Page 13 of The Secret


  You are the designer of your destiny. You are the author. You write the story. The pen is in your hand, and the outcome is whatever you choose.


  The beautiful thing about the law of attraction is that you can begin where you are, and you can begin to think "real thinking," and you can begin to generate within yourself a feeling tone of harmony and happiness. The law will begin to respond to that.


  So now you start to have different beliefs, like, "There is more than enough in the Universe." Or you have the belief that, "I'm not getting older, I'm getting younger." We can create it the way we want it, by using the law of attraction.


  And you can break yourself free from your hereditary patterns, cultural codes, social beliefs, and prove once and for all that the power within you is greater than the power within the world.


  You may be thinking, "Well, that's very nice, but I can't do that." Or, "She won't let me do that!" Or, "He'll never let me do that." Or, "I haven't got enough money to do that." Or, "I'm not strong enough to do that." Or, "I'm not rich enough to do that." Or, "Tin not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not."

  Every single "I'm not" is a creation!

  It is a good idea to become aware when you say, "I'm not" and to think about what you are creating as you say it. A powerful insight shared by Dr. Wolf has been equally documented by all the great teachers with the power of the words / am. When you say "I am," the words that follow are summoning creation with a mighty force, because you are declaring it to be fact. You are stating it with certainty. And so immediately after you say, "I am tired" or "I am broke" or "1 am sick" or "1 am late" or "I am overweight" or "1 am old," the Cenie says, "Your wish is my command."

  Knowing this, wouldn't it be a good idea to begin to use the two most powerful words, / AM, to your advantage? How about, "I AM receiving every good thing. 1 AM happy. 1 AM abundant. I AM healthy. 1 AM love. 1 AM always on time. 1 AM eternal youth. 1 AM filled with energy every single day."

  In his book The Master Key Si/stem, Charles Haanel claims that there is an affirmation that incorporates every single thing any human being can want, and that this affirmation will bring about harmonious conditions to all things. He adds, "The reason for this is because the affirmation is in strict accordance with the Truth, and when Truth appears every form of error or discord must necessarily disappear."

  The affirmation is this: "1 am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy."

  If it sounds like work to drag what you want out of the invisible and into the visible, try this shortcut: see what you want as

  absolute fact. This will manifest what you want with the speed of light The second you ask, it is fact in the Universal spiritual field, and that field is all that exists. When you conceive something in your mind, know it is a fact, and that there can be no question about its manifestation.

  "There is no limit to what this law can do for you; dare to believe in your own ideal; think of the ideal as an already accomplished fact."

  When Henry Ford was bringing his vision of the motor vehicle into our world, people around him ridiculed him and thought he had gone mad to pursue such a "wild" vision. Henry Ford knew much more than the people who ridiculed him. He knew The Secret and he knew the law of the Universe.

  "Whether you think you can or think you can't, either way you are right."

  Do you think you can? You can achieve and do anything you want with this knowledge. In the past you may have underestimated how brilliant you are. Well, now you know you are the Supreme Mind and that you can draw anything you want from that One Supreme Mind. Any invention, any inspiration, any answer, any-

  thing. You can do anything you want. You are a genius beyond description, so start telling yourself that and become aware of who you really are.


  Are there any limit* to this? Absolutely not. We are unlimited beings. We liave no ceiling. The capabilities and the talents and the gifts and the power that is within every single individual that is on the planet, is unlimited.

  All your power is in your awareness of that power, and through holding that power in your consciousness.

  Your mind can be like a runaway steam train if you let it. It can take you off to thoughts of the past, and then take you off to thoughts of the future by taking past bad events and projecting those into your future. Those out-of-control thoughts are creating too. When you are aware, you are in the present and you know what you are thinking. You have gained control of your thoughts, and that is where all your power is.

  So how do you become more aware? One way is to stop and ask yourself, "What am 1 thinking now? What am I feeling now?" The moment you ask you are aware, because you have brought your mind back to the present moment.

  Whenever you think of it, bring yourself back to the awareness of now. Do it hundreds of times each day, because, remember, all of your power is in your awareness of your power. Michael Bernard Beckwith sums up the awareness of this power when he says, "Remember to remember!" Those words have become the theme song of my life.

  To help myself become more aware, so 1 would remember to remember, 1 asked the Universe to give me a gentle nudge to bring me back to the present whenever my mind has taken over and is "having a party" at my expense. That gentle nudge happens by me bumping myself or dropping something, a loud noise, or a siren or an alarm going off. All of these things are signals to me that my mind has taken off, and to come back to the present. When 1 receive these signals I stop immediately and ask myself, "What am 1 thinking? What am I feeling? Am 1 aware?" And of course in the moment 1 do that, I am aware. The very moment you ask yourself if you aware, you are there. You are aware.

  "The real secret of power is consciousness of power."

  As you become aware of the power of The Secret, and begin to use it, all of your questions will be answered. As you begin to have a deeper understanding of the law of attraction you can start to make asking questions a habit, and as you do, you will receive the answer to each one. You can begin by using this book for that very

  purpose. If you are seeking an answer or guidance on something in your life, ask the question, believe you will receive, and then open this book randomly. At the exact place where the pages fall open will be the guidance and answer you are seeking.

  The truth is that the Universe has been answering you all of your life, but you cannot receive the answers unless you are aware. Be aware of everything around you, because you are receiving the answers to your questions in every moment of the day. The channels those answers can come through are unlimited. They could be delivered in the form of a newspaper headline that attracts your attention, or overhearing someone speaking, or a song on the radio, or signage on a truck passing by, or receiving a sudden inspiration. Remember to remember, and become aware!

  1 have found in my own life and in others' lives that we do not think well of ourselves or love ourselves completely. To not love ourselves can keep what we want from us. When we don't love ourselves, we are literally pushing things away from us.

  Everything we want, whatever it may be, is motivated by love. It is to experience the feelings of love in having those things—youth, money, the perfect person, job, body, or health. To attract the things we love we must transmit love, and those things will appear immediately.

  The catch is, to transmit the highest frequency of love, you must love yourself, and that can be difficult for many. If you focus on the outside and what you see now, you may trip yourself up, because

  what you see and feel about you now is the result of what you used to think. If you don't love you, the person you see now is likely to be full of faults that you have found in yourself.

  To love yourself fully, you must focus on a new dimension of You. You must focus on the presence inside of you. lake a moment and sit still. Focus on f
eeling the life presence inside You. As you focus on the presence within, it will begin to reveal itself to You. It is a feeling of pure love and bliss, and it is perfection. That presence is the perfection of You. That presence is the real You. As you focus on that presence, as you feel, love, and praise that presence, you will love yourself fully, quite possibly for the first time in your life.

  Any time you look at yourself with critical eyes, switch your focus immediately to the presence within, and its perfection will reveal itself to You. As you do this, all imperfections that have manifested in your life will dissolve, because imperfections cannot exist in the light of this presence. Whether you want to regain perfect eyesight, dissolve disease and restore well-being, turn poverty into abundance, reverse aging and degeneration, or eradicate any negativity, focus on and love the presence within you and perfection will manifest.

  "The absolute truth is that the T is perfect and complete; the real T is spiritual and can therefore never be less than perfect; it can never have any lack, limitation, or disease."

  • Everything is energy. You are an energy magnet, so you electrically energize everything to you and electrically energize yourself to everything you want.

  • You are a spiritual being. You are energy, and energy cannot be created or destroyed —it just changes form. Therefore, the pure essence of you has always been and always will be.

  • The Universe emerges from thought. We are the creators not only of our own destiny but also of the Universe.

  • An unlimited supply of ideas is available to you. All knowledge, discoveries, and inventions are in the Universal Mind as possibilities, waiting for the human mind to draw them forth. You hold everything in your consciousness.

  • We are all connected, and ive are all One.

  • Let go of difficulties from your past, cultural codes, and social beliefs. You arc the only one who can create the life you deserve.

  • A shortcut to manifesting your desires is to see what you want as absolute fact.

  • Your power is in your thoughts, so stay aware. In other words,

  "Remember to remember."




  There is no blackboard in the sky on which God has written your purpose, your mission in life. There's no blackboard in the ski/ that says, "Neale Donald Walsch. Handsome guy who I wed in the first part of the twenty-first century, who ..." And then there's a blank. And all I have to do to really understand what I'm doing here, win/ I'm here, is to find that blackboard and find out wind God really has in mind for me. But the blackboard doesn't exist.

  So your purpose is what you say it is. Your aiission is the nussiou you gin' yourself. Your life will be what you create it as, and no one will stand in judgment of it, innu or ever.

  You get to till the blackboard of your life with whatever you want. It you have filled it in with baggage from the past, wipe it clean. Erase everything from the past that does not serve you, and be grateful it brought you to this place now, and to a new beginning. You have a clean slate, and you can start over—right here, right now. Find your joy and live it!


  // took a lot of years for me to get this point, because 1 grew up very much with this idea that there was something I was supposed to do, and if I icasn't doing it, God wouldn't be happy with me.

  When I really understood that my primary aim was to feel and experience joy, then I began to do only those things which brought me joy. I have a saying: "If it ain't fun, don't do it!"


  oy, love, freedom, happiness, laughter. That's what it is. Ami if you just experience joy sitting there and meditating for an hour, by golly, do that. If you experience joy eating a salami sandwich, then do that!


  When I pet my cat I'm in a state of joy. Wlien 1 walk in nature I'm in a state of joy. So 1 want to constantly put myself in that state, and when I do, then all I have to do is have the intention of what I want, and what 1 want manifests.

  Do the things that you love and that bring you joy. If you don't know what brings you joy, ask the question, "What is my joy?" And as you find it and commit yourself to it, to joy, the law of attraction will pour an avalanche of joyful things, people, circumstances, events and opportunities into your life, all because you are radiating joy.


  So inner happiness actually is the fuel of success.

  Be happy itaw. Feel good now. That's the only thing you have to do. If that's the only thing you get from reading this book, then you have received the greatest part of The Secret.


  Anything that makes you feel good is always going to be drawing in more.

  You are reading this book right now. It's you that drew this into your life, and it's your choice whether you want to take it and utilize it, if it feels good. If it doesn't feel good, then let it go. Find something that feels good, that resonates with your heart.

  The knowledge of The Secret is being given to you, and what you do with it is entirely in your hands. Whatever you choose for You is right. Whether you choose to use it, or whether you choose not to use it, you get to choose. The freedom of choice is yours.

  "Follow voiir bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls."

  Lisa Nichols

  When you follow your bliss i/ou live in a constant apace of /'hi/. You open yourself to the abundance of the lluiivrse. You're excited to share your life with those you love, and your excitement, your passion, your bliss become contagious.


  Thai's what I'm doing almost all the time — following my excitement, my passion, my enthusiasm—and I'm doing it throughout my day.

  Bob Proctor

  Enjoy life, because life is phenomenal! It's a magnificent trip!

  Marie Diamond

  You will live in a different reality, a different life. And people will look at you and say, "What do you do different from me?" Well, the only thing that is different is that you work with The Secret.

  Morris Goodman

  And then you can do and have and be things that people once said that's impossible for you to do and have and be.

  Dr. Fred Alan Wolf

  We're really now moving into a new era. It's the era where the last frontier is not space, as "Star Trek" ivoiild say, but it's going to be Mind.

  Dr. John Hagelin

  I see a future of unbounded potential, unbounded possibilities. Remember we're using, at most, 5 percent of the potential of the human mind. One hundred percent human potential is the result of proper education. So imagine a world where people are using their full modal and emotional potential. We could go anywhere. We could do anything. Achieve anything.

  This time on our glorious planet is the most exciting time in history. We are going to see and experience the impossible becoming possible, in every field of human endeavor and on every subject. As we let go of all thoughts of limitation, and know that we are unlimited, we will experience the limitless magnificence of humankind, expressed through sport, health, art, technology, science, and every single field of creation.

  Bob Proctor