Shiro then says right away.

  "I'll kill you."

  I can tell that Yousuke and Himi behind him have already prepared their magic. Magic for the purpose of killing me. Right now, I'm defenseless, and probably won't be able to defend against them at this distance.

  But there isn't any need to defend against them. Since I can just pretend to become their comrade.

  So I say.

  "Got it. I'll become your comrade."

  Shiro smiles, and says readily.

  "That's great. I believe in you."

  On hearing that, I say without thinking.

  "...... huh? That's really weird, don't you think? What kind of reason is there to believe in me?"

  Shiro then smiles.

  "Haha, well, you saved my life, and I know that you're a good guy...... isn't it, Yousuke?"

  Yousuke behind him undoes his magic, and steps forward.

  "Yeah. He also got worried about my wounds. Besides......"

  He then turns to look in the direction of Himi. Himi then looks a little embarrassed and steps forward happily.

  "I...... I managed to register on my friend list with my Intimate switch as well......"

  "So what? You guys are weird."

  Those reasons don't cut it enough for them to believe in me. They aren't reasons enough for them to want me and put themselves in a dangerous position consequently.

  But Shiro continues.

  "The one who's weird is you. Why did you save me? Why did you save the world? Is there a reason behind all that?"


  "More importantly, the reason why I decided to trust you, is because, when I said the words 『terminate the diseased girl』, for an instant, for just an instant, you had a displeased look on your face. Did you realize that?"

  My eyes widen on hearing that. At my own foolishness. At my own naivety. At Shiro seeing through all that.

  I push Shiro's chest away from me.

  But Shiro goes on.

  "While I don't know why you are here in this school......"

  "For money."

  "Haha, doesn't matter. But I think that you're a good guy. Thus, I shall become a friend who trusts you......"

  "Shut up, son of a gun."

  Shiro smiles kindly. That face really pisses me off.

  Shiro continues.

  "There are few people I can become comrades with in this school. Everyone is desperate to stay alive, and there are few who would risk their lives for others. So...... join hands with us."

  But, I face my back towards Shiro and his gang. I don't feel like talking anymore to them.

  Then, Yousuke says from behind,

  "...... hey Shiro, aren't we rushing things a little too soon? Since that guy definitely never had any friends till now, he's probably embarrassed and would mope around for a while......"

  "I can hear you!"

  I holler and Shiro smiles.

  "We want you to hear it."

  Beside them, Himi lowers her head towards me as if she's feeling apologetic. At the very least, seems like they're aware that they're doing something unpleasant, but her lowered head makes even more pissed.

  Don't tell me those three have been having conversations like, "That fella seems like he doesn't like killing diseased girls, isn't he a good guy?", among themselves? When I thought about that, my annoyance went over and,


  I could only let out of sigh out of weariness.

  It doesn't matter whether or not I became their friends or comrades. In the end, I still didn't tell them a thing. Thus, they were disclosing way too much about themselves.

  But why would they do such a thing? In the world I knew about, there wasn't a single soul who say such naive things.

  Rather, those who did died.

  The moment they believed in someone, they died.

  The moment they let their guard down towards someone, they died.

  The moment they attempted to protect someone, they died.

  The world isn't so cheery. The people around the labyrinths with spoils that could be converted to military technologies are all rotten.

  But then,


  Will these guys also die?

  I look at Shiro and gang. Unbelievably, the thought of them dying felt a little unpleasant...... and when I realized those feelings of mine...... I felt like dying.

  It's like I was that 『good guy』 that Shiro talked about. And I know very well that such a 『good guy』 won't accomplish anything.

  Thus, once again, I sigh deeply,

  "...... damn, whenever I'm with these fellows, I'm not myself."

  I groan as I exit the gymnasium.

  * * *

  Chapter 2 - The Spire that Pierces the Sky


  In the middle of lessons.

  Sixth hour period ---

  Before the blackboard, a white-haired teacher is conducting a class on 『Moral』 education.

  Outside of the time spent in killing girls, the students in the 《Labyrinth Diseased Girl Killing Curriculum》 also attend normal lessons to a certain degree.

  While I'm deeply interested as to what kind of morals and ethics do they plan on teaching students who kill young girls to save the world, since what I learn here won't help me in raiding labyrinths, I look out the window, not paying any attention.

  Today is the 2nd of December.

  It's winter.

  It is snowing lightly. In the past, you would hardly see any snow in Tokyo in the month of December, but since the young girls of the world started contracting the 《Labyrinth Disease》, developing countries and several developed countries were wiped out and thereafter, snowfall became abundant.

  Maybe that was because the reduction in population halted global warming, or maybe it was because of some other reason, I do not know.

  "Hey Shinnosuke-kun."

  A voice calls out to me from beside me.

  It's Kiryuu Kiri.

  With long madder red hair, and a well-arranged face. A slender body with large bulging breasts.

  She was in a different class until October, but taking advantage of the fact that half the students in our school year had either died or withdrawn from the school following the Asahi Momoka incident, she transferred to our class, to a seat beside me.

  And she calls out to me in an annoying voice.

  "Hey hey."


  "Hey hey hey."


  I did not answer.

  "Shinnosuke-kun, there's something I want to ask you."

  Be it Shiro or Kiri, why is this class made up of annoying people?

  "Erm...... on the 24th you know...... 24th of December, Shinnosuke-kun, will you be free?"

  She's probably talking about Christmas. I look in the direction of Kiri with a exasperated face, and say.

  "...... isn't it a little too early to talk about Christmas? We only just entered December."

  Kiri then becomes a little shy,

  "Christmas, is great isn't it? When December comes, you can just feel that universal Christmas mood in the streets...... I, really love that atmosphere."

  "I hate it. It's dumb."

  "So, will you be free?"

  "No, I won't."

  "Eh, eh, is that because, you'll be spending it with, erm...... a lover?"

  "Yeah. That's right. Unlike you who has no partner for Christmas, I'm amazingly popular, and totally not free. All right. That's the end to our meaningless talk. See you."

  As I turn back to the window, Kiri says.

  "Does that mean you'll be free on Christmas?"

  "Didn't I tell you that I have a lover?"

  "Lies. Shinnosuke-kun, you look like a really unpleasant guy, so you aren't the type who would have a lover."

  "What the hell are you up to?"

  "Eh, what're you talking about?"

  Without listening to the 『Moral』 education class, I loo
k in the direction of the sleeping Shiro, and Yousuke and Himi around him, who, as expected, are not listening to class as well and are busying themselves with adjusting their 《Headphone Fuzz》s.

  They too said a similar thing earlier. Something like since I have no friends due to my horrible personality, they will become my friends.

  Of course, I won't deny the part where I have no friends, but I never said I wanted any friends, so please stay away from me.

  But yet, Kiri smiles happily.

  "So, about Christmas......"

  "Not interested."

  "Well, erm, there's a place I want to go......"

  "Then just go by yourself."

  "Since you can't get a girlfriend and will be free for sure, I was wondering, maybe we should go together.

  "I'll kick your ass."

  "Ah-haha ~"

  She smiles happily.

  I look at that smiling face of hers. Her face has well-arranged features. She has to be popular. She's also good at winning over people. I really don't see how she would be troubled at not getting a partner for Christmas.

  There are still 22 days to Christmas. Provided we don't die of course.

  This is that kind of school.

  A school where you may just die.

  Once again, I look out the window. Snow is starting to pile up.

  "Hey don't ignore me ~"

  Said Kiri, to which I ignore. I manipulate my 《Headphone Fuzz》 and start playing its song. Accustoming myself to the curse till it is overflowing in my brain. Since if I don't slowly get used to the curse, it will wreck my brain right away.

  And while listening to the curse, I ponder a bit.

  Kiri is probably here because of some circumstances.

  With capabilities like Kiri's, she can acquire money and power even if she didn't come to such a dangerous place. But yet, she's here. She's in such a dangerous place. Why?


  She's strong.

  And smart.

  Including myself, it is rare for magicians with capabilities like those of Kiri, Shiro, and Gunjou to be gathered in the same place. Since various organizations will be scrambling to pay high prices for magicians of our level. At the very least, Gunjou has 20 corporate sponsors backing her up.

  Taikou Pharmaceuticals wants me --- according to Yayoi provided it's true.

  Strong magicians, have a military-level worth. With a magician of that level, a corporation can have him or her raid an eternal labyrinth, and bring out a powerful magic technology that might have the possibility of changing the surface of the entire world.

  However, four such magicians are assembled at this school right now, and instead of being labeled as those who are in for the money or authority, they are being labeled with a ridiculous name, Hero Team, who is fighting to save the world.

  What kind of situation is this?

  Is there a reason for this to be happening?

  Or could it be just a coincidence?

  As I'm watching the snow pile up in the schoolyard, I continue pondering about Gunjou, Kiri, and Shiro. But, in the midst of that, I realize that it's a meaningless thing to do. It's meaningless to think about someone else. I might just die the next moment, or get betrayed the next day, and in the first place, it has nothing to do with saving my little sister Saki.

  The bell rings. The sixth hour period has ended. Today's school has ended. I stand up.

  Kiri then says.

  "Hey Shinnosuke-kun, were you listening to me?"

  Of course, I wasn't. I look down at Kiri, shrug, then, with my bag in hand, I start walking out the classroom.

  Kiri says.

  "Ah, ah, let's go back together."

  "Don't want to."


  As we are having that conversation, Gunjou, who is sitting at the front of the classroom, sends a glance toward me. For some reason, she's glowering at me. I return her look with a foolish grin and avert my face. She's the only one who's not being pushy in bending her good will towards me.

  Jeez, the frequent preaching about comrades and friends here is really making me vexed.

  What's the point of building a pointless friendship when you might just die tomorrow? At any rate, we'll just end up betraying and hurting one another, so, what on earth do these guys want?

  Yousuke says.

  "Hey Shinnosuke, let's drop by at a nice grill house on the way back, shall we?"

  Himi says.

  "Recently, we found a really good eatery. Shall we go together?"

  Remaining seated, Shiro looks up at me.

  "Let's go, Shinnosuke."

  Behind me, Kiri raises her hand.

  "Ah, I want to go!"

  Once again, Gunjou takes a few fleeting glimpses in my direction, then makes a determined-looking face, and stands up.

  "Y-You guys sure look like, you're getting along well, but if you think you can raid a labyrinth with that kind of pacifist attit......"

  But, I say to that,

  "Just shut up."

  Ignoring them, I exit the classroom.

  "Ah, Shinnosuke-kun!"

  Kiri calls out to me, but I close the door to the classroom. Walking along the corridor, I got away from the classroom.

  I can see a woman standing at the other end of the corridor.

  Navy blue suit. High heels. On her left ear, a 《Headphone Fuzz》 which looks like an earring.

  It's our homeroom teacher, Honjou Tsukasa.

  Honjou Tsukasa says.

  "Ah, are you going back? Shinnosuke-kun."


  "Remember to keep your cellphone on standby. We'll call you once a diseased girl appears."

  I cock my head to the side and say.

  "But, diseased girls should normally get their disease onset before 2pm, I thought."

  That's right.

  For some reason, this disease only activates between 8am to 2pm.

  The onset never happens in the late night, early morning, evening nor at the night.

  Since the disease onset only happens in the hours between morning and afternoon, humanity is able to react to it, and the students from the 《Girl Killing Curriculum》 can go home in peace --- that should have been the case but.

  Honjou Tsukasa says.

  "That should have been the case but...... recently, there was a kid in Kansai who got an onset in the evening".

  I look at my homeroom teacher. That should have been a big incident. Since a calamity that had never happened before has happened. A great calamity that might wipe out the entire world.

  "I didn't see any news on it."

  "It's still under wraps."

  "And you're telling me?"

  Honjou Tsukasa looks hard at me and says.

  "Well, you're our important raider. I trust my own students."

  "You'll get betrayed you know?"

  Honjou Tsukasa smiles.

  "Maybe. But even the Japanese government trusts you guys. You all did a distinguished service in saving the 3 million people in Kanagawa."

  Hearing those words, I consider the possibility of Honjou Tsukasa and Metropolitan Kichijouji High not knowing about what Taikou Pharmaceuticals did.

  That Asahi Momoka incident was artificially caused by Taikou Pharmaceuticals but ---

  Do the personnel of Kichijouji High know of this?

  Or, Honjou Tsukasa doesn't know of this?

  Or, she actually knows but is pretending not to know?

  Whichever it is, it doesn't matter to me. There are many instances whereby countries or military-affiliated corporations got blinded by the profits that could be gained from labyrinths and went crazy because of that.

  And I have no time to play with them. As long as I could save my little sister Saki, nothing else matters.

  I say.

  "The one who did that was Gunjou, you know?"

  "Even so, it wouldn't have been possible without your support. So feel free to let me know what you want. I'll prepare it for you."
  "Did you get a budget increase from the country?"

  Such things do happen too.

  By getting Taikou Pharmaceuticals to create the incident, they could elevate the name of Kichijouji High if they could suppress the incident. And in the end, the government will increase their budget --- there's a possibility that this was what they had aimed for.

  Is the mastermind Taikou Pharmaceuticals?

  Or Metropolitan Kichijouji High?

  Or the Japanese government?

  Like I thought, I shouldn't bother myself about it. I shouldn't get myself involved in it. I don't give a shit about the world.

  Upon hearing my question, Honjou Tsukasa smiled happily.

  "Even my salary was increased with the budget from the country ~ ♪. Thanks to you guys. Feels good. So you guys can just feel free to let me know what you need."

  "Ha, like installing a sauna in the shower room, or something to that effect?"

  But Honjou Tsukasa simply nods.

  "If that's what you really want, we'll do it, Arisu Shinnosuke-kun."

  Seems like they got a really large-scale budget increase. To the point where we can just splurge on meaningless things.

  "And also, you didn't register a bank account with the school, did you? We're going to deposit money into it so please register one. And, please grow much stronger. Use your money to get much stronger. Ah, and also, it's fine even if it's a foreign unlawful account. We have plenty of such guys in this school and so are lax about it."

  As she said that, Honjou Tsukasa started walking.

  Passing me by.


  And I ponder about what Honjou Tsukasa just said.

  What did she mean by that?

  --- We have plenty of such guys in this school and so are lax about it.

  That meant that they are already used to getting betrayed.

  Strong fellows will turn against you quickly. They either get poached by spies from other corporations or countries, or they are spies right from the beginning.

  This is true for any country. That's why I don't trust anyone. I don't believe in the word 'comrade'. Friends? Hah. What the hell's that?


  But, right now, Honjou Tsukasa is displaying an attitude that says that she is unconcerned about getting betrayed. It means that the school is already prepared to take in students who will betray them.