Before I can answer, Lucian tightens his hold on me, saying, “Yes, she is. Where is your date, or are you flying solo?” I’m not sure if it’s me or Lucian who groans when Monique walks toward us; she is one thing I remember vividly from our last evening together. “Who invited her?” Lucian asks, clearly unhappy.

  Aidan smiles sheepishly. “That would be me, buddy.” Lucian shoots him a look of amazement to which Aidan just shrugs. “Hey, one man’s burger is another man’s steak.” The conversation ceases as Monique reaches us, going straight for Lucian.

  “Luc…darling, there you are.” She leans in, pressing a kiss to both cheeks. I have no doubt she would prefer his mouth, but he isn’t offering. She then turns, looking me up and down before wrinkling her perfect nose. “Oh…Lucy, isn’t it? You’re Luc’s little…friend.” Great, she makes it sound as if I should be selling Girl Scout Cookies and playing hopscotch.

  It’s obvious she is trying to belittle me. I’d love nothing better than to run for the door and never look back, but some part of me I didn’t know existed refuses to let her win. My dislike of her is stronger, and the need to get under her skin is even stronger. Without giving myself time to ponder the wisdom, I curve my body against Lucian’s and stick out a hand to the other woman. Giving her my best innocent smile, I say, “It’s Lia. I’m so happy to see you again, Mandy.” There, take that, smart-ass. I know I’ve scored a direct hit when her possibly-botoxed mouth tightens, and her handshake is hard enough to sever my fingers. Lucian’s arm tightens around my waist, and I have no idea if he is amused or pissed by our verbal bitch-slapping contest.

  Unfortunately, Aidan appears almost intrigued with me now. As Monique settles back at his side, he asks, “So, Lia…how did you meet Luc? I’ve never heard him mention you before, so it must have been recent.” What is the saying, if you’re going to lie, add some elements of the truth to it? Since Lucian isn’t rushing ahead with an explanation, and both Aidan and Monique are looking at me expectantly, I forge on. “It was quite by accident. Lucian texted my phone…thinking I was someone else.” I smile, trying for a sexy grin. I have little practice in that area, so it probably looks more like I’m constipated. “It was a very enlightening conversation, to say the least.” Far from being angry, Lucian chuckles beside me.

  “It was certainly that, baby.” There it is again, the warm feeling washing through my body at his easy use of the endearment. He’s good; I have to give him that. Even I am taken in by the intimate tone of his voice.

  Monique looks as if she could spit nails, and Aidan appears to be deep in thought as he studies Lucian and me. No doubt the poor sap is wondering how his handsome, powerful friend has ended up with an average, cheaply dressed schoolgirl. He ponders us another moment before directing his next question at me. “I believe Monique mentioned you were in school. Where do you attend?”

  This was one question I am at least comfortable with. “I’m in my last year at St. Claire’s.”

  Aidan looks suitably impressed; it’s rare that anyone in Asheville hasn’t heard of the prestigious school. “Wow, that’s quite an accomplishment. What’s your major?”

  “Business Administration,” I answer, suddenly shy at the attention focused on me. I thank God at that moment for the dreadful Public Speaking classes I have been forced to take. I am completely out of my element, and I damn well know it. Maybe it’s just my imagination, but Lucian seems just as interested in my answers as his friends.

  Monique, not one to be out of the spotlight for long, gives a yawn before covering her mouth as if it were an accident. “Oh, that is just so…interesting, Lucy. I’m sure you’ll find a little job somewhere after you graduate. Now, since this is a party, shall we go have some fun?” I fight the urge to hold up one finger and yell, “Score one for Cruella,” but manage to control the urge. She has effectively put me in my place and reminded everyone I’m not of their social class. The only advantage I still have over her is that firm grasp that Lucian continues to have on my waist; I know it’s driving her out of her mind. With equal parts stupidity and bravery, I decide to press my advantage over her. Turning to Lucian, I let my hand rest on his broad chest and notice his eyes flare in surprise and something else…something exciting and possibly forbidden. I like it more than I care to admit.

  “Luc, would you mind showing me around? I’ve never been here before, and it’s beautiful.” I hear Monique snort at my admission but ignore her. Lucian looks at me for a moment, humor dancing in his beautiful eyes.

  “Of course, Lia.” Without looking away from me, he says, “Aidan, Monique, I’m sure I’ll see you later on.” With that, we walk away, and I release the breath I’ve been holding. Lucian is stopped several times on our way across the crowded floor. He is polite but aloof. He is the boss here, and all these people know it; the men stand just a bit taller and the women glow when he acknowledges them. He is the force field everyone gravitates around. I find myself firmly under his spell as well; it’s impossible not to be. Instead of pretending I don’t exist, he introduces me to each person we meet. I’m surprised and oddly touched by this move. Most of my dates with Date Night use me as nothing more than an attractive prop to stand next to them all evening. A potted plant would likely fill the same purpose. Not Lucian, though essentially, we are a couple this evening. The curiosity that fills the air tells me this is rare for him.

  We finally reach a quiet corner of the restaurant, and I’m enchanted by the lovely waterfall covering one wall. The sound soothes me, and it’s easy to forget there are people only steps away. I trail a finger through the water while I try to look anywhere but at the man before me. He captivates me, and I’m so far out of my depth it’s absurd. I should walk away now…no, I should run. He steps closer to me and simply stares. He seems to feel the same inner conflict I do. Maybe he will be strong for both of us and be the one to leave. As the seconds turn into minutes, I start when his hand is suddenly at my waist. The decision has been made; neither of us is leaving. “You look beautiful tonight.” Just as I began to glow at his compliment, he adds, “I’ve never wanted to fuck a woman as badly as I want you right now; did you know that, Lia?” I look up at him, mesmerized, and shake my head. My God, what is he doing to me? My nipples harden and push against the fabric of my dress as he continues to study me. I want him to put his large hands over them, to pinch the painfully hard peaks that ache for him.

  His head lowers slowly toward mine as he whispers against my lips, “Would you like that, baby? Do you want me to turn you to face the waterfall, hold your hands against the wet rocks, and push my cock balls-deep into your wet pussy?” His tongue trails over my neck and I moan low in my throat before I can stop myself. I want everything he just said and more. I’ve never had a man talk to me like this, and I’m surprised at how wanton I feel. He pulls my lower body into closer contact with his, the weight of his erection pressing into me. I’m not the only one lost in the moment. Lucian is big and hard, and I sway against his length, unable to help myself. He moans and suddenly his hands move from my waist and dig into the delicate skin of my ass. He grinds against me, and I feel the big head of his cock nudge against my entrance through the thin material separating us.

  When his tongue enters my mouth, I’m lost. There is nothing I wouldn’t give him in this moment just to continue feeling this way. I ride the leg he has inserted between mine and feel the tension starting to build within me. When his lips move to my neck, I moan his name, completely caught up in all things him. “Luc…ohhh.” He seems to realize from the sound of my voice that I’m close to coming just from his mouth, hands, and knee. At this point, I don’t even need his cock inside me to find Heaven. When he starts to pull away, I whimper, needing him to ease the ache in my body.

  “Shhh…baby, it’s okay,” he whispers as he continues to put distance between us. I stand there dumbly as he straightens my dress and hair. Almost matter-of-factly he says, “This is a public place, Lia, but I would fuck you here and now if you had
done as I asked.”

  This statement cuts through my sexual fog. “Wh—what are you talking about? You haven’t asked anything of me.” I wrack my mind trying to figure out why I’m being deprived of what we both so obviously want.

  He takes my face in his hands, giving me a hard look; gone is my passionate, would-be lover. “I told you to quit the job, Lia.” As his words sink in, it’s the equivalent of ice water in the face. I stiffen and pull out of his arms. I’m suddenly furious with the bastard in front of me.

  “Fuck you!” I whisper-shout as I poke my finger into his chest for emphasis. “Some of us regular people actually have to work for a living. I may go to an expensive college, but I don’t come from or have money, Lucian. If I quit this job just to sleep with you, then I wouldn’t have a place to live, food to eat, or books and supplies for school. Is that what you really expect from a woman? Are you so good in bed that I would give up everything I have, everything I am, just for a roll in the sack with you?” My chest is heaving, and I am fighting the urge to slap his arrogant face as he studies me intently.

  When his lips curve up into a grin, I give into the urge to slap him, and my hand is flying toward his face before I know what is happening. A mere inch before it makes contact, his hand snaps up and halts my progress. I’m horrified over this uncharacteristic show of violence on my part. This is not me, and I’m stunned by the strong feelings that this man—this stranger—brings out. “You’re full of fire, aren’t you, Lia? It appears I owe you an apology. You are correct; I had not thought out the consequences of my demands on your life. In my defense, I’ve been too caught up in my desire to have you. Normally, I would have thought things through more thoroughly. It won’t happen again.”

  I am surprised by the disappointment I feel. So, that’s it? He’s giving up his pursuit of me. Did he think that I was working as an escort for Date Night just for fun? Of course, someone like him probably never had to ponder the money challenges a poor college student has. I suddenly just want away from him. I need to clear my head of all things Lucian Quinn. I can’t breathe when he is near. Without meeting his eyes, I mumble, “I’m sorry I tried to hit you. I just…lost it for a minute.”

  Lucian laughs; the sound is almost musical. I look into his smiling face, and my mouth drops as he says, “Sexual frustration will bring out the animal in most people, baby.” He strokes my hair gently before using its weight to pull my head back. I find that even the small prickle against my scalp is enough to send tendrils of desire racing through my sensitive body. “Have dinner with me tomorrow night. I’ll book it through Date Night, so you’ll be paid.”

  I raise a brow at his question. “It’s okay to pay for a date with me, but not sex?” I cringe when the question is out. It sounds as if I’m whining about the lack of sex tonight, and I’m not…am I? Oh, hell, who am I kidding; we both know I am.

  I stiffen as Aidan steps into view. He takes in the close embrace between Lucian and myself and another of those odd looks crosses his face. Am I really so beneath his boss that my very presence confuses him? Clearing his throat, he says, “Luc, you need to give your speech while everyone is still here and mostly sober.”

  Lucian runs a finger across my bottom lip, tugging it lightly before stepping away. “We can talk tomorrow night.” Before I can answer, his larger hand engulfs mine and leads me past Aidan and back into the party. I try to pull away as he walks straight to the podium at the front of the room, but he keeps me firmly at his side and only drops my hand when he reaches the microphone. I take the opportunity to step behind his large frame and out of the spotlight. Curious looks are thrown my way, but I ignore them and focus on the man in front of me. He speaks with the ease of someone familiar with being the center of attention. Again, he is charming and polite, but I sense the public doesn’t see much of the real Lucian Quinn. Maybe it takes someone such as myself who has spent years putting on a public face to recognize a kindred spirit. Even as he woos the crowd, I see the hand at his side digging into his thigh. It gives me no pleasure to know I’m right. Being haunted by my own demons for most of my life has given me nothing but sympathy for those who suffer, as well. Maybe I’ve made this whole thing up in my mind, and Lucian is simply a person who hates public speaking…but somehow, I don’t think that’s the case. Before I can ponder this further, he finishes to a round of applause and immediately turns as if seeking me. I hold my hand out for his, helpless to do anything else, and it’s immediately taken. Some part of my body is once again joined with his, and it’s far too natural of a feeling for strangers. Who are you, Lucian Quinn, and what are you doing to me?

  With his speech over, Lucian keeps a firm grip on my hand and silently makes his way toward the door. It appears our evening is almost over, and I find myself hesitant to end my time with him. He nods a goodbye to a few people near the doorway, but all too soon, we are on the sidewalk, and he is leading me toward the car idling at the curb. I recognize the sleek, black Mercedes from our previous evening together. “Lucian, my car is here.” I feel compelled to object even though I know it will be pointless. The driver is before us, opening the back door, and I am bundled inside before I can issue another objection.

  We sit in silence for several moments, and I’m startled when his hand suddenly makes contact with my knee. Without turning in my direction, he says, almost absently, “I enjoyed tonight with you there far more than I would normally have.”

  I am filled with pleasure at his words. “I…thank you. Your speech was brilliant,” I add shyly.

  He sighs and admits what I had already suspected. “I hate those fucking things. I’ve done it a million times, and a million times I’ve detested every moment of it.” I want to offer him comfort, something I suspect few people are allowed to do. Instead of saying the words, I lay my hand on top of the one that rests on my knee and squeeze lightly. We remain this way until we reach my apartment. As I start to pull away, he tightens his grip and pulls me forward for a hard kiss on the lips. My mouth tingles as he says, “I’ll pick you up for dinner tomorrow night at seven.” I nod in agreement, and as I’m pulling away, I hear him whisper, “Think of me tonight, sweet Lia, and know I’m thinking of you.”

  I stumble getting out and am grateful for the driver’s assistance. As we reach the door, I turn and smile at him. “You’ve walked me to my door twice, and I don’t even know your name to thank you.”

  He seems surprised by the question, but returns my smile and says, “Just call me Sam, young lady.”

  I laugh, telling him, “Call me Lia. ‘Young lady’ seems far too grand for a college student. Thanks for walking me, Sam.”

  “It’s my pleasure, Lia. I’ll see you tomorrow night, I believe.” Without agreeing, I open my door and step inside. Rose is still in the same position in front of the television but is snoring softly in her sleep. I walk over and turn the television off, grabbing the blanket from the back of the sofa and draping it across her. As my stomach rumbles, I realize I haven’t eaten all evening. I quickly fix a bowl of Captain Crunch cereal and carry it to my bedroom. Before I can question the wisdom of the action, I grab my phone and text Lucian.

  “I’m starving. Isn’t it customary to feed your dates?”

  I am having a serious case of texting-regret when my phone chimes.

  “Ah, I’m sorry. baby. The only thing I wanted to eat tonight was…you. Rest assured, we’ll both get what we want soon.”

  My face flames, and I drop the phone as if burned. His words rush straight to my sex, and I know without a doubt that my fingers will soon be between my slick folds, relieving the ache he has caused there. As if reading my mind, another text sounds.

  “Are you touching yourself while thinking of me?”

  Oh, sweet Heaven, I should never have started this. I want nothing more than to do what he is saying.

  “No, of course not. I’m eating a bowl of cereal in my flannel pajamas.”

  I giggle as I imagine the disgusted look on his face. He has
probably never heard of flannel, much less dated a woman who would dream of wearing it. In reality, I’m wearing a tank top and panties, which are, of course, cotton.

  “Touch your breast, Lia. Run your finger around the nipple and imagine it’s my hand making it pucker.

  As I hesitate, my phone chimes,


  I feel strangely excited and naughty as I slip my hand under my top and caress my breast. My nipple hardens and I moan as I twist it. I’m lost in the moment when another text sounds.

  “It feels good, doesn’t it, baby?”

  When my phone signals an incoming call, I know without looking who it is. I want to ignore the call, but I can’t. I need to hear his voice. “Hello.” I cringe at how breathless I sound.

  With no preliminaries he asks, “Are you wet for me, Lia?” I sputter in horror. I can’t believe he just asked me something so personal. “Put your hand between your legs and tell me how you feel, baby.”

  With a sense of bravado that I’m far from feeling, I joke, “I’m wearing flannel, remember?” Even as I tell the lie, I’m helpless to stop my hand and its downward descent. The cotton of my panties is wet as I reach my target.

  As if my silence convicts me, Lucian whispers hoarsely, “That’s right, baby. Feel what I do to you even when I’m not there.” His voice is all the encouragement I need as I push the cotton aside and trail a finger over my slit. I gasp as I caress my sensitive clit. Lucian moans low in his throat as if my sounds are torturing him. “Push one finger deep inside.” I moan in pleasure as my tight passage spasms. With his voice in my ear, it’s entirely too easy to imagine its Lucian’s cock inside me as my finger strokes deep. “Oh, baby, I bet you feel so fucking good. Add another finger, Lia, and pump them in and out of your wetness.” I obey his command, and my sex twinges at the extra width. I’m so slick that soon both fingers are gliding effortlessly in and out of me.