Page 2 of Demand to Submit

  Until they had taken her, altered her genetics and made her...different. She hated what she'd become. Hated the need that ran so deep, so intense that it overrode the basics of survival. It was as much a part of her as her limbs, but she fought against it every day. And the more she fought, the worse it became. The more she fought, the stronger the urge.

  She'd die to get what she needed. Give up everything, including the island she had once called home. Not that it was home anymore and hadn't been for a long time. A once-beautiful oasis, her island was now nothing more than an empty wasteland.

  Stripped of resources by the scavengers, it had been abandoned by all those who hadn't been killed in the wars or captured by the evil ones who sought to create new beings to sell on the open slave market.


  Jaci Burton

  Most of her people were gone now. She had no home. She wasn't going back there.

  Laren had promised her she wouldn't go back, which gave her a bittersweet sense of relief.

  "Where is this place we're going?"

  "Dargon, a planet in a nearby galaxy. It's very small and self-contained, where people like you exist. You'll be comfortable there, and we will find you a master."

  Master. The word offered comfort, like the water she'd so desperately craved a little over a month ago. She was physically stronger now, thanks to the physicians in the hospital and Laren's gentle care after she was released. But she still felt weak.

  Her weakness could not be conquered by rest or food. What she hungered for went deeper. It burned inside her every moment she was awake and haunted her dreams at night. Even now it filled her with a sense of agonized anticipation. She fought to sit still, grateful for the ship's launch velocity which kept her pinned tight to her seat.

  The ship lifted, sailing through the blue sky and into the darker atmosphere. This was her first trip away from Earth and her jaw dropped as the beauty of space unfolded before her. Stars and planets loomed close, inviting her and offering a peace and tranquility she had never found within her own home.

  "Are you all right?" Laren asked.

  Waia turned to her and nodded. "It's so beautiful out here."

  Laren smiled. "Yes, it is. And Dargon is even better."

  "Tell me of Dargon." Anything to help her relax, to take her mind off the fact that soon she'd be delivered into the care of another man. A man who would no doubt expect her to act the part of submissive when she was anything but.

  Her body might crave submission, but her heart was fiercely independent. She'd rather die than be absorbed into this...creature the scientists created. She was no man's slave.


  Demand to Submit

  "The planet has a beautiful coloring of bronze and cream, like the swirl of an ice-cream cone."

  "Ice-cream cone?"

  Laren glanced over at her. "Oh, you probably wouldn't know what that is. Never mind. It's gorgeous. I've flown by it but have never been on it before."

  "Tell me of the people there."

  "The people are of all cultures, but the Dargonians are very friendly and peace-loving. There is virtually no crime and all are welcome to visit there."


  Laren laid her hand on top of Waia's. "I know what you're asking. You'll be safe.

  No weaponry of any kind is allowed on Dargon. Anyone violating the laws of peace and consent are immediately expelled."

  Her island used to be the same way. In fact, it was their simplistic, peace-abiding ways that had made it so easy for others to take over. She decided that despite Laren's attempts to placate her, she would worry. Worry meant she'd stay alert.

  Several hours passed. Laren explained the speed with which the ship was traveling.

  Phenomenal speeds, zipping through one galaxy after another and yet it seemed as if they were floating. She could almost relax.


  "We're coming up on the planet now."

  The ship slowed. Waia spotted a small speck in the distance. The speck grew larger and larger until the swirling colors of bronze and cream that Laren mentioned appeared before her. The planet didn't look so tiny as the ship entered Dargon's atmosphere.

  Darkness and fire surrounded the ship as they soared through the atmosphere. But then they broke through dark clouds into a vortex of amazing color. Seas of blue, red and purple littered the landscape below her. Entire forests of angular trees loomed ahead as the ship began to descend.


  Jaci Burton

  A white mountain appeared, surrounded by purple clouds. A huge castle sat in the middle of all the color, tall and imposing.

  "That's Kyr's castle."

  "Who is Kyr?"

  "He is the Master of Dargon. I am taking you to him."

  "Master? Does he rule the planet?"

  Laren quirked a smile. "No. He is the Dom master. The sexual master, the trainer of submissives. He is not the presidential ruler."

  She had many questions but decided to wait until she'd met this Kyr. Was he going to find a way to undo what the others had done to her? The pain was a living, breathing thing inside her.

  A need which had become a constant over the past couple years, tearing her apart inside, making the craving the only thing she cared about.

  Laren set the ship down on top of a flat stone pad next to a dark turret. Gigantic men in brown pants and long, sleeveless vests approached the ship, arms crossed, waiting for Laren to shut down the engines and open the door.

  The door slid open and down, revealing stairs. Laren exited first, tossing a quick smile over her shoulder.

  Waia's heart pounded and she felt dizzy. But she stood and stepped from the craft, holding tight to the railings on either side to support her trembling legs.

  They followed the men toward the turret, which led into a stairwell. The stairs curved around in a circle, the way narrow and steep. When they reached the bottom, a long hallway with giant arched windows on either side stretched before them. One set of windows revealed an outside garden, lush and tropical like her home. She winced at the bittersweet memories. The other set of windows opened to what looked like a huge, empty ballroom with polished wood floors.


  Demand to Submit

  They stepped through dark wood double doors and into a foyer lavishly decorated with marble floors and pale stone sculptures. Waia looked twice at the sculptures, realizing that all were of couples entwined in various sex acts. Her pussy came to life, altering from its normal soft pulsing to a roaring ache that sent juices flowing down her thighs. She quickly looked away from the sculptures and trained her gaze on the backs of the two men leading the way.

  An oversized open archway covered with sheer drapes loomed in front of them.

  The sentries opened the drapes and motioned them through. Laren grasped her hand and squeezed, and Waia was grateful for the comfort of the simple gesture.

  The room was huge and reminded her of a sultan's palace. Silks and sheer fabrics were draped over the floor-to-ceiling windows. Oversized pillows in jewel tones were littered around the plush, carpeted areas. There was even a round pool with steaming water and a bed that at least six people could sleep in! The scent of many lit candles wafted toward her. Sweet, spicy and sensual, the aromas intoxicated her senses.

  Waia's breath caught when a huge man stepped through a door in the far corner of the room.

  Broad-shouldered, wearing tight black pants that hung low on his narrow hips, he wore nothing from the waist up. His massive chest was void of any hair and glistened as if it had been recently oiled. His dark nipples bore small silver piercings. It was the most erotic thing she'd ever seen.

  Her throat went dry as he approached. She'd never seen a man so compelling. He had a square jaw, no facial hair, a broad nose and piercing eyes that focused only on her. Long black hair draped over his shoulders. Hair that she'd want to hold on to, run her fingers through while she pleasured him. Though not classically handsome, something about him c
alled to her. She had to remind herself to breathe.

  Before she'd been changed she would have been proud to call this man her mate, would have asked to be joined with him.


  Jaci Burton

  Now she only knew failure. Angry at the need squeezing her belly into a ball of nerves, she bowed her head when he stopped in front of them.

  "You are Kyr?" Laren asked.

  "I am."

  That voice. Deep, sensual, like lying in the midst of rippling waves. The tones caressed her skin, reminding her of the need that pulsed within her.

  "I am Laren, Commander of Earth's Intergalactic Enforcement Unit. I've come to ask your help."

  Waia listened as Laren recounted the story of what had happened to her.

  "She's been genetically altered?"


  "I've heard of this, though have never met anyone who's been through the process.

  They all die."

  "Yes, they do. However, for some reason she lived."

  He stepped toward Waia. "Look up at me."

  She did, instantly mesmerized by the colors of his eyes. First gray, then a dark, stormy blue. Despite the voice within commanding her to show him respect as a master, she arched a brow, her gaze pouring over his body the same as his did to her.

  One corner of his mouth lifted. "What is your name?"


  He nodded. "Your name signifies you are from the South Pacific region of the planet Earth."

  She couldn't prevent her wide-eyed look of surprise. "How did you know that?"

  she blurted, expecting immediate punishment for speaking without permission.

  Instead, his lips curled into a full smile. "I know many things. Different cultures interest me, especially those on Earth."


  Demand to Submit

  His intellect surprised her. Most men she knew didn't take time to learn the same things that interested her.

  "Why did you bring her to me, Laren?"

  "No one else can handle her needs. You are the best submissive trainer in the nearby galaxies. I was hoping you would take her on."

  Kyr had not asked her to lower her eyes so she kept her gaze on his face. He frowned and looked at Laren when he replied. "You are aware I only accept a few cases now?"

  Laren nodded. "Yes, but since she is a special one, we thought you might be willing to assist. Kaden of Xarta sent me to you."

  Kyr nodded and smiled. "I haven't seen Kaden in quite some time. I understand he met and married a woman from Earth."

  "Yes, a woman from my enforcement unit, actually. Her name is Marina."

  He went silent then and turned his attention back to her. His gaze roamed from her face to her breasts, lingering there before moving over her hips and legs. She felt lacking, inadequate, but held firm, keeping her gaze focused on him. The resulting pain lanced her belly and she fought for control. Showing weakness to a man like Kyr would set a precedent she wasn't comfortable with, no matter what these damned genes compelled her to do.

  Why couldn't she just give in to her body's demands?

  "You are quite beautiful, Waia," he said, bridging the distance between them with one step. He hovered so close she could smell him. Pure, elemental male. Musky, earthy and aroused. She'd know that scent anywhere. It haunted her dreams and filled her body with needs that confused her.

  "Tell me," he continued. "Do you hunger?"


  The sparkle in his eyes unnerved her. "You're lying. Tell me what your body feels."


  Jaci Burton

  She would do no such thing. No one could understand how she felt, especially a man used to dominating his women. "I can't."

  He caressed her cheek, the gentle action more of a shock than if he'd grabbed her and demanded she answer. His coaxing voice settled between her legs as he said, "Tell me. Let me help you."

  "It aches," she admitted, then cursed her traitorous body.

  He arched a brow. "Aches how?"

  Flames licked along the back of her neck and traveled to her face. "Inside."

  "You're being purposely vague. Answer me in detail. What does your body feel?"

  She had no choice but to answer, though her tone was accusatory. "It hurts, deep inside my pussy. My breasts feel full and swollen, my nipples erect every moment of every day. An incessant throbbing stabs my belly with a sharp burning that never goes away. It follows me in my dreams at night--a desperate searching for something I cannot find. I feel as if part of me is missing, that I am somehow not whole."

  "What are you searching for?"

  Somehow she knew he was already aware of her answer and she hated herself for needing to reply. "A master to dominate me, to allow me to serve him, to pleasure him in any way he wishes. I cannot be fulfilled until I have that. I feel like I will die without it."

  He turned his head toward Laren and nodded. "I'll take care of her."


  Demand to Submit

  Chapter Two

  Kyr studied the range of emotions on Waia's face. From fear to curiosity to frustration, her expressions were as ever-changing as the colors of Dargon's cloud system.

  She intrigued him. Not simply due to her genetic alteration, but because he sensed something vulnerable about the human side of her. Her uncertainty was evident, as was her confusion about who and what she was. Rage simmered just beneath the surface of her cool exterior. She didn't want what had been thrust upon her and had no idea how to handle it.

  Though there were born submissives on many planets, he'd never met a woman who'd had her DNA altered to become one. The scientist in him wanted to explore what that meant and discover how a human reacted to that severe a biological change. The master in him hardened at the thought of having Waia as his sub.

  He shouldn't take her. She called to him in ways that were too personal. But he couldn't step away from the haunted look in her amber eyes, the frustration and arousal so potent he could smell it emanating from her. Her feisty spirit was an allure he couldn't resist.

  She sat on the platform of steps below the bed, studying the floor while he spoke with Laren.

  "Kaden told me to bring you chocolate," Laren said, pulling a box out of the sack she carried and handing it to him.

  Cocking a grin, Kyr said, "He knows my tastes all too well." Maybe that was one of the reasons Kaden had sent Waia to him.

  "I have to go," she said, glancing over at Waia. "I really need to get back to my job."

  "Understood. Don't worry about her. She won't suffer any harm under my care."


  Jaci Burton

  Laren bowed her head. "Thank you, Master Kyr."

  Surprise filled him. "You speak like a submissive, Laren."

  "I am one, Master Kyr."

  "Who is your Dom?"

  Her head whipped up, her cheeks turning a bright pink. Pain glittered in her violet eyes. "I don't have one."

  "Why not?"

  "No reason. I just don't have one."

  He studied the sable-haired beauty. She was hiding something. He stepped closer and tipped her chin up farther with his finger, forcing her gaze to meet his. "Tell me why you don't have one, Laren. I can sense your need."

  "He left me."

  Dominants typically did not leave their submissives. It just wasn't done. "How long ago?"

  "Two years."

  He arched a brow. "You've been without a Dom for two years?"

  She nodded.


  "Please, Master Kyr. It's over."


  "Jack Taggart."

  "From Earth?"

  "Yes, but he doesn't live on Earth any longer. He's an intergalactic bounty hunter."

  Kyr nodded. No wonder the name sounded familiar. He knew of Jack Taggart. "I see."

  "I really must go now, Master Kyr."


  Demand to Submit

  Her vulnerability was well hidden behind her toug
h exterior and mask of professionalism. But Kyr felt Laren's pain. He made a mental note to do something about it. "Of course."

  He took her hands and brushed his lips to hers. "I will keep you informed of Waia's progress."

  Laren nodded and offered a faint smile. "I'll just tell her I'm leaving and I'll be on my way. Thank you for taking care of her, Master Kyr."

  She walked away and leaned down to tell Waia goodbye. Waia nodded, her gaze flitting to him before whipping quickly back toward Laren. Laren hugged her and then hurried from the room, obviously upset. But was she distressed because she had to leave Waia, or was it because of reminders of Jack Taggart?

  He needed to investigate this further. Though it was advantageous to be able to read others' feelings, sometimes it created conflict within him. Despite Laren's protestations, she still had feelings for Jack Taggart. Deep feelings that had gone unresolved for too long. And she was filled with pain so deep even she didn't realize how much it still possessed her.

  Waia once again stared at the floor. He shook his head and started toward her. So thin. Laren had said her captors had abandoned her, left her without food or water.

  Savages. They should be stripped naked and their skin peeled away with a dull knife. After that, they should be staked outside in the middle of the fire gardens to let the flesh-eating insects and blistering double suns show them what torture really meant.

  He stopped in front of her. "We will begin your training right away."

  Her head shot up, her golden eyes sparkling with anger. "I don't need training."

  "Yes, you do."

  He held out his hands, and when she wouldn't take them reached down and pulled her to her feet. "How do you plan to survive without handling the turmoil inside you?"


  Jaci Burton

  "I've handled it just fine so far."

  "Have you? Your body is trembling. Your pussy is wet, too, and you don't quite know what to do about that, do you?"

  Her bottom lip quivered. He sensed her body was at war between need and frustration. "How do you know that?"

  "The scent of your arousal. Sweet, spicy, I would well imagine cream flows from your pussy."

  She shook her head in denial but didn't respond.

  "Would pleasuring me give you relief?"

  "No, it would give you relief."

  She lied and he knew it. As soon as he suggested it, her eyes darkened and the sweet aroma of her desire filled the air around them. He knew what she needed, even if she refused to admit it to herself. Her altered genetics demanded she submit to a master. Giving her that would only partially help her. She needed much, much more.