And they’d remember.

  For more in the Powder Mage Universe:

  Promise of Blood

  The Powder Mage Trilogy

  Orbit, April 2013

  The Crimson Campaign

  The Powder Mage Trilogy

  Orbit, May 2014

  The Autumn Republic

  The Powder Mage Trilogy

  Orbit, February 2015

  Sins of Empire

  Gods of Blood and Powder

  Orbit, March 2017


  A Powder Mage Novella

  January 2014

  Servant of the Crown

  A Powder Mage Novella

  June 2014

  Murder at the Kinnen Hotel

  A Powder Mage Novella

  November 2014

  In the Field Marshal’s Shadow

  Stories from the Powder Mage Universe

  November 2015

  Ghosts of the Tristan Basin

  A Powder Mage Novella

  February 2016

  The Mad Lancers

  A Powder Mage Novella

  September 2017

  Contact Brian McClellan

  Email: [email protected]


  Twitter: @briantmcclellan




  To receive announcements, coupons, news, and more regarding the Powder Mage Universe and the work of Brian McClellan, sign up for his newsletter! on his website!



  Brian McClellan, The Siege of Tilpur



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