Jack frowned, then sat down. Brent ordered a beer and played the tape for him of both phone calls.

  “We need to have these tapes analyzed. The FBI’s probably already doing it.”

  “I’m launching my own investigation, Jack. If this guy is Banks, he can get another lawyer to walk him into the execution chamber. If it’s not Banks, I owe it to him to stick on the case.”

  “You mean solving the murders?”

  “That’s the only way to defend him, as I see it.”

  “What makes you think he’s not the guy?”

  “Alright: Banks is weird - crazy, even. He quotes the Bible and speaks in tongues, but the person who made these phone calls is truly evil. I can feel it.”

  “Maybe Banks just graduated. Remember when he threatened your life?”

  “Yeah, but he’s more of an actor than a maniac.”

  “Sometimes the maniac can be sitting right next to you and you’d never know it.”

  “When I was just starting out, Charles Stinson got me on the private counsel list to defend alleged parole violators.”

  “Alleged, humph.” Jack took a swig of his beer.

  “Exactly. But I remember looking into their eyes. They say that eyes are the windows to the soul. But when I looked into their eyes, I saw emptiness. True evil. Gave me the creeps.”

  “I know what you mean. But you can’t defend Banks by telling a jury to look into his eyes.”

  “We’re going to need a language expert.”


  For the language expert, Brent called on Dr. Jean Beverly. She had assisted him before on another case involving a complicated form of alternative communication. Dr. Beverly was a criminologist and forensic linguist and psychologist, with a PhD in Psychology and Criminology, an M.A. in linguistics, and a B.A. in English with a concentration in linguistics. Brent had Melinda set up an appointment for her to meet with him and Jack in Brent’s office to see if she could help.

  Dr. Beverly was probably very attractive in her day, which was sometime in the 80s, and she was dressed for the 90s. She packed just a few more pounds than the average woman her age, but she had a pleasant appearance and spoke in an authoritative tone.

  “Dr. Beverly, it’s great to see you. Come in, please.” Jack and Brent both stood up to greet her.

  “This is Jack Ruder, our investigator.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Mr. Ruder.”

  Dr. Beverly took a seat in one of the wooden chairs opposite Brent’s walnut desk. Brent summarized the situation and played the tape of the phone calls for her.

  “Some followers of Christ believe that the Holy Spirit can speak through them. That’s called speaking in tongues. It certainly sounds like that’s what he’s doing on the first call you recorded, but on the second, I’m not so sure. Could you play it back for me please?”

  Ot ki sili naka pheno shtati. Uoth thewonk ton ohw i ma tub i liw

  “Stop! Back it up, please.”

  Uoth thewonk ton ohw i ma tub i liw leever flesym ot eeht.

  “That is English.”


  “Yes. May I?”

  Dr. Beverly pulled the tape player closer to her and played each phrase separately.

  “Uoth thewonk – Thou knoweth. Ton ohw I ma – Thou knoweth not who I am. Tub i liw leever flesym ot eeht – But I will reveal myself to thee. He’s saying it word for word, but backwards.”


  “Actually, it’s pretty simple. And the Bible quotations from the first message are from the Bible, alright; but the second one – 'I am outside your dimensions' – that sounds like something from the Satanic Bible.”

  “The Satanic Bible?”

  “Yes, it’s a philosophical treatise on Satanism written by Anton LaVey in the 60s. But a lot of Satanic followers treat it as their own scripture.”

  “Why would a religious fanatic be reading something like the Satanic Bible?”

  “Maybe he studied Satanism. You don’t have to be a Satanist to study it. Perhaps he read it somewhere and it stuck in his memory as a quote from the Bible.”

  “Seems to me that this guy is more of a Satanist than a religious zealot.”

  “The Church of Satan condones same-sex marriages. Christian churches don’t. From the profile you supplied me, it is obvious that he is punishing people in same-sex marriages. He’s obviously a sociopath or psychopath, who has religious compulsions.”

  “He seems like a demon to me.”

  “Whatever he is, what you really need is an expert on religion to help us complete his profile if we are ever to hope to catch him.”

  “Or an exorcist.”


  Angela dragged her tired body through the front door of her apartment. It was already close to midnight, and she was too fatigued to be hungry. That is, until her senses registered that something was cooking in her kitchen. She kicked off her shoes in the foyer, hung her jacket on the coat rack, and went to investigate.

  “Welcome home from the war.”

  “Thanks. We’re going to eat this late?”

  “Just something light. Maine lobster.”

  Angela harrumphed. “Sounds very light.”

  “You prefer to save it for lunch tomorrow? It’ll make a great salad.”

  “With this task force duty, lunch is more likely to be burgers. No, let’s have it now. It’s a great idea.”

  Angela slumped down in a chair at the kitchen table.

  “If I have the energy to eat it.”

  “Any breaks on the case?”

  “No. We met with the psychologists, linguists and bible experts today. They’re working together on a profile.”

  “I met with an expert today, too – Jean Beverly.”

  “Beverly – I know her. She’s good. You’re doing your own investigation?”

  “With an altogether different perspective. But I’ll share, of course. Dr. Beverly deciphered some of the tongues on the recording.”


  “Yeah. It’s English – backwards. And she said that one of the bible verses came from the Satanic Bible.”

  “Sounds like we could use her on the team.”

  “She’s made a report for us. Jack sent it to you by email.”


  He awoke from the dream and remembered every detail of it. For God speaks in one way, and in two, though man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, while they slumber in their beds.

  He knew that he had to do as he had been commanded in the dream. But was not the act of execution the act of killing, and wasn’t that a sin? He was confused; but, at the same time, exhilarated that he had been chosen to accomplish this important task. But why did it give him pleasure to hear the cries of the infidels as he slew them? Why did their screams of death give him such pleasure? Why was such emotion attached to this sacred act? Just thinking about it was making him hard. He followed through, giving himself pleasure and experiencing the relief. Then he felt disgusted with himself, that he could do such a despicable act, and prayed for forgiveness.

  As he knelt in prayer, he could smell himself. He stunk like a pig – a filthy animal. He had to be clean, to be pure. He rose, went into the bathroom, stepped into the shower, turned on the water as hot as he could stand it, and scrubbed every drop of earthly sweat from his body until he felt that his skin should be raw. Then he dried his body, knelt again, and prayed.

  As he prayed, he held the sword of God in front of him and made the sign of the cross with the blade. He balanced the knife on his two hands, left index finger on the blade and right one on the handle, and lifted it to the heavens. He prayed that it shall be blessed and that he shall carry out God’s holy mission. He prayed that he would have the strength to carry out his duties in the name of the Lord – that he may avenge God and punish the infidels.


  The car was piled with empty McDonalds bags and used Styrofoam coffee cups. It smel
led like a trash can. He crouched down in the passenger’s seat, waiting. Waiting and babbling.

  He was in there. The beast – the abomination. But his time was coming near – the time to pay for his sins and be delivered to Hell.

  “Thou shalt bring forth that wicked man or woman, which have committed that wicked thing – and shalt stone them with stones until they die.”

  He would draw the sword of the Lord God, and march forthright, without fear, into the temple of the infidels, and slay and execute him for his sins against the Father. And after he did this righteous act, he would be covered in his blood, and let himself be overcome by the Spirit, clearing his mind to allow the message to come through. And, through him, the Spirit would write the message on the wall.


  Father Thaddeus Brown was a Franciscan monk who had served the Lord for over 50 years in missions all around the world. He was a stout man, with a body more fit than you would expect from his 73 years, and had a full head of graying hair. During his missions, he had lived in the birthplaces of civilization – Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Not only did he hold doctorate degrees in theology and psychology, but he had also studied each of the similar world religions and their practices.

  Father Brown had faith, but he was also a theologian; and that application of divine science to life’s reality had caused him to question his faith several times throughout his career. During his service in Afghanistan, he had been called upon to perform an exorcism on a teenage boy whose family believed him to be possessed by demons. All his professional training could not have prepared him for this experience, and he had to leave the service of the Lord and meditate deeply for two years afterward.

  The memories came creeping back to him after one of his former students, Jean Beverly, called him to ask if he would consult on a serial murder case. Whether it was an evil that was created by man, or some divine evil that emanated from a fallen angel, Father Brown was about to look into the eyes of a demon one more time.

  Jean had arranged to meet him for tea at the Santa Barbara Biltmore Hotel. The terrace of the Bella Vista was a special place for Brent and Angela, whom Brent had invited to join the consultation, along with Jack Ruder. The sun was just starting its afternoon descent as they sat on the patio, facing the ocean. After they had traded introductions during the first pot of tea, Father Brown broke the ice.

  “So what makes you think I can help you catch this obviously troubled soul?”

  “This troubled soul, as you call him, has already killed 16 people.” Angela folded her arms and leaned back in her seat.

  “Even if he is truly wicked, he is just a man, and, as such, he cannot live forever.”

  “Just the same, Angela is right. We can’t have him out there killing people while we wait for him to die a natural death.”

  “Of course not, Mr. Marks.” Father Brown offered Angela another cup of tea from the steaming pot that the waitress had put on the table. She nodded and he poured. “That brings me back to my original question. I want to help, but you have to tell me how.”

  “We need a theological consultant. The suspect speaks in Bible verses and he also purports to speak in tongues. I’ve been consulted as an expert on language, but he’s sending messages and, while I feel competent deciphering them, I’m not so comfortable composing responses.”

  “Messages? As I understand, he’s writing them in blood.”

  “He’s also been calling Mr. Marks. It would be good if you could be on hand to tell Mr. Marks how to respond.”

  Brent related the conversation he had had with Banks after the bus massacre, and played the two taped conversations.

  “This conversation you had after the bus murders and the two you recorded seem to be with two different people.”

  “Or the same person with multiple personality disorder.”

  “Very possible, Dr. Beverly. Just the same, the first person seemed afraid; the second determined and brave. The first seemed to me to be godly and timid; the second threatening.”

  “I don’t know how godly he could possibly be, but the FBI considers this to be the same suspect.”

  “Just the same, I may be able to help you communicate with him – get him to reveal more about himself that could help you apprehend him. Do you have a transcript of the conversations?”

  “I do.” Jack reached into his briefcase. “I made a copy for you and for Dr. Beverly.” Jack handed a copy of the report to both of them.

  “He says here that he has seen the ancient serpent, the devil. And he calls the devil by some of the names we know him to be called by in different languages, such as 'Azazael' and 'Abaddon'.”

  “And he told me that Satan had come to him in the form of an angel.”

  “Yes, that is consistent with scripture. In 2 Corinthians 11:14, Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.”

  “Then he speaks in tongues.”

  “Unfortunately, that cannot be verified. He purported to speak in tongues. While there are some Acts of the Apostles that reference speaking in tongues, and also in Corinthians 14:5, it’s not a traditional form of prayer in Catholicism.”

  “Then he says he has been captured by the evil one and brushed with the powers of darkness.”

  “Yes, and that is where he seems to be showing his fear. He was captured by what he believes to be Satan, who came to him disguised as an angel, and now is asking God to show him the way out.”

  “Help us catch him, Father, and we’ll show him the way out.”

  “Agent Wollard, I can’t assist you in setting a trap to kill this man.” Father Brown frowned, and his lips tightened.

  “Don’t worry, Father. We’ll take him alive.” She leaned back again. “If we can.”

  “What about the recorded phone messages, Father?”

  “Well, the first is a verse from John 16:13. ‘When the Spirit of truth is come, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak from Himself, but whatever He may hear, He will speak. And He will declare to you the things coming.”

  “Is he saying to Brent that he’s going to tell him what is going to happen next?”

  “Yes, Mr. Ruder, that would be my interpretation. In the scripture, of course, we are being told that the Holy Spirit will show us the way. But your suspect is not a prophet. There is only one Christ, and God cannot be speaking through this man. He is using to the scripture to send his own earthly message.”

  “What about his speaking in tongues after that?”

  “I don’t recognize that as any language, did you Dr. Beverly?”


  “Well, we know he can’t be speaking in tongues, because speaking in tongues is when the Holy Spirit speaks through a human vessel, and there is nothing holy about his acts or deeds.”

  Angela nodded. “Unholy, if you ask me.”

  “I think we can all agree on that. Then he says that an angel hath been revealed to me and will show thee the way. This doesn’t appear to be a quotation of any scripture, per se. The literal meaning of it, I suppose, is that he thinks he is getting some kind of divine instruction and will make some type of revelation to Mr. Marks.”

  “What about: It is the glory of God to conceal things and the truth will be revealed in its own time?”

  “Proverbs 25:2: ‘It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.’ The second verse is not correctly recited, but it sounds like Ecclesiastes 3:1: ‘For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under the heaven.’ It shall be written in blood has no place in the scriptures, but it could explain his choice of medium for the message.”

  “Very clinically put, Father. What do you think he’s trying to tell us?”

  “I suppose, Mr. Marks, that he’s trying to tell us that we can expect him to reveal and identify himself when the time has come.”

  “What time is that?”

  “I don’t know, Agent Wollard. Only he knows that.”

; “It seems to me that this man thinks he’s doing God’s work, in a weird way, and that he wants the message of what he is doing to be spread.”

  “That’s an interesting hypothesis, Dr. Beverly.”

  “He’s trying to cure the world of homosexuality?”

  “That’s what it would appear, Mr. Marks. And it seems he has chosen you to spread his message.”

  “Okay, I get that, but what about: I am outside your dimensions?”

  “This is where I disagree with Dr. Beverly. When we speak of communication with God, since he is outside our dimensions, He cannot speak to us directly. He speaks to us in other ways. This man either thinks he is communicating with God or another spirit who is outside of our dimensions. We know that this is not possible, because the Bible teaches us that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one.”

  “What about Satan?”

  “Good point, Mr. Ruder. Maybe he believes he is talking to God, or maybe an angel of God, or even Satan. We can’t know what’s going on in his head. But there’s one thing I think we can be sure of.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I think he intends to kill again. Where else would he get the blood to write his messages?”


  Dr. Beverly convinced Father Brown to go to a “slumber party” of sorts at Brent’s house. In fact, everyone was invited and, for the first time, all three of Brent’s guest rooms were occupied. Deputy Salinger was on night duty. He would monitor the phone and sound the alarm to wake everyone up if a call was received, so his guest room was unoccupied for most of the night. Dr. Beverly and Father Brown took the other two rooms and, of course, Angela and Brent bunked together.

  “It’s kind of weird, don’t you think?”


  “That we’re sleeping together in the same room with a priest right downstairs?”

  “Angela, you’re not Catholic.”

  “I know, but we’re not married.”

  “And you don’t want to sin in the presence of a man of God?”