“What does that mean?”

  “It means that a time is coming where we’ll either have to fight, or evacuate.

  “Evacuate? We just evacuated our last bunker.”

  “They’re everywhere, Abi.”

  “I know,” I sighed.

  “I’ve got to go before they suspect something, but I just wanted you to know.” He quickly made his way back out and set up my plate on my dresser.

  “You need to eat. Tonight, you have steak and sautéed fresh vegetables from the garden. Even a piece of apple crumble for dessert.”

  “Thanks so much,” I said. “Really. It looks delicious.”

  “Take care of yourself, Abi.”

  “I’ll try,” I replied as he left.

  My appetite had all but vanished, and the only thing my body craved was to shut down and go to sleep. To close my eyes and make everything go away.

  The whole set of events was so traumatic, and as much as I wanted to call Dr. Banks to let him know, I wouldn’t. I knew he’d tell my family, and they’d be anxious and worried over something they couldn’t fix.

  I was alone and this was my battle. I hoped I was strong enough to see it through.

  Butterflies danced in my tummy as I remembered there was someone I could contact. Someone, no one else knew about.


  Maybe she’d be able to give me some advice, or just let me know everything would be okay. Maybe I wasn’t alone after all.

  I tried to force some food down, then turned off the lights and crawled into bed.

  My mind was extremely tired, but I needed to try.

  Closing my eyes and relaxing my body, I was transported into my mind to a shimmering, golden trail forming in front of me. But everything around me remained black as night.

  I wondered if I could paint my mind; make it sunny and fill in the darkness with green grass, trees, and flowers.

  No sooner after I thought the words, a blinding light flashed making me hide my eyes. As my eyes adjusted, I lowered my hands. Gasping, I was completely taken aback.

  A bright sun shone above, its light filtered between the most beautiful leaves of an enormous tree sprouting out of a field of the green grass and multi-colored flowers.

  This was crazy, but amazing.

  I wasn’t afraid anymore.

  Warmth filled me inside and out. This place was created from the movies and pictures of the topside which stuck with me, and the countless dreams I’d had throughout the past thirteen years.

  “Grammy,” I yelled.

  I called and called, but there was no answer. Maybe she was asleep. It was pretty late.

  Turning my attention to the view, I smiled inside. It was so peaceful here and I knew that one day, if I held onto this dream long enough, it would become a reality. I could live in a place like this.

  I sighed and turned back; wishing these illusions could produce fruit trees and sweet berries.

  Walking along the path in the field, I stopped in front of a large berry patch, filled with ripe berries and lined with apple trees. The air around me strong with a sweet fragrance.

  It was just like the Garden of Eden.

  I hesitated, wanting to pick one of the ripe apples, but after watching the Wizard of Oz, I wondered if they would smack me and start throwing their fruit at my head. In my crazy mind, anything was possible. I reminded myself not to think on it too hard, or it would probably happen.

  With my mouth watering, I decided to give it a shot. The worst scenario? My hand would pass right through it, like a hologram.

  When my fingers curled against it, I squealed. How could this be real? Was it the serum? If it was, it was a pretty kick butt side effect.

  I placed the apple up to my lips and took a bite. Sweet juice filled my mouth and ran down my chin. This was just as good as the real thing.

  “Abi?” A voice startled me.

  Turning, I saw Grammy walking toward me, only this time she wasn’t a radiant ball of light. She was solid, and beautiful. She’d aged since the last memory I had of her. Her hair was long and silky brown with streaks of white. Her face was luminous, but the lines of age were evident.

  “Grammy,” I called, running up to her.

  Right before I reached her, I paused and I wasn’t sure why. But she smiled and reached her arms out to me. I stepped into her and she hugged me tight. Tears brimmed and fell from my cheeks. I could feel the love in her embrace. It felt like thirteen years’ worth of it.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner. I heard you calling, but I was unable to answer,” she said softly. “Is everything alright?” I looked into her wide green eyes. “What are they doing to you, my sweet girl?”

  “Something happened today, and it scared me,” I said.

  “What happened?” She took my hand and led me off the path toward a large apple tree, and then sat down.

  “They injected me with a high dose of mind-enhancing serum. Today, one of the Arvies was going to bite my friend and in defense, I killed every Arvy in the room with only my mind.”

  “Oh, sweetheart. I’m so sorry,” she said wrapping her arm around my shoulder. “But you had to do what you thought was right at the time. You saved your friend and that’s all that matters.”

  “Now they all know what I can do. I’m afraid of what they might do to me.”

  “My dear, Abigail,” she said, brushing her hand across my cheek. “Just remember, the power is inside of you.”

  Her head snapped up and her eyes searched the area.

  “Have you protected our conversation?”

  “No,” I answered. “Why?”

  “Because someone is here.” She put a finger up to her lips. Leaning forward, she whispered softly in my ear. “They can’t know about me. I have to leave.”

  “Grammy, wait,” I breathed.

  She kissed my cheek, and quickly faded away.

  Who was here?

  It had to be one of three people, and I had a feeling it could have been Dr. Simon. I wondered if the leaders were making him hack my mind to see if I was planning anything.

  A feeling of hopelessness filled me, disintegrating the beautiful scenery and leaving me in darkness. I closed my eyes and wished myself out, instantly back in my dark room.

  Even though I was already tired, I wanted to make sure my mind went to sleep too. Clicking on my lamp, I retrieved a sleeping pill and swallowed it. I had a feeling tomorrow was going to be a busy day.

  AT FIVE MINUTES TO EIGHT the next morning, I left my room to head to breakfast. As the door opened, two guards stepped forward, scaring the crap out of me.

  “What do you want?” I snapped.

  “We’re here to take you to the training room.”

  “I don’t need escorts,” I said, pushing through them. They didn’t stop me, but followed close behind. When the door slid open, I saw Chase and Chloe sitting on the long table surrounded by four soldiers.

  “Come in, Abi,” a man in a military uniform said, stepping forward.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “My name is General Collins. I was briefed on your training session yesterday and have decided to assess your powerful gift in a demonstration today.”

  “Where’s Dr. Simon?” I asked, noting he wasn’t anywhere in the room.

  “Dr. Simon is no longer head of this department. He’ll still be a part of the program, but because of his unwillingness to agree with certain protocol, he is being temporarily retained.

  “Retained? What do you mean? Where?” I asked.

  Ignoring my questions, he continued, “I have a team assigned to oversee your daily injection. In a few hours I’ll meet you all,” he looked to the twins, “in the mutant chambers.”

  With that, he walked out of the room and two armed guards came toward me.

  “What? It’s not like I’m going anywhere,” I snapped, walking past them. I knew they were doing their jobs, but we were unarmed. They didn’t need to have weapons drawn. We were
n’t mutants.

  I was glad Milton was at my chair, but there was also a soldier standing right behind him watching, so I knew we wouldn’t be able to converse.

  Sitting, I looked straight ahead and sighed.

  “Something bothering you?” he asked quietly. His brow raised and a slight grin played on his lips.

  “Nah. It’s been a fantastic morning,” I huffed.

  “Just remember to breathe and stay relaxed.”

  The soldier cleared his throat, and Milton turned to faced him. “She needs to relax for this to take full effect. If there are any complications because you wouldn’t let me do my job, I’m pinning it on you.”

  The soldier smirked but stayed silent.

  Milton turned and discretely winked at me, making me smile.

  “What are you giving me?” I asked.

  “Same as yesterday,” he answered, strapping my wrists to the chair. “Channel,” he said nodding.

  He must have wanted me to channel him, so I focused on him.

  “Can you hear me?

  I took in a deep breath and gave a single nod.

  “Dr. Simon tried to stop them from giving all of you full doses, because he wasn’t sure your bodies would react positively. He’s being held in confinement, and they’re watching me very carefully…so I have to give you everything that’s in the vial. I’m sorry.”

  “Does anyone know where Dr. Simon is?” I asked out loud.

  “Stay quiet,” the soldier warned.


  “He’s in one of their cells, but I heard them saying he will be in the Arvy chamber during your next session. I don’t know what they’re planning, but it must be big. They’re calling in the leaders of this bunker to be there.”

  My insides twisted. I had a bad feeling.

  “Please, try and relax,” Milton said, laying his hand on my shoulder in reassurance.

  He finished prepping and it wasn’t long before I felt the rush of serum enter my veins. I wasn’t sure if these large doses of serum were fatal, but they were slamming me pretty hard. Witnessing the power of the last dose, I knew there were big changes, and it was making me stronger.

  That would be my new motto.

  What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger…

  I hoped.

  As I waited, I wondered if there was a way I could take control of the serum, instead of the serum taking me, and slamming me all over the damn place. Dr. Simon reminded me each time to relax, just as Milton. So, this time I’d try something different. I was going to suppress my fear and meet whatever was coming head on.

  That was the plan, anyway.

  A slight breeze blew and then picked up. Tiny iridescent flakes whipped around me, swirling into tiny funnels.

  Scanning the area, I noticed an even larger funnel dipping out of the darkness above. The air around me whipped wildly.

  It was a tornado.

  What was up with this serum and natural disasters?

  If my body was interpreting it as such, I hoped it wouldn’t lead to my total devastation.

  What if the serum was killing me?

  Then again, maybe it was interpreting it as a force of nature, and a foretelling of what my strength would become. Natural disasters were sudden and extreme events which often led to death and devastation. Would I be such a force to be reckoned with…or dead?

  As soon as the iridescent funnel touched down, it headed for me. The wind was so loud and so strong I could barely hold myself up. But this time I was ready.

  I balled my hands into fists, and narrowed my eyes. I wasn’t going to let it take me without a fight.

  This time, instead of running away from it, I took in a deep breath and sprinted toward it.

  Right before I reached it, I was sucked up into its powerful funnel, spinning out of control. Forcing myself to remain calm, I closed my eyes and let it take me.

  When I stopped moving, I opened my eyes and was laying in my own Garden of Eden. The sun was shining brightly and peace overwhelmed me. Sitting up, my attention was brought to my veins, which were glowing bright blue. I must have absorbed the tornado serum.

  But how did I end up here? I never thought about this place.

  My brain must have done it on its own.

  “Abi? Are you okay?” Milton’s voice asked. It sounded strained.

  I could have stayed here forever, but I knew I’d eventually have to return.

  I shut my eyes tight and when I opened them, Milton was staring at me.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, but his voice was muffled.

  “Yes,” I answered.

  “Your eyes,” he mouthed the words, then discretely handed me a mirror while blocking the soldier with his back.

  I held it up and tried to swallow the huge lump forming in my throat. My irises were completely iridescent.

  “Is this happening to them too?” I breathed.

  “No,” he whispered. “But they’re still in their session and I’m not sure what they’ve experienced until they get out.”

  I held the mirror in front of me and concentrated, wanting my eyes to return to their normal green color. Almost immediately the iridescent color seeped back inside me until it was completely gone.

  Breathless, I had a newfound confidence.

  I could control it.

  “How did you do that?” Milton asked quietly.

  “I don’t know. I guess I willed them green?” I replied, shaking my head.

  “What’s going on?” the soldier asked.

  “She just came out of her session. I’m checking her vitals to make sure she’s fine,” Milton responded, standing up and retrieving his blood pressure cuff.

  “Hey, something’s wrong!” Chloe’s white coat yelled.

  Milton unfastened my wrists and we both ran over to her.

  Chloe’s thin body was rigid, and then convulsed in rapid twitches. When her white coat removed her glasses, her eyes were wide open and glazed over; her pupils were dilated, and staring straight up into nothingness.

  “Chloe?” I called, grasping her arm. “Chloe.”

  But she didn’t respond. Her jaw was clenched and sweat dripped down the sides of her face.

  “What’s wrong with her?” I yelled.

  “She’s having a seizure. Probably a reaction from the serum,” Milton said.

  They were unstrapping her, while another one of the men rolled over a gurney.

  “Take her to medical, ASAP,” her white coat urged.

  Chase was still under and had no idea what happened to his sister. Maybe it was better this way. My heart was breaking, watching her fragile frame undergo so much stress.

  Milton took my arm. “Come, Abi.” Tears pooled as I fell into his arms.

  “They’re going to kill us,” I wept. “She’s already suffered years of abuse. They’re going to kill her, and they don’t even care.”

  As they wheeled Chloe out, the room was eerily silent except for my sobs.

  They all knew it was true. None of them knew what these full doses of serum would do to us, but not one of them did anything to stop it.

  “I’m going to take you to your room,” Milton said.

  I didn’t refuse.

  The same two soldiers followed behind us, and stayed at the door as Milton walked me to my bed and helped me lay down. He then covered me with a blanket.

  “Please, rest. I’ll have the kitchen bring you something to eat.”

  “Thank you,” I sniffled.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said sadly.

  I nodded, and he left the room.

  I felt like I was suffocating. Like the walls around me were closing in, and I wasn’t strong enough to hold them back.

  I needed Finn. I needed him to whisk me to a place far, far away. But more than that, I needed him to wrap me in his arms and reassure me again that everything was going to be okay. That we were going to make it.

  Would they ever allow me to see him again?

The only person who could make that happen was taken captive and being held in a cell for trying to protect us.

  What were they going to do to Dr. Simon? I hoped he was being treated with care.

  I gasped and shot straight up.

  Dr. Simon.

  Last night Grammy said someone was in my mind. Maybe it was him trying to make contact with me. What if he was trying to warn me, or let me know he was being taken?

  And I’d blocked him.

  Oh God.

  My life was filled with continuous trials and tribulations. Would it ever end?

  I fell back into bed and closed my eyes.

  I was going to channel my thoughts to Finn regardless if he could hear me or not. I didn’t care. I desperately wanted my words to reach him.

  “Finn, I’ve never needed or wanted anything in my life as much as I need you. I’m falling apart and you are the only one who can hold me together. I love you so much. No matter what happens to me, I’ll always love you…longer than forever.”

  After sending my words into oblivion, I tossed and turned for a few hours until it was time for me to be collected. The two armed guards met me and escorted me to the Arvy chamber. This time, Chase and Chloe weren’t there. I knew Chloe was in the medical facility and wondered if Chase was going to be a part of whatever they had planned.

  The guards led me into the Arvy chamber but took me into a different room. This one was a lot larger.

  Walking around a corner, I spotted Dr. Simon.

  “Dr. Simon,” I called, heading toward him.

  “Hey.” One of the soldiers grabbed my arm, stopping me.

  “Let me go,” I demanded, shaking him loose. What the hell was wrong with these people?

  Dr. Simon’s tired and bloodshot eyes caught mine, and teared up.

  “I’m so sorry, Abi,” his voice trembled.

  As I came closer I noticed his arms and legs were bound to the chair.

  I shook my head. Disgusted with the way they were treating him. “It’s okay. I know it’s not your fault. I know what happened,” I said.

  His chin dropped to his chest. “No, it’s not. It’s not okay, and I’m so sorry.” Tears rolled down his cheeks.

  “Where’s Chase?” I asked.

  “I don’t know. He’s with Chloe, but they don’t care about him. You’re the one they want.”