The concrete is now digging painfully into my back, and my ass has long since gone to sleep when I start wiggling against him. “You’re getting heavy, babe,” I sigh in his ear as I continue to stroke a hand down his back. He pulls back immediately, picking me up in his arms and walking back toward the steps to sit down with me on his lap. When I’m snuggled against his neck, I squeal as I notice his neck…and his shoulder. “Oh, crap, Luc, I can’t believe I did that.”

  Looking more curious than anything, he asks, “What did you do?”

  I drop my head on his shoulder, embarrassed at having done something so juvenile. “I…marked you. God, I’m so sorry. I had no idea I was doing it that hard.”

  He pinches my naked ass with a wolfish grin. “You gave me a hickey? Little bit eighties, but it’s sexy as fuck. I think I’ll return the favor.” I jump up from his lap, trying to get away. Before I have taken more than a few steps, he is on me.

  “Nooooo,” I yell as I try to dodge him. Once again, he has me trapped against the pool and his mouth is lowering toward the vulnerable skin of my neck. “Luc,” I giggle, “you wouldn’t dare.”

  “Oh, baby, believe me, I’d dare.” With that statement, his lips connect with my skin, and he is sucking on my neck. Who knew getting marked could be so damn sexy? My toes are curling and my nipples are hardening as he sucks my skin. By the time he pulls back, I am ready to ride his cock again. From the feel of his hot length pressing against my belly, he’s of the same mind.

  He releases my neck with a pop and pulls me from the pool. Without a word, he lies back on a lounger and pulls me astride him. “Take it deep, baby, and ride me.” I line his cock up at my entrance and slowly lower myself on his massive width until he’s fully seated inside me. His big body is tense, but he waits for me to adjust to his size and set the pace.

  My body arches as my hips circle and buck. He puts his hands on my hips to guide me up and down, hitting the places we both need stroked. Again, within moments, I feel the pressure building inside me. When Lucian releases my hips to rub my clit, I float away. His mouth at my nipples, swirling and biting, sends me to nirvana. My body clenches and convulses around his length. His hips rise up off the lounger as he slams into me one, two, three more times before stiffening in his release. “Oh, Luc,” I pant out… “That was so unbelievable.”

  I lay down against his chest, enjoying the heat of his body against mine. His hand rubs my lower back before moving upwards to stroke the rough skin of my scar. His hand pauses as he feels me stiffen against him. “Lia…you’re beautiful and sexy as ever-loving fuck. This in no way takes away from that; it just makes me furious to think of how you got it.”

  I relax back against him, letting him continue touching me. “I have to go to court on Friday for the preliminary hearing for my mother.” I hope I don’t sound as nervous as I feel about it. I would rather Lucian believe I’m not terrified by the prospect of seeing my stepfather again.

  I am floored when he says, “I know. My lawyer and I will be there with you, of course.”

  Pulling back, I look at him in astonishment. “Wh…what?”

  “Of course, baby. I know you’re scared; hell, anyone else in your position would be. I’d never let you go to something like that alone. Max is going to see if they will let you give video testimony so you don’t have to be in the courtroom.”

  To my horror, I feel tears gathering and washing down my cheeks. It’s like the floodgates have opened. Before I can stop the flow, I’m sobbing all over his chest. I can say nothing but, “Oh, Luc,” as I embarrass myself all over him.

  He seems stunned, then panicked at my loss of control. He sits up quickly, pulling me onto his lap. “Honey, what’s wrong? What did I say?” He strokes my hair gently while I struggle for control.

  “It’s just…I’m not used to…people caring. Really, you will come?” I know I’m sitting there looking at him with my heart on my sleeve, but I’m powerless to stop. Debra and Martin would do anything for me, and I have Rose, but I’ve never had a man in my life, someone who seems to worry about me. I want to lay back and revel in the safety of his arms. I never want to leave them.

  He wraps me tighter against him, kissing my ear. “I know you’ve been worried about it. I’d never leave you to face that alone. I talked to Max about it as soon as I found out. I’m sorry; I should have told you earlier.”

  I can’t resist saying, “That’s okay, you were too busy avoiding me for a week, remember?”

  A faint blush lines his cheeks as he smiles at me. “Yeah, I remember. Sorry, baby. Just a lot of shit in my past I don’t deal with too well sometimes. You make everything feel better, though. I want to move forward for the first time in so damn many years.” His admission is both unexpected and touching. I am also more than a little curious as to what has happened in his past. I’ve seen pieces of a very complicated puzzle, but I’m not even close to solving the mystery. I decide to ask him one thing that has been bugging me. I’m curious as to his reaction.

  “So, I saw some pictures that were on the mantle. One was of you, Aidan, and Cassie.” Bingo, his harsh breath and taut body answer one question for me. Cassie might not be all of his past problems, but she is there somewhere. Both his and his aunt’s reaction confirm that. I know I shouldn’t, but I go one-step further. “Aidan works with you, but there hasn’t been any mention of Cassie. I take it you all grew up together, so where is she now?” The hand that had been stroking my hair is now twisted in it, causing my scalp to sting. I don’t think he is even aware of what he’s doing. Not wanting to change the subject, I don’t protest the pain.

  “Lia…Cassie’s been gone from here for years. She...lives elsewhere now. I just...please, can we not talk about her?” His skin beneath my hand has gone clammy, and his face is pale. I feel like an ass for pushing him on the subject. I wonder if Cassie is dead; maybe that’s what he and his aunt mean by her not being here anymore. Whatever the reason, it causes both Lucian and Fae pain to talk about her, so I decide to let it go. Thankfully, when I make no further mention of Cassie, Lucian’s grip on my hair loosens, and the pressure is gone.

  Trying to lighten the mood, I sit back on my heels and lift my hair. “So, what does my neck really look like? You do realize people at school will notice this tramp stamp I have now.” His chuckle is light, but shadows remain in his eyes. I stand, trying to wiggle my ass in some halfway-seductive manner and dive off the side of the pool into the deep end. When I surface, a smile plays over his lips, and the darkness is leaving him. I give him by best straight face and ask, “Do you guys have a pool boy who could come in and assist me? I fear the pool drain has captured one of my nipples.” When he stands and prepares to jump in, I know…I’ve got him. He’s mine for now. The past will have to wait.

  Chapter Thirteen


  It’s the morning of my court appearance, and I’m a complete wreck. Lucian has done his best for the past week to keep my mind off this day, but now I must face it. Lucian’s lawyer was unable to get an agreement from the judge to video my testimony; I will be making it in the courtroom, in front of my mother and my stepfather. Outwardly, I strive to appear calm and confident, even though inside I’m close to hyperventilating. I had never planned to see either of them again. I am, for all intents and purposes, alone in the world with no family. My mother hadn’t spoken to her parents in years and to my knowledge, I’d never met them. Since I don’t know who my father is, I have no idea about any relatives on his side. Hell, I wouldn’t even know him if we passed on the street.

  I had given my deposition earlier in the week, along with having my back photographed to use as evidence. The deposition seems useless now since I will be testifying in the court anyway.

  Lucian walks in the bathroom where I’m staring into the mirror and moves to stand behind me. My eyes focus on his reflection. He is his usual beautiful, polished self in a grey suit with a lilac tie I picked out. His dark hair is neatly styled and his jaw freshl
y-shaven; he looks every inch the wealthy, successful businessman. His hands settle on my shoulders as he pulls me back into his strong body. “Okay baby?”

  “Yeah,” I murmur, nestling closer. We both know it’s a lie, but he can’t make today go away for me. I know he sees the panic I’m trying so hard to bury.

  His big arms wrap around me as he kisses the top of my head. “Kills me that I can’t stop this. Fuck, believe me I tried. The judge is an asshole who doesn’t see the big deal in dragging an abuse victim into the courtroom and having her face a monster.”

  Suddenly, calm descends on me as I turn to comfort him. In a way, this has been harder for Lucian to handle than me. He feels frustrated, helpless, and angry. I wonder again if it’s even wise for him to accompany me today. Will he be able to stop himself from beating my stepfather to a pulp? He has told me that his lawyer advised him to keep it under control or he’d be removed from the courtroom. I know he’ll try for my sake.

  Since he walked back into my life after disappearing for days, things have been different between us…better. I have spent every night at his apartment. He continues to push my boundaries both in and out of bed, and I love it. To my knowledge, he hasn’t had any more nightmares. He hasn’t said anything, but I have seen him taking medication before bed the last few nights. He is sleeping deeper and looks groggy in the mornings. I know he is afraid of hurting me again, but I wish the medication wasn’t necessary. Maybe, after this is all over, we should both check into therapy. If Lucian won’t talk to me, possibly he will open up to someone else. I just hope that being involved with someone dealing with their own demons isn’t pushing him to a place he can’t handle.

  I reach up to cup his cheek in my palm, rubbing the smooth skin there. He has become such a big part of my life that I can’t imagine what I’ll do when he’s gone. I can’t think about that now, though; I have to survive today before I can dwell on tomorrow. “I’m fine, Luc. He can’t hurt me anymore. I’m glad you’re going to be there; you make everything better.”

  He turns his head, kissing my palm. “I’ve got you, baby. We’ll get this behind us today, then I’ll bring you home and make love to you all night. Fucking bury that shit behind us where it belongs.”

  “Oh, Luc.” A vice squeezes my heart at his words. I have no defense against him when he gives me sweet. He’s possessive, dominant, and protective toward me, but sometimes so gentle and sweet it brings me to tears. In moments like this, I feel he would battle the world to take care of me. It makes the girl who no one ever wanted feel like the woman who has it all. Words of love rise to my lips, threatening to choke me, but I hold them back. It’s too soon, and I know instinctively he’s not ready to hear them. I’m so afraid they’ll slip out in a vulnerable moment, and it will be the catalyst that causes him to leave me.

  We stand there for a moment longer, each lost in our own thoughts, before he checks his watch and pulls back. I smooth down the material of the simple linen-shift dress I’ve borrowed from Rose and square my shoulders. Luc takes my hand and pulls me through the apartment and out to the curb where Sam is waiting in the Mercedes. He straightens from where he is leaning against the car to open the backdoor for us. “Good morning, Lia,” he says giving my arm a gentle squeeze of encouragement as I pass him. I hear Lucian exchanging a few words with him before he enters behind me.

  Lucian puts his arm around me and pulls me into his side as the car moves through traffic. Neither of us speaks on our short ride to the courthouse, and all too soon, Sam is turning off the engine and opening the door for our exit. “I’ll be right here waiting when you are finished,” he says. I know this is his way of trying to reassure me that everything will be fine. Impulsively, I turn back, giving him a hug. I can tell he is surprised, but his arms encircle me briefly as he returns the embrace. Lucian takes my hand once again, and we walk up the stairs to the double set of doors where his lawyer Max is waiting.

  Lucian’s lawyer appears to be in his thirties. His hair is dark, almost black, and neatly styled. Like Lucian, Max is tall and powerfully built. He extends a hand to me. “Miss Adams, I’m Max Decker. Sorry to meet under less-than-desirable circumstances.” I shake his hand, liking his straightforward manner. He turns to greet Lucian before turning back to me. “Miss Adams…”

  Before he can continue, I hold up a hand, saying, “Please, call me Lia. I have a feeling I’m going to be Miss Adams far too much today as it is.”

  With a brief incline of his head to acknowledge my request, he continues, “Lia, I realize this will be difficult for you. If it’s any consolation, though, I believe this will be fairly quick and straightforward. There is no line of witnesses to go through nor any other testimony besides that of you and your mother, and possibly Mr. Dawson on the rebuttal. There is no jury involved, so the judge will handle the ruling. You will be called to testify first. The purpose is to establish a past pattern of violence and instability. Your mother will testify next and the court will likely break after that. Mr. Dawson will testify after the break, if he so chooses and that should be it.

  My body relaxes slightly, responding to the confidence in his voice; if he thinks it’s going to be okay, surely he knows better than I do. “You make it sound so simple.”

  He gives me a look tinged with sympathy, and I decide I quite like Max Decker. It’s easy to see why he and Lucian are associates; they both exude the same power and confidence that draws everyone around into their orbit. “The process is simple, Lia, but the reality of what happens in the courtroom is often anything but. Brian Starnes is the prosecutor from the DA’s office on this case, and he is a good guy. He’ll try to guide you through your testimony as easily as possible. When Brian is finished, Mr. Dawson’s lawyer will have the opportunity to cross-examine you.”

  When he would have continued on, I stop him. “What do you mean, cross-examine me?” I know Lucian has picked up on the quiver in my voice when his grip on my hand tightens.

  “Each party has the right to cross-examination. They may or may not use that right. You need to be prepared that Mr. Dawson’s lawyer might try to discredit parts of your testimony.” I feel the blood drain from my face as the impact of his words hits me. I’m not just going into court to give a simple statement and leave. I’ve seen enough movies in my time to know I might very well have my entire life ripped apart in front of everyone there.

  “But…I’m not on trial. I—I didn’t think I’d have to do anything other than testify.” By this point, I am shaking and trying desperately to swallow the bile threatening to choke me. If I wasn’t so close to freaking out, it would probably be amusing to see two strong men like Lucian and Max so upset over my reaction.

  “Lia…I’m so sorry. I assumed you knew that was a possibility. Surely, the DA’s office mentioned it to you.” He mutters what sounds like a curse word under his breath before adding, “We should have met before now so I could have prepared you. Let me talk to the judge and see if we can get a postponement.” As Max starts to walk off, I grab his arm, stopping him.

  “No. I just want this out of the way. If I leave now, I will be back in a day, a week or sometime soon. I’ll just spend that time dreading this. Maybe it’s better this way.” Looking down at my watch, I attempt a joke to lighten the mood. “Look, I only have ten minutes left to completely lose it, so I better get started.” Max gives what sounds like a reluctant laugh before looking at Lucian, as if silently asking him what he wants to do. Since Lucian is paying his salary, it’s probably only fair he get the final decision.

  “Give us a minute, will you, Max?” The other man nods his agreement and walks down the hall, pulling out his cellphone to push some buttons. Lucian turns back to me, his eyes full of concern. “Baby, I’m so fucking sorry. I…shit, I thought you knew what would happen today. This is all on me. I should have had Max meet with you days ago. Please, let him try to get this postponed to give you a few days to prepare. I don’t want you going in there blindsided.”

  I step c
loser to him, resting my hands on his chest. “I don’t want to start over again Luc. Yes, finding out I may be cross-examined is a bit of a surprise, and I’m nervous about it, but I need for it to be done. I don’t want to leave here today with this still hanging over me. The DA’s office probably mentioned it to me, but I just didn’t understand.” Uncaring of who is watching Lucian cups my face in his hands, looking into my eyes for a moment and seeing the resolve there.

  Finally, he expels a breath and kisses me hard on the lips. His kiss conveys his frustration, but the gentle touch of his finger stroking my cheek infuses me with strength. I can do this; I have been through worse in my life. In a few hours, Lucian and I will leave, and it’ll be finished. Looking back later, I will realize that believing anything that involves my mother and stepfather could be simple was completely naive. I should have known better.

  Max leads the way into the courtroom, stopping by a bench on the front row. “I’ll sit first, then Lucian if you’ll come next and let Lia have the end.” No doubt, he’s afraid I will fall on my face if I have to climb over them when my name is called. We settle in just as he requested, and Lucian clasps my hand once again. I look around the room, thinking it looks exactly like something from Law and Order. When I make another pass, a woman at the table directly in front of us is staring at us. Shock waves roll over me as I recognize my mother. Her blonde hair is now a dark brown, and she looks fifty pounds smaller than the last time I saw her. Her face is hollow and her body almost emancipated. She looks like someone fighting off a horrible disease.

  “Mom?” I whisper, still in shock at the woman looking back at me. She turns fully in her seat, her eyes sliding over me and then taking in Lucian, who, as if sensing a threat, has stiffened beside me. I hate I even cared enough to ask, “Are you all right? You look…”