“I’d like to point out one other ‘association.’ The Associated Press reports that Prof. Lott’s fellowship at the University of Chicago is funded by the Olin Foundation, which is ‘associated with the Olin Corporation,’ one of the nation’s largest gun manufacturers. Maybe that’s a coincidence, too. But it’s also a fact.”

  Congressman Schumer’s letter elicited a powerful response from William Simon, the Olin Foundation’s president and former U.S. Treasury secretary, in the Wall Street Journal two days later. Here is an excerpt:

  An Insult to Our Foundation

  As president of the John M. Olin Foundation, I take great umbrage at Rep. Charles Schumer’s scurrilous charge (Letters to the Editor, Sept. 4) that our foundation underwrites bogus research to advance the interests of companies that manufacture guns and ammunition. He asserts (falsely) that the John M. Olin Foundation is “associated” with the Olin Corp. and (falsely again) that the Olin Corp. is one of the nation’s largest gun manufacturers. Mr. Schumer then suggests on the basis of these premises that Prof. John Lott’s article on gun-control legislation (editorial page, Aug. 28) must have been fabricated because his research fellowship at the University of Chicago was funded by the John M. Olin Foundation.

  This is an outrageous slander against our foundation, the Olin Corp., and the scholarly integrity of Prof. Lott. Mr. Schumer would have known that his charges were false if he had taken a little time to check his facts before rushing into print. Others have taken the trouble to do so. For example, Stephen Chapman of the Chicago Tribune looked into the charges surrounding Mr. Lott’s study, and published an informative story in the Aug. 15 issue of that paper, which concluded that, in conducting his research, Prof. Lott was not influenced either by the John M. Olin Foundation or by the Olin Corp. Anyone wishing to comment on this controversy ought first to consult Mr. Chapman’s article and, more importantly, should follow his example of sifting the facts before reaching a conclusion.


  “ ‘the pervasiveness of guns in our society is destroying America’ ” Josh Feldman, “Piers Morgan and Alan Dershowitz Get in Shouting Match with Other Panelists Over Gun Control,” mediaite.com, August 7, 2012, http://bit.ly/10jL3t0. • “waiting periods, stand-your-ground laws, gun lock laws, and so on” John R. Lott Jr., More Guns, Less Crime, 3rd ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010). • “ ‘mandated and funded by Congress and federal agencies’ ” “Who We Are,” nationalacademies.org, accessed March 9, 2013, http://bit.ly/10jL7sT.


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