Page 11 of Smolder

Smiling widely, he nodded. “Glad you can finally admit it out loud.”

  “You’re incorrigible.”

  “So I’ve been told.” Just staring at his boyish grin made my insides melt. I could stare at him all day and never get sick of it.

  “How are those kids you rescued doing?”

  He smiled widely. “They’re doing great. I’ve been by to see them every day this week. Both of them seem to be handling it all okay. They were released this morning to go home.”

  “That’s wonderful news. Does the family have a place to stay?”

  “Right now they’re staying in a spare room with some family, while they try to get funds together to rent a new place. They’ve received a lot of financial support from the community and people wanting to help out, so that’s good. They lost everything they owned.”

  “They made it out with the most important stuff, though, thanks in large part to you.” I was so proud to know this man.

  “Thanks, in large part, to an entire fire department that works together like a well-oiled machine. I keep getting all the credit for these things, but the fact of the matter is I couldn’t have done what I did without the support of a great team of co-workers. They deserve just as much credit as I do.”

  “That may be, but it doesn’t dilute the fact that you were the one who rushed into the burning building.”

  “And Camden,” he replied, his voice darkening.

  “Who’s Camden?” I asked.

  “Exactly my point!” He waved a hand toward me. “Camden was right beside me, helping me break down the door to get into the bedroom and attacked the fire while I dragged the kids out from under the bed. Those kids and I wouldn’t have survived that fire if it hadn’t been for Camden. But no, the news sees one story and they run with it, elevating one person without giving any thought to all my other brave heroic peers.” He leaned forward, pointing a carrot at me as he continued speaking heatedly. “Do you have any idea how many people those men and women have helped? I’m the newbie of the department. Yet, I’m getting all the credit for their heroics. It takes all of us—every one of us—to make things work. Either everyone gets credit or no one.” Releasing a great breath, he settled back against the tree. “Sorry, didn’t mean to rant on like that. It just chaps me a bit.”

  “I understand better, now that you’ve explained it.” Taking a bite of my sandwich, my eyes never left him, watching as he stared out at the lake. “I’m glad Camden was with you,” I added after several long moments.

  “Me, too.” Staring at me, he lifted his water bottle to his lips, taking a long swallow before recapping it. “You want to know what I was thinking about while I was in there, Doc?”


  “You.” He didn’t move at all, simply continuing to stare at me.

  “Why me?” I asked, my pulse rate picking up.

  He shrugged. “Fires are dangerous; and while I’m always careful, I know accidents can happen. I wondered if you’d be sad if something happened to me, or if it really wouldn’t matter to you.”

  A knot tightened in my throat, but I didn’t look away from him, wanting him to see the honesty in my eyes. “If anything ever happened to you, I’d be devastated.”

  “Why?” His heated gaze was burning through mine.

  I faltered, not knowing how to put what I wanted to say into words without admitting things I wasn’t ready to admit to myself, let alone to him. He waited for my reply though, unspeaking as he studied me.

  “Because I want to know what this is, too.” I gestured between the two of us and he smiled.

  “I’m happy to hear that, Evie.”

  Smiling back, I was too, the words having lightened me somehow. I kept hoping he’d lean forward and kiss me, but he seemed to be holding true to his promise to go slow. Suddenly, that made me feel very sad and I realized I wanted him to kiss me. I didn’t want him to wait, but I was scared to make the first move.

  Glancing out at the lake, I gathered my courage to ask him some questions. “Do Dylan and Cami know what happened between us?”

  He nodded. “Well, I assume Cami does. Dylan tells her everything and I told Dylan about it.”

  “Because that’s not embarrassing at all.”

  “What’s embarrassing about it?” he asked, seeming genuine.

  “We had sex in their kitchen!”

  He laughed. “Trust me. It’s not the first time that kitchen as seen sex. Cami and Dylan are constantly going at it like rabbits. Besides, there was nothing embarrassing about it. It was fuckin’ hot, if you ask me. Of course, maybe I was the only one who felt the earth move.” His eyes narrowed as he studied me.

  “The earth didn’t move for me,” I replied honestly, and his expression immediately showed disappointment. “It shattered. Completely.” That was the total truth. My world had been broken apart and turned on its side at that moment in time.

  Russ looked relieved; and this time he moved closer, pushing the food out of the way. “I’d like to have the chance with you again.” He brushed several loose flying tendrils back behind my ear. “I’d like you to let me do it right—in a bed with a couple of days set apart for me to get very intimately acquainted with you and your body.”

  His words painted an image that set me on fire. “And what about time for me to get acquainted with you and your body?” I asked boldly.

  Grinning widely, he leaned in even closer. “You’re right. Sounds like we might need to escape for a week, then. We don’t want to rush these things.”

  “Yes, that would be a shame,” I agreed, shifting closer to him, my eyes trained on his lips and imagining how wonderful it would feel to have them brushing across my heated skin for days.

  “We’ll definitely have to plan for that—when you’re ready.” Placing a quick kiss against my hairline, he moved away, settling back against the tree.

  “Wait a minute. What just happened here?” I asked, blinking wide eyes at him.

  Winking, he smiled wider. “We’re taking it slow, remember? ‘Painfully slow’, if I correctly recall.”

  “That was pretty painful,” I said, slumping to my side and propping my head up on my hand, continuing to stare at him. “You like driving me crazy, don’t you?”

  “Most definitely. But there are some ways I prefer over others.”


  “Like anything that might end up with sex.” He lifted an eyebrow suggestively, his gaze traveling over me.

  I shrugged. “At least you’re honest.”

  He shook his head. “I’m not honest. If I were being honest, you’d already be on your back and I’d be hard at work driving you crazy.”

  His words sent heat shooting straight to my core. “You’d do me right here? In the middle of the park?”

  “And not even think twice about it,” he replied, staring hungrily at me.

  “What if someone saw us?” His words both frightened and excited me because I could tell he was totally serious.

  He shrugged. “They’d be really jealous, I guess.”

  I laughed. “You’re so . . . confident.”

  “Is there a reason I shouldn’t be?”

  “No,” I replied quickly, remembering the exact size of the confidence he was packing around. “You have every reason to be . . . confident.”

  Now he laughed. “And you tell me . . . exactly how much ‘confidence’ have you had experience with? Am I being measured against several guys, or just a few?”

  I snorted. “Several,” I replied, loving the way he seemed to get totally jealous about it.

  “Wow. Several.” He absently picked a few blades of grass out of the ground before looking up at me. “It doesn’t surprise me, really. You’re very beautiful. It’s only natural that lots of guys would want to be with you like that.”

  I totally giggled. “I didn’t say I’d slept with them. I just said I’d seen a lot.”

  Now he looked completely confused. “How do you see a lot if you aren’t sleeping with
them?” he asked.

  Sighing, I couldn’t stop grinning. “It was at a frat party my college roommate dragged me to. I shouldn’t have even been there since I was still underage at the time. Everyone was drunk—except me because I refused to drink—but it was a toga party. All the guys there decided to flash what was under their togas to all the girls present. Since you can imagine what might happen when a bunch of girls are staring at a certain part on a guy . . . let’s just say things were very . . . erect. And, since I was sober, I have the misfortune of remembering everything in pretty great detail.”

  Russ snorted, laughing. “I can’t even imagine you at a party like that.”

  “It wasn’t really my scene, but I did have a good time for the most part. I didn’t relax much when I was younger, always pushing myself to get done faster and be at the top of my class. I think I maybe went to three socials during all my years of school.”

  “So, you didn’t sleep with any of those guys that night?” Russ asked, obviously still stuck on that part of the conversation.

  Sighing, I shook my head. “No. I left shortly after that because the party turned into an—,”

  “Orgie?” he supplied and I laughed and nodded.

  “Yeah, I didn’t need to see all that.” Dropping my gaze, I rubbed my hand lightly over the blanket. “Kory is . . . was . . . the only guy I’ve ever been with—until you.”

  Eyes widening, he leaned his head back against the tree. “Wow.”

  I knew what he was thinking. He knew I was in love with Kory. Now finding out Kory was the only other person I’d been with, he was wondering how, or if, he measured up in comparison. It was only natural.

  “Knowing that helps me to better understand why you were so upset after we . . . .” Letting his voice trail off, he left it to me to fill in the blanks.

  I wished I could tell him how he’d made me feel that day. How it broke my heart that one very casual sexual experience with him had completely obliterated my past sexual experiences with Kory.

  And I hated the way it made me feel. For six years, my memories of being with Kory were what kept me warm at night. He was an incredible lover, so considerate of my needs. He was strong and steady, always trying to please me. Kory knew every part of me, intimately. He knew my secrets, my fears, what made me burn with need and how to satiate it. I loved our physical relationship.

  But Russ . . . everything with him had been quick, hot, and fast. It was like riding a shooting firework straight to its peak and having this massive explosion that repeatedly sent shock waves rolling through my system. I’d never experienced anything like it before—ever.

  I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to experience that again. If that was what crazy frantic sex was like with Russ, what would it be like if he was taking his time? Biting my lip, I attempted to keep the moan inside at this thought. I wanted to know what that would be like; but at the same time, I was terrified to find out.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “With you, everything is so quick. We crossed so many lines so fast. I wasn’t looking for this. I didn’t want it.”

  He was silent for a few moments, brushing at an imaginary spec on his jeans. “You said you didn’t want it. Do you now?”

  He was so direct. I both loved and hated it.

  “You realize I’m older than you, right?” I asked, deflecting the question with another.


  “That doesn’t bother you?”

  “Not even a little. Does it bother you?”

  I shook my head. “No, it just makes me wonder why you’d want me and all my baggage when you could have any girl you wanted.”

  “You are the girl I want,” he replied, eyes never leaving me. “And maybe I like baggage.”

  I chuckled. “Sure you do.”

  Scooting away from the tree, he stretched out beside me, propping his head on his arm, mirroring my position. He continued staring at me. “I think a guy could deal with lots of baggage if he got to wake up every morning looking at this.” His eyes traveled heatedly over me before returning to my face.

  He hadn’t even touched me and I was already burning with need for him. I wanted him to forget his promise, rip my clothes off and make sweet, hot, passionate love to me.

  “Are you going to kiss me today?” I asked, tired of waiting for him to do it.

  Smiling widely, he made no advances toward me. “No. I’m not. Ask me again tomorrow.”

  Disappointment flooded through me. “What’s tomorrow?”

  “Our second official date.”

  I smiled. “You miscounted. It’ll be the third.”

  “No. This is our first date. The dinner before this was a non-date, remember?”

  “Hmmm. A non-date with sex?”

  “Yep. It was a sucky non-date with great sex. Wait until we have an awesome ‘real date’ that ends in even greater sex. That’s the date that’s gonna blow your mind.”

  “Greater sex? I can’t even imagine that. Last time was pretty great.” I couldn’t believe I was talking this candidly to him about it.

  “Doc, that was just the tip of the iceberg. I have a lot more I can’t wait to show you—if you’ll let me.” He was grinning wickedly at me.

  “Let’s go. Right now.” I challenged him, suddenly wanting nothing more than to be lost in his arms.

  “I’d love to, but I can’t,” he replied, looking truly regretful.


  “Because I promised someone I’d take it slow.”

  Groaning, I rolled onto my back, letting my arms flop to my sides as I stared at the overcast sky. “I’m going to regret ever saying those words, aren’t I?”

  “Probably, but it’s all for the best.” Moving closer, he leaned over me, draping an arm across my waist and I was so happy to have some sort of physical contact with him. His eyes bore into mine seriously. “I want you to be one hundred percent sure that you want me. I want to be the only face in your mind when I’m moving inside you and the only name screaming from your lips as you fall over the edge.”

  Paralyzed by the vivid imagery his words created, I wanted to tell him—reassure him—that his was the only face in my mind that day, but I couldn’t speak—unwilling to break the mood.

  “I want you to crave me the same way I crave you,” he added, brushing a thumb over my lips. “I don’t care if you think I’m too young, or you’re too old—none of that matters to me. It’s just a number. I simply want to be with you.”

  Rolling onto his back, he stared at the sky, too, neither of us speaking. I felt his hand slide closer and he linked his pinky finger with mine. Sparks shot through my body at the simple contact, making my heart sing.

  It was enough. For now, that simple, tiny touch was enough.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “Are you seeing Evie again tonight?” Dylan asked as I came down the stairs.

  “Nah. I just thought I’d get dressed up and do some dishes for you,” I replied, rolling the sleeves of my dress shirt part way up my arm. I wanted to look nice, but not like I was trying too hard.

  “You look great,” Cami said, cuddling baby Piper in her arms. “Perfect for dinner and a movie.”

  “Oh, where you taking her?” Dylan asked, reaching over and stealing the baby from Cami.

  I smiled. “To the backyard.”

  “Excuse me?” Dylan raised his eyebrows and glanced between the two of us.

  “Cami came up with this romantic movie night idea.”

  “Well, actually I got the idea off Pinterest,” Cami interjected and Dylan groaned.

  “You and your dang Pinterest. I swear you’re addicted.”

  Cami simply smiled, not denying it. “All my pinning is working out good for Russ.”

  “We rented a movie screen and projector and set up this nice little lounge area with cushions and pillows,” I told him.

  “And we added white Christmas lights everywhere.” Cami’s eyes were all lit
up. “You have to go see it, Dylan. It’s so romantic.”

  Dylan stared wryly at me. “Warn me now. Are you going to be having sex in my backyard?”

  I snorted, shaking my head. “I can safely promise you there will be no sex happening tonight.”

  “You sound very sure of this. Is everything okay?” Dylan asked.

  “Everything is great. She asked for things to go painfully slow, so painfully slow is what I’m giving her. And trust me when I say it is, indeed, painfully slow. I’m actually afraid I might die from blue balls or blue everything, for that matter. I barely touch the girl these days.”

  Dylan laughed. “Sadly, I remember days like those.” He glanced at Cami, winking. “I don’t miss them at all.”

  “Well, if you’re suffering that bad, then I promise you she is, too,” Cami said, returning Dylan’s look. “I remember what it felt like—hours of making out. Dylan running his hands everywhere, touching all the places he could without actually touching the places I wanted him to. It was torture.”

  “Hey. I was kinda trying to keep from landing my ass in jail with you,” Dylan said, staring heatedly at Cami. I knew that look. I needed to get out of here before they started going at it. “Trust me when I say, it was not an easy thing to do.”

  “But it was fun.” Cami smiled invitingly.

  “Yes, it was that,” Dylan replied, sidling up next to her. Shifting the baby to one shoulder, he reached out with his free arm and pulled Cami against him, his hand sliding down and very obviously squeezing her butt.

  “Maybe I should take Piper on my date with me,” I said, reminding them I was still there. “I would hate for her to see certain . . . things.”

  Cami popped up on her toes, wrapping her arm around Dylan’s neck and kissing him. Sighing, they both pulled away from each other.

  “Stopping already?” I joked, leaning against the stair railing. “I’m shocked.”

  Cami giggled and brushed past us, heading into the kitchen, and Dylan stared after her wistfully.

  I glanced at my watch. “Seriously, bro. I’ve got time. Give me the baby and go get yourself a little somethin’ somethin’.”

  “I can’t.” He sounded positively mournful.