Saint Settlement. Once in a while.

  Saint Therese. Once in a while.

  Saint Therese. Once in a while.

  Saint Ignatius. Once in a while.

  Saint Ignatius. Once in a while.

  Saint Ignatius. Once in a while.

  Saint Settlement. Once in a while.

  Saint Therese. Once in a while.

  Saint Therese.

  Saint Therese. Once in a while.

  Saint Ignatius. Once in a while.

  Saint Ignatius. Once in a while.

  Saint Therese.

  Saint Therese. Once in a while.

  Saint Therese. Once in a while.

  Saint Therese. Once in a while.

  Saint Plan. Once in a while.

  Saint Ignatius. Once in a while.

  Saint Therese.


  Could Four Acts be Three.

  Saint Therese. Could Four Acts be three.

  Saint Therese Saint Therese Saint Therese Could Four Acts be three Saint Therese.



  Saint Therese. Could Four Acts be when four acts could be ten Saint Therese. Saint Therese Saint Therese Four Acts could be four acts could be when when four acts could be ten.

  Saint Therese. When.

  Saint Settlement. Then.

  Saint Genevieve. When.

  Saint Cecile. Then.

  Saint Ignatius. Then.

  Saint Ignatius. Men.

  Saint Ignatius. When.

  Saint Ignatius. Ten.

  Saint Ignatius. Then.

  Saint Therese. When.

  Saint Chavez. Ten.

  Saint Plan. When then.

  Saint Settlement. Then.

  Saint Anne. Then.

  Saint Genevieve. Ten.

  Saint Cecile. Then.

  Saint Answers. Ten.

  Saint Cecile. When then.

  Saint Answers. Saints when.

  Saint Chavez. Saints when ten.

  Saint Cecile. Ten.

  Saint Answers. Ten.

  Saint Chavez. Ten.

  Saint Settlement. Ten.

  Saint Plan. Ten.

  Saint Anne. Ten.

  Saint Plan. Ten.

  Saint Plan. Ten.

  Saint Plan. Ten.


  Saint Therese. With William.

  With Plan. Saint Therese.

  Saint Therese. With William willing and with Plan willing and with Plan and with William willing and with William and with Plan.

  Saint Therese. They might be staring.

  Saint Therese. And with William.

  Saint Therese. And with Plan.

  Saint Therese. With William.

  Saint Therese. And with. Plan.

  Saint Therese

  Saint Plan

  Saint Placide } How many windows are there in it.

  Saint Chavez


  Saint Settlement

  Saint Therese. How many windows and doors and floors are there in it.

  Saint Therese. How many doors how many floors and how many windows are there in it.

  Saint Plan. How many windows are there in it how many doors are there in it.

  Saint Chavez. How many doors are there in it how many floors are there in it how many doors are there in it how many windows are there in it how many floors are there in it how many windows are there in it how many doors are there in it.

  hanging in between.

  Saint Therese. In this and in this and in this and clarity.

  Saint Therese. How many are there in this.

  How many are there in this.

  Saint Settlement. Singularly to be sure and with a Wednesday at noon.

  Saint Chavez. In time and mine.

  Saint Therese. Settlement and in in and in and all. All to come and go to stand up to kneel and to be around. Around and around and around and as round and as around and as around and as around.

  One two three.

  There is a distance in between.

  There is a distance in between in between others others meet meet meet met wet yet. It is very tearful to be through. Through and through.

  Saint Therese. Might be third.

  Saint Therese. Might be heard.

  Saint Therese. Might be invaded.

  Saint Therese and three saints and there.

  Commencing again yesterday.

  Saint Therese. And principally, Saint Therese.


  Saint Ignatius Withdrew with with withdrew

  Saint Ignatius Occurred

  Saint Ignatius Occurred withdrew

  Saint Ignatius Withdrew occurred

  Saint Ignatius Withdrew occurred

  Saint Ignatius occurred Saint Ignatius withdrew occurred withdrew.

  Saint Sarah. Having heard that they had gone she said how many eggs are there in it.

  Saint Absalom Having heard that they are gone he said how many had said how many had been where they had never been with them or with it

  Saint Absalom Might be anointed

  Saint Therese With responsibility

  Saint Therese And an allowance

  Saint Settlement In might have a change from this

  Saint Chavez A winning

  Saint Cecile In plenty

  Saint Eustace Might it be mountains if it were not Barcelona

  Saint Plan With wisdom

  Saint Chavez In a minute

  Saint Therese And circumstances

  Saint Therese And as much

  Saint Chavez. With them.

  An interval.


  An interval.

  Saint Chavez In consideration of everything and that it is done by them as it must be left to them with this as an arrangement. Night and day cannot be different

  Saint Therese Completely forgetting

  Saint Therese I will try

  Saint Therese Theirs and by and by

  Saint Chavez With noon


  With withdrawn.

  How do you do.

  Very well I thank you.

  This is how young men and matter. How many nails are there in it.

  Who can try.

  There can be a little left behind.

  Not at all.

  As if they liked it very well to live alone.

  With withdrawn.

  What can they mean by well very well.


  And seen one. Very likely.

  Saint Therese. It is not what is apprehended what is apprehended what is apprehended what is apprehended intended.


  Saint Chavez At that time

  Saint Ignatius And all. Then and not. Might it so. Do and doubling with it at once left and right

  Saint Chavez Left left left right left with what is known

  Saint Chavez In time


  Saint Ignatius. Within it within it within it as a wedding for them in half of the time.

  Saint Ignatius Particularly

  Saint Ignatius Call it a day

  Saint Ignatius With a wide water with within with drawn

  Saint Ignatius As if a fourth class


  Pigeons on the grass alas.

  Pigeons on the grass alas.

  Short longer grass short longer longer shorter yellow grass. Pigeons large pigeons on the shorter longer yellow grass alas pigeons on the grass.

  If they were not pigeons what were they.

  If they were not pigeons on the grass alas what were they. He had heard of a third and he asked about it it was a magpie in the sky. If a magpie in the sky on the sky can not cry if the pigeon on the grass alas can alas and to pass the pigeon on the grass alas and the magpie in the sky on the sky and to try and to try alas on the grass alas the pigeon on the grass the pigeon on the grass and alas. They might be very well very well very well they might be they might be very well they might be very well very well they might be

  Let Lucy Lily Lily Lucy Lucy let Lucy Lucy Lily Lily Lily Lily Lily let Lily Lucy Lucy let Lily. Let Lucy Lily.


  Saint Ignatius and please please please please.


  One and one.


  Might they be with they be with them might they be with them. Never to return to distinctions.

  Might they be with them with they be with they be with them.

  Saint Ignatius. In line and in in line please say it first in line.

  Saint Ignatius and friends. When it is ordinarily thoughtful and making it be when they were wishing friends. at one time insatiably and with renounced where where ware and wear wear with them with them and where where will it be as long as long as they might with it with it individually removing left to it when it very well may well and crossed crossed in articulately minding what you do.

  He asked for a distant magpie as if they made a difference.

  He asked for a distant magpie as if he asked for a distant magpie as if that made a difference.

  He asked as if that made a difference.

  He asked for a distant magpie.

  As if that made a difference he asked for a distant magpie as if that made a difference. He asked as if that made a difference. A distant magpie. He asked for a distant magpie. He asked for a distant magpie.

  Saint Ignatius. Might be admired for himself alone.

  Saint Chavez. Saint Ignatius might be admired for himself alone and because of that it might be as much as any one could desire.

  Saint Chavez. Because of that it might be as much as any one could desire.

  Saint Chavez. Because of that because it might be as much as any one could desire it might be that it could be done as easily as because it might very much as if precisely why they were carried.

  Saint Ignatius. Left when there was precious little to be asked by the ones who were overwhelmingly particular about what they were adding to themselves by means of their arrangements which might be why they went away and came again.

  It is every once in a while very much what they pleased.

  In a minute.

  Saint Ignatius. In a minute by the time that it is graciously gratification and might it be with them to be with them to be with them to be to be windowed.

  As seen as seen.

  Saint Ignatius surrounded by them.

  Saint Ignatius and one of two.

  Saint Chavez might be with them at that time. All of them. Might be with them at that time.

  All of them might be with them all of them at that time.

  Might be with them at that time all of them might be with them at that time.


  It is very easy to love alone. Too much too much. There are very sweetly very sweetly Henry very sweetly Rene very sweetly many very sweetly. They are very sweetly many very sweetly Rene very sweetly there are many very sweetly.

  There is a difference between Barcelona and Avila. What difference.


  There is a difference between Barcelona and Avila.

  There is a difference between Barcelona.


  And no more.


  Saint Ignatius. Left to left left to left left to left. Left right left left right left left to left.

  When they do change to.

  Saint Vincent. Authority for it.

  Saint Gallo. By this clock o’clock. By this clock, by this clock by this clock o’clock.

  Saint Ignatius. Foundationally marvellously aboundingly illimitably with it as a circumstance. Fundamentally and saints fundamentally and saints and fundamentally and saints.

  One Saint. Whose has whose has whose has ordered needing white and green as much as orange and with grey and how much and as much and as much and as a circumstance.

  Saint Therese. Intending to be intending to intending to to to to. To do it for me.

  Saint Ignatius. Two and two.




  With Seven.


  With eight.


  Ordinary pigeons and trees.

  If a generation all the same between forty and fifty as as. As they were and met. Was it tenderness and seem. Might it be as well as mean with in.

  Ordinary pigeons and trees. This is a setting which is as soon which is as soon which is as soon ordinary setting which is as soon which is as soon and noon.

  Saint Therese. In face of in face of might make milk sung sung face to face face in face place in place of face to face. Milk sung.

  Saint Ignatius. Once in a while and where and where around around is a sound and around is a sound and around is a sound and around. Around is a sound around is a sound around is a sound and around. Around differing from anointed now. Now differing from anointed now. Now differing differing. Now differing from anointed now. Now when there is left and with it integrally with it integrally withstood within without with out with drawn and in as much as if it could be withstanding what in might might be so.

  Many might be comfortabler. This is very well known now. When this you see remember me. It was very well known to every one.

  Might and right very well to do. It is all colored by a straw straw laden.

  Very nearly with it with it soon soon as said.

  Having asked additionally theirs instead.

  Once in a minute.

  In a minute.

  One two three as are are and are are are to be are with them are with them are with them with are with are with with it.


  Letting pin in letting let in let in in in in in let in let in wet in wed in dead in dead wed led in led wed dead in dead in led in wed in said in said led wed dead wed dead said led led said wed dead wed dead led in led in wed in wed in said in wed in led in said in dead in dead wed said led led said wed dead in. That makes they have might kind find fined when this arbitrarily makes it be what is it might they can it fairly well to be added to in this at the time that they can candied leaving as with with it by the left of it with with in in the funniest in union.

  Across across across coupled across crept a cross crept crept crept crept across. They crept across.

  If they are between thirty and thirty five and alive who made them see Saturday.

  Between thirty-five and forty-five between forty five and three five as then when when they were forty-five and thirty five when they they were forty five and thirty five when they were then forty five and thirty five and thirty two and to achieve leave relieve and receive their astonishment. Were they to be left to do to do as well as they do mean I mean I mean.

  Left to their in their to their to be their to be there all their to be there all their all their time to be there to be there all their to be all their time there.

  With wed led said with led dead said with dead led said with said dead led wed said wed dead led dead led said wed.

  With be there all their all their time there be there vine there be vine time there be there time there all their time there.

  Let it be why if they were adding adding comes cunningly to be additionally cunningly in the sense of attracting attracting in the sense of adding adding in the sense of windowing and windowing and frames and pigeons and ordinary trees and while while away.


  Did he did we did we and did he did he did he did did he did did did he did did he did be categorically and did he did he did he did he did he did he in interruption interruption interruptedly leave letting let it be be all to me to me out and outer and this and this with in indeed deed and drawn and drawn work.

  Saint Ferdinand singing soulfully.

  Singing singing is singing is singing is singing is singing between between singing is singing is between singing is.

  Theirs and sign. Singing theirs and singing mine.

  With a stand and would it be the same as yet awhile and glance
a glance of be very nearly left to be alone.

  One at at time makes two at a time makes one at a time and be there where where there there where where there.

  Saint Ignatius. Might be why they were after all after all who came. One hundred and fifty one and a half and a half and after and after and after and all. With it all.

  Saint Chavez. A ball might be less than one.

  All together one and one.


  How many acts are there in it. Acts are there in it.

  Supposing a wheel had been added to three wheels how many acts how many how many acts are there in it.

  Any Saint at all.

  How many acts are there in it.

  How many saints in all.

  How many acts are there in it.

  Ring around a rosey.

  How many acts are there in it.

  Wedded and weeded.

  Please be coming to see me.

  When this you see you are all to me.

  Me which is you you who are true true to be you.

  How many how many saints are there in it.

  One two three all out but me.

  One two three four all out but four.

  How many saints are there in it.

  How many saints are there in it.

  One two three four and there is no door. Or more. Or more. Or door. Or floor or door. One two three all out but me. How many saints are there in it.

  Saints and see all out but me.

  How many saints are there in it.

  How many saints are there in it. One two three four all out but four one two three four four four or four or more.

  More or four.

  How many Acts are there in it.

  Four Acts.

  Act four.

  Encouraged by this then when they might be by thirds words eglantine and by this to mean feeling it as most when they do too to be nearly lost to sight in time in time and mind mind it for them. Let us come to this brink.

  The sisters and saints assembling and reenacting why they went away to stay.

  One at a time regularly regularly by the time that they are in and and in one at at time regularly very fairly better than they came as they came there and where where will they be wishing to stay here here where they are they are here here where they are they are they are here.

  Saint Chavez. The envelopes are on all the fruit of the fruit trees.


  Saint Chavez Remembered as knew

  Saint Ignatius Meant to send, and meant to send and meant meant to differ between send and went and end and mend and very nearly one to two

  Saint Cecile With this and now

  Saint Plan Made it with with in with withdrawn