Juan’s walkie went off again. “My father secured a chopper. We have to go now.”

  “I’m not leaving without Finn,” I said. “Did they find him?” He paused and shook his head. “They must have sent him to the wall, or to the front.” His finger pointed to the men in combat gear near the large front entrance.

  My heart sank, knowing that’s where they sent him. Those bastards.

  I knew they’d use him.

  JUAN TOOK MY WRIST AND tugged me forward. “Abi, we have to go.”

  “I’m not leaving!” I said, shaking free from his grasp.

  “You can’t do any good from the ground. We need to see what’s out there and assess the situation. If they break through those gates, they will come flooding through, and it will be hard to distinguish survivor from mutant. I don’t know the extent of your power, but I know you don’t want to kill survivors.”

  “No, I don’t.” He knew about my gift. He’d seen the aftermath of what Venge could do. But he was right. I wasn’t sure if Venge would be able to distinguish between survivor and mutant. I would risk taking them all out, especially if Finn was in the mix.

  “Abi Park, what a pleasant surprise,” a voice rang behind with a thick southern drawl. I turned to see Peter Abbott standing with his brothers, James and John, at his sides, dressed in combat gear. Instead of steel toe boots, they wore cowboy boots. At least they stuck to their roots. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”

  “So are you,” I said, hugging each of them. How have you guys been?”

  “Well, this situation kind of sucks, but we just have to make the most of it, don’t we?” Peter replied.

  “Yes, we do.” I agreed.

  “Abi,” Juan urged. “We have to go, now.”

  “Have you seen Finn?” I asked Peter.

  “No.” He looked between his brothers, and they all shook their heads.

  “He’s in combat. If you find him, please take care of him.”

  Peter raised his semi-automatic. “Don’t worry your precious little heart. We’ll look for him, and give those creatures hell.”

  “Thank you so much. I’ll be in a chopper. Please tell him to be safe.”

  “Will do,” he said with a tip of his helmet.

  I turned to Juan and gave him a nod. “Let’s go.”

  Juan’s men immediately surrounded me again, pushing us through the crowd of panicked survivors toward the helipad.

  As we made our way, another group of soldiers charged at us, with guns drawn. One of the larger men grabbed Juan, and they disappeared into the crowd.

  “What the—” I gasped. How could he leave me?

  “Drop to the ground, hands folded behind your head!” A man screamed as they surrounded us, guns pointed at our heads. We were outnumbered.

  I dropped next to one of the bigger men in the group. He leaned close, his lips near my ear. “He had to leave. If they saw him with us, they would kill him and his father without question.”

  I nodded.

  “You,” the man urged, sticking the muzzle into my chest. “Get up.” I felt a tingle through my body as Venge woke up.

  The man next to me touched my arm. “Save it.”

  How the hell did he know what I was thinking?

  “If she does anything to me, shoot her,” the asshole told the men around him. I looked into his eyes. He had no idea how quickly I could kill him. But he wasn’t worth it. He was just a puppet on a string, and I wanted the puppeteer.

  It took everything inside of me to quench the rising fire and stand without harming him. As soon as I got to my feet, I was grabbed from behind, and another hood was thrown over my head. I was getting sick and tired of these hoods.

  “Thought you could hide from us, didn’t you?” he teased.

  “What do we do with these soldiers?” someone asked him.

  “Take them to the gate. Once those mutants break through, we won’t have to worry about their blood on our hands.”

  I bit my tongue, and the asshole grabbed my arm, dragging me through the crowd. The mask was ripped off me, and as I focused, I realized we were standing in the decontamination area. I was surrounded by at least twenty soldiers, all with guns out. Ahead of me stood General Drake, a medium-sized man, with pale skin, blue eyes, and dark brown hair combed over to the side. He had a well-groomed mustache and a decorated uniform. I wondered if he’d earned those decorations, or if he adorned himself to play the role.

  All-in-all, he was just a man. He ate, slept, and shit, just like the rest of us. Like my father taught us, respect was earned and given to those who deserved it. Not to those who demanded it.

  The man, standing in front of me was an obvious narcissist. I could tell he loved himself and loved being in a position of power.

  “Abigail Park.” The sound of my name dripped off his tongue with disdain. “I don’t think I have to warn you, but in case you do try anything, we will kill your precious Mr. Armstrong.” He gave a nod to one of the soldiers, and he disappeared into another room. In seconds, two soldiers escorted Finn in, with guns pointed at his head.

  “Finn!” I screamed, turning toward the general. “You bastard. I’ll kill you.”

  “You can, but then he’ll die, right in front of you.”

  “Don’t do this,” I begged. “Let him go. I’ll do whatever you want me to do, if you just let him go.”

  “Abi.” Finn’s voice was strong and authoritative and made me focus. “I’m all right,” he said calmly. “Don’t do anything rash.”

  “You should listen to your man. He’s been compliant, which is why he’s safe…for now.”

  I not only wanted to wipe the arrogant smirk from the general’s lips, but I also wanted to watch his head roll from his shoulders. Freaking bastard.

  “What do you want?”

  “You know what I want. We’ve all seen what you can do. You are powerful. Stronger than any of our weapons.”

  “The six hundred bodies you found at the last bunker almost killed her,” Finn spoke. “The power inside her is deadly. It drains her and leaves her barely hanging onto life.”

  General Drake lifted a brow as he looked at me. “Yet, here she is. Still alive and stronger than ever. Haven’t you noticed she’s walking around, after being shot in the chest?” He paused as Finn’s eyes found mine. “That’s because my scientists gave her a drug to heal and strengthen her body. They said it’s worked wonderfully on our girl.”

  “I’m not your girl,” I spit out.

  He laughed. “You are mine, whether you like it or not. And you will do exactly as I say or I will take everything away from you.”

  He motioned to his men on the opposite side of the room from Finn. A man nodded and proceeded through another door. A few moments later, he exited with a prisoner who had a black sack over his head.

  This was becoming a nightmare.

  He forced the man to his knees then pulled the sack from his face.

  “Dad!” I screamed. “No.” My emotions were going crazy, seeing my dad, weak and tired.

  “Abigail,” he spoke, his voice soft. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don't apologize. I’m the one who’s sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault.”

  The general stepped forward. “So, tell me, Abigail…whose girl are you?”

  I glared at him and bit my tongue. In my mind, I was thinking of all the things I would do to him once this was over.

  He walked over and stood face to face with me, a grin on his lips. “I guess you need more persuading.”

  With a wave of his hand, the soldier yelled to the back. I heard sobs at first, then watched in horror as they paraded my entire family out. My mom, Pops, Nana, Aunt Sandy, Lily, Tom, Mei, Charlie, Anya, Martheus, and Dr. Banks were here. They each stood, stoically, except for my Aunty Sandy who was sobbing, and my mom, who screamed out as soon as she saw me.

  “Mom. It’s okay. I’ll be fine,” I said, knowing my words weren’t going to offer her any comfort.
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  She shook her head and fell to her knees, tears streaming down her cheeks.

  Inside, my heart was shattering.

  They were all here because of me. Their lives were in danger, because of me. I closed my eyes and sucked in a deep breath. I’d have to remain calm. I had to do this right because if I didn’t, they would die.

  The only thing niggling the back of my mind, was the whereabouts of my Uncle Frank. Had he been killed? Is that why my Aunt was so distraught?

  A soldier entered the main door. “General, the gates can’t hold much longer. Ten minutes, tops.”

  General Drake sighed. “Everyone, you know what to do. The girl comes with me, and a doctor as well, in case she needs reviving.”

  “What do we do with all these prisoners?” Another soldier asked.

  I think my girl here might need some motivation. Take them all to the gate. Give them a front row seat.”

  “You asshole!” Finn cursed, fighting against the soldiers.

  “Finn!” I screamed. His terror-filled eyes met mine. I fought back the tears as I looked at him and shook my head. I couldn’t believe this was happening.

  Curses continued to flow from his mouth. He was pissed. But we were both helpless to do anything.

  The general turned to me. “If you do your job, they will live. It’s quite simple.”

  “Abi,” Finn yelled. “I love you.”

  “Forever,” I replied before the soldiers grabbed my arms and forced me out of the bunker. The cries of my loved ones followed.

  As they led me toward the helipad, I turned back, watching the others take everyone I loved to the front gate.

  They pushed me on the helicopter, where Dr. Bennett was waiting. General Drake and three soldiers also boarded the chopper, and as soon as they did, we rose into the air.

  All the soldiers on the wall were directing their gunfire to the gate.

  As we flew above the wall, the soldiers began cursing. I kept my eyes shut tight as we rose into the sky, my focus on my family.

  “Oh my God,” one of the soldiers exhaled.

  “There is no way we’ll survive this,” another said.

  I tried to make my breathing steady, striving to keep focused until it was absolutely necessary for me to see what we were up against.

  “The gate is failing,” someone said over the radio. “We won’t be able to hold them back.”

  “Bring her here,” General Drake ordered.

  One of the soldiers stepped toward me, and I looked at him. Instead of grabbing me, he nodded.

  I stood, and walked toward the door, and what I saw made my legs buckle under me.

  “Whoa,” a soldier said, grabbing hold of me. “We don’t want you to fall out.” He brought me back a bit, but the scene below was worse than I could have ever imagined. There had to be over a hundred thousand mutants surrounding the entire bunker. I watched as most of them concentrated on the front gate. It was leaning, about to come down.

  The soldiers along the top wall were shooting down as many as they could, but their firepower wasn’t even making a dent.

  “Look at that sea of death, Abigail. Soon, they will break through the gate, and will swallow up everyone inside, starting with your family.”

  I knew what he was doing. He was trying to build my rage, trying to set Venge free. But I wasn’t going to do it on his terms.

  I turned to him and looked directly into his eyes. “Just to be clear, I’m not doing this for you. Believe me, if it was you down there, in front of the gate, I’d watch the mutants ravage your body, and wouldn’t flinch.”

  “I would expect nothing less.”

  I nodded. We’d come to an understanding, for the moment.

  “If I’m going to do this, I’ll need to be on the top of the wall, just above the gate.”

  General Drake paused, then nodded. He looked at the soldier standing next to me.

  “You’ll go down with her.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Lower the chopper,” the general ordered as the soldiers dropped a ladder.

  The soldier next to me turned to face me. “I’ll go down first, and you follow. Just take it one step at a time, and make sure at least three limbs are always touching the ladder.”

  I nodded. “Thank you.”

  As the pilot hovered just above the gate, we started our descent. When the soldier made it to the wall, he held the ladder as steady as he could, so I could climb down. Once my feet hit the ground, I heard my name.

  “Abi,” Peter called out. “What the heck are you doing up here?”

  “Oh, you know, trying to save the world.” I grinned.

  “Well, if it’s our time, it will be an honor to go out fighting alongside you.”

  “Don’t check out just yet.” I winked.

  Walking to the edge of the wall, I saw how the Arvies pressed at the front of the gate, trying to weaken its hinges.

  A grenade blasted at the front of the pack, rattling the wall and the gate. I stumbled back, and the soldier caught me. “You’re not too sturdy on your legs,” he noted.

  “Would you be, if the weight of the world was on your shoulders?”

  His face dropped. “True. You’re much stronger than I am.” His words meant a lot because the man was brawny with large muscles.

  Another blast below took out a handful of Arvies, but it barely made a dent.

  Screams and wailing carried to my ears. They were coming from inside the wall. As I looked down, I saw hundreds of survivors, their faces painted with fear.

  My eyes moved to where everyone I loved was huddled together directly in front of the fence. Their hands were bound, and they didn’t have any weapons.

  Those bastards will pay.

  A soldier pushed his way toward me, his face covered with a black bandana, firing down into the Arvies. He stopped next to me and quickly showed his face.

  A surge of adrenaline rushed through me. “Uncle Frank?” I hugged his neck and cried.

  “I’m with you, Abi. I believe in you.”

  I looked out over the sea of Arvies with renewed courage. Their eyes were on me, their teeth bared, wanting to sink into my flesh, and all the others on the other side of the wall. The block I’d put around my mind was still holding, and it was the only thing keeping me sane.

  Remember, the power is inside of you. Those words from Dr. Simon rang inside of me. I’d doubted myself the day of the demonstration. Questioned my ability to save Finn from the ten Arvies in the cage.

  That day showed me something. Venge was powerful, and although I feared her, she was part of me. We were connected, and in the end, I controlled her.

  It wasn’t rage that ultimately fueled Venge. Yes, the rage was a part of it, but the real power came from unconditional love. A love so strong, it demanded I keep my loved ones alive.

  Gunfire continued as the Arvies stormed the gate.

  The Abbott brothers were doing their thing, still hootin’ and hollerin’ as they shot down into the sea of mutants. I had a feeling if they ever went out, it would be doing just that.

  It was then, a wave of Arvies ebbed back, then rushed forward, slamming into the gate. The top hinge snapped. Rubble flew, and panic erupted from the survivors inside.

  “Abi!” Uncle Frank yelled.

  The next time they hit, the gate would come down.

  I glanced down, one last time, at my family. Finn’s eyes were fastened to mine, and I didn’t have to know what he was thinking. I could read it in his eyes. As my eyes traveled to my father, mother, Nana, Pops, and the others, I saw one collective emotion—faith in me.

  I closed my eyes and let go of everything building inside of me.

  Venge was awake, buzzing under my skin.

  We have to save them. Even if it kills us.

  Love, rage, hatred, resentment…I let it fuel the beast inside, which raged into an uncontrollable blaze. This time was different. This time, the power was more intense than ever before.

p; Picturing the faces of my loved ones, and the finality of the situation stirring below, I added fuel to the inferno.

  I would not let them die, I would not let the Arvies win, and I would let Venge take everything from me in order to do it.

  I would do it for them.

  For Finn.

  My head brimmed with an intensity I’d never felt before, and it quickly traveled down my entire body. Venge consumed my emotions, and I could feel her burning under my skin, absorbing into every cell. She wanted out, she wanted to be set free, yet I kept her contained, forcing her to grow and evolve.

  I was driven by a higher power. By an unwavering faith to save the ones I loved.

  And then…she was ready.

  Opening my eyes, everything washed over in a red haze. The world paused, and sounds muted, as Venge was finally set free with no restraints.

  The massive power exited in a shockwave.

  In slow motion, I witnessed the devastation. Thousands upon thousands of Arvy bodies collapsed where they stood. The force of Venge took her revenge, surging over them like a tidal wave.

  The horde of pale bodies became a sea of crimson.

  My body collapsed, and Uncle Frank caught me, laying my head on his lap.

  “Abi!” His hand brushed over my forehead. “You’re strong. Everything I taught you was to survive. Never give up. You have to fight.”

  I was unable to respond or move.

  There was no pain, only fulfillment. I could leave this Earth, knowing they would be safe. Gunfire still erupted around me, but I knew they would be okay. They would be able to handle the strays.

  I faded as the darkness crept in.

  Venge and I completed what we were meant to do.

  We’d kept them alive.

  Kept Finn alive.

  All because of one thing.


  I WAS FLOATING GENTLY ACROSS the sky. As I looked down, I saw soldiers, climbing up to the bunker wall, firing down on the few Arvies who survived Venge.

  I was finally dead.

  There were so many emotions running through me. Relief, happiness, sadness.