Page 8 of Demand to Submit

  Kyr grabbed her wrists and pulled her arms over her head, pushing her kicking legs down and pinning her underneath him.

  "Quit fighting me," he commanded, surging against her.

  Each movement rubbed her clit, splintering her inside.

  "Stop fucking me."

  "Stop trying to control the sensations. Let go, Waia."

  "I can't." She was crying in earnest now, afraid of what would happen if she did allow release.

  "Shh," he said, kissing each tear as it fell down her cheek. "I'm here to catch you.

  Nothing bad will happen."

  He had no idea. The pleasure was too great. She wasn't ready for this.


  Jaci Burton

  "Please, Kyr, let me go."

  He stilled. "Look at me."

  Her eyes were scrunched closed. She couldn't.

  "Waia, open your eyes."

  Her genetics refused to allow her to disobey. She opened her eyes.

  He moved within her. In. Out. Each time bringing her closer to orgasm. She felt it surging within her, so near she could reach it with a breath.

  "I demand you submit. Come for me."

  He ground against her, knowing just where to touch her to take her over the edge.

  He was the master and she had no choice but to acquiesce to his demand.

  "Come for me, my woman. Give me that gift."

  He rocked harder against her and she knew then that she would give him anything.

  He was right. He was her master. He knew her and her body better than she knew herself. Even with her altered genetics, he knew what it took to overcome it.

  She gave him what she had been unable to give any man since she'd been changed.

  She came, arching against him, crying out as cream flooded his cock, her pussy milking him in wave after wave of crashing climax. He held tight to her, letting her ride out the wild, insane orgasm she'd held in check for years. When he began to move against her faster, harder, she came again. And again, unable to stop, until he shuddered and roared above her, jettisoning hot cum inside her.

  When he collapsed and buried his face in her neck, she stilled, though continued to tremble as tiny orgasmic aftershocks pulsed within her.

  But for the first time since she'd been altered, the pain inside her subsided completely.

  For the first time, she felt whole again.

  He rolled over on his side, taking her with him, stroking her back, her arms, kissing her while they both caught their breaths.


  Demand to Submit

  She was in awe of what he'd been able to do for her. She'd responded. Oh how she'd responded. Tentatively, she looked up at him. He smiled at her.

  "You had an orgasm."

  She nodded. "More than one."

  "You defeated the implanted genetics."


  "You have much to offer, Waia. Don't ever think less of yourself again. You are a whole woman, capable of desires, of love, of anything you want in life now."

  She nodded, feeling strange. Content, yet wary. Did this mean Kyr was finished with her? Because she realized Kyr was right. She wanted to submit to him, to be what he needed in all things. Did he want that too? She took a courage-inducing breath and asked the question.

  "Kyr, now what happens?"

  He was silent for a moment, then said, "We'll see, Waia. We'll see." He kissed her forehead and wrapped her tight in his arms. "Rest now."

  He didn't seem to be in any hurry to get rid of her. But he hadn't asked to keep her, either.

  Kyr held tight to Waia, listening to the even sounds of her breathing.

  She slept peacefully. When Damon had stopped and pulled him aside, told him that she was bonded to him, that she would not be able to come, to reach fulfillment, unless Kyr fucked her, he was shocked.

  But Damon of all men would know this. A surge of male pride had risen up inside him at Damon's pronouncement. It meant that not only had Waia breached the physical barrier, she had also emotionally reached out to him.

  How could he not be pleased by that?


  Jaci Burton

  He sighed, astounded at his level of contentment. His depth of feeling for Waia had gone beyond anything he'd ever felt for a submissive he'd trained.

  Who was he kidding? He'd never felt an emotional tie to any submissive. Once training was completed, he let them go. There were never any ties, no feeling of loss when they left. They were his job and nothing more.

  Waia had become much more than just a job.

  She had become meaningful in his life. She had become his heart.

  And no woman had ever entered his heart before. He didn't quite know what to do about it. He could command a submissive better than any master in the galaxies. He knew all the right things to say and do.

  But he had no idea how to tell a woman he loved her, how to bare his heart to her.

  He needed some time before he said the words to her. Her emotions were tenuous and he didn't want to do this wrong.

  It was time for the master to learn something new. And he knew who he had to speak to.

  One thing was certain.

  He was never letting her go.


  Demand to Submit

  Chapter Eight

  "Sleep, Waia. I need to leave the planet for a short while."

  Kyr's words barely registered in the deep, contented fog of Waia's sleep. She snuggled deeper into the thick covers, smiling when he pressed a soft, lingering kiss to her lips.

  "I'll be back soon. My love."

  Now she knew she was dreaming. Kyr would never speak to her that way.

  She was not his love. Would never be.

  Oh, but the dream was so perfect. She never wanted to wake up. He was holding her, kissing her, lifting her up and bending her over the bed, then plunging his cock into her throbbing cunt, commanding her to fuck back against him.

  And she was coming in shuddering gasps, shaking uncontrollably as her climax rocked her.

  Then his mouth was buried at her pussy, sucking at her clit until she came again.

  And again. Until her legs were molten lava and she couldn't move.

  It was utter bliss and she never wanted to be apart from him.

  "Wake up, Waia. It's time to go."

  She frowned at the strange yet familiar voice urging her in a cold whisper.

  "Waia. Wake up now. I command you."

  Now she was freezing, shivering, as the reality struck her.

  She was no longer dreaming. She shot up in bed, in the darkness, fighting at the hands holding her wrists.

  "Let me go."

  "You must come with us. Kyr has asked us to take you."


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  Oh no. It was them. The people from the labs. How had they found her? She shook her head and tried to pull away, but they held her firm in their grasp.

  Two familiar sets of dark eyes bored into her. She didn't want to see them, didn't want them to be here. She wanted them to be part of her dream. She'd rather face a nightmare than this reality.

  "Go away." This was a dream, a nightmare. It wasn't real. It couldn't be. They'd left her for dead, abandoned her. How could they be here, on another planet?

  "Now, Waia, you know better than to speak to us this way," the woman said. "Kyr would be very disappointed in you. He has asked us to come fetch you. He doesn't want you anymore. He says you are a failure. As a submissive, as a woman. Why, you're not even human anymore."

  The man tsked. "You are still a failure, after all this time. We have more work to do on you."

  Waia choked back a sob. "Not true. That's a lie."

  The woman squeezed her wrist. "We implanted a tracking device on you. It's in your blood and undetectable by any planetary scanning system. We have been monitoring you this entire time. Everyone was involved. It was all part of the experiment, Waia."

  No. She refused to believe them. They were lying.
  But if they were lying, then how had they found her? How had they gotten past Kyr's security? Where was Kyr now?

  She shivered.

  It was all true, wasn't it? She had been set up. Used. Experimented on yet again.

  The soft words she'd heard from Kyr had only been a dream. She was right. She had failed him. He didn't want her, had sent the people from the lab to take her away.

  He was finished with her.

  She bowed her head and allowed them to lead her away.


  Demand to Submit

  It was best this way. She couldn't bear to see him again.

  She had failed him.

  She loved him.

  She was dying inside.

  The pain began again, shredding her.

  Laren arched a brow as Kyr paced in front of the window in her living quarters. Tall and imposing, he took up almost the entire room. And yet she'd never seen a man so self-assured, so composed, look so utterly nervous.

  "Kyr, what's wrong?"

  When he called her and said he needed to see her on a matter of an urgent personal nature, she of course had told him to meet her at her home. She sat and he had paced for the past fifteen minutes.

  And hadn't said a damn thing yet.

  "Kyr, you're wearing a hole in my carpet."

  He stopped, dragged his hand through his long hair and blew out a breath. "This is...difficult for me."

  "I can see that. Sit down."

  Typically it would be unheard of for a submissive like Laren to order a master dominant to do anything, but it seemed the right thing to do at the moment.

  Surprisingly, he sat in the chair across from her and folded his hands together over his legs.

  "I need some advice."

  "About what?"


  Now she was beginning to understand, but she'd allow him to take the lead. "Okay.

  What can I assist you with?"


  Jaci Burton

  "I don't know how to tell her I love her."

  Laren resisted the urge to grin. So the mighty had finally fallen. And hard, apparently. She was giddy with excitement for Waia. And for Kyr. "Why don't you just tell her how you feel?"

  "She's been through hell and back with this genetics thing. I want to approach it delicately."

  "She's not a fragile flower, Kyr. You don't have to treat her as if she'll break. If you love her, sweep her into your arms, kiss her with all the passion you have for her and tell her you love her, you want to keep her with you forever and no way in hell will you let her go." If a certain someone had said that to her a few years ago, she would have gladly died a happy woman in his arms.

  Instead, he'd left her and broken her heart.

  Dickhead, son-of-a-bitch asshole motherfucker who she hoped died in a burning spaceship with no exit.

  But they weren't talking about her love life, were they?

  "Love shouldn't be that simple," he murmured.

  She stood and dropped to her knees in front of him. "It's never simple. It's complicated as hell. It's fraught with mistakes and saying and doing the wrong thing.

  But it's also exhilarating and wonderful and heart-swelling. It's worth every second of misery and angst." She laid her hand on his knee. "Just tell her from your heart. She'll worship you for it."

  "I've been overcomplicating it, haven't I?" He laid his hand over hers and sighed.

  She grinned. "Just a little. A woman doesn't need complex, Kyr. She just needs a man to love her."

  He nodded and stood, drawing Laren to her feet and grasping her hand, placing a kiss on her palm. "I owe you and will see your kindness repaid."

  Laren warmed. "You owe me nothing."


  Demand to Submit

  Kyr winked. "We'll see about that."

  "Gone? What do you mean she's gone?"

  Anger boiled within Kyr. And fear. He'd never felt such fear before. It warred with the rage, threatening to burn all logic from his brain. He had to get a grip.

  "Two people came for her under orders from you, or at least that's what they informed us," his head of security said. "Their credentials checked out. They were overheard to say you had finished your training and you had instructed them to take her back to her people. Waia went without argument."

  Where did they take her?

  No doubt back near where she'd been found by Kaden and Marina. She'd been taken by the scientists who had altered her. But how had they located her? And why had Waia gone with them willingly?

  None of that mattered. He knew whatever happened hadn't been Waia's doing.

  She'd been kidnapped. She would never want to go with those people.

  "Amass a team. We leave immediately." He needed to contact Laren for the whereabouts of this place where Waia had been found.

  He had to get her back. She belonged with him.

  She was in danger.

  Waia huddled in the cold, dark cage, every foul memory coming back in a rush. The two evil ones had relocated the lab on a different island this time. No one would find her.

  Not that it mattered. Kyr didn't want her. All her girlish thoughts of love and romance had been foolish. She was nothing but an anomaly, a garish experiment gone wrong. Kyr had tried to fix her and failed, and as soon as they'd all realized he couldn't work magic with her, he'd cast her out.


  Jaci Burton

  Oh he'd been nice enough to give her a mercy fuck, had spouted lines about her value to placate her, and then he'd hidden away while they had come to take her, not even bothering to tell her himself that she'd be leaving.

  Nothing mattered to her anymore. They could do what they wanted with her.

  The sooner she died, the better. Because she felt more now than ever before. She was experiencing pain beyond the genetic pain of submission. Now her heart hurt.

  And she couldn't bear it.

  They came and dragged her out of the cage. She went willingly, no fight left in her.

  They seemed pleased she was so cooperative. They strapped her to the table naked, hooked her up to their wires and gadgets and ran tests. She closed her eyes and pretended to be unconscious.

  "He made much progress with her," the woman said from the other side of the room.

  "Indeed. The monitoring system we installed in her blood has proven useful," the man replied.

  "We need to know what he did to her that we could not," the woman said. "The next time, our experiments might work if we possess the training knowledge he does.

  Perhaps she knows."

  Waia listened intently. That's not what they'd told her. They said Kyr was in on it.

  How could they not know what he did, then?

  "Waia, open your eyes." The woman shook her.

  She opened her eyes. They unhooked the bands around her wrists and ankles and pulled her upright to a sitting position.

  "Tell us of this Master Kyr. What methods did he use on you to enhance your sexual response?"

  They didn't know him! They had lied to her!

  "Waia, answer us. What did he do to you?"


  Demand to Submit

  He made her fall in love with him. He brought out her emotions. He destroyed her.

  Did these fools think she was going to tell them anything, that she would speak to them? She stared blankly at them.

  "Waia, tell us what you learned from Kyr."

  She couldn't answer them because her mind was whirling with the truth. Kyr hadn't asked them to come for her. They had implanted a tracking device on her and had taken her from him as soon as they figured they could learn something.

  And she thought he didn't want her. But he had told her she had value, that she was a whole woman. It was her lack of belief in herself that had caused her to buy into their story.

  Oh why hadn't she screamed or fought them? Why hadn't she alerted security?

  They would have stopped these people.

Because she didn't believe Kyr could care enough for her to want her to stay.

  Tears pooled and she fought them back. She wouldn't let them see, wouldn't let them know she had figured it out.

  "Waia, will you tell us what you learned?" the woman demanded again, this time in a softer voice. They were trying a new tactic. They thought she was stupid and so desperate for kindness she would do anything to please them.

  Then she realized that she had to fight for her freedom. She needed a plan. She needed to think.

  She needed to get out of here.

  "Of course," she said with a smile. "I will tell you anything you want to know."

  Kyr cursed long and loud when he reached the empty lab where Marina and Kaden had first found Waia.

  She wasn't here. They weren't here. They'd taken her somewhere else.


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  How foolish of him to think they'd bring her back here where they could so easily be tracked.

  "Search the entire building and compound," he ordered his team, who hurried out of the room. But he already knew it was a waste of time.

  He felt her presence here. Her pain. He followed it to a tiny cage in the back of the lab. This is where they'd kept her. Like an animal. As if she had no value.

  Rage filled him, a fury like he'd never known before. He forced it back and centered himself, closing his eyes and concentrating. He focused on her essence, the psychic part of her that was connected to him.

  And found her.

  I' m coming for you, Waia.

  He was a peace-loving man, but if they harmed her he was going to kill them.

  They trusted her now. She'd given them bogus information, telling them everything she thought they wanted to know. She'd led them to believe she was on their side, that she was happy to be "back home" with them. That Kyr had taught her much and she was anxious to share it with them.

  Oh they'd been surprised at first, even suspicious. They'd thought her a failure, but she convinced them she could well serve a master. That whatever they had done to her had proven a success. That she was a true genetic submissive.

  She acted like a robot, like their favorite puppy dog.

  And they ate it up, petting her, cooing over her as if they alone were responsible for the miracle that was her. They bathed her, dressed her, fed her and even gave her a bed to sleep in. She was going to be their greatest success. They were going to parade her around as the genetic find of the century. And she was oh-so eager to please them.


  Demand to Submit

  They were asleep, confident their new little prize would do everything she was asked. Only their new little prize had dressed, snuck into the lab and grabbed a weapon.