Page 6 of My Forever

  “I think it’s going to be a very rewarding and fulfilling year filled with a lot of new experiences and challenges.” It was an honest guess, but something in my bones told me it held some validity.

  Eleven – Normal is as Normal Does


  It was my senior year and while I was beginning it in a walking cast, I couldn’t help but feel proud. I held my head high as I walked through the familiar doors and halls of my school.

  I wasn’t making much progress, every two feet I walked I would be stopped by a fellow peer asking about my accident, or if I was okay—it was all just a little overwhelming. My heart began racing from the anxiety.

  “Parker!” I heard my best friend’s familiar voice, lowering my anxiety level a bit.

  “Dylan, hey man.” I embraced him, making sure not to put too much pressure on my left leg as I did so.

  “I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever,” he exclaimed, his brown eyes widening.

  “It’s because I’ve been a hermit, healing my battle wounds. What do you have to say for yourself?” He had come to visit right after the accident occurred, but I only saw him once briefly after that.

  “My father got me an internship at his law firm. You know I had my work cut out for me.” Dylan laughed stiffly.

  I knew his father more than I’d cared to admit and let’s just say he didn’t take it easy on Dylan…if anything he pushed him to be the best he could be—sometimes he pushed too hard.

  Her blond hair was visible through the crowd and she smiled big when she saw me. “Hey Parker.” It was Dylan’s girlfriend Kendall, who was also conveniently Maddy’s best friend.

  “Hey Kendall,” I greeted her as she slipped her body underneath Dylan’s long arms. “How was your summer?”

  “Oh, you know, the usual—tanning, shopping, relaxing.”

  Definitely the life…

  I nodded my head uncomfortably. “Have you seen Maddy around?”

  “Last thing I saw, she was holed up at your locker—my how the tides have changed.” Kendall poked me in the shoulder. “Go get your girl.”

  I grinned back at her. “Thanks, Kendall.” Then I pushed past the two and towards my locker. Rounding the corner it wasn’t hard to pick Madalynne out of the crowd. I could recognize her from practically any angle. She was wearing a spaghetti strap polka dot dress. Her skin was bronzed from the summer sun.

  I had been internally worried that our summer ways wouldn’t last. Everything had been so simple, so easy…something our relationship wasn’t accustomed to. But it’s as though things just fell right back into place—I was not complaining.

  “Hey,” I said softly as I approached her from behind.

  She spun around at the sound of my voice, her hair and dress whipping around with her. “Hey babe.”

  And then she kissed me in front of the world to see, like nothing had ever changed between us. “That was nice.” I said as she broke off the kiss.

  “I have to get to class, see you at lunch?” She glanced up at the clock on the wall.

  “Sure.” I kissed her on the cheek and then watched as she quickly made her way towards her first class of the day. I wasn’t in a hurry to get to any class and be bombarded with more questions about my accident. My head felt like it was about to explode.

  By sixth period I said fuck it and decided to take a break from it all, skipping my advanced wood working class. As I was walking out into the field adjacent to my school a text rang through to my phone from Jacqueline.

  Hope you’re having a great first day of senior year!

  I smiled briefly then wrote back, call me.

  I knew she was in school like me, but assumed she might be on an off period. Just my luck, she was.

  “Hey you,” I answered on the second ring.

  “How the hell have you been?” Jacqueline’s voice was high pitched and emotional. She knew about my accident, I had enough sense to make that happen…but I kept my distance during the months I was healing as I spent nearly every waking moment with Madalynne.

  “I’m better! I’m almost back to normal and I am feeling good.” Honestly, I was feeling lucky—there wasn’t much for me to complain about nowadays.

  “I am so happy to hear that! What else is going on?” Jacqueline always got me talking, letting me out of my shell.

  “Well, I am the main attraction at my school right now—my accident is the talk of the town…honestly, it’s a little overwhelming.” I sighed loudly into my phone.

  “I bet. You’re Parker Grant—you must have the town reeling.” She always knew the right thing to say.

  I chuckled. “You could say that…”

  “How are things with Madalynne?” Jacqueline rarely ever asked about her, I almost liked it better that way—but I couldn’t avoid her question.

  “Better than ever,” I answered honestly.

  “That’s great,” she said, her response lacking enthusiasm.

  “She was really there for me after my accident—never leaving my side. I owe her my life.”

  “Good for you,” Jacqueline replied, stiffly.

  “Thank you for being a good friend…you’ve always been there for me when I needed you,” I addressed her.

  There was audible silence before I heard any kind of response.

  “Good luck, Parker.”

  “Jacqueline,” I began, not wanting her angry with me.

  “I wish you the best.” She was giving me short and sweet responses now.

  “Stop being like that. You know I care about you and I don’t want to lose our friendship.” I had to draw the line sometime…the summer is what convinced me I couldn’t continue to feel these feelings for Jacqueline while head over heels with Madalynne—it wasn’t fair and it wasn’t right.

  I still wanted Jacqueline in my life as a friend. But not a friend I had sexual thoughts about or a yearning desire to meet. I wanted Jacqueline to be another Kendall in my life. But I wasn’t sure how to make that transition.

  If Madalynne weren’t in the picture I would have pursued Jacqueline no matter the depths or the distance. But Madalynne trumped everything and everyone…she always did. To me, everyone else paled in comparison.

  But I didn’t want to hurt Jacqueline, and I definitely didn’t want to lose her. Unfortunately, you could cut the awkward tension with a knife.

  “I’ll talk to you later,” she said shortly before I heard the click and disconnect of the line.

  I never intended to hurt her. But after my accident things were put into perspective. My priorities were highlighted and I remembered what I wanted out of life. Jeopardizing any part of my relationship with Madalynne was the furthest thing from what I wanted.

  Even though it sucked hurting Jacqueline, it was necessary for the success of my relationship with Madalynne. And this time I was diving head first.

  Twelve – Back on That Love Track


  Homecoming was on everyone’s tongues. Girls everywhere were dreaming of the countless ways they would be asked and by whom.

  In a way, I had the upper-hand. I didn’t have to stress about being asked, I knew Parker and I would attend together. It took a little of the magic away—but I still didn’t know how he would ask.

  His walking cast had been removed the week prior making him the perfect date. Parker was back to being his normal self, and then some.

  “Chinese tonight?” Parker asked as we witnessed another elaborate invitation; balloons everywhere.

  I looked up into his brown eyes. “Sure.”

  Parker leaned down to kiss me softly. “Pick you up at six.”

  I nodded, grinning lightly.

  Mindlessly, I went through the rest of my classes for the day and then rushed home to get ready for our date.

  I wasn’t big on make-up, but I opted for eyeliner, mascara, and blush to accent my features. I pinned one of the sides of my hair back and wore a black dress with a leather bodice and sheer, long, skirt along
with a pair of my leather booties.

  In reality, I was probably overdressed…everything Parker and I did was so casual—the comfortable, the norm. But, there was no denying how good I looked in the dress…I’m sure Parker would not be complaining one bit.

  When he showed up to my doorstep his jaw was practically to his knees and remained so for about the first ten minutes as he took me in. I knew I looked good, but Parker’s intense stare justified my thoughts. “You look beautiful Maddy.”

  I blushed knowing he would say more if he could. “Thank you.” I followed him to his car and climbed in ready to find out what he had planned for the entire evening.

  I was sure he was going to take me to our usual choice when it came to Chinese cuisine, but Parker surprised me by driving the complete opposite direction. “Where are we going?” I finally found the need to inquire.

  “It’s a surprise.” Parker shot me a playful glance before shifting his eyes back to the road. He knew very well how I felt about surprises…yet still found time to be amused when he irritated me, I had resolved it was a super power of his.

  When we finally pulled up to Kwan’s, I stepped out of the car confused. “This isn’t much of a surprise…I drive past here like every day.”

  “When was the last time you stopped?” he asked me.


  “I have a feeling you are going to love Kwan’s. Maybe you’ll even get to meet Mr. Kwan, I hear he’s here on a regular basis.” Parker’s eyes lit up animatedly.

  Although Parker’s choice in dish was questionable, the food was undeniably good. He was right on the money when he had said I would love it. I had ordered my usual beef and broccoli, but the beef was so tender this time it was to die for. Parker was more outgoing with his order and chose Elk—which he enjoyed thoroughly.

  When our bill arrived and we were stuffed beyond comprehension, I noticed the two fortune cookies waiting for us. My rules with fortune cookies was simple, if it was a favorable fortune, I ate the cookie—any other outcome and the cookie was tossed with the fortune.

  “You ready to do this?” Parker asked me, grabbing both cookies and tossing one at me which I effortlessly caught.

  “I almost hope it’s a bad one because I can barely breathe I am so stuffed!” I rubbed my temporarily extended gut.

  Parker chuckled then pointed back at my fortune cookie. “You first.”

  Since when had he ever been so demanding? I began popping the plastic wrapper so I could get to the fortune cookie. I broke it in half quickly, pulling out the slim white paper from inside.

  I couldn’t imagine spending this night with anyone else. Will you go to Homecoming with me?

  “How did you do this?” The words were out of my mouth before I fully comprehended what he must have went through to make this happen.

  “I pulled some strings.” He grinned big and wide. “So what do you say—Homecoming…with me?”

  I rolled my eyes. “You’re crazy if you ever thought I could go with anyone else.”

  He kissed me quickly then.

  “I still can’t believe you pulled this off.” I was shaking my head, feeling an overwhelming sense of love.

  “You are worth it Maddy, you should know that by now.”

  He was so creative, impulsive, and passionate. I couldn’t think of another guy who even compared.

  After our incredible dinner Parker walked me to my doorstep.

  “I had an amazing time tonight,” I said softly, rubbing Parker’s fingers that were linked with mine.


  “Thank you.” I wasn’t entirely sure why I said it…but I knew that Parker had been there for me through everything and I wanted to show my appreciation somehow.

  “For what?” So adorably clueless.

  “For everything. I don’t say it enough. I mean it.”

  “Come here.” Parker reached for me, pulling me into his body. He tilted my chin upwards so I was staring into his eyes. “Thank you for wearing this dress!” He chuckled then nestled his lips into the crook of my neck. “Thank you for everything.” He lowered his lips to mine in the most incredible, mind-blowing kiss. It didn’t end there. The kiss lingered on, passion growing with each touch of our lips. Parker pressed me gently against the garage, pulling me into him and his kisses.

  I wasn’t used to him being so aggressive…but I liked it.

  “Goodnight,” he said, pulling away breathlessly.

  “Night.” I grinned back at my boyfriend then made my way to the front door. After I was inside, I found myself leaning against it, smiling and giggling to myself like I knew the world’s best secret.

  I had always been in love with Parker—but I was finally falling back in love with him. It felt good, and it felt right.

  Thirteen – Fighting Against the Current


  Things had never been so easy, so seamless between us – I almost had to pinch myself to believe it all. We had been doing better than good the past few months, and with a little more than a month until Christmas, I was anxious to be able to spend the Holidays with Madalynne. Anxious for the normalcy to completely return.

  In a week and a half it would be Thanksgiving, a bittersweet Holiday for both of our families…but we had been spending it together for the better part of five years. The past couple of years I finally roped my parents into coming over to Madalynne’s for dinner, it had continued ever since.

  Knowing we weren’t going to be able to have much alone time with the Holiday’s coming up I planned a night out on the town for Maddy and me. I took her to the Oregon Zoo, but she was beyond excited when she found out it was also ‘Zoo Lights’ an annual program where they illuminated the entire zoo with Christmas lights. It was beautiful. I had taken Madalynne there once before, and watched the way her eyes lit up with wonder and amazement at all the beauty. I was excited to be able to experience her joy again.

  Her eyes were bulging the moment we walked in. “Zoo lights?” she asked, her voice rising with excitement.

  I nodded.

  “You remembered…” she trailed off, glancing around.

  “How could I forget?” I asked softly as I grabbed her hand and led her into the illuminated park.

  I had a great time with Madalynne at Zoo Lights, laughing and smiling the entire night away. I had forgotten how nice it felt to be with her, to be important to her. I never imagined I could feel any closer to her – fall any deeper – but it was happening, and it felt amazing.

  While everything was going swimmingly with Madalynne, I was having the complete opposite experience with Jacqueline, whom I had been trying to reach out to as a friend on Facebook—but she was keeping me at an arm’s length.

  After close to two weeks of attempted conversation I finally got a one sentence answer out of her.

  I got my GED.

  I always knew Jacqueline had it rough, and therefore had been working since she was fourteen and had a workers permit, but I always assumed she would finish out high school.