘No, I don’t.’

  ‘The look.’


  Marlon took another sip of bourbon, then leaned sideways and set his glass on the lamp table. ‘Let me show you something,’ he said, getting to his feet. ‘Do you have a mirror?’

  ‘What kind of mirror?’

  ‘The largest you have.’

  ‘What do you want to do?’