Beth was starting to tear up when Nick and his father walked up. His father pulled her into a warm hug and then put his arm around his wife. “Honey, we need to go. You know my parents will be in first thing tomorrow and we probably both need some sleep for that.”

  With a dramatic shudder, Nick’s mother said, “Great, thanks for ruining a perfectly good evening with that reminder.” Turning to Nick and Beth, she said, “Okay, I need to get home and have a stiff drink or four before tomorrow. You two are more than welcome to come for a visit, like right now.”

  “Oh, no.” Nick laughed. “Nothing but love for you, Mom, but you are on your own there.”

  “I’m going to pretend I don’t hear this conversation about my parents,” Nick’s father said wryly.

  As they were getting into their car, Beth saw Declan walking Ella toward her car. She urged Nick to leave quickly to give them some privacy. Maybe this would be the night that Ella’s dreams came true as well. Of course, she also couldn’t deny that the phrase Be careful what you wish for kept running through her mind as she worried about Ella’s situation.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Beth walked up to the receptionist’s desk on Monday for her usual morning chat with Ella. The depressed expression on her friend’s face told her all she needed to know. Smiling brightly, Beth said, “Hey, girl, how was your weekend?”

  Ella gave her a wan smile in return. “It was all right. I really enjoyed the wedding. Do you know where Suzy and Gray went for their honeymoon yet?”

  “Nick said they are in Bora Bora.”

  “Wow,” Ella gasped, clearly impressed.

  “Yep. As long as they have a beach, my sister will be in heaven. You would think she’d get tired of the ocean since she practically lives on top of it. So, how did things go with Declan Saturday night?”

  Ella laid her head in her hands and sighed. “The dance was wonderful and we talked, but I felt like he wanted to walk away the whole time. I caught him looking at me funny a few times so I tried to ask if he had something on his mind. He said he was thinking about something at work. I just don’t understand why he suddenly won’t talk to me anymore. I have gone over and over it in my mind and I can’t think of anything I said that would have offended him.”

  “Oh, Ella, I don’t think you said or did anything. I saw him looking at you Saturday night and he clearly feels something toward you. What, I don’t know, but there is something there.”

  “Well, what should I do?”

  Giving her friend a hug, Beth said, “I know you don’t want to hear this, but do nothing. Declan is nervous or scared of something. Give him some time and space. When he does come around, be friendly. See if you can get back to a comfortable relationship with him. Don’t ask him for anything, most of all for a date. You need to see if he will let his guard down again.”

  “Geez, maybe life was easier when I was clueless about men. It’s hard to play all these games. I have bought every book and every magazine and I still don’t know what I should be doing,” Ella admitted.

  Beth hid a smile behind her hand. “I know it’s hard, and I’m far from an expert. I don’t have much more experience than you do. Nick is my longest relationship ever. Before I met him, I had never been involved with anyone more than a month. I wish I could tell you that it will get easier.”

  “It is easier for you now with Nick, right?”

  Beth pondered Ella’s question. “Hmmm, well I guess parts of it are. I’m comfortable with him and he’s a straightforward guy. There are times he still puzzles me though, and I know I confuse the hell out of him.”

  “Oh, great. When do things get easier, then?”

  Beth laughed. “If you’re lucky . . . never!”

  * * *

  Beth worked her ass off for the two weeks that Suzy was on her honeymoon. She went into the office early and fell exhausted into bed every evening. The one positive was that she had replaced her morning sickness with sex. Since she barely saw Nick in the evening, she made sure she woke him in the morning.

  Her hectic workload had also made it easier to manage her eating. Several days, she worked straight through lunch without eating. Her stomach continued to round slightly, but the scales remained stable.

  Nick had caught her in a lie the previous evening. Since she was no longer eating in the evening, she hadn’t bothered to check the usual staples in the refrigerator. Nick had come home earlier than usual and had asked if she wanted to go out to dinner. She told him that she had already eaten. When he asked what she’d eaten, she said a ham sandwich because she always kept that for a quick meal. She could still remember his next words, “Hmmm, really? We’ve been out of sandwich makings here for a week.”

  She had tried to play it off. “Oh, I know. I have been meaning to get by the store. I just picked a sandwich up on the way home since we didn’t have anything here.” She could tell by the look in his eyes that he didn’t believe her. She had changed the subject, asking when Suzy and Gray were due back and he had let it go. She had noticed his eyes on her a few more times during the evening. She was ashamed to admit it, but that one night she had used sex to distract him.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  “Oh, God, can’t I even be back at work for a day without being called to a covert meeting?” Suzy complained.

  Nick hugged his new sister-in-law, not put off in the least by her abrupt manner. He knew that Suzy was a ton of bark and, luckily, only bit when she had to. “Oh, come on, you love it. It must have been rough being out of the loop for the last couple weeks.” When an unusual blush colored Suzy’s face, he rolled his eyes. “I know how much you like to share, but please spare me whatever you are thinking because the man is my brother.”

  “Tsk, tsk, jealousy is so last year, Nicky. Now that you dragged me out of my house early this morning, get to the point. I have a ton of crap lined up at work, so our tea party will have to be fast.”

  “It’s Beth.”

  “Well, duh. I assumed it was since you didn’t want to invite her and tell her that we were meeting. So, what gives? Did she throw you out? Just suck it up and say you’re sorry.”

  “That’s not it. She . . . I don’t think she’s eating, Suzy.”

  Giving him an impatient look she said, “Come again?”

  “I think she’s skipping meals and lying about it.”

  “Why would she do that and how do you know?”

  Nick shifted in his seat, wondering where to begin. “I think it all started with the dinner with your parents a few weeks ago, when your mother and father were going on and on about her weight. She acted as if it didn’t bother her, but I think it hit a panic button somewhere inside her. At first she told me she was eating earlier to avoid getting sick in the mornings, which sounded reasonable. Then I noticed that anytime we were together for a meal or snack, she would pick at it, but never really eat more than a few bites. I still just put that down to her not feeling well.

  “Suzy, she just doesn’t look healthy now. Last night she told me that she had a sandwich for dinner and then when I mentioned that we were out of sandwich makings, she looked really funny and said she had gotten the sandwich on her way home. When I was going to push it further, she ripped my clothes off to change the subject.”

  “Oh, shit, must you go there every time? Can’t I be around you two without having to talk about your sex life?”

  “Yeah, sorry about that. I was trying to make a point.”

  “Well, how about making it with less detail next time? I have already been scarred for life by the crap I know about you and my sister.” Suzy rubbed her temples as if a headache was brewing.

  Nick hated to pounce on her on her first day back to work, but he needed backup. “Will you just talk to her today and see what you think? I hope I’m wrong, but I have a bad feeling about it.”

  “I’ll see if I can feel her out without her knowing that you said anything to me. She might kick you out for real then, buddy. So, how are things betw
een you since the whole baby-on-board thing?” she asked.

  Nick smiled, completely at ease. “We are good. I’m happy about the babies, and I think Beth is starting to get excited, too. She actually bought a few baby books, so that’s a start.”

  “Okay, good. We can stop right there before you move on to intimate details that will have my coffee screaming back up my throat.” Then, squeezing his arm, she added, “Thanks, though, for telling me. I’m glad you’re watching out for Beth. As you know, we only have each other, and with her being pregnant, I could use the help.”

  Nick drove off feeling guilty for talking to Suzy behind Beth’s back, but he was also relieved. If Beth was in trouble, Suzy would sniff it out and take care of it. He was damned glad to have Gray and Suzy back.

  * * *

  “Holy scarecrow, when was the last time you ate?” Suzy demanded as soon as she saw her. So much for subtle. Damn, I shouldn’t have blurted that out like that, but look at her. I leave for two weeks and return to a sister who looks like a stick figure. I hate to admit it, but Nick is right. There is a problem here.

  Beth laughed as she settled into the seat in front of Suzy. “What are you talking about?”

  Suzy rubbed her temple again, feeling the headache that had begun during her conversation with Nick pick up momentum and start to pound. It was like the end of vacation and the beginning of hell. “You look sick. Have you been to the doctor lately?”

  “Nope. I have to go again next week. Why?”

  “Are you still getting sick a lot? You look ill.”

  “Well, thanks. Do you have any more compliments for me?” Beth snapped.

  Suzy took a deep breath and tried to be something she had little experience with: gentle.

  “I’m just worried about you. You look like you’ve lost weight since I’ve been gone. Are you eating?” Suzy didn’t miss the defensive look on her sister’s face or the squaring of her shoulders.

  “Of course I’m eating. What is it with you and Nick? Why does everyone assume I’m skipping meals? You know how often I have thrown up since I’ve been pregnant. If I’m thinner, it’s for that reason and nothing more.”

  Yep, classic denial. Thank you so much, Mom and Dad, for causing this big old mess. Did you have to screw with your daughter’s head? Hey, let’s give you another award for parents of the year. “Beth, I know the parents said some crazy shit to you at my house and I hope that you didn’t believe it.”

  Beth stood up and gave her a blank look. “I don’t even remember, sis. Let’s just forget about it. I need to make some calls and I know you have a ton of stuff to do so I’m going to let you get to it. We can catch up later. I’m glad to have you back.”

  When Beth pulled the door shut behind her, Suzy knew that her sister had never been less happy to see her. Despite all the work that littered her desk, Suzy swung her chair toward the window behind her and wondered how to help Beth when she so clearly didn’t want it. She wanted to call their parents and tell them off, but what good would it do? They would never believe that they had done anything wrong. Facts and figures were their life and there wasn’t room for anything outside that. If she told them that they had contributed to Beth’s eating problem, they would roll out the statistics of women with eating and mental disorders. There was simply no room in their lives for emotion or guilt. Suzy was eternally grateful that they had chosen a work conference over attending her wedding. At least everyone was able to enjoy it without them ruining the day.

  Tapping a pen on her desk, she tried to think of ways to help her sister. Beth had seriously pissed on the talking option, so what was next? An intervention? Yeah, that will go well. Maybe we could all lecture her and stuff food in her mouth. Ah, hell. There were certain times in everyone’s life when being an only child would rock, and this was one of those times.

  * * *

  Beth leaned weakly against the door of the restroom stall. She felt dizzy and frail. She had rushed to the restroom thinking she was having a delayed bout of morning sickness, but so far, nothing had happened. She wobbled over to the sink and wet a paper towel to wipe her face. Her skin was clammy and she couldn’t decide if she was hot or cold. The cell phone in her jacket pocket went off, sounding like a bomb exploding in the quiet restroom. She fumbled and finally pulled it out. Pressing the button to answer the call, she sighed in relief when she heard Nick’s voice. “Hey, princess. How about lunch with a hot stud today?”


  “Um, yeah. Who were you expecting? Is there another hot stud that you lunch with?”

  “Nick, I . . . I’m sick.”

  Suddenly all the teasing left his voice, as he demanded, “Where are you?”

  “Bathroom,” she choked out.

  “I’m coming, baby. Is anyone with you?”

  “No. Hurry, Nick, I don’t feel good.”

  “Hang on, I’m on the way. If you aren’t sitting down, princess, then do it before you fall down. Shit, are you in the restroom on your floor?”

  “Ye— Yes.”

  “I’m in the stairwell now. I won’t take the elevator because we would lose our connection. Are you sitting down?”

  “Mmm, hmmm.”

  The restroom door started opening and Beth vaguely recognized a woman from the advertising department as she started in. She looked surprised at Beth sitting on the floor. Suddenly, Nick flung the door open and ushered the woman back out. He ran over to Beth’s side and squatted on the floor. “What’s wrong, baby? Are you hurt?”

  “Just sick, Nick.”

  “I’m going to take you to the hospital. Put your arms around my neck while I pick you up.”

  “No hospital. Please take me home. I’m just dizzy. It’s morning sickness.” Beth could see the uncertainty play across his handsome face. “Please, Nick, I’m okay. I just need to rest for a while.”

  He trailed a gentle finger down her pale cheek before gently lifting her into his arms. “All right, princess, but if you aren’t feeling a lot better soon, we’re going straight to the hospital. Understand?”

  Beth laid her cheek against his hard chest, grateful to have him to lean on. When had she started depending on him to take care of her? She knew in her heart that Nick would protect her with everything that he had, just as he would their babies. Why was she resisting being a family with him? He might not love her, but he would love their children, of that she was certain. You may never admit it to anyone else, but admit it to yourself. You love him. No, no, no! Oh, God, no! There was nowhere left to hide. All of the denial in the world wouldn’t change the fact that she had fallen in love with Nick Merimon, just as countless women before her had.

  Now the dizziness that she felt had nothing to do with being sick. She risked a quick glance at his face, hoping he hadn’t noticed the sudden tension in her body. He could never know how she felt about him or it would be over. Worse yet, he would stay because of the babies, but she would have to live with his pity. She couldn’t be another woman who pinned all her hopes and dreams on landing him. She knew that he wanted her and they both genuinely enjoyed each other, but never once had there been any mention of feelings. How could I have been so stupid? I let him in.

  They were attracting a lot of attention as Nick carried her from the building to his car. She knew that Suzy would know within minutes and would be frantic. As soon as she finished that thought, her cell phone trilled. Without looking at the caller ID, she handed the phone to Nick. She heard him assuring Suzy that he was taking care of her and not to rush after them. After a few more moments spent convincing her, Nick handed the phone back to Beth, and said, “Please don’t do that to me again. Your sister just made some new and disturbing threats that involved certain body parts and sharp instruments.”

  Beth laughed weakly, still trying to shake off the shock of the realization that she loved him. She felt like it was plastered on her face for the world to see. Luckily, he didn’t seem to notice anything out of the ordinary. “Still okay, princess? We
can go to the hospital now.”

  “No, please, let’s just go home. I feel a little better.”

  Without further argument, Nick had the car in gear and was soon carrying her into the apartment. He settled her on the couch and grabbed a pillow and a blanket to wrap her in. “Have you eaten this morning?”

  At that point, she was too tired to lie to him and too hungry to care if she gained a pound from a meal. “No, I was planning an early lunch.” So maybe that was technically a lie, but she would have had something to eat, right?

  He pursed his lips in disapproval and said, “I’m going to see what I can find. Call me if you need anything.”

  Beth closed her eyes and was soon drifting off. She startled awake when she felt a hand pushing her hair back from her eyes. Nick was perched on the coffee table in front of her with a tray containing some type of soup and crackers. “I’m sorry; this was all I could find. When you’re settled and feeling a little better, I’ll make a run to the supermarket and stock our shelves.” Her stomach rumbled from the mouthwatering aroma of the soup. “It’s just chicken noodle,” Nick said, “but it was that or rice cakes so I took a chance.”

  “It smells amazing; thank you.” She sat up against the cushions and Nick settled the tray on her lap. Any other time she would have been embarrassed at how fast she consumed the bowl of soup, but once she started, she couldn’t seem to stop. It was the best meal she could remember having in ages and she ate until the tray was clear.

  Nick gave her a smile of approval when he removed the empty tray. “Good girl.” He took the tray to the kitchen and she was surprised when he came back to the couch and lifted her up so that he could slide in behind her. When he had her settled in his arms to his satisfaction, she snuggled into his warmth. His hands settled on her temples and she moaned in bliss as he rubbed them gently. The combination of the meal and the massage was more than her tired body could handle. Within moments, she felt herself slipping away. How could love be any better than what she felt right now in his arms? It was just the icing on the cake. She could live with this. It was enough, wasn’t it?