Page 28 of Cara's Twelve

  Placing the letter on the bed, she stood and had to steady herself as a wave of dizziness hit her. Taking a deep breath, she pushed past the nausea that followed and headed to the stables.

  She had suspected for over a week now that she was with child, and every day that passed confirmed her suspicions.

  Placing her hand over her abdomen she let an elongated breath. She didn't know what fate a child born on the tour of the Twelve would face, but she knew for certain that if it was a daughter, she could never inherit the crown. Only a child born after her inauguration would be considered a legitimate heir.

  She could never truly claim the child.

  “What have I done?” she whispered to herself as she walked down the servant's stairwell and buckled over as another wave of nausea clutched at her.

  Grateful that no one could see her, Cara stood and wiped the sweat from her lip, and leaned against the cold stone wall as she tried to regain her composure.

  There were herbs easily attainable in the northern region that could expel an unwanted child from its mother's womb. The thought crossed her mind only briefly, and Cara hated herself for even considering it.

  While unexpected, the child growing inside her was not unwanted. She would talk to Helfrich once he arrived in Drumna. He would know what to do. How to claim the child as legitimate. There had to be a way, and if there wasn't she would make one.

  A daughter for the North.

  Wynne's words echoed through Cara's mind, and for a brief second she saw the image of two women standing on a precipice overlooking Elbia, arms linked, both crowned as Queens in their own right.

  Cara blinked and the image was gone.

  In that moment, she knew it was true. She was carrying Tahdaon's child. A nervous laugh escaped her lips. She was going to be a mother.

  * * *

  The stables were quiet and she saw no sign of Wesley or the stable hands as she entered.

  “Wesley?” she whispered, suddenly feeling ill at ease.

  She turned to leave, just as a man dressed in dark clothing stepped out of the shadows. He pulled his hood back revealing himself, and Cara forgot her apprehension as she stared into the familiar grey eyes.

  “I'm so glad you are okay,” Cara laughed, as she through her arms around him. “We didn't know if you made it.”

  Wesley stood awkwardly as she hugged him, and Cara saw a flicker of fear cross his expression as she pulled back.

  “Come,” she said, grabbing his hand. “You don't have to worry about Tahdaon or his family. You'll be safe here. I promise.”

  Cara tugged on his arm, but he didn't move.

  “Cara, wait.”

  Again, Cara saw something in his eyes that didn't sit right. He was hiding something. Cara realized what was missing, or rather who was missing.

  “Where's Landon?” she asked, and watched as Wesley paled at the mention of his lover's name. Wesley's eyes went hard and Cara's fear returned. “Wesley, what's going on?”

  “I'm sorry.”

  “Sorry for what?”

  No sooner had she said the words, when something was forced over her head and her arms secured behind her. She started to scream, but before the sound could reach her lips she felt a crack against the back of her head. Her legs buckled and the world went dark.

  * * *

  Cara's stomach revolted as she awoke to a vicious pain in her head. She groaned as she tried to sit up, but her hands were tied behind her back and the movement only increased her agony.

  “Looks like the bitch is finally waking up.”

  Cara blinked several times and tried to adjust her eyes, but the harder she tried, the more nauseous she felt. She moaned against the gag they had tied around her mouth, and swallowed as bile rose high in her throat.

  “Sit up slowly.”

  Large hands grasped her shoulders and helped her sit up. She leaned against the rough bark of a tree and scowled at the burly image of Wesley. He removed the gag from her mouth and placed a cup to her lips, and forced her to drink.

  “Take small sips. You've been unconscious for hours. Your head may hurt, but you'll be fine.”

  She took a deep breath and willed her treacherous stomach to behave itself.

  “What have you done?” she hissed.

  “I had no choice. Edmund's men found us after you and the others had escaped. You left us there. Defenseless.” Wesley slammed his fist on the tree trunk close to Cara's head and screamed. “They took him. The only way I'll ever see Landon alive is if I deliver you to Edmund.”

  Cara stared at him in horror as she realized what he intended.

  “I know you love Landon, but if you hand me over to Edmund you're giving him the power to control all of Elbia.”

  “Would that really be a bad thing?”

  “How can you say that? You know what he's like. You'd trust a man who kidnapped someone you love? Do you really think he'll let you walk free?”

  “Enough.” Wesley shoved the gag back in her mouth and stood staring down at her with tears in his eyes. “You don't understand. This is your fault. If you hadn't allowed him to come with us on tour, Edmund never would have taken him.”

  Wesley wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and turned away from her.

  She tried to scream at him through the gag, but her words came out in a muffled cry, and the effort only made her head hurt more.

  She cursed herself for going down to the stables alone. Tahdaon would be furious at her when he found out what she had done. He would undoubtedly come after her, but if he didn't find her before Wesley handed her over to Edmund, he would have to send an army to defeat Ballack's men.

  They didn't camp overnight, and when they did stop it was only to relieve themselves before pressing on. Three men rode with them. From what Cara could ascertain, they were paid mercenaries.

  “If it's coin you want, then take me back to Drumna. I'll triple whatever it is Wesley has offered you.”

  The man laughed in her face and grabbed her arm tightly. “You think it's that snivelling bastard that I work for? His pockets aren't deep enough to fill mine. Trust me princess, there isn't enough gold in Dalgliesh to make me break my word to Edmund.”

  Cara knew real fear as she looked into the man's merciless black eyes.

  * * *

  It took them four days to reach the city of Knowl.

  Exhausted and aching, Cara awoke fully as she caught her first glimpse of the Hellstrom army that camped on the outskirts of Knowl. Dread filled her. There were thousands upon thousands of men. A sea of tents stretched along the city borders.

  Ballack's army was supposed to be in the city of Annul. Not this far north.

  Cara swallowed past the lump in her throat as she glimpsed the Bere Alstern and Ashwater banners among the crowd.

  Dalgliesh wasn't ready for an attack of this magnitude. The troops from Muir weren't expected to arrive for another few weeks, and they still hadn't heard anything from Northlew, Drumlish, or the southern provinces. If Ballack chose to attack Drumna now, the city would easily fall to an army this size.

  As they entered the city gates, she lost all hope that Tahdaon would rescue her.

  Edmund was waiting for her as Wesley dragged her into the great hall.

  Edmund clicked his tongue as he walked towards her. Feign sympathy on his face, he ordered the men to remove the gag and ropes that bound her hands together.

  “Now, now. Is that anyway to treat my future wife?”

  Cara snarled at him. “How dare you. I will never marry you. I would rather rot in hell than be your wife.”

  Edmund lips curled in a scowl, as he took two long strides towards her and fisted a hand in her hair, yanking hard so that she cried out.

  “We can have that arranged if you refuse to cooperate.”

  Cara spit in his face. “You think I fear you?”

  Edmunds eyes grew fierce, but he didn't retaliate. He merely wiped the spittle off his cheek with the back of his hand. “Don't un
derestimate me, princess. You have no idea what I'm capable of.”

  “You're nothing but a coward who hides behind his daddy's sword. The people of Elbia will never accept you as their king. You have no right to the crown.”

  “On the contrary my dear, I think you're failing to see the larger picture.”

  Terrified, Cara whipped her head around at the sound of the woman's shrill voice. “Birkita.”

  Birkita gave her a cruel and taunting smile as she came into the room.

  Cara's stomach grew tight with dread and understanding. “You're behind this? The rebellion and the attack on the palace. This was all your doing, wasn't it?”

  “You didn't think Ballack could do all this alone did you?”

  Cara stared at her in horror. “What could you possibly stand to gain that is worth the lives of your daughter and husband?”

  “Oh my dear, are you really that naive? There is only one thing in this world worth having. Power. Without it you are nothing but a pawn to be used and discarded.” Birkita took a step towards her and grabbed Cara's jaw in a claw-like grip. “Unfortunately for you, any power you think you have is forfeit.”

  Cara pulled free of Birkita's grasp and raised her hand to strike her, but Edmund caught her wrist before she was able to let her fist go.

  Birkita laughed as Cara tried unsuccessfully to fight off Edmund.

  Birkita turned to the three mercenaries that had travelled with Wesley. “See the steward for your payment.”

  The men nodded and took their leave.

  “You promised me that you would hand Landon over if I brought her to you,” Wesley spoke for the first time.

  He had gone ashen, his face gleaming with sweat, as he nervously clenched and unclenched his hands.

  Edmund smirked at Wesley. Pushing Cara into the arms of one of his guards, he walked towards Wesley. Cara saw Wesley flinch in fear as Edmund approached.

  “You did well,” Edmund said, snapping his fingers for the guards to issue Landon into the room. “Your reward.”

  Landon rushed to Wesley, wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him fiercely.

  “It's unfortunate,” Edmund said smirking, as he circled the reunited pair. “That your uncle decided to deploy his army against my father.”

  Wesley tensed at Edmund's words. He turned slowly, positioning himself in front of Landon. “What my uncle has done has nothing to do with me.”

  “You'll have to forgive me if I disagree.” Edmund gave Wesley a malicious smile that promised retribution.

  “You gave your word that if I brought Cara to you, Landon would go free.”

  “And I intend to keep my promise. Landon is free to leave.”

  Edmund's drew his dagger and pointed it at Wesley as he continued to circle him. Wesley reached for his own sword, but he had been forced to remove his scabbard and sword before entering the castle.

  “Edmund, please,” Wesley begged.

  The smile that spread across Edmund's face was sickening.

  “Edmund,” Cara pleaded, her voice raw with emotion. “He's done what you asked. Let him go.”

  He turned to her, his eyes dark and crazed with the prospect of spilling blood. “It doesn't work that way, princess. Betrayal equals death. He must be made an example of. He deceived you. Do you think your Dalglieshan lover would be anymore merciful on him?”

  Cara knew the answer. Tahdaon would have Wesley's head for what he had done.

  Edmund was still watching her when Landon charged at him from behind. With the skill and grace of a trained swordsman, Edmund turned on the unarmed man. Edmund sliced upwards, burying the hilt of his dagger into Landon's chest.

  Cara bit back a scream as Landon crumpled to the floor.

  Wesley's cry shattered throughout the room, as he dropped to his knees before the man he had betrayed Cara for. Tears choked him until he could no longer breathe. Landon had been his entire world, and in one heartbeat he was gone.

  Wesley's eyes were haunted and glazed when he finally looked up, his eyes locking on Cara.

  Tears filled her eyes as bile rose in her throat. She was going to be sick. As much as she resented Wesley for what he had done, she knew he had done it out of love.

  “I failed you both,” Wesley cried out. Pulling the dagger from Landon's body, he drove it upwards, straight into his own heart. With eyes filled with regret, he spoke his final words before collapsing next to Landon. “Forgive me.”

  Cara stumbled forward, her legs giving out on her, and her stomach finally revolting, spilling its meager contents on the cold tiled floor.

  Cara couldn't catch her breath as the room spun around her. There was a moment of silence, as if everyone in the room held their breath.

  Birkita's shrill laugh broke the heavy silence. “Well that was entertaining.”

  Cara pushed herself off the cold floor and on shaky legs turned and glared at Birkita, and then turned on Edmund. She tried to speak, but there were no words to express the hatred she felt for him in that moment.

  “Don't look so downcast, princess. I have something very special planned for you.”

  “Let's not give away all our little secrets,” Birkita smirked, her eyes dancing with anticipation.

  Cara looked between the two, cold fear draining the blood from her face. “You'll never get away with this. You won't win this war.”

  Edmund stepped forward, reaching out to wrap his fingers around her upper arm, and jerking her towards him, so close that Cara could feel his hot breath on her cheek.

  “A word of advice princess,” Edmund hissed in her ear. “We've already won. My father's men arrived yesterday, victorious against the uprising in the south. Crantock's army has been slaughtered, including your precious Finn.”

  “You lie.” Cara shook her head, unwilling to believe it. Finn was still alive. He had to be.

  “Guards,” Edmund ordered, shoving her towards them as they approached. “Take the princess to her chambers. We have a wedding to prepare for.”

  Chapter 29

  A full week went by without a single word from Edmund or Birkita. Stuck within the confines of the sparsely decorated room that was her prison, Cara had no idea what was happening beyond the castle walls.

  Alone with her thoughts, Cara relived Wesley and Landon's death over and over again in her mind.

  Without Tahdaon or Finn to comfort her, her night terrors increased, until she was no longer able to close her eyes without seeing death.

  In her nightmares she saw Maeve and Reyn's body's hanging from the ceiling rafters, while Edmund and Birkita watched in delight.

  When she woke, she had to remind herself that they had escaped, that they were beyond Birkita's grasp, but she couldn't shake the fear that more death and bloodshed was coming.

  Cara jumped from where she had been sitting when Edmund entered her chambers.

  He motioned to the guard who stood watch at her door to leave them.

  Cara glared at him, and swallowed past the lump that was beginning to form in her throat. “What do you want?”

  Edmund regarded her for a moment, his gaze intense, as he stroked the handle of his dagger that he kept sheathed on the hanger around his waist.

  Cara's heart hammered in her chest as she watched him. Always unpredictable, Cara knew better than to let her guard down. Edmund never did anything without reason, and whatever his purpose for this particular visit, she knew it wasn't good.

  “My father is returning from the capital soon,” he said, his tone cool. “It would be nice if we could come to an understanding before then. I would hate for him to think that you aren't cooperating with our plans. He isn't as…understanding as I am.” Cara took a step back as he approached, and he narrowed his eyes at her. “Come now princess. I'm trying to help you. Think of what we could accomplish. Together.”

  She clenched her jaw and hissed through her teeth, “You're delusional if you think I will ever marry you.”

  Edmund tisked, “Are you sure about
that? You see, I have something that may change your mind.”

  The hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She should have known that he would resort to bribery, but whatever Edmund had planned, she couldn't let him use it to sway her. The future of Elbia was at stake. If she married him, there would be no denying his legitimacy to the throne.

  “There's nothing you can say or do to make me willingly wed you. I would rather die than see you crowned king.”

  Edmund's eyes darkened as he took another step towards her. “Trust me princess, your fate will be far worse than death if you don't comply. Guards!”

  The door opened and Cara gasped in horror as a man with chains around his neck, wrists, and ankles, stumbled into the room. Dressed in rags, his body was emaciated, discolored with welts and bruises.

  The guard shoved the man to his knees. His long, unwashed hair hung around his gaunt face.

  “I thought you would appreciate seeing a friendly face.”

  Cara looked at the man in confusion, but when he opened his eyes, Cara inhaled sharply as recognition hit her. If it wasn't for the familiar brown eyes that stared back at her from the severely battered face, she would never have recognized him.

  “Callion,” Cara gasped, rushing to him, and kneeling before him, taking his bruised face in her hands. “What has he done to you?”

  Callion's eyes, so similar to Reyn's, filled with tears, but he didn't speak.

  “Your friend's a little tongue-tied at the moment. You see, when he refused to tell me where he had hidden your cousin Maeve, my men got a tad carried away and cut out his tongue.”

  Cara bit back the scream in her throat, and stood, rushing at Edmund, striking him hard in the face, and struggling in vain for the dagger at his waist. She would kill him for what he had done.

  Edmund eyes went feral, and he returned the blow twofold, knocking her head back so quickly that for a moment the room went dark.

  Callion's chains rattled behind her, and she heard him grunt as she fell to the floor.

  Edmund knelt beside her, knotting his fingers in her hair and yanking hard so that she was nose to nose with him. “No more games princess. Either you do as I say or he dies, and after I torture him, I will make sure to hunt down and kill every single person you have ever cared about. Your choice.”