Page 18 of Until Ashlyn

  “Last week, Sage found out Kim’s boyfriend isn’t exactly the kind of ‘boyfriend’ he thought he was. Since then, that”—she points her finger toward Kim and Sage, who are standing close together—“has been happening almost everyday.”

  “So he finally figured it out?” I ask, staring at Ellie in disbelief, and she laughs.

  “He didn’t exactly figure it out. He was out with Jax having a drink, and found Chris making out with a guy.”

  “Oh no,” I whisper, and she smiles.

  “Oh yeah. Then he punched Chris in the face and gave him a black eye.”

  “Shut up?” I breathe, looking back out the front window just in time to see Sage grab Kim’s waist and tug her hips into his.

  “Swear,” Ellie whispers while we watch Kim try to push him away, only to have him take her by the back of her neck with his free hand and hold her in place. I knew Kim’s plan was stupid when she told me what she did. I told her that claiming her gay best friend was her boyfriend was the wrong way to go about keeping Sage at bay, but she refused to listen to reason. Not that I can blame her. What my cousin did hurt her, and a woman who has been hurt will do whatever’s necessary to protect herself from it ever happening again.

  “Jax said Sage hasn’t been with anyone since her,” Ellie says quietly, and I pull my eyes from the window, feeling like a voyeur all of a sudden, and look at her.

  “Really?” My cousin was a bit of a manwhore, like my brother was before Ellie, so I find it hard to believe he hasn’t been with anyone since what happened between him and Kim went down a long time ago.

  “Really,” she mutters, and then shrugs. “I hope they figure their stuff out. They would be good together, if they could just get past all the crap between them.”

  “They would make some beautiful babies,” Cara adds, and I look at her, raising a brow. “What? They would.”

  “They really would,” Ellie agrees, then studies me. “But then again, you and Dillon would also have some beautiful babies.”

  “Yes, they would,” Cara puts in, smiling, and I shake my head at both of them then move my eyes to the door when it chimes and Kim stomps back in, looking flustered.

  “Are you ready?” she asks, moving toward the back of the shop without stopping to look at us.

  “Are you okay?”

  Her shoulders slump and she spins to face me, plastering what I know is a fake smile on her face. “Absolutely fabulous.”

  “You’re as bad of a liar as Ellie.” I smile, and she presses her lips together.

  “He’s annoying.” She waves me off then narrows her eyes past my shoulder, and I turn to look out the window to find Sage standing in front of his truck, pointing at his watch while looking at her.

  “Oh my, what does that mean?” Cara asks, sounding breathless while she stares at my cousin.

  “My guess is Kim’s time is just about up.” Ellie giggles, and Kim growls something under her breath before turning and stomping to the back of the salon.

  “That man is seriously hot,” Cara mutters behind me as I follow Kim to her station and take a seat in the chair she’s turned around for me.

  “You’re not so pissed that you’ll accidentally chop all of my hair off, right?” I joke, and her eyes meet mine in the mirror.

  “I’m good.” She smiles, pulling in a breath. “I may end up killing your cousin, but I swear I won’t mess up your hair.”


  “And you didn’t hear me say I may kill Sage out loud, since then it would be premeditated, and I can only get off if it looks like it was a spontaneous decision.”

  “I didn’t hear anything.” I smile back then pull my eyes from hers in the mirror to look up at her. “Do you want me to tell him to back off?” I ask quietly, and her face softens.

  “I don’t know what I want anymore.” She shrugs. “Everyday, he asks me out. And everyday, I say no, but…” She shakes her head, tucking a chunk of hair behind her ear. “I just… He’s making it really hard to keep saying no.”

  “You liked him and he hurt you. I get that, but maybe you should give him a chance to apologize, and then go from there.”

  “He has apologized.” She shrugs. “I just haven’t forgiven him.”

  “Maybe you can find a way to do that so you can move on,” I say, giving her hand a squeeze. “I’m not saying you need to move on with him, but I think you need to let whatever happened go so you can figure out what you want for yourself.”

  “You’re right,” she agrees and I lean up, giving her a hug, and then sit back to look at her in the mirror.

  “Now, please tell me that you know something about tomorrow’s supposed family dinner.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she replies, and just like Ellie, I can tell she’s lying.


  “Hey, do you want to get a drink after we’re done here?” Ellie asks, and I pull my eyes from the mirror, where I have been watching Kim curl my hair, and look at Cara, who is sitting in front of the nail dryer.

  “Do you want to go?” I ask, when her eyes meet mine.

  “I’m always down for a drink.” She grins, and I smile back then look at Ellie.

  “We’re down. I just need to send Dillon a text to let him know what’s going on.”

  “I’ll send Jax a text too and let him know to come pick up Hope.”

  “You’re coming, right?” I ask, looking at Kim, and she shrugs.

  “Sure, sounds good to me.”

  “Awesome,” I mutter, pulling out my cell phone so I can send a quick text to Dillon and let him know what the plan is. Getting his reply text, less than a minute later, I smile.

  No doing anything you wouldn’t do with me watching!!! Call when you get there, and then when you need to be picked up. Jax has someone keeping an eye on you guys, and he’ll follow you to the bar.

  “Who does Jax have watching us?” I ask Ellie, and she shrugs.

  “I have no idea. He never mentioned it to me. Did Dillon say someone is watching us?”


  “Hmm, no clue,” she mutters, putting on lip-gloss.

  “Why do we need someone watching us?” Cara questions, and I inwardly groan. I don’t want her to think she has anything to worry about or that I’m crazy.

  “My brother is overprotective of Ellie and Hope, and you know Dillon’s crazy,” I answer, and she nods like ‘Oh yeah, I totally get it my mans the same way,’ then pulls her hands out from under the nail dryer and dangles them before Hope, who smiles brightly.

  “What do you think?”

  “They’re beautiful, and now we match.” Hope claps, holding her hands out next to Cara’s, giggling, and I grin at them.

  “Go get your bag from the back, baby girl. Daddy will be here to get you in a few minutes,” Ellie says, and Hope pouts.

  “Can’t I come with you?”

  “Sorry, no, but I bet Daddy will take you out for ice cream if you ask him.”

  “Yay! Ice cream!” she yells happily before skipping to the back of the salon, then coming out a few minutes later with a bright pink glitter backpack.

  “You’re done,” Kim says, and I turn my head to look at myself in the mirror and smile.

  “Like always, it’s perfect. I wish you could be with me everyday when I get ready for work.”

  “Oh please, you always look perfect.” She waves me off while putting away her curlers and things. “I didn’t spray it, since you have the stitches, but with the serum the curls should hold through tomorrow, and before you know it, your hair they had to shave off will grow back. But for now, I blended it in so it will grow a little better.”

  “Thank you.” I stand and give her a hug. She didn’t do my color, but she did trim my ends and wash my hair for me, which is what I really wanted since I’m scared to wash it myself after seeing a video of a person with infected stitches.

  “Now, lets go have a drink.” She takes off her smock and tucks it away then gra
bs her purse. Once we are outside, Ellie hands Hope off to Jax then proceeds to make out with him—barf—before taking my hand and leading me down the street to the bar at the end of the block.

  As soon as we get inside, I freeze. “What the hell?” I breathe, seeing my cousins and friends all gathered around two long tables in the back of the bar.

  “Surprise!” July smiles, giving me a hug. “I know tomorrow is your party, but since we are all in town, we decided to get together tonight.”

  “Do not fricking cry,” Michelle mutters, pulling me in for a hug. “I so wanted to call and warn you, but June said she’d kick my ass, and it would look really bad if a pregnant woman beat me up,” she whispers.

  “Whatever.” June grins, giving me a hug before stepping away to allow April, December, and May to come forward and hug me too.

  “I didn’t know you were in town,” I choke, fighting back tears as Nalia steps toward me.

  “Did you really think I would miss this?” She grins, wrapping her arms around me tightly.

  “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you too,” she whispers, and then Willow and Harmony both tackle us at the same time, rocking us from side to side.

  “We are so happy for you.”

  “Thank you.” I smile at both of them, and then feel my jaw drop when I look past them.

  “Hanna.” I stare at my cousin, who I haven’t seen in forever, in disbelief.

  “The one and only.” She holds out her arms, and I run toward her, throwing my arms around her and then leaning back to look at her.

  “I thought you were in Paris.”

  “I was, but I couldn’t miss this. So I took a flight last night and got in this morning.”

  “God.” I lean back and look around the space that is packed full of some of my favorite women, and tears start to burn the back of my throat.

  “No fucking crying. It’s time to celebrate,” April says, handing me a shot, and I laugh then shoot it back, holding the glass up. Hearing the girls all shout and clap. Finding Cara in the crowd standing next to Kim, I quickly introduce her to everyone before doing exactly what April suggested.

  Seeing Harmony suddenly disappear under the table, I frown, tilting my head under the ledge to look at her.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, feeling a little dizzy from the five lemon drop shots I’ve had and my awkward, almost upside down position.

  “Um… I lost an earring.”

  “Oh, I’ll help you find it,” I mumble, scooting my chair back so I can get under the table along with her. Crawling on my hands and knees across the floor, I realize I have no idea exactly what I’m looking for. “What does it look like?” I question, lifting my head to look at her, and her face turns red.

  “I didn’t really lose an earring,” she whispers, crawling toward me, and I fall to my bottom and raise a brow.

  “Then why are you under the table?”

  “Harlen’s here.”


  “Harlen’s here,” she repeats.

  “I thought you two were friends?”

  “We were…”

  “So why are you hiding from him?”

  “I kissed him.” She says after a long moment and I blink.

  “Oh, my God! You are a damn liar,” Willow snaps, and I watch her fall to her ass under the table then crawl toward us, shaking her head and pointing at Harmony. “You told me when I asked why you haven’t been hanging out with him anymore that nothing happened between you two.”

  “So, is the party under the table now?” April asks, suddenly appearing at my side, handing me another shot that I take immediately. “I kind of like it. It’s cozy,” she mutters, looking around, and I giggle.

  “Oh my God,” Harmony groans, covering her face with her hands. “You all need to get out of here before you blow my cover.”

  “What’s going on?” July asks a second later, appearing out of thin air.

  “God help me,” Harmony growls, glaring at everyone.

  “What’s her problem?” July asks, nodding toward Harmony.

  “She kissed Harlen.” Willow shrugs as Harmony narrows her eyes on her. “What? I don’t understand what the big deal is. So what you kissed people kiss everyday.”

  “It was bad.”

  “How was it bad?” I ask, seeing the unease in her eyes.

  “I.” She shakes her head frantically. “Jeez, this is so embarrassing. Can you guys just go and forget I ever said anything?”

  “No,” Willow snaps, getting closer to her sister. “Spill.”

  “I kissed him and he didn’t like it…. Okay?” She huffs.

  “Oh,” I breathe in understanding. “Have you talked to him about it?” I ask softly.

  “No.” She closes her eyes, whispering, “We were out when it happened and I didn’t wait around. He went to the bathroom, and I took off.”

  “I’m going to kick his ass,” July growls already half drunk, and Harmony grabs on to her ankle as she tries to crawl out from under the table.

  “Please don’t,” she pleas, and July’s eyes narrow on her over her shoulder.

  “You’re not going to sit under this table and feel sorry for yourself,” she snaps. “You are going to go out there and let him see exactly what he’s missing out on.”

  “Has he tried to talk to you since then?” April asks suddenly, and Harmony pulls her wide eyes from July to look at her.

  “No.” She shakes her head.

  “So he hasn’t called you at all?” April’s eyes narrow and Harmony looks away shrugging.

  “He’s called a few times, but I haven’t answered.”

  “Hmm,” she hums, then smiles her smile that screams trouble and grabs Harmony’s hand, tugging her toward her. “Like July said, you are not going to sit under the table like a weirdo. You are going to go out there and have fun.”

  “July didn’t call me a weirdo.” Harmony mutters under her breath as she’s dragged out behind April.

  “I don’t think tonight is going to end well for her,” Willow whispers, watching July, April, and Harmony crawl out from under the table before looking at me, smiling. “I’m so happy for you.” Wrapping her arms around me quickly, she leans back, bonking her head and grumbling something I can’t understand before crawling out behind everyone else. Looking around the now empty space, I shake my head and feel a smile spread across my face. Only in my family would a serious conversation be had under a table at a packed bar.

  “Get the fuck down now.”

  Pulling my gaze from Harmony, who is singing along with me to “Keep Your Hands to Yourself,” I look down and see a red-faced Harlen glaring up at her, and then notice Dillon standing next to him with his arms crossed over his chest and his lips twitching into a smile.

  “You’re here,” I shout, jumping from the top of the bar and into his arms, hearing him grunt as I wrap myself around him.

  “I don’t think dancing on bars is something you’d do with me watching,” he mutters, and I giggle, tucking my face into his neck.

  “I wasn’t dancing. I was singing.” I lift my head to look at him then grin over his shoulder as I watch Harlen pull a reluctant Harmony off the bar, throw her over his shoulder, and smack her ass when she kicks her feet to be put down. My cousin may think he didn’t like the kiss but I know for sure she’s wrong. Since the moment Harlen’s eyes landed on Harmony tonight he’s been watching her like a hawk.

  “How drunk are you?”

  My eyes focus back on Dillon’s and I shrug. “Drunk, but not so drunk I’ll end up married again.” I smile, and he mouths the word nut while carrying me toward the back table, taking a seat. “Where’s Parker?” I ask, finding Cara sitting with June and Evan, chatting.

  “Home with the boys, who are currently passed out after having too much fun at your parents’ house.”

  “I didn’t even think to search you for bullet wounds,” I joke, and he smiles.

  “Not necessary. It wasn’t a
setup, just dinner.”

  “Did you have a good time?” I ask, and he nods.

  “It was good,” he says, and I yawn, covering my mouth. “We should go soon.”

  “Oh, I’m not ready to leave,” I inform him with a shake of my head, trying to pull away, and he laughs, holding me closer.

  “You may not be ready to leave, but the bar is closing in about thirty minutes, which means you’ll be kicked out if you don’t.”

  “Is it really that late already?” I ask, and he nods again.

  “It’s really that late.”

  “Tonight was fun,” I inform him, resting my head on his shoulder, and his hand moves to the back of my neck.

  “I’m glad, baby,” I hear him murmur, right before I fall asleep smiling.


  Taking a sip of coffee, I rest the cup on my knees tucked close to my chest and stare out at the backyard. It’s still early enough that the sun hasn’t quite warmed the earth, and the dew covering the ground is making the grass look like it’s been sprinkled with glitter as the light shines down on it. Thankfully, I don’t have a headache this morning, but I do feel a little bit out of it after staying out so late.

  Tilting my head back when the sliding door opens, I watch Dillon step out onto the back patio, wearing loose sweats and a T-shirt with his hair a mess, like he’s ran his hand through it a million times this morning. “I’ve been looking for you. I thought you’d be in bed. It’s still early,” he mutters, bending to kiss my forehead, and my eyes slide closed.

  “I couldn’t get back to sleep after I woke up.” Taking my cup of coffee from me, he sets it on the ledge of the gas fireplace then pulls me up out of the chair. Taking the seat I was just in, he tugs me down onto him then leans forward, grabbing the mug and handing it back to me.

  “Why couldn’t you go back to sleep?” he asks, kissing the side of my head once he’s adjusted us both.

  “You weren’t there,” I admit, resting my head on his shoulder. “The bed always feels too big when you’re not in it with me.”

  “Sorry, baby.” His lips touch my neck, making me shiver. “I got a phone call and didn’t want to wake you.”

  “It’s Saturday.” I frown, and his arms around me tighten briefly.