With her brother on her arm, she looked at them. She giggled again as another lightning bolt struck the house and caused it to shake. The entire floor and ground underneath them cracked open. Flames were licking at their pants. One of the intruders fell into the crack and held on by his finger tips. He screamed and cried for help while the crack grew bigger and bigger and soon it was like he was staring directly into the center of the earth beneath him. Ella walked towards him, then stepped on his fingertips until he let go and disappeared into the hole.

  Giggling she looked at the two who were left. The one with the burnt hand was pleading for her mercy.

  "Please," he said. "Please don't hurt me."

  The other was crying, weeping on his knees next to her. But Ella didn't care. She closed her eyes and gathered all her strength. The house started spinning fast as if caught in a tornado. The only one standing still in the middle of it was Ella, holding Jacob tight in one arm, while the other was pointed towards the sky.


  THE HOUSE WAS disappearing underneath them. Ivan yelled and screamed as he watched the earth open beneath him and begin to suck everything into it. It was spinning like a whirlpool and sucking everything, the dead bodies, the kitchen table, the fallen lamps, planks, wood and soon Peter started slipping as well. Ivan grabbed his hand but soon realized that he would only drag him with him.

  To the pit of hell.

  Ivan held on to the door with the other hand while being pulled by Peter's weight. He knew it was a matter of seconds before he couldn't hold on any longer. He took one last look into Peter's eyes.

  "I'm sorry," he whispered, but it was drowned in the loud sounds from the house crashing down around him.

  Then he let go. Peter let out a small whimper as he was sucked into the black hole. Ivan reached up and was now holding on to the door handle with both hands, but still the force pulling his legs was stronger and he knew he would eventually have to let go.

  In the middle of it all stood the girl, Humpty Dumpty with her brother on her arms and the other arm stretched into the air, like she was the one controlling it all. Ivan screamed in fear.

  The force was too strong and he had to let go. The force pulled him into the air and spun him around, making him lose all sense of what was up and what was down. He felt sick to his stomach when suddenly he felt another wind grab a hold of him. It pulled him out the window and he landed with a bump on the asphalt outside. Dazed he got to his feet and stood in front of the house watching burn to the ground, leaving nothing but piles of charred wood behind.

  In the middle of it all he saw the girl. She was walking slowly with her brother on her arm out of the house. Planks were flying around her, windows, doors, furniture was circling in the air before being sucked into the opening in the ground, but none of it ever hit her or the brother. Even the flames seemed to leave her alone, parting in front of her, leading her way.

  As the house came down behind her, she suddenly stood in front of Ivan in the road.

  She looked at him and Ivan felt his knees became wobbly. While the earth sucked down the rest of the house and left nothing but a few wooden planks and an old mirror left standing on the ground, Ivan feared for what she might do to him next. He whimpered and whined and prayed to whoever would care enough to listen.

  Just as he did the air was filled with the sounds of sirens, blue light and cars. Four police cars, a fire truck and a couple of ambulances. Ivan's eyes were still locked with the girl's as he felt hands on his body and was put on a stretcher. He finally let go and lost consciousness.


  IVAN WAS SCARED at first when the police officers came to his hospital bed the next day. He swallowed hard and braced himself for his fate. After all jail time was better than what had happened to the others.

  But the officers were nice and smiling and told him that lightning had caused the fire and the old house collapsed. They also told him most of the house probably had been taken by the ocean, since the waves had been very high last night.

  Ivan stared at them speechless, scared and confused at the same time.

  "The girl," the officer said and looked at his notes.

  Here we go.

  "The girl, Ella Lucas and her brother Jacob are both well and now with their aunt."

  She told them everything. She told them how you killed those poor people, how you slaughtered her parents and her sister, how you wanted to kill her and her brother. She told them what bastard you really are.

  "Well here is the problem, Ivan," the officer continued.

  This is it. This is the end. No expensive lawyer will ever get you out of this one. You'll rot in jail for the rest of your life, or be sentenced to a life in a mental institution. Your brother will laugh at you.

  "The girl can't remember a thing about last night."

  Ivan looked at the officer feeling his eyes become big and wide.

  "They say it's caused by trauma to her head or something. But the fact is she can't remember a damn thing."

  "That's where you come in," the other officer said.

  "Yes," the first one took over again. "We know you've been through a lot, but want you to try and tell us what happened. Especially what happened to the rest of the family, if it's not too much to ask."

  Ivan smiled, not too happily, naturally, but just friendly enough to show them how sympathetic he was with the poor family and the girl.

  "Of course, officers. Whatever I can do to help the poor girl get over her loss."

  "Splendid," the officer said. "First of all, if you wouldn't mind telling us what you were doing in the Lucas' house in the middle of the night?"

  "Well of course I wouldn't mind," Ivan said and sat up in bed. He cleared his throat. "The thing is, I’ve been dating their daughter Louise for quite some time. Her parents knew nothing about us, so you could say we snuck around without them noticing it. Last night she had asked me to come over after her parents had gone to bed. She opened the door for me herself and led me to her bedroom, where we ... well I will not go into unnecessary details, but you get the picture."

  The officer nodded slowly while writing on his pad. "No details needed. So you were in the house all night?"

  "Yes. Well I fell asleep. We both did. I woke up around two o'clock, I think it was. I did not want her parents to find me in their daughter's room, so I snuck out. But just as I did, the lightning struck the house and set it on fire. I couldn't leave the family in there, so I sprang for the rooms upstairs and woke everybody up. The father then attacked me and yelled at me for sleeping with his daughter. He threatened to shoot me and found his shotgun under the bed, and that was when I ran for my life. Louise never made it out and neither did the parents."

  "What about the girl and the boy?"

  "I had reached the front door when I heard the roof collapse upstairs, and I decided I had to go back and help them even if it meant the father would kill me. So I ran up there, but it was too late. The parents and Louise were all crushed by the many bricks and tiles." Ivan paused for effect and pretended to be crying. "Then I heard someone scream and ran to the room next door. In there I found the girl and the boy. They were stuck under a pile of tiles, but they were still alive. I got them free and took them in my arms. Then I made it to the front door as the rest of the house came down behind me. We barely made it out in the street before it was gone."

  Ivan paused again and sniffled. "Have you ... have you found their bodies?"

  The officer looked seriously at Ivan, and then shook his head. "I'm sorry son. We believe the ocean took them, along with most of the furniture and most of the house. All we found were a few bricks, some planks and an old mirror."

  "That's horrible," Ivan said.

  "We'll at least you managed to save the girl and the boy. You're a true hero, boy. We'll make sure the world hears about your accomplishments. A true idol for the rest of us. Don't think many would have run back like you did."

  "Well I only did what was necessary."


  A WEEK LATER Ivan was back at the boarding school receiving applause in the dining hall for his bravery.

  "An example for us all to follow," the headmaster said and they all clapped. Then he lifted his glass and toasted Ivan.

  Ivan was the talk of the school but so were his dead brothers. Everybody was wondering what had happened to them and the police had been at the school to ask all the students questions while he had been gone, a fellow classmate had told him. They never asked Ivan about them since no one knew Ivan had anything to do with them or the order. No one suspected that he would know what really happened to them, and Ivan decided it would be one of those things he would take with him to the grave. A search was going on for them all over the area, but so far no one had any idea where they could have disappeared to. Rumors went that they had taken off to Monaco to get away from their parents, others were that they had messed with the wrong people and had been killed and buried and would never be found again. To be honest most people didn't even care.

  Neither did Ivan at that moment when they were all applauding him for his display of true heroism.

  Ivan drank his wine that they had extraordinarily been allowed to have with the dinner, while the Headmaster kept talking. Ivan wasn't listening to most of his speech, not until the end of it, when suddenly he hung onto every word of it.

  "So naturally Ivan will be as pleased as anyone to welcome her here at the school from this day on. Her brother is being taken care of by their aunt, but as it turned out her father had already paid for her to finish her school here at Herlufsholm before the unfortunate tragedy hit her family, and she was supposed to start here this month anyway. So if you'll all put your hands together and welcome ...”

  ... and there it was, that name, that face, those eyes.

  "Ella Lucas."

  Ivan let out a small shriek as he watched her waddle towards the Headmaster and he reached out his arms to give her a hug. Then she turned her head like an owl and Ivan's eyes locked with hers across the room.

  Ivan wet his pants and the pee left a puddle next to his shoes.

  In the distance someone dared to whisper:

  Humpty, Dumpty sat on a wall

  Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

  All the king's horses and all the king's men

  Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again


  Dear reader,

  Thank you for purchasing my 4 Horror short stories. I hope you enjoyed it. They all take place in the Danish town of Karrebaeksminde.

  Karrebaeksminde is also the town where my horror-series, the Rebekka Franck-series takes place beginning with the first book One, Two ... He is coming for you. I have put in an excerpt from the first book on the following pages.

  Take care,

  Willow Rose

  Connect with Willow online and you will be the first to know about new releases:

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  I promise not to share your email with anyone else, and I won't clutter your inbox (I'll only contact you when a new book is out).


  Willow Rose is an international Best-selling author. She writes Mystery/Suspense/Horror, Paranormal Romance and fantasy. Originally from Denmark she now lives on Florida's Space Coast with her husband and two daughters. She is a huge fan of Stephen King, Anne Rice and Isabel Allende. When she is not writing or reading she enjoys watching the dolphins play in the waves of the Atlantic Ocean. Her books have been downloaded in more than 300.000 copies.

  Books by the author:


  ONE, TWO ... HE IS COMING FOR YOU (Rebekka Frank #1) - http://www.amazon.com/One, two ...

  THREE, FOUR ... BETTER LOCK YOUR DOOR (Rebekka Frank #2) - http://www.amazon.com/Three, Four ...

  FIVE, SIX ... GRAB YOUR CRUCIFIX (Rebekka Frank #3) - http://www.amazon.com/Five, Six ...

  SEVEN, EIGHT ... GONNA STAY UP LATE (Rebekka Frank #4) - http://www.amazon.com/Seven, eight ...

  ITSY BITSY SPIDER (Emma Frost #1) - http://www.amazon.com/Itsy Bitsy Spider

  MISS DOLLY HAD A DOLLY (Emma Frost #2)- Coming out October 2013

  RUN RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN (Emma Frost #3) - Coming out later this fall 2013

  EDWINA - http://www.amazon.com/Edwina


  EENIE, MEENIE - http://www.amazon.com/Eenie, Meenie

  ROCK-A-BYE BABY- http://www.amazon.com/Rock-a-bye

  NIBBLE, NIBBLE, CRUNCH - http://www.amazon.com/Nibble, Crunch

  HUMPTY, DUMPTY - http://www.amazon.com/Humpty, Dumpty

  CHAIN LETTER - http://www.amazon.com/Chain Letter


  BEYOND (AFTERLIFE #1) - http://www.amazon.com/Beyond

  SERENITY (AFTERLIFE #2) - http://www.amazon.com/Serenity

  ENDURANCE (AFTERLIFE #3) - http://www.amazon.com/Endurance

  COURAGEOUS (AFTERLIFE #4) - http://www.amazon.com/Courageous

  SAVAGE (Daughters of the Jaguar #1) - http://www.amazon.com/Savage

  BROKEN (Daughters of the Jaguar #2) - http://www.amazon.com/Broken

  A GYPSY SONG (The Wolfboy Chronicles) - http://www.amazon.com/A Gypsy song

  I AM WOLF (The Wolfboy Chronicles) - http://www.amazon.com/I am WOLF


  REBEKKA FRANCK SERIES - http://www.amazon.com/Rebekka Franck

  DAUGHTERS OF THE JAGUAR - http://www.amazon.com/Daughtersof the Jaguar

  THE AFTERLIFE SERIES - http://www.amazon.com/Afterlife

  HORROR STORIES FROM DENMARK - http://www.amazon.com/Horror Stories


  Connect with Willow online:





  The following is an excerpt from Willow Rose's international Best Selling Novel: One, Two ... He is coming for you.

  ONE, TWO ...



  ONE, TWO … the song in his head wouldn’t escape. Sure, he knew where it came from. It was that rhyme from the horror movies. The ones with the serial killer, that Freddy Krueger guy with a burned, disfigured face, red and dark green striped sweater, brown fedora hat, and a glove armed with razors to kill his victims in their dreams and take their souls, which would kill them in the real world. “A Nightmare on Elm Street,” that was the movie’s name. Yes, he knew its origin. And he had his reasons for singing that particular song in this exact moment. He knew why, and so would his future victims.

  He lit a cigarette and stared out the window at a waiting bird in the bare treetop. Waiting for the sunlight to come back, just like the rest of the kingdom of Denmark at this time of the year. Waiting for spring with its explosion of colors, like a sea of promises of sunlight and a warmer wind. But still the winter had to go away. And it hadn’t. The trees were still naked, the sky gray as steel, the ground wet and cold. February always seemed the longest month in the little country though it was the shortest in the calendar. People talked about it every day as they showed up for work or school.

  Every freaking day since Christmas.

  Now, it wouldn’t be long before the light came back. But in reality it always took months of waiting and anticipating before spring finally appeared.

  The man staring out the window didn’t pay much attention to the weather though. He stood with his cigarette between two fingers. To him, the time he had been waiting ages for was finally here.

  He kept humming the same song, the same line. One, two, he is coming for you .... The cigarette burned a hole in the parquet floor. He picked up the remains with his hands wearing white plastic gloves and carefully placed them in a small plastic bag that he put in his brown briefcase. He would leave no trace of being in the house w
here the body of another man was soon to be found.

  He closed the briefcase and went into the hall, where he sat in a leather chair by the door to the main entrance.

  Waiting for his victim to come home.

  He glanced at himself in the mirror by the entrance door. He could see from where he was sitting how nicely he had dressed for the occasion.

  He was outfitted in a blue blazer with the famous Trolle coat of arms on the chest, little yellow emblem with a red headless lion—the traditional blazer for a student of Herlufsholm boarding school. The school was located by the Susaa River in Naestved, about 80 kilometers south of Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. As the oldest boarding school in Denmark, the school took pride in an array of unique traditions. Some of them the world outside never would want to know about.

  The blazer was now too small, so he couldn’t close it, but otherwise he was looking almost like he had been back in 1986. He was, after all, still a fairly handsome man. And unlike the majority of the guys from back then, he had kept most of his hair.

  His victim had done well for himself, he noticed. No surprise in that though, with parents who were multibillionaires. The old villa by the sea of Smaalandsfarvandet in the southern part of Zeeland was big and admirable. It could easily fit a couple of families. It was typical of his victim to have a place like this just as his holiday residence.

  When he heard the Jaguar on the gravel outside, he took the glove out of the briefcase and put it on his right hand. He stretched his fingers and the metal claws followed.

  He listened for voices but didn’t hear any to his satisfaction.