Page 35 of The Holidays Series

  “Are you even listening for the sound of your phone? What is wrong with you?” Alex snaps with a shake of his head while I try not to groan in frustration when the vibrations suddenly stop.

  “Wait, I thought I heard something. Call him again,” Nicholas says, craning his neck and moving to my side.

  Yeah, call me again. Call me again right now!

  “I don’t have time for this bullshit, I’ve got a best man speech to write,” Alex complains under his breath, pulling the phone away from his ear and hitting redial.

  Dial that phone, bitch, DIAL IT!

  “Yeah, well I have an entire ceremony to write, so you can just fuck right off, cum bucket!”

  “Choke on a dick, phallus fucker!”

  “Eat my asshole, cum stain!”

  Everyone needs to stop saying the word “cum”. Why is that word so hot all of a sudden?

  Closing my eyes, I tilt my head back and try to think of baseball stats and recite Who’s on First, but everything turns dirty with each rumble of my phone in my pants and before long, I’m mumbling incoherently and I can feel sweat dripping down my back.

  “Cum’s on first, What’s on cum, I Don’t Know is on cum…”

  “What the hell are you muttering? I’m calling you again. I still don’t hear anything. Maybe you left your phone in your car,” Alex complains, hitting redial once again and holding the phone to his ear. “It’s still ringing, so at least the battery isn’t dead.”

  Yeah, ring faster, that’s it.

  “Everyone shut up!” Nicholas shouts, holding his hands in the air. “Do you hear that? It’s a low humming sound.”

  I hear nothing but ringing in my ears and quite possibly the thumping beat of my heart pounding through my balls with each vibrating ring, pulsating in long bursts right against my dick. I want to come. I need to come. It would be so, so wrong to come right now in Reggie and Bev’s kitchen without Noel present. This would not be a good start to our marriage and definitely a bad end to our self-induced sex hiatus.

  I’m still scooting back and forth against the chair like a dog rubbing its ass on the carpet. I can’t stop it. I have no control over my body at this point and my dick is so hard it’s most likely going to have zipper imprints down the length of it from pushing against the front of my pants, trying to break free.

  I wonder if that would be like wearing a ribbed condom for Noel? I might be on to something…

  The vibrations suddenly stop and I let out a panting breath and open my eyes, wondering why I’m not more thankful I can start thinking coherently again. All I want to do is flip the table in front of me and fight someone. My dick is angry, which in turn, makes me angry. No one likes an angry dick, especially me.

  “Call it one more time. I swear I heard something,” Nicholas whispers, bending closer to me as Alex quickly redials, and I wonder if it’s possible to die from holding in an orgasm.

  They say if you hold back a sneeze, you can die from rupturing a blood vessel in your head. I’m certain the same thing would happen by holding in an orgasm. I’m clenching my fists, thighs, and ass cheeks together so tightly that my muscles are starting to burn. Everything hurts, including my angry dick that just wants to finish this thing, take a nap, and possibly smoke a cigarette.

  When the phone starts vibrating again and everyone in the room remains quiet to try and hear the lost phone that isn’t really lost, but doing a fabulous job of bringing me to orgasm, I start talking to myself in my head. Except it’s not in my head, it’s out loud, and when Nicholas and Alex look at me like I’m insane, I realize I kind of sound like Samuel L. Jackson on that YouTube video where he’s reading that amazingly inappropriate children’s book. Noel bought that book for Nicholas and his wife when they had their daughter, Holly, back at Christmas. We’ve read that book to her each time we’ve babysat for them and we’ve come to the conclusion that it has magical powers. Holly always passes out halfway through the book. I’m kind of, sort of hoping the same thing will happen with my dick because as much as I’m dying to come, this really isn’t the best time and place.

  “Please, go the fuck to sleep. Jesus Christ, what the fuck? Go to sleep,” I mumble, reciting the words from the book.

  “Shut up, Sam! I hear it,” Nicholas scolds, bending forward until his head is by my chest.

  You would think having my future brother-in-law’s face a foot away from my crotch would kill the moment, but sadly, it doesn’t. I can smell his beer breath wafting up to me and all it does is make me think about how good Noel’s mouth tastes when she drinks beer and kisses me, because the phone continues to vibrate and… MOTHER OF FUCKS I’m buying Noel a whole truck load of vibrators as a wedding present.

  But seriously, this shit needs to stop right now. I haven’t come in my pants since I was fifteen and Jessica Princeton dry-humped me in the high school parking lot. She’s was a slutty little thing, humping anything with a dick that year in school, but man alive she gave good dry-humping in the back of her 1995 Dodge Omni.

  Shit, shit, shit! Think of Noel dry-humping me, THINK OF NOEL DRY-HUMPING ME! I can’t come in my pants thinking about Jizz Bucket Jessica!

  “Why do I hear a humming sound coming from Sam’s pants?” Nicholas questions, moving his head lower until his eyes are right by my belly button.

  Shit, shit, shit! Don’t think of ANYONE dry-humping!

  “HOW COME YOU CAN DO ALL THIS OTHER GREAT SHIT, BUT YOU CAN’T LIE THE FUCK DOWN AND SLEEP?!” I scream irrationally, leaning to the side to look around Nicholas’ face so I can scowl down at my lap.

  It’s no use. No matter how much I yell, no matter how hard I try to picture Nicholas giving me a blow job (shut up, I’m doing whatever I can to gross myself out and make my dick go the fuck to sleep), nothing works. My balls are tighter than ever, and with each tremor of the phone in my pocket rattling against my dick as Alex continues to call me, I can feel my orgasm getting closer and closer. I clench my teeth so hard I’m pretty sure I hear one of them crack, and the visions of Nicholas bobbing up and down on my dick that I try to hold on to, while disturbing, are immediately replaced with images of Noel wearing that little blue lace number, straddling my lap.

  “Is your phone in your pocket? Has it been in there this whole time, you ass-fucker?” Nicholas asks with a huff of irritation, reaching his hand into my pocket and fishing around.

  My hips automatically jerk forward when his hand in my pocket wraps around the still-vibrating phone. His head whips down to my lap and the unavoidable tent in my pants, then back up toward my face with wide, stunned eyes as I try to explain to him that what is happening right now has nothing to do with his hand in my pocket and his knuckles brushing up against my hard-as-a-rock dick.


  Nicholas hurriedly yanks his hand out of my pocket and scrambles backward until he bumps into the kitchen counter, not understanding that I’m still reciting words from the book and not talking directly to him.

  “Did you just tell me to close my eyes so you could dry-hump your dick against my hand? What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Nicholas shouts, quickly turning toward the sink.

  His hands fumble with the faucet, shaking and slipping until he finally gets it turned on. He leans forward and sticks his whole head under the flow, turning his face up toward the water.

  “MY EYES! OH, MY GOD, MY EYES!” he moans in misery, pulling his face back to cup his hands under the fall of water.

  He splashes handfuls of water against his face repeatedly, cursing and shouting about being blind. Turning his head to the side, he then sticks his ear right under the flow of water, flipping his head from one side to the other to drown both of them.

  “I thought I heard you moan when I got closer! I can never un-hear that sound!” he wails.

p; “IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!” I argue, pushing my chair back from the table and standing on unsteady legs. “I HAVEN’T COME IN SEVENTY DAYS, TWELVE HOURS, AND FIFTEEN MINUTES!”


  “I don’t know what the fuck is happening right now, but Sam, I’m calling your phone one last time. One of you fuckers better find that thing. I’ve got poetry to write,” Alex complains, pulling his phone back from his ear to look at the screen, his finger hovering over the redial button.

  “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! DON’T CALL MY PHONE AGAIN!” I shout like a mad man as I dive toward him to smack it out of his hands.

  My body jerks and freezes in place like it was hit with a Taser when Alex ignores me and presses the button. The vibration from the first silent ring brings my dick back to life just like voice of Kid Rock did to Turd Ferguson. My hands fly to my crotch, pressing as hard as I can to restrain the fucking thing, but each vibration makes it pulse against my palms, refusing to GO THE FUCK TO SLEEP.

  I drop to my knees next to the kitchen table, groaning in misery because I can’t stop moaning in pleasure and my fucking hips won’t stop rocking against my palms. Sweat drips down my face as I grit my teeth and let out a war cry and move one shaking hand into my pocket, pulling the phone out as carefully as possibly so it doesn’t graze against my sensitive dick. I feel like I’m playing the most twisted version of Operation and if this phone touches any part of my anatomy, a loud buzzer will sound, indicating I just came in my pants and lost the game.

  “Are you kidding me? The phone was in your pants this whole time?” Alex complains as I slowly pull the still-vibrating phone out of my pocket and toss it away from me.

  The phone slides across the floor and smacks against the opposite wall, rattling against the tile for a few more seconds before Alex finally ends the call and shakes his head at me.

  “MOM! BRING ME SOME BLEACH!” Nicholas screams from under the faucet, still showering his face, eyes and ears with cold water. “BLEACH, GASOLINE, LIGHTER FLUID…BRING ME SOMETHING, ANYTHING!”

  I try to remind Nicholas that Bev isn’t here to help him since her, Noel, Scheva, and Aunt Bobbie went to lunch, but I’m too drained. With a shuddering, exhausted breath, I drop the rest of the way to the floor onto my stomach, pressing my cheek against the cold tile with my arms and legs sprawled out around me.

  The kitchen door that leads out to the backyard suddenly flies open and quickly slams shut. My limited view from the floor has me staring at a pair of dark blue, men’s slippers as they stomp across the room and stop right in front of my face.

  “What the devil is happening in here? I’m outside trying to do a few practice runs with some of last year’s leftover fireworks to start making Max piss his pants in fear, and I can hear you three girls screaming over the explosions,” Reggie complains.

  “Sam lost his phone and got a hard-on for Nicholas. You know, the usual,” Alex informs him from his seat at the table.

  “I want my mommy!” Nicholas cries from the sink.

  “Really, if you think about it, this is all your fault, Mr. Holiday,” Alex states. “The groom is dying from lack of dairy. I think he should get a one-day reprieve and be allowed a glass of Vitamin D milk. None of that water-like skim shit, either. We’re skipping one and two percent and going right for the good stuff before both of his heads explode or he starts humping your kitchen floor.”

  Like a half-dead fish on the beach, I flop over onto my back with my arms spread out to my sides before the coolness of the floor starts to feel too good on my dick. I stare up at Reggie as he glares down at me.

  “I did not have sexual relations with the kitchen tile,” I whisper in a low, mumbling voice, having no control over the words coming out of my mouth at this point.

  Before he can pull his foot back and slam it into my face, the sound of the front door opening and the chatter of female voices can be heard from down the hall.

  “REGINALD HOLIDAY, WHERE ARE YOU?!” Bev shouts from the foyer.

  Reggie’s eyes widen in fear and he quickly bends down toward me, sticking his finger in my face.

  “If you get your ass up off my floor, distract Bev and never, ever speak of what happened in this kitchen again, I won’t kill you,” he tells me in a low voice.

  “WHY IS MY HYDRANGEA BUSH ON FIRE?!” Bev shouts again, her footsteps pounding against the floor as she makes her way down the hall toward us. “I SWEAR TO ALL THAT IS HOLY, IF YOU WERE LIGHTING OFF FIREWORKS EARLY, I WILL TAKE THE GARDEN HOSE TO THE STASH YOU HID INSIDE THE BARN!”

  Bev gave Reggie a limit of twenty fireworks when he went with one of his buddies from the VFW to the firework store in Pennsylvania yesterday. Against my better judgment and the fact that being in the military means I should probably not have anything to do with any kind of illegal activity, even if it is just the transport of a few fireworks over state lines, I stopped by last night when I got a text from Reggie to come over and help him with something. At this point, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make the guy like me and stop threatening me, even if it meant helping his friend back the U-haul they rented up to the barn after Bev went to sleep, and assist them in unloading seventy boxes filled with explosives and hiding them in there.

  Realizing he just spared my life when he could have easily grabbed a kitchen knife and cut off my dick after what Alex just told him, I scramble up off the floor to do what needs to be done. I give Reggie a salute as he nods in silent agreement, races around me and toward the kitchen door, grabbing Nicholas’s arm and yanking him with him as he goes.

  “Set fire to my eyes as soon as we get out back, Dad. Please, God, LIGHT MY EYES ON FIRE!” Nicholas shouts as Reggie pulls him outside and the door slams shut behind them.

  I glare at a laughing Alex and stick my finger in his face just like Reggie did to me.

  “If you say one word to Noel about what happened here today, I’ll tell Scheva how much you liked it when Aunt Bobbie put that red dress on you and that you’re currently wearing a pair of Scheva’s underwear,” I threaten him.

  “That red dress looked stunning on me! And I can’t help it that her underwear is all silky and smooth and feels good on my balls,” he whines as I walk past him to head off Bev and the rest of the women.

  With a deep breath, I round the corner of the kitchen and try my hardest not to get another hard-on when I see Noel, standing at the end of the hallway in a really short pair of jean cut-offs and a tight blue tank top with the word “America” written across her tits. If my dick gets hard again right now, there’s no way I’ll be able to stop it from taking over and wreaking havoc in the hallway, but God dammit, do I love America right now.

  Maybe I can convince her that having sex one day early won’t harm anyone. If anything, we’d be doing everyone attending the wedding tomorrow a favor. My dick is so backed up that when I come, it’s going to explode out of me faster than one of Reggie’s fireworks, ruining more than just Bev’s hydrangea bush.


  Fat Ralph


  Turning off the hose and tossing it to the ground, Aunt Bobbie and I stare at my mother’s wilted, half-burnt hydrangea bush on the side of the house that we managed to spray down with water before it lit the house on fire.

  When we pulled into the driveway from lunch, we saw something smoking on the side of the house, but never expected the damn thing would go up in flames so quickly. While my mother tore through the house yelling for my father, Aunt Bobbie and I went back outside to check on it, and thank God we did. The siding had started to melt and bubble by the time we unwound the garden hose and dragged it over to the bush.

  “YOU KILLED MY FAVORITE SHRUB!” my mother screeches from the middle of the backyard, her hands on her hips while she stares my father down.

her fires back.

  As if just speaking the cat’s name conjures him up out of nowhere, Turd Ferguson darts out from behind the shrub I just finished spraying, sopping wet and hissing as he drags his body across the yard.

  “Was he under there the whole time? How in the hell isn’t he fried to a crisp?” I mutter to Aunt Bobbie as we silently watch the cat amble toward the ruckus in the middle of the yard.


  “YOU HAD ONE JOB TO DO, SAM! YOU WERE TOO BUSY HUMPING THE LINOLEUM AND NOW WE CAN’T HAVE NICE THINGS!” my father yells, pointing his finger at Sam who stands guiltily behind my mother with Alex and Nicholas, everyone oblivious to the hissing, spitting, growling cat heading in their direction.

  “Sam was humping the kitchen floor? What the hell did we miss while we were at lunch?” Aunt Bobbie whispers from behind me.

  I’d like to say I’m too worried about the cat heading in Sam’s direction to pay any attention to her or wonder about the humping comment, but I’m too busy staring in a daze at my fiancé. He’s wearing my favorite pair of tan-colored cargo shorts that make his ass look fantastic, and the tight red t-shirt he has on hugs his muscled arms and tapered waist so perfectly that I think I feel a little bit of drool sliding down my chin.

  Suddenly, deciding we shouldn’t have sex until tomorrow night seems like the dumbest idea in the world. I felt a little guilty sending Sam all of those pictures of me in new lingerie, but they didn’t seem to affect him in the slightest. He didn’t even text back any words, just thumbs-up emoji’s after each one I sent him. I mean, seriously? A thumbs-up emoji? I couldn’t even get a heart or a smiley face with its tongue sticking out? I was so irritated after I sent the sixth photo, that I stood in front of the mirror naked and sent him that photo to try and get a rise out of him. My frustration grew when he didn’t respond, not even with another stupid thumbs up, that I curled up in my old bed and I was determined to masturbate just to stick it to him. I mean, it’s not like I’d tell him I masturbated since we agreed not to do anything like that and save the good stuff for our wedding night, but just the knowledge that I did it and I could look at him with a satisfied, smug smile on my face would be enough. And maybe even give him a REAL thumb’s up just to make myself feel better.