Lynn suddenly leaned to the right, reached out fast and snatched something out of her folded towel.

  A revolver.

  A huge revolver that gleamed like silver.

  ‘Holy shit,’ John said.

  Waving the handgun, Lynn smiled up at the new arrival and said something.

  The new gal grinned and nodded. Her lips moved. She nodded some more.

  Lynn slipped the revolver back inside the folds of her towel. Then she stood up, turned around and climbed out of the spa.

  Owen stared at her back and buttocks and legs. They were ruddy from the heat of the water, shiny in the lights.

  After Lynn disappeared inside the house, the newcomer turned toward the pool. She seemed to be gazing across it, studying the long, thick row of shrubbery and small trees.

  Almost as if inspecting it.

  Does she know we’re here?

  No. She couldn’t.

  For a few moments, she seemed to be gazing straight at the place where Owen and John were kneeling.

  Owen didn’t move. He held his breath.

  Then the woman’s eyes moved on.

  John made a ‘Whew’ sound.

  Owen resumed breathing.

  On the other side of the pool, the gorgeous stranger started to unbutton her shirt.

  ‘Oh, man,’ John murmured.

  As the buttons came undone, Owen saw that she was wearing something red underneath her blue shirt. She pulled off the outer shirt. The red belonged to a T-shirt. It hugged her body, and so did the straps of a brown leather harness.

  The harness supported a shoulder holster.

  She pulled a dark pistol out of the holster, bent down and set it on top of Lynn’s towel. Then she stepped over to the patio table. She draped her blue shirt over the back of a chair, removed her holster rig and put it on the table. Next, she pulled out a chair and sat down and took off her boots.

  John nudged him. ‘She’s going in, man.’

  ‘Looks that way.’

  ‘Shit! Is this our lucky night, or what?’

  ‘You’re lucky you didn’t get shot.’

  ‘Fuck you.’

  Done removing her socks, the woman stood up. She unfastened her jeans, pulled them down and stepped out of them. Her red T-shirt reached down like a very short, tight skirt to the tops of her thighs. Owen wished he could see under its edge, but he couldn’t – not even when she crouched to pick up her jeans.

  Turning around, she bent over to drape her jeans on the chair.

  Owen saw her bare buttocks.

  His breath caught.

  With her back to the pool, she pulled up the T-shirt and drew it over her head.

  She was naked.

  She tossed her T-shirt onto the chair, then turned away from the table.

  Turned toward the spa.

  Toward the pool and Owen and John.

  Owen heard the click and buzz of John’s camera.

  The camera! Yes! He’s getting pictures of her!

  Take a million!

  Bless you, John Cromwell. And thank God for your telephoto lens.

  If only we had a camcorder!

  Owen gaped at the woman, astounded by his good luck, hardly able to believe that he was actually here, spying from the bushes on someone who was not only absolutely naked but more beautiful and exciting than anyone he’d ever seen or imagined.

  She had a soft, mellow tan all the way down her body. Every muscle looked sleek and strong. Her breasts, firm and round and heavy, were tipped with large, stiff nipples. Below her ribcage, her belly sloped in, flat and smooth. Twin hollows slanted downward from her hips, leading to a tuft of golden curls.

  As she walked toward the spa, Owen glimpsed a fleshy cleft below the curls. Flushed and aching, he quickly lifted his gaze to her breasts. He saw how they bounced and swayed.

  At the edge of the spa, she balanced on her left leg and dipped in her right foot. She took it out, dipped it in again, then shrugged and stepped all the way down, bending her left leg and holding out her arms like wings to steady herself. Owen again saw the split between her legs.

  John clicked photos.

  On the edge of losing control, Owen shut his eyes.

  Are you nuts! Look at her! Don’t miss this!

  If I look, I’ll come in my pants.

  So what?

  He opened his eyes and saw that she was already shoulder deep in the spa.

  Okay, he told himself. Fine. I’ll be all right, now.


  Out of the house’s back door stepped Lynn. She was carrying a bottle of red wine, two glasses, and a big blue towel.

  ‘How you doing, man?’ John whispered.


  ‘Is this the best, or what?’

  ‘It’s the best, all right.’

  Grinning, John gave his shoulder a squeeze. ‘Looks like they’re gonna have a party.’


  ‘I gotta reload.’

  ‘Hurry,’ Owen said. He watched Lynn fill the glasses with wine, climb down into the spa and hand a glass to the beautiful stranger.

  After Lynn sat down, they touched their glasses together.

  Owen imagined the musical tone of their rims clinking. He couldn’t hear it, though.

  He could hear the thumping of the heart inside him.

  He could hear the buzz of John’s film rewinding close to his right side.

  He could hear the wind in the trees behind him.

  He could hear the burble of the spa in front of him and the noise of the heater off around the corner of the house.

  As the wine glasses clinked together in silence, he also heard a single, phlegmy cough.

  It came from somewhere in the bushes to his left.

  ‘What was that?’ Owen whispered.

  ‘What was what?’

  ‘Didn’t you hear it? Like a cough? From over there?’


  Chapter Forty-Two

  Pool Party

  Dana hurried back to Warren’s car. ‘It’s okay,’ she said. ‘I think the visitor’s a friend.’

  ‘You don’t sound so sure.’

  ‘Didn’t see his face.’ At the driver’s window, Dana bent over and put her hands on the sill. ‘Who do you know with short blond hair?’


  Dana laughed. ‘Can’t be him. Whoever he is, Tuck’s drinking wine with him in the Jacuzzi.’

  ‘If they’re drinking in the Jacuzzi, he must be a friend.’

  ‘Yep. So I guess there’s nothing to worry about.’

  ‘Guess not.’

  Dana leaned in and kissed him softly on the mouth. ‘See ya,’ she whispered. Then she backed away, smiling and waving. ‘Don’t get in any accidents,’ she warned.

  Laughing, Warren started the car.

  As he turned it around, Dana thought about going to him, hopping in, saying, ‘Never mind. Tuck’s fine. Let’s go back to your place.’

  While she was still thinking about it, Warren drove away.

  She sighed, then went into the house.

  Feeling almost naked without her bra, she wasn’t especially eager to meet Tuck’s friend.

  Besides, maybe Tuck wouldn’t want any extra company.

  Maybe I’ll just go on upstairs . . .

  But who’s the guy? she wondered.

  I really should at least go out and say hello. Be rude not to. Anyway, Tuck needs to know I got home all right.

  She walked to the back door, eased it open, and stepped outside.

  The two in the spa were sitting side by side, holding wine glasses above the bubbly surface of the water. Though they had their backs to Dana, she could see a side of Tuck’s face. Tuck was laughing and talking. From where Dana stood, she could only see the back of the stranger’s head.

  On the patio table was a leather rig that looked like a shoulder holster.

  A blue shirt, a red T-shirt, and jeans were draped over a nearby chair.

  What’d th
is guy do, undress out here?

  The back of his head suddenly looked familiar.


  Dana laughed. ‘Hiya, guys!’ she called.

  They both looked around at her.

  ‘Hey there,’ Eve said, a warm smile spreading over her face.

  ‘Back already?’ Tuck asked. ‘How’d it go?’

  ‘Not bad.’

  ‘Eve just got here. Why don’t you join the party? Go get yourself a glass if you want. Or you can drink straight out of the bottle.’

  ‘I think I’ll pass on the wine,’ Dana said, stepping around to the side of the spa. ‘I’ve had some margaritas.’ At her feet were two folded towels. One had a pistol on top. ‘That must be yours,’ she said to Eve.

  ‘Yep.’ Eve took a sip of wine. Her shoulders, though out of the water, were shiny wet. Seeing no straps, Dana lowered her gaze. The spa was brightly lighted from the bottom. Through the shimmering water, she saw that Eve wore nothing at all. Her naked body seemed to ripple and sway with the currents.

  Giving Tuck a quick check, Dana glimpsed a skimpy leather outfit. She returned her attention to Eve, who was setting her glass on the ledge.

  ‘It’s my night off,’ Eve told her. ‘I just thought I’d stop by to see how you two were getting along. After last night, I was a little worried.’

  ‘She scared me shitless,’ Tuck said, grinning. ‘She just came walking around the corner and yelled at me.’

  ‘I had to yell or you wouldn’t have heard me.’

  ‘I must’ve jumped a mile.’

  ‘I couldn’t believe she was actually out here.’

  ‘Doesn’t surprise me,’ Dana said.

  ‘I was perfectly safe,’ Tuck said. ‘Brought the cannon.’

  ‘It’s inside the other towel,’ Eve explained. ‘She brandished it for my benefit.’

  ‘So you’re out here with two guns.’

  ‘We’re a regular NRA convention,’ Tuck said. ‘Go get yours and we’ll all be armed.’

  ‘I have it.’


  Smiling, Dana patted the side of her purse.

  ‘You’ve been carrying it?’ Tuck asked.

  ‘Won’t do me any good if I don’t have it.’

  ‘Bust her ass, Eve.’

  Eve laughed, shook her head, and took a drink of wine. ‘Arrest her for carrying my pistol? I don’t think so. Anyway, she should keep it with her.’

  ‘Some cop you are,’ Tuck said. Smiling up at Dana, she asked, ‘Are you gonna come in, or just stand there?’

  ‘You’d better come in,’ Eve said.

  ‘You look cold,’ Tuck said.

  ‘It is a little chilly out here.’

  ‘Nice and toasty in here,’ Tuck said. ‘Just strip and jump in. That’s what Eve did.’

  ‘Maybe I’d better go get my suit on.’

  ‘Don’t bother.’

  ‘Feels a lot better without,’ Eve told her.

  ‘I thought we weren’t supposed to give our prowler anything to see,’ Dana said. ‘We probably shouldn’t even be out here, much less stripping.’

  ‘You’re right about that,’ Eve said. ‘It isn’t exactly the smart thing to do. But since Lynn was already out here . . .’

  ‘It’s okay,’ Tuck interrupted. ‘Eve’s a cop and you’re a lifeguard. And now that you mention it . . . I guess I’ll avail myself of the optional clothing rule. Why not? If the Peeping Tom is here, he might as well get a good show.’ She set down her glass and reached behind her neck.

  ‘What the heck?’ Dana said. She moved away from the spa, kicked off her shoes, peeled off her socks, then pulled down her shorts and panties and stepped out of them. Her enormous white T-shirt hung down halfway to her knees.

  ‘That’ll make a good nightshirt,’ Tuck called.

  If I take it off, Dana thought, she’ll wonder what happened to my bra.

  Hell, she’s already noticed it’s gone. They both must’ve noticed the minute I showed up. They’re not blind.

  Tuck swung the bottom of her swimsuit out of the water and dropped it next to the wine bottle. ‘Yesss,’ she said. ‘Oh, that does feel good.’

  A cold breeze fluttered Dana’s T-shirt, slipped underneath it and raced up her body, making her shiver.

  Get this over with . . .

  She pulled the T-shirt off, let it fall, then stepped quickly over to the spa. She sat down on its ledge, lowered her feet into the churning hot water, then stood on the submerged tile of the bench and stepped down. The liquid heat raced up her legs and between them and wrapped her to the waist.

  ‘Uh!’ she grunted.

  ‘Great, huh?’ Tuck asked.

  ‘I’m . . . scorched.’

  ‘Pussy,’ Tuck said.

  Eve laughed.

  Dana waded over to the side and eased herself down onto the bench. She gasped when the hot water clutched her breasts. Then she sighed and slouched backward until it lapped her chin.

  ‘Nice?’ Eve asked.

  ‘Give me three minutes, I’ll be soft-boiled.’

  ‘I guess your date went well,’ Tuck said.

  ‘Pretty good.’

  ‘I’d say better than pretty good.’ From the grin on her face, Dana knew she was referring to the vanished bra.

  But Dana didn’t want to talk about it. Especially not in front of Eve. She liked Eve, but hardly knew her and didn’t want to speak about her feelings for Warren in front of her. For that matter, she wasn’t sure how much she wanted to tell Tuck. Better to hold it all inside, private and safe and special. Keep it her own, at least for a while.

  ‘I’d still be at his place,’ she said, ‘except I was afraid you’d decide to risk life and limb by doing something monumentally stupid. Which you, of course, did.’

  ‘Of course,’ said Tuck.

  ‘Pretty damn reckless,’ Eve agreed, shaking her head but smiling.

  ‘You’re both a couple of pussies,’ Tuck said. ‘Anyway, I was ready for any eventuality.’

  ‘Don’t go looking for trouble,’ Eve said, ‘just because you have a gun.’

  ‘You do.’

  ‘Trouble’s my job.’

  ‘You’re off duty tonight. But you came over looking for trouble, anyway.’

  ‘Just wanted to make sure you two didn’t get yourselves reamed by some bad-ass pervert, that’s all.’ She poured more wine into her glass, then into Tuck’s. ‘Didn’t expect any of this, though. This is very nice.’

  ‘Come over any time,’ Tuck said.

  ‘Thanks,’ Eve said, then offered the bottle to Dana. ‘Have some?’

  Dana shook her head. ‘No thanks.’

  Eve set the bottle aside, then took a sip from her glass. ‘I was planning to scout around the grounds, make sure your friend wasn’t lurking around.’ Lowering the glass slightly, she scanned the dense row of bushes and small trees beyond the far side of the pool. ‘Never exactly got around to doing that.’

  ‘Shame on you,’ Tuck said.

  ‘You distracted me with this stuff about the wine and Jacuzzi.’

  Dana suddenly found herself staring at the bushes.

  Especially at the dark space where Tuck had seen the prowler last night.

  ‘You’re not worrying, are you?’ Tuck asked her.

  ‘If nobody checked over there . . .’

  ‘So what if somebody is there?’ Tuck said. ‘We’re armed to the teeth. Anyone tries any shit with us, we’ll blow ’im to kingdom come.’

  ‘I should’ve checked,’ Eve said.

  ‘Don’t worry about it. Forget it.’

  ‘It’s the main reason I came over in the first place.’

  Eve stood up. She turned around and set her glass on the ledge.

  ‘Hey, don’t bother,’ Tuck said.

  ‘It’ll just take me a few minutes. Then we’ll know for sure that everything’s safe.’

  ‘We’re safe here. I don’t want you going over there. What if somebody is there?’

  ‘Then he??
?ll be in big trouble, won’t he?’ Eve stepped onto the submerged bench, then onto the ledge. Water spilling off her body and spattering the concrete, she hurried over to the towels. She squatted and snatched up her pistol.

  ‘Wait,’ Dana said. ‘Tuck’s right. You really shouldn’t go over there.’

  ‘Don’t worry about it. I’ll be right back.’

  ‘Maybe you won’t!’ Tuck said. ‘Come on, you’re gonna ruin the party.’

  Still squatting, Eve shifted the pistol to her left hand. She pushed her right hand into the folds of Tuck’s towel and pulled out the .44 magnum. ‘Mind if I borrow this?’

  ‘Yeah, I mind. Just stay here.’

  ‘If somebody is hiding over there,’ Eve said, ‘I think we should find out about it.’

  ‘Doesn’t mean you have to risk your ass.’

  The huge revolver in one hand, the black automatic in the other, Eve stood up. ‘This better be loaded.’

  ‘Damn it, Eve!’

  Eve smiled, said, ‘Take it easy,’ then started striding toward the end of the pool.

  Dana leaped up. ‘Wait!’ she called. ‘I’m coming, too.’

  ‘Me, too!’ Tuck shouted.

  Eve stopped and faced them. ‘No. Just . . .’

  They both sprang out of the spa.

  ‘All for one and one for all!’ Tuck yelled.

  ‘Jesus H. Christ,’ Eve said.

  Water dribbling off her body, Dana crouched over her purse, fumbled inside and pulled out the pistol that Eve had loaned her last night.

  As she rushed toward her two friends, she saw Eve hand the Smith & Wesson to Tuck.

  ‘Be careful with it,’ Eve said.

  ‘Don’t you want to deputize us?’ Tuck asked.

  ‘Where would I pin the badges?’

  ‘We don’t need no steenking badges.’

  Eve in the lead, Dana and Tuck side by side a few paces behind her, they walked the length of the swimming pool, turned the corner, and headed for the dark row of bushes.

  ‘If there is a Peeping Tom,’ Tuck said, ‘he’ll think he’s having a wet dream.’

  ‘Oh fuck,’ John muttered, ‘I’d love to get a shot of this.’

  ‘Don’t try it. We’ve gotta get out of here.’

  In Owen’s mind, John ignored him and lurched out of the bushes, onto the pool’s apron straight in front of the spectacular trio and raised the big-lensed camera for what might’ve been the greatest photo of his entire life – and they opened up on him, their guns roaring, fire flashing from their muzzles. Owen could see how the flashes threw stark light across their wet, naked bodies. And he could see how the slugs struck John, smacking holes in him, making him twirl and dance in slow motion until he fell on his back.