The two boys stopped and looked at each other. Norjee reached a hand out to touch Xiao Fang’s shoulder. The dragon boy grinned.

  “What is going on?” The queen marched from the cave, frowning. She halted when she saw the two boys.

  Neona jumped to her feet. “Your majesty, this is Minerva’s son. Norjee. He has her gift.”

  Nima’s face turned pale.

  “Xiao Fang is inviting Norjee to sleep in the cave with him and the other children,” Freddie whispered. “Norjee has agreed.”

  Norjee glanced back at Neona and grinned. He dashed toward her, gave her a hug, then ran back to Xiao Fang. The two boys went inside the cave.

  Freddie smiled, her eyes glistening with tears. “Xiao Fang is calling Norjee his brother.”

  The queen stepped toward them, frowning at Emma. “They have told you all our secrets now?”

  “We will do everything in our power to keep the dragon children safe,” Emma promised her.

  Nima nodded, then scowled at the other women. “Go to your homes to rest. I will watch over the young ones for now.” She marched back into the cave.

  “Good night, then.” Tashi poured a bucket full of ashes on top of the fire to extinguish it.

  “That reminds me.” Emma watched the fire die. “From now on, no visible fires in this valley or the next. Liao will be looking for us, so the valleys must remain dark.”

  “We understand,” Freddie told her. “Good night.” She and Freya gathered up the dirty dishes and took them to the storeroom. Lydia and Tashi followed them with the cookware.

  “Where will you do your death-sleep?” Zoltan asked Emma.

  “Tiger Town. Most of the Vamps are teleporting there before sunrise.” She tilted her head, gazing at the cave. “Do you hear them, Zoltan?”

  “No. I only hear animals. The kind without wings.”

  “Maybe it’s because I was a telepath before I was transformed.” Emma turned to him and Neona. “I can hear them. Every word.”

  Chapter Twenty-three

  It was well after the noon hour when Neona woke up. She stretched in bed, marveling at how much her life had changed in the past week. Zoltan was in his death-sleep, sprawled naked on top of Minerva’s bed. She smiled, remembering how they had made love again before sunrise; climax number six, he’d called it. When death-sleep had crept over him, he’d moved to Minerva’s bed for fear that any contact between them during that time might cause her to die. She didn’t know if that was true, but it was certainly too big a risk to find out.

  She wondered how Norjee was doing and smiled again. He and Xiao Fang had become instant friends.

  After dressing, she retrieved the flask of Living Water from her chest and added more to each of Zoltan’s bottles of blood. Guilt nagged at her as she screwed the caps back on. It was wrong to deceive him like this. Tonight she would tell him the truth.

  She brushed his hair back from his brow, then smoothed a hand over his broad shoulder to his arm, lingering on the bulge of his bicep. Her gorgeous vampire. Somehow they would have a future together.

  After slipping out the door, she made a quick trip to the outhouse, then washed up in the stream. Hopefully, the others were already up and had cooked a midday meal in the cave. The children would be hungry.

  The night before, when the others had gone to their homes to sleep, she’d returned to the next valley for target practice. Zoltan had introduced her to more of the vampires and shifters, but there had been so many she had trouble recalling their names. Howard she remembered. The giant were-bear was in charge of the operation during the day. Emma and her husband, Angus, were in charge at night. They had divided everyone up into six teams, each one comprised of three vampires, three shifters, and a woman warrior of Beyul-La.

  Neona’s team included Zoltan and two other vampires called Jack and Dougal. They both had odd accents, and one of them was wearing a skirt, but they seemed very friendly. The three shifters on the team were Howard and his twin nephews, Jesse and Jimmy. Howard admitted that the two younger were-bears were still in training, but not to worry. If they messed up, he would clobber them.

  Jimmy and Jesse had watched her practice, and each time she’d hit a target, they’d cheered and offered her something to eat from a white box. BEARs, they called them, which stood for Bearrific Energizing Attitudinal Restorative. Howard called them donuts. Apparently, the were-bears had brought a huge supply.

  Before leaving for Tiger Town to do their death-sleep, the vampires had teleported a shifter from each team to where Russell was watching Lord Liao’s progress. As a vampire, Russell planned to retreat to a safe place for his death-sleep. During the day, the six shifters would follow Liao’s army, and when search parties went out, the shifters would divide up to track them.

  From Neona’s team, Jimmy had been selected to be their scout. After sunset, he would call his team and the three vampires would teleport Howard, Jesse, and Neona to where he was located so the attack could begin. Zoltan had cautioned her to get plenty of rest during the day, for they had a long night ahead of them.

  Now, as she strode inside the cave, she found the other women relaxing around a small campfire. Freddie and Freya were reading their books. Nima and Tashi were napping on pallets. Lydia was spooning soup into four bowls for the children. Neona filled a fifth bowl for herself and helped Lydia carry the trays of food into the larger cavern.

  At some point during the day, Norjee must have left the cavern to collect pinecones, for there were two dozen of them on the cavern floor, and he and Xiao Fang were running about kicking them and laughing.

  Neona stopped to listen to Norjee’s laughter. Even Lydia smiled at the sound of it. But it was Xiao Fang’s laughter that surprised her. Because their throats were designed for breathing fire, the dragon children were incapable of speech. They were taught to comprehend Tibetan and Chinese, but they couldn’t respond. The only way to hear their thoughts was through someone who had the gift, like Nima, Freddie, or Norjee.

  The sound coming from Xiao Fang was an odd cross between a bark and a wheeze. It was only the joy on his face that let her know it was a laugh. How sad that he’d been alive for six years, yet this was the first time she’d heard his laughter. She smiled at Norjee. The boy had a way of bringing joy into people’s lives.

  He ran up to her, grinning. “I was wondering when you would come. I missed you.”

  She set down the tray and hugged him. “I was up all night, so I slept late. How are you?”

  “Great!” He wrapped an arm around Xiao Fang’s shoulders. “I have a brother now who’s a dragon!”

  “I see that.” Neona motioned to the tray. “Are you brothers hungry?”

  Norjee and Xiao Fang sat, side by side, and ate. They kept glancing at each other, so Neona figured they must be communicating. The other two dragon children, Huo and Chu, ate their soup while casting forlorn looks at Xiao Fang. Neona suspected they were feeling left out.

  “Can I take Xiao Fang outside to play?” Norjee asked.

  Lydia shook her head. “The queen prefers for the dragon children to remain safe inside the cave.”

  “Why?” Norjee asked.

  Lydia sighed. “Because we have to keep them safe. They are the only dragons left.”

  “But Xiao Fang wants to be free,” Norjee argued.

  “He can be free when he grows up,” Lydia said. “Finish your meal.”

  Norjee frowned, then ate more soup.

  As Neona ate, she became aware that Norjee and Xiao Fang were exchanging sly glances. The two were definitely planning something. “When was the last time you bathed, Norjee?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  Neona gave him a sharp look. “Did you know that dragons have highly sensitive noses? They can smell prey from miles away. Or dirty little boys.”

  Norjee looked at Xiao Fang, who wrinkled his nose, then grinned. Norjee glanced at the other two dragon children and winced. “They say I’m stinky.”

sp; Neona nodded. “There’s a place close by where we dammed up part of the stream to make a small pool. I’ll take you there so you can bathe. And if Xiao Fang wants to come along, he’s welcome.”

  Norjee sat up, grinning. “Really?”

  “Your mother won’t approve,” Lydia mumbled.

  “They’ll be safe. I’ll watch over them.” Neona stood.

  Norjee jumped up and hugged her. “Thank you, Mama!”

  Her heart lurched, and she froze for a moment while the word Mama reverberated in her head. Tears sprang to her eyes.

  Norjee linked arms with Xiao Fang. “Let’s go!”

  “Help me carry the dishes back to the storeroom.” Neona leaned over to retrieve the bowls, but Norjee beat her to it, gathering all five bowls onto a tray, then picking it up.

  With a smile, she motioned toward the narrow entrance. “This way. And be quiet so you don’t wake up the queen.”

  When they dropped off the dirty dishes in the storeroom, Neona grabbed two towels, two clean sets of clothes, and some soap. The boys scampered ahead of her, following her instructions to find the pool a short way upstream. By the time she arrived, they’d already stripped and were bouncing around the pool, splashing each other.

  She glanced at the burial mounds situated far up the hillside. “He’s here, Minerva. Your son is home.”

  When the sun was lowering in the sky, she walked the two freshly scrubbed boys back to the cave. “You understand about tonight?”

  Norjee nodded. “The queen explained it to us. You have to go fight the bad men.”

  “Yes, we’ll be busy all night. Take turns watching over the eggs. The queen’s owl will be with you. And my pet leopard, Zhan. If anything happens, send them to the next valley to alert us. We’ll come immediately.”

  “Xiao Fang says not to worry. We’ll be fine.” Norjee gave her a worried look. “But you might be in danger.”

  She hugged him. “I’ll be fine, too. I’ll be with three vampires and three guys who shift into giant bears!”

  Norjee’s eyes lit up. “This place is a lot more fun than the monastery!”

  “Is everyone ready?” Angus asked.

  Neona checked her weapons once again. Her sword was sheathed, her quiver was full of arrows, her bow rested on her shoulder, and her knife was strapped to her calf. Wedged under her tight sword belt was her dart gun, and the pouch nearby was stuffed full of darts. She was dressed in plain brown linen, topped with a Kevlar vest, and her hair was pulled back into a tight braid.

  Angus checked his watch. “The calls will start coming in soon. We need to take out as many as possible tonight. Once Lord Liao realizes his men are disappearing, he will retaliate. That’s when the shit will hit the fan. Be prepared.”

  Neona gave Zoltan a worried glance, and he smiled and squeezed her hand. It was dark, since no fires were allowed, but in the moonlight, she managed to spot Winifred with her team. She was standing close to Jin Long Wang. Their team had three werewolves. Freya was on the team that had were-tigers.

  A phone buzzed, and Emma answered it. “Got it.” She hung up. “That was Russell. He’s located Liao and the major part of the army. After you’ve neutralized your target, teleport your scout back to Russell so he can follow another search party. Then we’ll start round two.”

  Everyone murmured their agreement, then waited.

  Next to Neona, the were-bear Jesse shifted his weight back and forth. “Come on, Jimmy, call.”

  A phone buzzed, and everyone looked around.

  “It’s mine,” Mikhail announced, and answered it. “Carlos? We’re ready. Keep talking.” He and another vampire grabbed hold of two shifters. Pamela took hold of Queen Nima, and the team of six teleported away.

  Neona took a deep breath and sent out a silent prayer for her mother’s safe return.

  Howard’s phone buzzed.

  “Yes!” Jesse punched the air with his fist. “It’s Jimmy!”

  Howard gave his nephew a stern look. “Don’t make a sound when we arrive.” He answered the phone, then held it out.

  Dougal stepped close so he could hear Jimmy’s whispered voice. He grabbed Jesse and vanished. Zoltan held Neona tight, and everything went black.

  She landed in the middle of a dark forest. Zoltan squeezed her shoulders, then let go. Dougal was close by. Jesse pretended he was going to slap hands with his twin, but they stopped with their hands an inch away and grinned at each other.

  A twinge pricked at her heart. She’d had that sort of relationship with her twin.

  Jack and Howard materialized beside them.

  Jimmy lifted his hands, indicating with his fingers that there were eight in the search party. He pointed in their direction.

  Howard motioned for Zoltan and Neona to follow him, and they veered off to the left. The rest of the team went right. Silently, they moved forward till they spotted the enemy.

  The eight men were strolling along, talking with each other, totally oblivious that they were being followed. Howard took his dart gun from his belt and moved silently to the front of the search party. Zoltan positioned himself in the middle, and Neona took the rear. Hidden behind a tree, and with her heart pounding, she drew her pistol and selected a target.

  On the far side, a twig snapped. The eight men stopped and looked to the right. Instantly, four of them were shot with darts. Two more jerked when Howard and Zoltan fired their guns.

  Neona shot her target. He stumbled back, then shook his head and drew his sword. She quickly loaded another dart. Zoltan had warned her that some of the supersoldiers were so strong that it would take more than one dart to knock them out. The soldier lifted his sword and weaved toward her. She shot again. He swayed on his feet, dropped his sword, then fell on his face.

  After all eight of the search party had fallen, the team moved in to tie up their arms and legs.

  “Are you all right?” Zoltan asked Neona.

  “Yes.” She reloaded her gun. “It seemed fairly easy.”

  He smiled. “It’ll get harder as the night goes on and we lose the element of surprise.”

  Jack and Dougal each picked up a soldier and teleported away.

  Zoltan’s smile faded. “This is the part of the plan that I don’t like.”

  “I’ll be fine,” Neona assured him. “I have three bears with me. And I was able to beat you, remember?”

  He kissed her brow. “I’ll be back as quick as I can.” He picked up the nearest soldier and vanished.

  Neona helped Howard gather swords and weapons from the downed soldiers while the twins devoured some donuts. She wondered how the other women were doing. And how the children were faring in the cave. They’d promised to keep a close watch on the eggs. She glanced at her sparkly kitty watch. After five minutes, the vampires reappeared.

  “Sorry it took so long,” Zoltan told her. “We went to Tiger Town, but it was still dark in Japan, so they had us take the soldiers there. They want to fill up the lab there first.”

  Dougal bent down to pick up another soldier. “My wife is going to be verra busy tonight.” He vanished.

  Jack snorted. “He was in a hurry to get back to her.” He disappeared with another soldier.

  “His wife?” Neona asked.

  “Dougal is married to Leah, the doctor who’s changing the supersoldiers back to normal,” Zoltan explained.

  “Before you go,” Howard said to Zoltan, “can you take our scout back to Russell? We need to line up our next target.”

  Jesse jumped to his feet. “I’ll go. Jimmy’s tired.”

  “Okay.” Zoltan called Russell.

  “Take it easy, bro.” Jimmy slapped his twin on the back and handed him the donut box.

  Zoltan vanished with Jesse, then reappeared a few seconds later so he could take another soldier.

  After five more minutes, the last of the soldiers was delivered, and the Vamps teleported the team back to headquarters in Frederic’s valley.

  As the teams returned from their
first round, they reported to Emma how many soldiers they’d taken.

  “Fifty-two!” Emma announced when everyone had returned.

  After they finished congratulating each other, Neona decided this was a good time to confess what she’d been doing to Zoltan’s blood supply. She drew him aside. “I need to tell you something about your bottles of blood—”

  “Oh, that reminds me,” he said. “I should teleport home and drink some more. I’m hungry again.”

  She winced.

  “Zoltan.” The queen approached them. “Will you teleport me to the cave? I want to check on the children.”

  “Sure.” He took hold of Nima’s arm and smiled at Neona. “We’ll be back soon.”

  She sighed, then wandered around the camp, checking on her friends. Lydia, Winifred, and Freya were eating some of the food that the were-tigers had cooked earlier in the day. Actually, Freddie and Freya appeared to be flirting more than eating. Tashi was sitting alone on a rock by the stream.

  “Are you all right?” Neona asked as she sat next to her.

  “Every now and then, I feel nauseated.” Tashi glanced over at the were-tigers. “I tried some of their food. I guess it doesn’t agree with me.”

  “If you don’t feel like doing anything more tonight, I’m sure they can manage without you.”

  Tashi dipped a hand in the cold water and pressed it against her brow. “I’ll be fine.”

  Neona leaned close and whispered, “Could you be pregnant?”

  Tashi winced. “Perhaps. I’m not sure yet.”

  Neona patted her shoulder. “You’ll be a wonderful mother.”

  “I hope so.” Tashi looked about, frowning. “I’m not sure what the future holds for us all.”

  After a while, Zoltan reappeared with Nima, who reported that the children and eggs were fine. Neona approached Zoltan, planning to confess about the bottles, but Jesse called, and it was time to teleport.

  Within a few minutes, they had nine soldiers unconscious. The Vamps teleported them to Tiger Town and took Jesse back to Russell.

  “It seems too easy,” Neona said when they returned to headquarters.