Page 6 of Demand to Submit

  He led her to a vehicle unlike anything she'd ever seen. The doors on the white, oblong vehicle slid back and she stepped inside, situating herself in a very expansive chair. She immediately pushed back against the seat as something invisible pressed down on her.

  "That's the vehicle's automatic restraint system. You can't see it, but it will hold you in place."

  As soon as Kyr moved into the seat next to hers, the doors slid shut and the vehicle hummed to life.

  "Government office number one," Kyr said to the lit display panel in front of them.

  He leaned back and crossed his arms. The vehicle hissed and rose off the ground, dipping sideways as it moved above the gated entrance to the castle grounds. Waia 56

  Demand to Submit

  held on to the armrests as the vehicle zoomed down a busy...well, it wasn't actually a road, since they were traveling above ground. But other vehicles just like the one they rode in sped past in both directions.

  "Are you a member of the government?" she asked.

  He nodded. "I am Master of Dargon. Sexual submissives are a high commodity on this planet. I manage all sexuality. I train the submissives and ensure their safety, as well as work with the government on rules and regulations for all submissives on our planet."

  "But you don't lead the government."

  He smiled. "No. We have a governing board for that. A president and officers who run and manage all our government processes. Our world is much smaller than your Earth, so our governing body is not nearly as large as yours. One government, one set of rules for the entire planet."

  It only took a couple minutes to arrive at their destination. The vehicle descended straight down and stopped in front of a large white building. The doors slid open and they stepped out.

  "This is where our governing is conducted," Kyr explained, leading her to the entrance. He placed his hand on a square pad next to the doors.

  "Welcome, Master Kyr. Please enter," a voice commanded.

  The massive doors whooshed open and they walked in.

  The place was busy and filled with people. Many of the women who passed by smiled and nodded, making sure to call Kyr "Master" and bow their heads.

  "All women you have trained, I presume?" she asked, unable to keep the bite out of her voice.


  Considering the number of women she'd already seen in Dargon, Kyr must have one incredible sex life.


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  "It's my job, Waia. It's what I do here."

  Of course it was. Just like she was part of his job. There was no emotion in what he did with her. It was calculated, planned, like organizing for a day's work. And when he felt her sufficiently trained, he'd be on to the next assignment.

  She meant nothing to him.

  Which was fine with her, anyway, since she had no feelings for him, either.

  Pushing aside the unreasonable jealousy, she followed him down a long hallway and into an expansive area filled with bustling employees. Men and women worked together at what looked like a shared communication center. A screen against one wall hovered in the air with blinking lights of various colors and some kind of language she didn't recognize.

  "This is the data center," Kyr explained. "All records of births, marriages, laws, judicial results and more are housed here. The data center keeps track of everyone's whereabouts."


  "Each Dargonian along with every visitor undergoes a DNA scan. Those identifying characteristics allow our data center to know the exact location of everyone on the planet. As soon as someone enters our atmosphere, their genetic code is recorded and used to identify them."

  "Why do they need to know that?"

  He smiled at her and caressed her cheek. "Because it's always easier to maintain order on a planet that knows exactly where you are and what you're doing."

  "Don't people resent the lack of privacy?" She tried to ignore the nagging race of her pulse as Kyr continued to caress her cheek and jaw.

  "Not at all. The tracking isn't intrusive. It's something we've grown accustomed to and we know it protects all of us, so why would we object?"

  He had a point. "Why did you bring me here?"


  Demand to Submit

  "I was hoping you'd get around to asking that question. Look around you. What do you see here?"

  She scanned the room, confused about what he wanted her to notice. "People.


  "What kind of people?"

  "Men and women."

  "Exactly. You will find that Dargon is not the usual type of planet that caters to the dominant and submissive lifestyle. Our females are productive members of society, frequently holding positions of superiority over men."

  Now that he'd pointed it out to her, she began to see what she hadn't seen before.

  Some men seemed to be taking their orders from women, nodding and moving off to perform whatever task their female supervisor gave them. "You're right. I hadn't expected it."

  "Domination and submission is often a state of mind, little one. It's not an all-encompassing part of our function here. Well, it's my function, of course, but the women you see here perform their duties in an equal manner with men."

  "So what's the point of training them to be submissive?"

  "It's in their DNA. At least the native Dargonian females. Like some planets you will find throughout the solar system, our females are born with submissive traits, but only sexually submissive traits. In other words they are not born with the need to be wholly subservient, nor do the dominant males on our planet require complete obedience. A female's submission is only inherent in sexual areas. In this way, the female gets exactly what she wants out of a relationship, as does the male."

  Okay, so that information surprised her. She'd assumed she would be taught how to be properly submissive in all areas. At least that's what the scientists had told her she'd been altered for. Then again they probably hadn't intended to sell her to a Dargonian.


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  "In other words, I expect you to behave as a normal human female would. I do not require complete obedience from you, Waia." His eyes darkened as they raked over her body. "I will, however, require your total sexual submission."

  She wrinkled her nose, trying to process this new information. "That's not what they told me."

  "Who told you?"

  "Those who altered me. The scientists. They explained that men would require a complete submissive in all areas, sexually and otherwise."

  "Perhaps that's true on some planets. But not this one," he replied, leading her down the hall and outside again. Their vehicle descended from the sky, the doors sliding open.

  She stepped in and waited for the invisible restraints to adhere to her body. When the vehicle took off, she looked to Kyr. "I'm confused."

  "I know. It's true that on some planets, full submission is expected. But here it is not. In fact, I train both women and men here."

  Her eyes widened. "You have submissive males?"

  Kyr smiled. "Of course. It is not just women who wish to submit. And there are both male and female dominants who want a male submissive." He caressed her cheek.

  "You have much to learn."

  "So why did you show me these things?" she asked. "My problem is not with normal daily life and behavior. My problem is with sex. With myself and the way I was altered, not with others and their lifestyles."

  "It is and it isn't. Your problem is that you allow the changes within you to rule what you do in every single day. You must learn to accept pleasure. You must train your body and your emotions to work in sync. In order to do that, we must teach you to combat the part of you that fights the alterations within your body while at the same time bringing out the submissive that lives naturally within you."


  Demand to Submit

  She frowned. "I am not naturally submissive. I never was! That's been the problem since they ch
anged me!"

  "Not true. I sense your nature."

  "You don't know anything about me," she sniffed, lifting her chin. "I am anything but submissive."

  The vehicle sped up, flying at a breakneck speed over mountains and forests so fast the scenery became nothing but a colorful blur. She averted her gaze from the dizzying effects of the high-speed travel, concentrating instead on Kyr.

  He stared at her. Something she was growing used to, but she still felt as if he was in some way judging her and finding her lacking. "What?"

  "You have much to learn about yourself."

  "I know plenty about myself. I know I'm flawed due to this nightmare inflicted upon me and I can't even regulate my own body anymore." She had no control, no power over her basic functions. How could she live normally when all she wanted to do during every moment was pleasure a master?

  "That's why you're here. I'll teach you how to function within the parameters of your genetics and your own inherent nature."

  "And how do you plan to do that?" she challenged, daring him to actually help her.

  How could he do what no one else could? She couldn't even help herself. Every day the pain grew worse, consuming every thought, every action. It was becoming more and more difficult to push it aside.

  "By showing you how to rein in the needs you don't want and how to set free the ones you do."

  "That's easy. Let me fuck you and I'll feel better." Then this nervous, pent-up anxiety would abate, at least for a while. "Let me be the submissive I have to be!"

  "No, because that's not who you are. And that's not what I want."


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  Oh, God, this was so confusing! First he told her that she wasn't required to be a submissive, and then he said she was one and had to learn how to accept it. What did he want, then? How was he supposed to "train" her if he didn't fuck her, if he didn't demand her submission, if he didn't explain who and what she really was?

  Did he even know the answers? She was beginning to doubt it.

  She wanted to object, to argue further, but going against her master caused pain she didn't want to experience. Tired of fighting the urges within her, she stayed mute while the craft landed back at the palace. Following silently behind him, they returned to his chambers.

  A woman with very long, straight black hair hurried into the room and bowed her head.

  "Prepare her and fasten her onto the free restraints," Kyr instructed, then left the room.

  Waia watched him leave, then turned to the woman, who smiled at her.

  "Undress, please," the woman said.

  "What is your name?"


  "I am Waia."

  Sheren nodded and helped Waia undress, then led her to the bathing pool to wash.

  Sheren dried her and then rubbed her body with scented oils. Strangely, it was not unpleasant to be touched by this woman. Her hands were soft as they caressed her body. Small pulses of pleasure seeped from her pussy as Sheren massaged her cunt with oil. The scent of lavender filled the room, its sweet smell melting all of Waia's tension away. She felt no need to serve Sheren, so her body relaxed and enjoyed the woman's ministrations.

  "What is Kyr having you prepare me for?" she asked.

  "For pleasure, of course."


  Demand to Submit

  Pleasure. She wished she could give him what he wanted from her. For some reason it had become important, more so than the genetic urgings within her. He had been kind to her in so many ways. So many unexpected ways.

  Sheren led her to a screened-off area in the far corner of Kyr's chambers. Behind the screen was a thickly padded table with restraints at each corner. It looked almost like a bed, only higher. There were also restraints that seemed to float in midair about waist-high hovering in the middle of the room.

  Sheren led her to those restraints, fastening thick red wrist, ankle and waist restraints to her. She could still move freely a few inches in each direction, but if she tried to step forward too far, the restraints stopped her. How odd, since they didn't appear to be attached to anything.

  Not quite knowing what to do, Waia stood and waited. It wasn't long before Kyr appeared. Sheren bowed her head.

  "Undress, Sheren. Then go sit in the chair over there and touch your breasts."

  Sheren nodded and removed her sheer gown, revealing large breasts, a narrow waist and full, luscious hips. Her nipples stood out like ripe strawberries. She sat down on a chair, draping each leg over the low side arms. Waia couldn't help but admire the woman's beautiful body. Her pussy had thick pink lips that glistened with her own arousal. As Kyr instructed, Sheren began to touch her breasts, flicking her fingers over her nipples until they stood out like sharp points. Her eyes drifted closed and she let out a low moan.

  Waia's attention diverted to Kyr as he began to undress, removing his shirt and sliding his pants off. His cock stood erect, thick and darker than the rest of him. Her mouth watered for a taste of his flesh.

  "On your knees, Waia," he commanded.

  She knelt and looked at him, awaiting further instruction. A surge of energy filled her body at the thought of finally being allowed to pleasure him. The need grew, the pain like sharp needles stabbing at her skin.


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  "Drop your gaze. It's time you learned to pleasure me in the way I wish to be pleasured."

  His words thrilled her, the dominant promise in his voice awakening her nerve endings. Her sex swelled and opened, her nipples tightening.

  "You will not speak unless I ask a direct question. When you answer, you will follow your answer with 'Master Kyr'. Is that understood?"

  "Yes, Master Kyr." Anything to ease the pain. This was what she craved, what she demanded. To achieve relief from the pain that tormented her. To submit to him in the way her genetics required.

  It was what she hated about the changes within her. She wasn' t submissive! She wasn't! Yet she couldn't help but respond to the commanding tone in Kyr's voice.

  As much as she hated it, she needed it to survive.

  The war within her had begun.

  Kyr palmed his cock and drew his hand over the shaft with long, slow strokes.

  Her breath blew out in a whimper of need.

  "You like watching me touch myself?" he asked.

  "Yes, Master Kyr."

  "What about Sheren? Do you enjoy watching her?"

  She switched her gaze to Sheren. The woman's mouth was parted as she plucked hard at her nipples. Her legs were spread, giving Waia a clear view of the woman's drenched pussy. Watching the ecstasy spread across Sheren's face was more stimulating than she wanted to admit.

  Did the sight of Sheren's swollen cunt excite Kyr? The thought shot pangs of jealousy deep in her belly. She hated that feeling, had no right to experience it. Didn't want to experience it.

  She stayed silent, refusing to answer.

  "Answer me, Waia."


  Demand to Submit

  When she didn't, Kyr moved behind her. She felt a sharp sting and heard the rushing whack as something snapped across her bare buttocks. She arched her back at the heated pain.

  "When you disobey me, you will be punished. Now look at Sheren and answer my question."

  Lifting her chin, she fought the need inside her, pushing aside the nagging pain and refusing to answer.

  She winced at the burning sting, irritated that the flogging she received from Kyr didn't really hurt her. Instead, warmth spread throughout her cunt and her juices seeped from her quaking slit.

  His punishment aroused her!

  "Sheren, touch your pussy for me."

  "Yes, Master Kyr," the woman answered, her voice thick with desire. Waia was transfixed on the woman's body as she slid her fingers along her slit. Sheren's fingers were coated with the glistening cream of her arousal. She brought her fingers to her lips and lapped up her own juices.

  Waia shuddered at the erotic si
ght. She'd never watched another woman pleasure herself, had never experienced the amazing expressions a woman made when she touched her own pussy. Sheren looked pleasurably tortured as she inserted two fingers between the folds of her pussy and began to fuck herself, lifting her hips to drive her fingers deeper into her cunt.

  It had been so long since Waia masturbated for her own pleasure, she'd forgotten the amazing feeling of tuning into her own body's signals and bringing herself to orgasm. Yes, she'd done so for Kyr the other night, but that had been for his pleasure, not for hers. Though Sheren acted for Kyr's satisfaction, it was quite obvious she enjoyed touching herself.


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  Something else became quite obvious as Waia glanced at Kyr. His cock was thick and straining between his fingers, his eyes glassy with passion. He was aroused watching Sheren.

  "Tell me, Waia. Or I'll punish you again. Do you enjoy watching Sheren touch herself?"

  "Yes, Master Kyr."

  "Good girl." He stepped past her and walked toward Sheren. He pulled Sheren from her chair and gently pushed on her shoulder. Sheren dropped to her knees in front of him.

  Sheren's mouth was inches away from Kyr's mouthwatering cock. That knifelike pain of jealousy stabbed her again, mixed with an overwhelming curiosity to experience what Sheren did. She wanted to be there! So close she could inhale the musky scent of his arousal, knowing he was hard for her, that he wanted only her. Instead, she was chained up and unable to move. She struggled against the invisible bindings.

  "Waia, be still," he commanded, then smiled down at her before turning to Sheren and grabbing a fistful of her hair, winding it around his hand and tugging Sheren's mouth toward his cock.

  "Suck me," he commanded the woman. Sheren smiled, licked her lips and engulfed Kyr's cock.


  Demand to Submit

  Chapter Seven

  Waia shuddered, her pussy quaking. Her breath came in short pants as desire built hard and quick. She was surprised she could be so aroused at the sight of another woman sucking Kyr's shaft.

  "Ah, that's very good," Kyr said to Sheren. "Now fuck yourself while you suck me.

  But do not come until I give you permission."

  Sheren seemed to welcome Kyr's demands. She drove two fingers into her wet cunt and began fucking herself in rhythm to the movements of Kyr's cock in and out of her mouth. Sheren whimpered, and with each driving thrust of her fingers, Waia's pussy heated, moistened, her juices beginning to run down her thighs.