My love for you will burn like an eternal flame deep in my chest.

  She stifled a laugh. That sounded like a bad case of heartburn.

  I heard that. A puff of smoke shot from his nostrils as he huffed. You think it’s easy to confess how much I love you? You give it a try.

  Should she? He could already hear her thoughts. Did he need her to say the words out loud? “All right. My love for you will last longer than the Kings of the Forest.”

  He made a rumbling sound in his chest that sounded almost like a purr. My love for you is like this massive glacier.

  Her mouth twitched. “Icy cold?”

  Let me finish. My love is mighty and enduring, powerful enough to wear down any mountain in our way.

  “I like that.”

  And if anything bad tries to bore holes into our love, I’ll do like the glacier and use them to make music.

  She laughed. “Now you’re getting cheesy again.”

  You love it.

  “I do.” She leaned against his chest, wiping away a tear of joy. “I can honestly say this is the happiest moment in my entire life.”

  It’s about to get even better.


  Look up.

  As she glanced up, a greenish ribbon of light wavered in the night sky. Mesmerized, she watched as glowing lights of green and purple floated in waves across the sky. “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful.”

  This is the life I want to share with you.

  “Oh, Silas.” She watched until her eyes burned with exhaustion and the music of the glacier lulled her into a sleepy state. As she sagged against Silas’s wing, he shifted into human form and caught her before she could fall onto the ground.

  She was barely aware of being carried into the cabin. When he set her on a bed, she rolled sleepily onto her side. He removed her slippers. She blinked as she felt him loosening the laces on the back of her gown.

  “Silas?” The cabin was too dark for her to see.

  “It’s all right.” He pulled a quilt up to her shoulders. “Get some sleep.”

  The bed jostled as he stood. She heard him rummaging about, so she turned over to find out what he was doing. Apparently, with his dragon eyes, he was able to see.

  Her heart lurched when a burst of fire shot into the fireplace, igniting the logs. As the flames brightened the room, she realized the fire had come from Silas. He was crouched in front of the hearth, naked.

  “You started the fire?” she whispered.

  He glanced at her. “I didn’t want you to get cold.”

  She swallowed hard as he rose to his feet and turned away from her. The firelight caused flickering light and shadows to play along his broad back and firm buttocks.

  “Get some sleep.” He walked to the door and opened it.

  The bedsheets rustled as she sat up. “You’re leaving?”

  He paused, halfway through the door. “You’ve been through a frightening ordeal, and I know you’re tired from working so hard. You probably want to be left alone.”

  “Won’t you be cold outside?”

  “I can shift to stay warm.” He stepped outside and closed the door with a creak.

  Gwennore’s heart pounded. She was wide awake now. In a bed large enough for two. How could she leave him outside all night?

  She placed her bare feet on the floor and stood. What was she thinking? If she invited him in, they would end up …

  Did she dare? She spotted a wine bottle on a table across the room and pulled out the cork to take a sip. Could she do this? If she committed herself to Silas, would she endure a life of scorn from the people around her? Or would they learn to accept her? Would they eventually honor and respect her like Silas?

  Why was she even thinking about that? She loved Silas. He loved her. Why would she let anything stop her from living the life that she wanted?

  She wanted to love Silas. She wanted to love this beautiful country. And most of all, she wanted to love herself.

  She was worthy of being loved.

  Tears came to her eyes as she realized this was the culmination of her eleven-day adventure. She had learned to trust in herself. She would love Silas, marry him, and someday, she would become the queen of Norveshka.

  Her hands trembled as she removed her gown, then lay it across the back of a chair. Wearing nothing but her shift, she opened the door.

  The creaking sound made Silas turn his head to the side.

  He stopped halfway to the cliff, his naked body gleaming under the light of the two moons.

  “You shouldn’t spend the night outside in the cold,” she said softly.

  His hands balled into fists. “Gwen, you don’t know how much I want you. If I go inside—”

  “I do know.” She’d felt it when he’d opened his mind. “I’ve decided I want to fly. I heard you can take me higher.”

  He turned slowly, his swollen groin coming into view. “You want me?”

  Yes. She stepped back and with one swift move, she pulled her shift over her head. Before it could hit the floor, the door slammed, and Silas was pulling her into his arms.

  His mouth covered hers with a devouring kiss that only left her hungry for more. The feel of his bare skin against hers was both glorious and torturous, for even while she loved it, she was instantly greedy for more.

  Thank the goddesses, he seemed determined to give her more. After ravaging her mouth, he was kissing her face, her eyes, her neck. His hands caressed her shoulders, smoothed down her back, then cupped her rump to pull her tighter against him.

  She gasped, arching her back as his swollen manhood pressed into her lower belly. He seemed so large. How would she ever—her thoughts scattered when he latched on to her breast.

  Oh, could anything feel better than this? She moaned as he teased her nipple and flicked his tongue against the hardened tip. His whiskers rubbed against her tender skin, making her itch for more. She tangled her hands into his thick black hair and kissed the top of his head.

  He glanced up at her, his eyes gleaming gold in the firelight.

  “My dragon,” she whispered.

  “I want to set you on fire.” He paused, the corner of his mouth curling up. “Before you start referring to yourself as a stick of butter, I should add that I didn’t mean that literally.”

  With a smile, she rested a hand on his cheek. “I know. I trust you.”

  He kissed her brow. “Rule number seven: Once you ignite the flame in a dragon’s heart, it will never burn out.”

  “I like that.”

  He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “You have my heart.”

  “You have mine, too.”

  He placed her hand on the hard shaft of his manhood, and when she gasped, he lifted his eyebrows with an innocent look.

  The rascal. “That’s not your heart.”

  His mouth twitched. “This is me, desperately wanting you.”

  Her mouth fell open as she felt him growing even harder. And yet the skin was so soft. “Is it all right to touch you like this?”

  “Of course.” His eyes glittered as he rubbed her hand up and down his shaft. “Sweetheart, I plan to touch you everywhere. Are you ready?”

  Her thighs squeezed together as a hot needy feeling gathered between her legs. “Yes.”

  He swooped her up and deposited her on the bed. Her skin tingled as he looked her over. “Where shall I start?”

  When his gaze focused on the dark curls hiding her womanhood, she felt another rush of heat. And an overwhelming, aching desire to open her legs for him.

  He sat next to her and placed a finger on her lips. She kissed him, and with a smile, he slipped his finger into her mouth. “Make it wet,” he whispered.

  The aching need between her legs grew more intense. She ran her tongue around his finger, then he dragged his wet finger down her neck to one of her breasts. He teased the hardened tip, then crossed to the other breast.

  She gripped the sheet in her fists as her breathing b
ecome more labored. “Silas.”

  “Yes.” He leaned over and suckled her breast.

  With a moan, she latched on to his head, digging her fingers into his hair. “I want you.”

  He lifted his head, looking at her with his gleaming dragon eyes. “You want me touch you?”

  She nodded, but his hand was already smoothing across her belly. His fingers reached the curls and she moaned. Could anything feel better than this?

  “Your hair is dark like your eyebrows.” He rubbed against her gently. “So beautiful.”

  She nearly cried when he removed his hand. Was he stopping?

  He scooted down the bed and gave her toes a quick tug before planting a kiss on each ankle. He smoothed his hands up her legs, then kissed her thighs.

  She couldn’t bear it anymore. With a sigh, she opened her legs. He tilted his head to look at her private parts.

  “You’re wet,” he whispered. “I can see the moisture gleaming on your pink skin, calling me in.”

  More heat rushed to her womanly core. “Please.” She wasn’t sure what she needed so badly, but she was starting to feel frantic.

  She cried out when he touched her. His fingers explored, caressed, and stroked her, growing slick with her need. She gripped the sheets in her fists, dug her heels into the bed, and pressed against him. Could anything feel better than this?

  When he slipped a finger inside her, her heart lurched. In and out, he dragged the finger, and a whirlwind of sensation swept her up, setting her nerves on fire. She was melting.

  “Silas.” She panted, unable to catch her breath.

  Suddenly he grasped her thighs, spreading them wide as he dipped his head.

  She cried out when his mouth came in contact with her wet and swollen core. His tongue dragged over her, then teased an extra-sensitive part that caused her to jerk in response.

  He suckled her. The whirlwind swept her up. She was swirling. Spinning. Flying. He was taking her higher.

  She hovered for a few delicious seconds, then crashed and shattered, her thoughts and senses completely scattered till all she knew was a sweet throbbing that radiated from her core and sizzled throughout her entire body.


  She slowly became aware that he was talking to her.

  His mouth twitched. “You’re back.”

  Her cheeks grew warm as she suddenly felt a bit embarrassed. “I didn’t know it could be like that.”

  “We’re not done, actually.”


  “No. We were just warming up.”

  “But I already melted.”

  He gave her an exasperated look. “You can melt again.”

  “I can’t imagine it feeling any better than—”

  “It can. Trust me.” He settled between her legs.

  She gasped when he fondled her with his fingers. Holy goddesses, it still felt so good. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his fingers rubbing against her.

  Suddenly his hard shaft pressed against her, and her eyes flew open.

  “What—” She winced as he pushed farther in. This wasn’t feeling better. She noted with alarm the intense, strained look on his face. “Silas, if you’re not enjoying it, you should stop.”

  He gave her an incredulous look. “I am enjoying it.”

  “You don’t look like—” She cried out when he plunged into her. “Ow.” She swatted his shoulder. “That hurt.”

  He gripped her tightly, his breath warming her shoulder.

  “Are you all right?” she whispered.

  “Trying to control myself. You feel so good.” He kissed her neck. “I’m sorry I hurt you. Are you still in pain?”

  “It’s a little better.” She rubbed her thigh against him. “You had such a fierce look on your face that I thought you were in pain.”

  He raised himself on his elbows. “I’m trying to control my more beastly urges so I don’t hurt you.”

  “Beastly urges?”

  He nodded. “As a man, I know it’s your first time, and I should be careful. But the dragon inside me wants to pound into you all night long until you’re left breathless, ragged, and completely, totally undone.”

  She rested a hand on his cheek. “I’m in love with both the man and the dragon.”

  His eyes gleamed gold. “Then you will have us both.” He pulled out a bit, then eased back into her.

  After a few slow and gentle thrusts she was ready for more. Ready for the dragon. She wrapped her legs around him, remembering rule number one. When a dragon takes you for a ride, hold on tight and never let go.

  * * *

  Silas might have wanted to pound into Gwennore all night, but he’d waited too long. It took all his control to make sure she climaxed before he exploded with the most powerful climax he’d ever experienced.

  With a groan, he fell beside her.

  Mine. He gathered her in his arms. She was his, and he would never let her go.

  “I love you,” he whispered, his eyes flickering shut.

  “I love you, too.”

  He smiled as sleep stole over him. His last thought was a hope that he hadn’t hurt her.

  When the sun shone through a window, he woke to discover they were under the quilt. Sometime in the night, Gwen must have covered them up.

  He propped himself up on an elbow and lifted the quilt so he could feast his eyes on her beautiful body.

  Her eyes flickered open, her lovely lavender-blue eyes, and he smiled at her.

  “Good morning, snookums.”

  She smiled back, a light blush coloring her cheeks. “Is there a privy around here?”

  He nodded. “The forest.”

  She snorted. “Is there anything to eat?”

  He nodded. “You.”


  With a growl, he nuzzled her neck. She squirmed, giggling.

  “Stop.” She pushed him back with a laugh. “I really need to relieve myself.”

  He climbed out of bed. “I’ll take you outside.”


  He grinned. “There’s no one around for miles. Come on.”

  While she relieved herself behind some bushes, he watered a tree.

  “Done?” He grabbed her hand and led her farther along the cliff.

  “Where are we going?” She shivered as a cool breeze swept past them. “Shouldn’t we get dressed?”

  “First, we have to bathe.” He showed her a pool of water enclosed in a rock basin, fed by a trickling waterfall.

  “Oh, it’s lovely.” Kneeling down, she dangled her fingers in the water. “Good heavens, it’s freezing!”

  “Not for long.” He eased her back. “Wait here.” He took a deep breath and accessed the dragon fire deep inside him. With a whoosh, he blew fire across the surface of the water. After a few minutes, he tested the water and it had warmed enough for them bathe.

  He eased into the deepest part of the pool, where the water reached his chest. “Come on.”

  She slipped in beside him. “Oh, it feels wonderful!” She dunked down so the water came up to her chin, then tilted her head back to rinse out her hair.

  He sank underwater, then grabbed her around the waist. As he straightened, he lifted her into the air. She squealed as he spun around, then he let her slip down his body till he could draw her nipple into his mouth.

  “Silas.” Her fingers delved into his wet hair. “I thought we were going to bathe.”

  “We are.” He grabbed onto her rump to support her. “Wrap your legs around me.”

  When she did, her womanly parts pressed against his swollen cock. She was probably too sore for intercourse, he thought, but there were other things they could do.

  He stroked her gently. “Does that feel all right?”

  With a moan, her head fell back. “Silas, I think I’m in heaven.”

  “Then you’ll marry me?”

  She gave him a wry look. “You’re proposing now?”

  “Yes.” He rubbed the extra-sens
itive nubbin at the top of her sweet folds, and her eyes glazed over. “As you can see, I’ll be a very attentive husband.”

  She moaned.

  “Was that a yes?”

  “More,” she whispered, pressing herself against his hand.

  He stroked and fondled her, enjoying the different expressions that flitted across her face as she neared her climax, then shattered in his arms.

  As her breathing returned to normal, he nuzzled her neck. “Are you going to answer my question?”

  “Hmm.” She smoothed a hand down his chest. “There’s something I need to know first.”

  He grew tense. “What?”

  “Is there a way for me to be equally attentive?” She curled a hand around his swollen cock.

  He hissed in a breath. “Yes, actually.”

  She gently rubbed her hand up and down the shaft. “Can you tell me how?”

  “You’re doing quite well—” He gritted his teeth. “Does this mean you’ll marry me?”

  She gave him a squeeze. “I’m not hurting you, am I?”

  “No. You still haven’t answered—oh, hell.” He grabbed her hand and guided her into a more aggressive approach. “You can use your mouth, too. Licking. Sucking.”


  “Excellent.” He lifted himself onto the rocky ledge at the edge of the pool so his cock was exposed. “Go ahead.”

  Her eyes widened as she looked at his erection.


  She leaned over to kiss his cock. “I said yes.”


  Her eyes twinkled with humor. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  “Yes!” He jumped into the water and pulled her into an embrace. As her sweet body pressed against him, he stiffened, then with a shout, he climaxed.

  She held on to him until he grew calm once more.

  “Gwen.” He patted her rump. “You naughty girl. You paid me back.”

  She grinned. “We are well matched, aren’t we?”

  He kissed her brow. “I’m not sure what will happen when we go back. But we need to stand strong and face it together.”

  She nodded. “Together.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Silas contacted Dimitri as he drew near to Draven Castle. We’re returning. Is it safe for Gwennore?

  Yes. The king rescinded the warrant for her arrest. We’ll meet you in Karlan’s office.