Perhaps they were becoming experts at the game; or it might be that thegoing back over familiar ground made the job easier, since they couldsee each slippery place where an accident had happened on the outwardtrip, and thus grow additionally cautious.

  Be that as it might, they made very few missteps on the return journey.Even Mr. Anderson managed to do himself great credit, and Seth did nothave to help him up on the narrow ridge more than three or four times;nor were any of his mishaps of a serious nature.

  In due time, therefore, they came in sight of the place where Eben andNoodles had been left. Their voices must have warned the pair that theywere coming, for they could be seen shading their eyes with their handsto shut out the glare of the sun, as they watched the string of figuresslowly picking a path through the sea of mud and water.

  Apparently they must have counted an extra form among the muddy group;and just had to give expression to their satisfaction; for Noodlesyelped excitedly, while Eben sent out a series of blasts from his bugle,which, upon examination, seemed to bear some faint earmarks to "Lo, theConquering Hero Comes!"

  And when they landed at this half-way stage in their tiresome journey,Mr. Anderson had to be introduced to the remaining members of theBeaver Patrol. He also insisted on shaking hands with them, as he haddone all the others, and letting them know his now exalted opinion aboutthe ability of Boy Scouts to do wonders, all of which was sweetest musicin the ears of the pair who had been cheated out of their share of thehonors in the actual rescue party.

  When the march was resumed--and Paul hastened matters as much as hecould in reason--Noodles and Eben insisted on asking many questions asto just how they had found the balloonist. They grew quite excited whenthey heard about the mother wildcat and her savage little kittens; andeven indulged in speculations as to what a great time they would havehad defending themselves, had a trio like that paid them a visit.

  Oh! it was certainly wearisome work, keeping up that strained positionof the leg muscles so long. Paul began to fear that they would never beable to accomplish the other task beyond, for he heard Noodles take hisregular plunges every little while, and judged that the stout boy mustby this time be a sight calculated to make his mother shed tears, ifever she saw him in such a state.

  But all things must come to an end, and finally Seth gave a shout, likeunto the glad whoop a wrecked mariner might set up at sight of landahead.

  "There's the place where we started in, Paul; yes, and I can see thatqueer tree at the spot the trapper's path ended, and the fun began!" heexclaimed.

  "Bless you, Seth, for those comforting words!" called out Eben fromclose to the rear of the procession.

  "One last little bulge, and then victory for us!" Fritz remarked, and ifthe gladness expressed in his voice could be taken as an index to thefeelings of his heart, then the scout must be a happy fellow just then,when the clouds rolled away, to let the sun shine again.

  Of course they made it without any more trouble than Noodles giving alast try at the friendly mud, as though wanting to really find outwhether it did have any bottom down below or not. And when they tooksome sticks, and scraped the worst of the sticky mess off his face,Noodles promised to be a sight indeed. But Paul assured him that theywould stop at the first spring they came across, in order to allow himto wash some of the stuff off.

  "Ain't we a nobby looking bunch of scouts now, though?" remarked Fritz,as he glanced ruefully down at his muddy uniform; for as a rule the boyhad been quite particular with his clothes, having reformed afterjoining the organization.

  "It's too bad you were put to such straits to help me," declared Mr.Anderson, heartily, "and I mean to do everything in my power to keep youfrom feeling sorry that you gave up all chances of winning thatbeautiful trophy today. It was a shame, and I regret having been theunfortunate cause of it more than I can tell you."

  "Oh! perhaps there might be a _little_ bit of a chance left to us yet,sir," said Paul; at which every one of the other seven scouts pricked uphis ears and crowded around.

  "What d'ye mean, Paul, by sayin' that?" demanded Seth, his eyes openingwide as they became glued upon those of the scoutmaster, for knowingPaul as he did, he understood that the other must have some clever ideain mind.

  "Yes, tell us what the scheme is?" pleaded Jotham, who had been reallymore disappointed of giving up the hike than any of the others; for heknew his mother, and a certain girl Jotham thought a good deal of, wouldbe on the grandstand at the baseball grounds, waiting to cheer him as hepassed by with his fellow scouts.

  "It all depends on how long it takes us to get Mr. Anderson to thenearest farmhouse," Paul went on.

  "Why, I remember seeing a house near the road just below where we leftit to head for the swamp!" spoke up Fritz, eagerly, "and I guess wecould carry him there in less'n half an hour if we had to."

  At that the aeronaut spoke up.

  "I protest. Please don't take me into consideration at all, boys," hehastened to say, "if there's the remotest chance for you to make yourrace, leave me right here, and start off. I'll find my way to the road,and then a farmhouse, where they'll take me in, and have me lookedafter. You've done wonders for me as it is, saved my life, I haven'tthe least doubt; and I'm going to remember it, you can depend, but Iwish you'd let me take care of myself from now on."

  But Paul shook his head. He understood the feeling that prompted thegentleman to speak in this vein; but he did not think Mr. Anderson wasas well able to look out for himself as he would have them believe.

  "We never do things by halves, sir," the scoutmaster said, steadily. "Ifyou can hobble along with one of us on either side to help, we'll gothat way; but if it's too much of an effort then I'll show you how smartwe are about making a litter out of some of these saplings here on whichwe'll carry you."

  Mr. Anderson looked pleased to hear Paul talk in this confident way; butwould not listen to such a thing as treating him like a badly woundedman.

  "Give me a shoulder to lean on, and I'm sure I can make it in decenttime, boys," he declared.

  So Paul ranged on his right, with sturdy Seth closing up on the left,and in this fashion they started out.

  The road was no great distance away, it will be remembered; and in lessthan ten minutes they had reached it. Then turning toward distantBeverly, they commenced to cover the ground they had previously goneover.

  There was no mistake about the farmhouse, in due time it was reached.Their arrival quite excited the little household, for the men had comein from the fields to their midday meal.

  Paul did not want to stop to explain matters; all that could be left toMr. Anderson. The odor of dinner did make more than one of the scoutsraise his eyebrows, and exchange a suggestive look with another; butthey realized that every minute was precious to them now, and that theyjust could not stay long enough to sit and partake, though the farmercordially invited them.

  They did accept a few things to munch at as they walked along; andpromised to send word to a certain address which the aeronaut gave them;and in fact Paul was to notify a committee by wire that disaster hadovertaken the _Great Republic_, but that the aeronaut was safe, andwished the news to be communicated to his wife at a certain hotel in St.Louis.

  Of course all of the boys knew what the new hope that had come to Paulamounted to. He had, with his customary carefulness, shown them in blackand white figures just the number of miles that still remaineduncovered, about eighteen in all, and then they figured out when the sunwould be setting at Beverly.

  "Six full hours, and then some," Seth had declared, with a look ofcontempt; as though he could see no reason why they should not come inon time easily. "Why, of course we c'n do it, and then not half try.Now, you'd think I'd be feeling stiff after that crouching work in theswamp. All a mistake. Never fitter in my life. I could start on a runright now, and cover some miles without an effort."

  "Well, don't do it, then," advised Paul, "you know what happens to
theracer who makes too big an effort in the start. Get warmed up to yourwork, and there's a chance to hold out. Better be in prime condition forthe gruelling finish. That's the advice one of the greatest all-aroundathletes gives. So we'll start at a fair pace, and later on, if itbecomes necessary we'll be able to run some."

  Of course Paul was thinking while he said this of the weak links in thechain, no other than Eben and Noodles. The latter was a wretched runnerat best. He could walk fairly well, after a fashion, as his work of thelast three days proved; and by judicious management Paul hoped to coaxNoodles along, mile after mile.

  As they walked they munched the sandwiches provided at the farm housewhere Mr. Anderson had been left. Thus they killed two birds with onestone, as Paul put it--continued to cover a couple of precious mileswhile securing strength and comfort from the food.

  Whenever a chance occurred Noodles would get to work again scraping somemore dirt off his garments. Fritz often declared the county wouldprosecute him for leaving so many piles of swamp mud along the pike; butafter each and every operation the stout boy declared that he felt infar better trim to continue the journey, and that at least pleased allhands.

  "I'm beginning to hope, Noodles," remarked Jotham, "that by the time weget to Beverly you'll look half way decent, and not make the girlsashamed to own us as we march through the town to the music of a band,mebbe."

  "Put I don't want to be owned py any girl as I knows; so whatdifferences does idt make, dell me?" was all the satisfaction he gotfrom the other; who was evidently more concerned about the cost of a newsuit, all to be earned by his own individual exertions, than anythingelse.

  When the first hour had passed, and they found that they had made fourmiles as near as could be told, some of the scouts were exultant, andloudly declared it was going to be as easy as falling off a log.

  "A regular picnic, believe me!" declared Seth.

  "Like taking candy from the baby!" Fritz affirmed.

  "A walk-over!" was Babe's style of expressing his sentiments.

  "Well, it will be that, if we ever get to Beverly green before the sundrops out of sight," laughed Paul.

  He was only concerned about Noodles, truth to tell, for he knew thatEben, while no great athlete, had a reserve fund in his stubbornqualities, and would shut his teeth hard together toward the end,plodding along with grim determination. Noodles must be watched, andcoddled most carefully, if they hoped to carry him with them over theline in time to claim the glorious trophy.

  And that was really why Paul asked him to walk along with him, so thathe could from time to time cheer the other up by a few words of praisethat would make him believe he was showing great improvement in hisstride. It could be seen by the way his eye lighted up that Noodlesappreciated this flattery; he had a real jaunty air as he walked on, andeven cast an occasional glance of commiseration back at the fellowsless highly favored than himself.

  Besides, Paul, as a careful manager, wished to husband a certain portionof the other's strength for the last five miles. He knew that must bethe sticking time, when probably Noodles would declare he could not goanother step, and endeavor to drop down beside the road to rest.

  Now Paul knew how far being diplomatic went in an affair of this kind.He remembered hearing a story about two gentlemen on a hunting trip upin Maine, carrying a couple of air rubber mattresses for sleepingpurposes, and wondering how they could get the two guides, one a native,and the other a Penobscot Indian, to blow them up every night.

  So during the supper one of them got to comparing the chests of the twomen, and exciting their rivalry as to which had the larger lungs. Whenhe had them fully primed he said he had means of testing the matter, andbrought out the twin air mattresses. Eagerly then the guides lay flat ontheir stomachs, and at the word started to blow like two-horse powerengines. The first test was declared a _tie_; and after that the guidescould hardly wait for night to come to try out their lungs against eachother.

  And with this story in his mind the young scoutmaster determined to playthe two weak members of the Beaver Patrol against each other, having inview the benefit that would result from such keen rivalry.

  First he talked to Noodles about Eben's awakening talent in the line ofpedestrian feats; and soon had the stout boy affirming that he couldbeat the best efforts of the bugler without more than half trying.

  Then Paul found a chance to arouse the ambition of Eben in turn, byhinting at what Noodles had boasted. Thus Paul presently had the twolads jealously watching each other. They did not come to any openrupture, because they were good fellows, and fast friends, but did Ebenhappen to take a notion to go up a little in the line in order to speakto one of the others, Noodles clung to him like a leech.

  Indeed, Paul had to restrain the eager pair more than once, for theywere so determined to excel the record, each of the other, that theygave evidences of even wanting to run.

  By carefully nursing this spirit of emulation and rivalry the patrolleader believed he was assisting the cause, without doing either of hischums the slightest injury. It was a case of simply bringing out allthere was in a couple of lads who, as a rule, were prone to give up tooeasily.

  And so they kept tramping along the turnpike leading toward home,jollying each other, and every now and then, when resting for a bit,trying to remove some of the dreadful evidences of black mud from theirusually natty uniforms and leggins.

  "P'raps they'll think it the biggest joke going," remarked Seth, "whenthey get on to it that we've been in the Black Water Swamps, and I guessFreddy's crowd'll laugh themselves sick, like a lot of ninnies, but justwait till we tell what took us there, and show the card Mr. Andersongave us, with his message for St. Louis on the back. Then it seems to methe laugh will be on them."

  They took great consolation in remembering what a gallant piece of workthey had been enabled to carry out since leaving Camp Alabama thatmorning. It would perhaps be carried far and wide in the papers, whenMr. Anderson's story was told, and reflect new glory on the upliftingtendency of the Boy Scout movement. People who did not understand what awonderful lot of good was coming out of teaching growing lads to be ableto take care of themselves under any and all conditions, besides beingconsiderate for others, brave in time of danger, and generous towardeven their enemies, would have their eyes opened.

  And so it was a happy and merry parcel of scouts that plodded along theroad leading to Beverly town that afternoon, as the sun sank lower andlower toward the West.



  They had struck along the road leading from Scranton, and reached thewell-known Jerusalem pike, of which mention has been frequently made inprevious stories of this series.

  As they passed the Stebbens and the Swartz farms the scouts gave a cheerthat brought a waving of handkerchiefs from the windows of the houses,which were in plain sight of the road.

  Far down in the west the glowing sun was sinking; but Paul hadcalculated well, and he knew that, barring accidents, they could easilymake the town before the king of day passed from sight.

  Once they had halted for a few minutes' rest, the last they expected toenjoy, and Paul had taken advantage of the opportunity to start a smokyfire; after which he and Seth, the signal sender of the patrol, used thelatter's blanket to send a series of dense smoke clouds soaring upwardat certain intervals.

  One of the boys who expected to join the second patrol in the earlyfall, Steve Slimmons, would be on the lookout for this signal that wouldannounce the coming of the weary column; and when he caught sight of thesmoke waves it would be his duty to announce that, after all, the scoutshad not fallen down in their brave attempt to win that glorious trophy;but were coming right along, and hoped to be on hand in due time.

  Well, there would be a good many suppers delayed in and around Beverlyon that night, some of the scouts told each other.

  They could easily picture the green swarming with people, all watchingup the road for the patrol to turn the bend, and come in
sight, withunbroken ranks, having fulfilled the conditions of the hike to theletter.

  There was no longer any need for Paul to excite the slumbering ambitionsof either Eben or Noodles. Why, after they passed the crossroads wherethe ruins of the old blacksmith shop lay, in which they had held theirfirst meetings, but which had been mysteriously burned down, somethought by mischievous and envious town boys--after they had gone bythis well-known spot, and sighted the Scroggins farm beyond, everyfellow had actually forgotten such a thing as fatigue. They heldthemselves up straight, and walked with a springy step that would go fartoward indicating that a hundred miles in four days was only play forsuch seasoned veterans.

  And now the outlying houses of the home town began to loom up. Why, toseveral of the boys it really seemed as though they must have been awayfor weeks. They eagerly pointed out various objects that were familiarin their eyes, just as if they had feared the whole map of the townmight have been altered since they marched away on their little four daytramp.

  Seth in particular was greatly amused by hearing this kind of talk. Hehad been away from home so much that the novelty of the sensation ofcoming back did not appeal to him, as it may have done to Eben andJotham for instance.

  "You fellers," said Seth, chuckling while he spoke, "make me think ofthe little kid that took a notion to run away from home, and wanderedaround all day. When night came along he just couldn't stand it anylonger, and crept home. His folks knew what was up, and they settled onpunishing him by not noticing him, or saying a thing about his beinggone. The kid tried to ketch the attention of maw, but she was sewing,and kept right along, just like he'd been around all day. Then he trieddad; but he read his paper, and smoked his pipe, and never paid theleast attention. That boy just couldn't understand it. There he'd beenaway from home a whole year it seemed to him, since morning, and yetnobody seemed to bother the least bit, or make a fuss over him. And whenhe couldn't get a rise from anybody, he saw the family pussy sittin' bythe fire. 'Oh!' he says, says he, 'I see you've still got the same oldcat you had when I went away!'"

  Even Eben and Noodles laughed at that. They knew the joke was on them;but just at that moment both were feeling too happy to take offense atanything.

  "There's the church steeple!" cried Babe.

  "Yes, you're so tall you c'n see things long before the rest of us do,"declared Jotham, not maliciously, but with the utmost good humor, forhe knew that in a very short time now he would see his dear littlemother, proudly watching him march past; and perhaps also discover atiny web of a handkerchief waving from the pretty hand of a certainlittle girl he knew; and the thought made Jotham very happy.

  "Listen! ain't that boys shouting?" demanded Seth.

  "Just what it is now," replied Andy. "They've got scouts at the bend ofthe road, and know we're coming."

  "We've done what we set out to do, fellers!" cried Seth, gloatingly.

  "And the trophy belongs to us; for right now we're in Beverly town, andthere's the blessed old sun still half an hour high," Fritz observedwith pardonable pride in his voice.

  "And think of us getting that balloon man safe out of the Black WaterSwamps; yes, and going to the middle of the patch, something that theysay nobody ever did before! That's going to be a big feather in ourcaps, believe me," Seth went on to say, as he took a glance down at hisstained khaki trousers and leggins.

  Paul gave his little command one last look over, for they were now atthe bend, and in another minute would come under the eyes of the densecrowd which, from all the signs that came to his ears, he felt sure hadgathered to welcome the marching patrol home again after their longhike.

  Then the curve in the road was reached; a dozen more steps and theyturned it, to see the green fairly black with people, who waved theirhats and handkerchiefs, and shouted, until it seemed to the proud scoutsthat the very foundations of the heavens must tremble under the roaringsound.

  Chief Henshall was there, together with several of his men, keeping anavenue open along which the khaki-clad boys were to march, to a spot infront of the grand stand, where the generous donor of the trophy,together with a committee of prominent citizens of Beverly, waited toreceive them.

  It was perhaps the proudest moment in the lives of those eight boys whenPaul, replying to the little speech which accompanied the passing of thesilver cup, thanked Mr. Sargeant and the committee for the greatinterest taken in the formation of Beverly Troop; and in a few wordsexplained just why he and his comrades came so near being unable tofulfill the obligations governing the hike.

  When Mr. Sargeant read aloud the message which the wrecked balloonistwas wiring to St. Louis, in which he declared that he owed his very lifeto the daring of the Boy Scouts, who had penetrated to the very centerof the Black Water Swamps in order to rescue him, such a din of cheeringas broke out had never been heard in Beverly since thatnever-to-be-forgotten day when the baseball nine came up from behind inthe ninth inning, and clinched the victory that gave them the highschool championship of the county for that year.

  But the boys now began to realize that they were, as Seth expressed it,"some tired," and they only too willingly allowed their folks to carrythem off home, to get washed up, and partake of a good meal. But nomatter what each scout may have secretly thought when he sat down to awhite tablecloth, with silver, and china, and polished glass around him,he stoutly avowed that nothing could equal the delight of a camp-fire,tin cups and platters, and simple camp fare, flanked by an appetite thatwas keener than anything ever known at home.

  This work of four days was likely to long remain the banner achievementof the Beaver Patrol lads; but the vacation period still held out a fewweeks further enjoyment, and it may be readily understood that suchwide-awake fellows would be sure to hatch up more or less excitementbefore the call came to go back to school duties.

  That this proved to be the case can be understood from the fact thatanother volume follows this story, bearing the significant title of "TheBoy Scouts' Woodcraft Lesson; or, Proving Their Mettle in the Field."And the young reader who has become interested in the various doings ofthe scouts belonging to the Beaver Patrol can find in the pages of thatbook further accounts of what Acting Scoutmaster Paul Prentice and hisseven valorous chums started out to accomplish, in order to prove thatthe education of a Boy Scout brings out the best there is in him, underany and all conditions.

  The End



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  Transcriber's Notes:

  1. Punctuation has been normalized to contemporary standards.

  2. corrections to typographic errors in original:

  Table of Contents listed Chapter VIII on page 17, corrected to 71.

  p. 11 "samee" to "same" ("But all the same, I want")

  p. 26 "sup-up" to "sun-up" ("since sun-up")

  p. 29 "fresk" to "fresh" ("hankering after fresh milk")

  p. 41 "superflous" to "superfluous" ("superfluous burdens")

  p. 48 "promises" to "promised" ("promised to be a most fortunate thing")

  p. 73 "mortagge" to "mortgage" ("meant to pay off my mortgage")

  p. 79 "befel" to "befell" ("seldom if ever befell ordinary lads")

  p. 81 "alway" to "always" ("as the papers always make out")

  p. 85 "trememduous" to "tremendous" ("tremendous cheer")

  p. 101 "or" to "of" ("habit of relying")

  p. 112 "susprised" to "surprised" ("not very much surprised")

  p. 143 "commisseration" to "commiseration" ("glance of commiseration")

  p. 146 "Jersualem" to "Jerusalem" ("well-known Jerusalem pike")

  p. 149 "price" to "pride" ("with pardonable pride in his voice")

  First advertising page ("Boys Copyrighted Books"): "Tayne" to "Jayne" ("Lieut. R. H. Jayne.")

  Fourth advertising page ("Donohue's Plays"): "eveything" to "everything" ("everything that is fresh")

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