The grief of the broken hearted mother and the two faithful friends canbetter be imagined than described. Words, however ably chosen, failutterly to picture the sufferings of the human heart. In imaginationwe can see the three bending over the still form of him to whose hearteach was attached so firmly. One, a well aged woman, still clingingpassionately to the cold hands and moaning with almost frantic grief.Now she presses the lifeless figure to her breast, appealing wildly toit to speak to her, to call her "mother" just once more. Again she fallsupon her knees and prays as only one prays with bursting heart, that herboy, her Tom, her only child, her very life, may be restored to her.With her tears are mingled those of Herbert and Bob, whose young spiritsoverflow with sorrow, not alone for their own loss at the hands of deathbut at the wild, tumultuous grief of the bereaved mother.
A little later we see the undertaker arrive with all his dreadparaphernalia, then the casket, a plain, neat one purchased by Herbertand Bob, in due time receives the dead body.
The funeral follows speedily, and is held in Mrs. Flannery's rooms.In one of them she lies in bed helplessly ill from grief and utterprostration. All preparations for the burial have been made by Herbertand Bob. The minister arrives, and after a hurried talk with Herbertdevotes himself to Mrs. Flannery, trying to lessen her sorrow by suchwords of consolation and assurance as his calling enables him to speakwith something like holy authority.
A tall, fine looking man with a young, sweet faced girl now knocks atthe door. They are Mr. Goldwin and his daughter, and the latter brings across of flowers for a burial offering. How strangely out of place theyseem in these small, barely furnished attic rooms, yet they have comewith honest purpose to pay honor to the humble dead. Mr. Goldwin hadknown of Tom's brave part in rescuing Herbert from the villains by whomhe had been imprisoned. He had at that time sent him a reward, and nowhe came sorrowfully to mingle his tears with those of the lowly friendsof the dead. Ray had begged to come with him, and he was glad to granther the request, for he felt that she would receive a lesson from thissimple funeral such as could not be learned elsewhere.
A delegation of newsboys about the age of the dead now arrived. Theyhad known him well as a rival trader, as a true friend and agreeablecompanion. They had often asked after him during his illness, and nowthey came, their bright young faces heavy with sorrow, to follow hisremains to the tomb. They brought with them a handsome wreath of flowersbearing the simple word "Tom."
The casket was carried into the sick room and placed on a table notfar from the bed on which Mrs. Flannery lay sobbing. When all hadbeen seated, the minister rose and prayed, such a prayer as is seldomoffered. The occasion was an inspiration to the holy man. In all hisyears of ministry he had never been called upon to attend such a funeralas this--so simple, so strange, and yet so genuinely sad. It was a boy'sfuneral, and the audience was composed almost wholly of boys. Thecasket had been bought by boys, the details of the funeral had beenarranged by boys, and boys--nearly a score of them--were there to mournthe loss of their friend. And they were no ordinary boys, with careless,thoughtless manners, but sturdy lads who were almost men in thought, forlong, long months had they, like the deceased, had to think and act forthemselves.
Mr. Goldwin and Ray, aided to some extent by a few of the boys, sang ahymn, and then the minister, after reading the Bible, gave a feeling andimpressive talk that went home to the hearts of every one present. Boband Herbert could not have felt greater sorrow had the dead been theirown brother. They tried, however, to restrain their grief, as everythingdepended upon them, since Mrs. Flannery was now helpless.
At the close of the service all except Mrs. Flannery passed by thecasket, looking for the last time upon the features of the dead boybefore the lid was closed. The mother was bolstered up in bed, and thecasket was lowered beside her, where she too could view the remains. Thepall bearers were selected from the delegation of newsboys, as I thinkTom would have wished had he expressed himself upon this point.
In a little time the casket had been placed within the hearse, and thisstrange funeral party started on its solemn journey to the tomb. Mr.Goldwin and Ray and Herbert and Bob occupied the carriage of chiefmourners--not that the two former could strictly be called mourners, buttheir object in going to the tomb was to comfort the two boys, for whoseconduct Mr. Goldwin had the greatest admiration.
The newsboys followed in other carriages, which had been secured by BobHunter without cost, when it was known for what purpose they werewanted.
The remains of the dead boy were buried beside those of his father andsister in Greenwood Cemetery, where his mother had bought a plot at thedeath of her husband.
"We must buy a stone, Herbert, for Tom's grave when we can get themoney," said Bob, as they came slowly away from the cemetery.
"Yes, we will do that some time, Bob," answered Herbert, with swolleneyes. "But our first duty is to take care of his mother."
"Yes, we promised him that we would look after her, and we must doit--he would have done it for either of us," answered Bob, choking withemotion as his mind went back to the death scene.
"I wish I could help do something for Mrs. Flannery, poor woman," saidRay, addressing her father.
"I shall be very glad to have you do anything in reason, my dear,"replied Mr. Goldwin with pleasure. "Nothing would make me more proud ofmy daughter than to see her helping others who need encouragement andassistance."
"You shall be proud of me then, father," replied Ray with enthusiasm. "Iam so glad you took me with you today. It has given me a new idea oflife. Now I feel as if I could be of some use in the world."
"You certainly can if you wish to do good, for the competition in thatline is not so great as it should be," answered Mr. Goldwinthoughtfully.
"It looks so in Mrs. Flannery's case surely," remarked Herbert; "therewere few to help her in her terrible trouble."
"Did she have no friends but you and Mr. Hunter?" asked Ray.
"No, I think not," answered young Randolph, "at least none that I knowof."
"What would she have done, poor woman, but for your kindness?"
"I do not like to think about it," replied Herbert with a shudder.
"I think I know of a good woman who would go down and take care of Mrs.Flannery while she is sick," said Mr. Goldwin. "She certainly needs goodnursing for the present."
"I wish such a woman could be had," said Herbert, "for both Bob andmyself are anxious to get to work."