Page 23 of Until Ashlyn

  I know she’s home; I’ve talked to her every couple hours since I left and spoke to her as soon as my plane landed. Honestly, I didn’t want to leave her, but it couldn’t be avoided due to her current condition. Breathing in a sigh of relief, I smile when I spot her lying on one of the lawn chairs with her feet up, and Michelle sitting next to her, rubbing her very large stomach. She’s already eight months along. It doesn’t seem possible, and I have no idea where the time went. Sliding the door open, both women’s heads turn toward me, but I’m focused on my wife.

  “You’re home.” She starts to sit up, but I shake my head and move to where she’s lying, resting my hand on her stomach and my mouth against hers.

  “I missed you,” I grumble, and she smiles, resting her hand on my jaw and running her fingers across it.

  “You were gone one night.”

  “I know, and I swear, without you, it was hell.”

  “It was kind of nice having you out of my hair and not bickering at me.” She laughs, and so does Michelle, who I lift my head to look at.

  “Hi, Michelle.”

  “Hey.” She stands then leans over, kissing Ashlyn’s cheek and mine. “I’m gonna head home, so you guys can naked fight it out.” She winks, making me chuckle.

  “Bye!” Ash shouts as Michelle heads into the house, leaving us alone, and then her eyes come to me and her hands rest over mine on her stomach. “We missed you.”

  “I thought you said it was nice having me out of your hair.”

  “I lied. I hate going to bed without you.”

  “Me too.” I lean in, kissing her softly, and then rest my lips against her stomach. “How was my girl?”

  “Good, active as ever. I swear she sleeps all day then keeps me up all night, dancing on my bladder.”

  “Sounds like her mama.”

  “I know.” She grins, running her fingers through my hair, and then her face softens and I know what’s coming. “How was everything?”

  “I told you it was okay when I talked to you this morning.”

  “I know, but—”

  “No buts. After what that bitch did, after the way they reacted? Trust me, it wasn’t hard to watch her be sentenced.”

  “Okay.” She presses her lips together as rage simmers through me. Finding out Isla was the one who put up the fake profile on Dominate Me for Ashlyn was a slap in the face and a kick to my gut. I have no pity for the cunt, and I hope she finds out firsthand what the fuck it means to be someone’s bitch.

  “Because of that selfish cunt, I almost lost you. So, sorry, but I have no fucking sympathy for them or her.”

  “I didn’t say anything,” she mutters, and I realize she didn’t say anything; I’m just still that fucking mad. Waking up drugged, and having my wife taken from my arms while I was helpless to do anything, will forever torment me. I had never felt as much fear as I did then, and will thank my lucky stars if I never feel it again. “Please get that look off your face. I’m okay, remember?” She touches my jaw and I close my eyes.

  “I know.”

  “Good, then help me up. I’m kind of stuck.” She laughs, and I smile while helping her up off the chair and then leading her toward the house.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “When am I not hungry?”

  “Good point,” I mutter, watching her smile. Since almost the moment she found out she was pregnant, she has been sending me on food runs, even waking me in the middle of the night to go out and get whatever she’s craving. “Where do you want to eat?”

  “Mexican sounds good to me.”

  “At this point, my daughter is going to come out speaking Spanish with as much time as we spend eating at the Margarita House.”

  “That wouldn’t be a bad thing.” She laughs again, and her belly bounces then her eyes widen.

  “What?” I rush to her, but she slaps me away.

  “Nothing. I’m fine.” She waves me off, but I know she’s lying. I also know she’s become more stubborn with pregnancy. Helping her out to the garage and into the car, I drive us across town to the restaurant she has become obsessed with and help her inside. Before we are even through the door, Maria, the owner, is there with two menus and a smile on her face.

  “Not much longer, is it?” Maria smiles over her shoulder at Ashlyn, leading us to our table.

  “Nope, a few more weeks and she’ll be here,” Ash agrees, holding her belly while scooting into the booth before I take my own seat.

  “Would you like your regular?” she asks, and Ashlyn nods.

  “Yes, please.”

  “And you?”

  “I’ll have what she’s having, but if you could bring me a Miller with mine, I’d be thankful.”

  “I can do that,” she assures, walking off and coming back a minute later with chips and salsa, a bottle of beer for me, and a glass of apple juice for Ashlyn.

  “Thanks.” I lift my chin then move my eyes to Ashlyn and see her flinch. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, I think I’m having more Braxton Hicks contractions.”

  “Pardon?” I stand suddenly, and she grabs my arm.

  “It’s okay. Sit down. It’s normal.”

  “How do you know they’re not real contractions?” I question without taking a seat, and she glares at me.

  “I don’t kno—oh, God.” Her eyes tighten, and I mutter a curse under my breath, scoop her up into my arms, and apologize to Maria, who is looking like she might pass out with worry.

  “You are so damn stubborn,” I grumble, glaring at my wife an hour later as the anesthesiologist leaves the room, having just given Ash her epidural.

  “How was I supposed to know I was going into labor weeks early?” she asks on a huff, rolling her eyes, and my jaw tics.

  “I don’t know. Maybe the contractions you had been feeling all day but somehow forgot to mention to me or anyone else,” I bark, standing to pace back and forth at the end of the bed, feeling restless.

  “Stop being an angry bear,” she yawns. Pulling in a breath, I move to the bed and scoot her over to lay down next to her.


  “I know you are. You always act like a madman when I’m in the hospital. Trust me, I’m used to it by now.”

  Ignoring her statement, I hold her against me as she falls asleep, keeping my eyes glued to the monitor next to the bed.

  “I hate you so fucking much I hope your penis falls off!” Ashlyn screams as another contractions hits, and I wince from the sound and the feel of her nails digging into my hand.

  “Breathe, baby,” I urge her softly as the doctor tells her to push again.

  “You fucking breathe!” she cries.

  I hate this. We are not having any more kids after this. No fucking way can I stand to see her in this much pain ever again.

  “Ash, just one more push and she will be here,” the doctor says, and Ash bears down hard. So hard, her face turns red.

  “Holy shit.” My head lightens and stars dance in front of my eyes as I watch my daughter’s head, shoulders, and then body appear.

  “Someone catch him!” I hear someone shout, and I shake off the shock.

  “I’m okay.” I pull in a breath, and then watch the doctor drop Destiny to Ash’s chest and wipe her off as she cries.

  “You did so good, baby.” I kiss my wife’s brow, resting my hand on our little girl. “So fucking good. Look at her. She’s perfect.”

  “She is perfect.” Her watery eyes meet mine, and I know in that moment I truly have everything.


  Waking, I roll over in bed and sigh at the sight that greets me. I don’t think I will ever tire of seeing my big, strong husband with his daughter. Sitting up carefully, as not to wake them, I smile as his big palm on her tiny diaper-covered bum holds her more protectively against his bare chest as she stirs. As I look at the two of them, I wonder what my life would have been like if I didn’t wake up married to Dillon in Vegas. I was always happy, but until him, I never knew wh
at true happiness felt like.

  “Come here.” My eyes fly to his, finding him watching me. Reaching out, he tugs me against him and settles me against his side under his arm.

  “Perfect,” he whispers, and he’s right. This is perfect.


  Five years later

  “Can I sleep with you and Mama?”

  “No, baby, remember you’re a big girl now, big girls sleep in their own beds,” I tell my baby girl as I tuck the covers in around her, silently praying this is the time.

  “I don’t want to be a big girl.”

  “You want to wear nail polish and only big girls get to wear nail polish,” I remind her, watching her bottom lip pop out making her look just like her mom.

  “Can I have some water?”

  “You already had water,” I remind her, since we just got back from getting water three minutes ago.

  “Can I go potty?” Jesus, this kid doesn’t stop.

  “Do you really have to potty?” I ask and she shrugs.

  “I think so.”

  “Okay, come on.” I help her up and lead her across the hall to the bathroom. “All done.” She grins at me mischievously after washing her hands four times.

  Jesus, I love my girl. I love her with everything I have in me. But there are times, like right now when I know her mom is in bed awake and waiting for me, that I wish I could send her away for a night or three.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Can I have water?”

  “Sorry, no more water tonight. Tomorrow you can have more.”

  “Okay, Daddy.” She holds her arms out toward me and I pick her up, feeling her heavy weight against my chest as I carry her back to bed. Tucking her back in for the tenth time since putting her to bed over an hour ago, I kiss her forehead then stand.

  “Night, baby.” I head for the door then stop when her soft, sweet voice asks quietly,

  “Can you read me another story?” Turning to look at her, I watch her give me the puppy dog eyes that are my kryptonite.

  Sighing, I pick up a book off her desk and head back toward her, watching her smile.

  It’s going to be a long damn night.

  Waking with my body aching, I carefully climb out of Destiny’s tiny toddler bed, making sure not to wake her then head down the hall to mine and Ashlyn’s room. As soon as I walk through the door, I smile. The TV’s still on and Ashlyn is asleep on her side with a box of cookies against her round stomach, her hand still in the box where it obviously was when she fell asleep. Shaking my head, I carefully dislodge her hand and set the box on the bedside table before settling into bed next to her. “Wake up baby.” I kiss her ear and run my hand over her breast and stomach, then freeze as her nails run over my abs and our daughter asks,

  “Daddy, can I sleep with you and Mama?” from the doorway.

  “Christ,” I groan in frustration as Ashlyn carefully turns and sits up, giving me an apologetic smile before looking at our daughter.

  “Come on up, baby.” She pats the bed, and Destiny grins then runs across the room and climbs up next to her. Watching her tuck our daughter into her side, I pull both my girls close and rest my hand over my son, who will be here in a few months. Holding everything that is important, I close my eyes and fall asleep.

  Until Sage

  Coming 2017

  I’m sorry but your sister’s dead.

  Those words replay over and over in my head while I watch the celling fan spin in circles. I keep telling myself to get up, to shower, to call my parents back so they don’t worry about me, but I cant force myself to move. All I can do is think about Kelly, she was my identical twin. We shared the same hair, the same face, the same everything, down to the freckles across the bridge of our nose, and yet with all of that in common, I hated the person she was.

  Hearing pounding on the door to my apartment I try to sit up, but I can’t force myself to move. “Kim, open the door.” Sage. I’d know his voice anywhere. “Open the goddamn door.” He bangs harder and new wave of tears fills my eyes. “Kimberly, if you don’t open the fucking door I’m gonna break the motherfucker down.” He roars making me jump.

  “I’m fine, go away,” I attempt to yell back, but the words come out in a whisper through my dry throat as my heavy eyes slide closed and I finally give into the darkness surrounding me.

  “Jesus, baby?” I hear growled through my subconscious as warm fingers rest against my neck under my ear. My eyes open slowly, and I blink. “Baby,” Sage whispers, taking a seat on my bed next to my hip, pushing my hair away from my face gently.

  “Kelly’s dead.” I breathe staring into his sea foam green eyes resting softly on my blue ones.

  “I know,” He pulls me against his chest and I sob clinging to him.

  Other books by this Author

  The Until Series

  Until November – NOW AVAILABLE

  Until Trevor – NOW AVAILABLE

  Until Lilly – NOW AVAILABLE

  Until Nico – NOW AVAILABLE


  Underground Kings Series

  Assumption – NOW AVAILABLE

  Obligation – NOW AVAILABLE

  Distraction – NOW AVAILABLE








  Shooting Stars series

  Fighting to breathe – Now available

  Wide open spaces – Now available

  Alpha Law CA ROSE

  Justified – NOW AVAILABLE

  Liability – NOW AVAILABLE

  Verdict – Coming Soon


  First I want to give thanks to God without him none of this would be possible.

  Second I want to thank my husband and son. I love you now, always and forever. Thank you both for the joy and happiness you bring to my life.

  Thank you Nat for your friendship and encouragement.

  Thank you Ro for always being honest with me.

  Thank you my twin beauties. I LOVE YOU GIRLS.

  Thank you mom for all your help we would be lost without you.

  Thank you Sain, you are an amazingly beautiful friend.

  Thank you Alycia for your constant support.

  Thank you my ROSES. I love each of you for the support and encouragement you give me daily.

  Kayla, you know I adore you woman. Thank you for all your hard work and for being an editing rock star and the other part of my brain when I need you to be.

  PREMA Editing thank you for everything from your amazing advice to your hard work I love working with you. I really love that I learn something new with each edit.

  Thank you to my cover designer and friend Sara Eirew your design and photography skills are unbelievable. I love that you accept my craziness and that you know what I’m looking for even when I just have a vague idea. This cover is as gorgeous as all the others.

  Thank you to TRSOR you girls are always so hard working, I will forever be thankful for everything you do. Lisa I love you woman.

  To every Blog and reader thank you for taking the time to read and share my books. There would never be enough ink in the world to acknowledge you all but I will forever be grateful to each of you.

  XOXO Aurora

  About The Author

  NEW YORK TIMES & USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR Aurora Rose Reynolds started writing so that the over the top alpha men that lived in her head would leave her alone. When she’s not writing or reading she’s spending her days with her husband and beautiful son.

  For more information on books that are in the works or just to say hello, follow me on Facebook:





  Aurora she would love to hear from you [email protected]

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  And don’t forget to stop by her website to find out about new releases, or to order signed books.



  Aurora Rose Reynolds, Until Ashlyn

  (Series: Until Her # 3)




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