Page 20 of Marly's Choice

  “You like that.” His hand cupped her cunt, feeling her juice, thick and hot against it. She was soaked.

  He smacked her again, bringing another cry from her throat. He repeated the small punishment several times, watching the cheeks of her ass flush. When he stopped, Marly was moaning loudly with each slap, her cheeks clenching over the plug buried deep in her flesh, her cream now coating her thighs.

  “Stand up.” He moved away from her then, going to the chair as he removed his jeans. Marly faced him as he kicked the material from his legs, his cock swinging free and standing stiffly away from his body.

  He sat back down in the chair and motioned her forward. She moved timidly, obviously not used to walking with the plug stretching her so tightly.

  “You will use it everyday,” he ordered her tightly. “Before I come in each evening you’ll insert it. If you don’t, Marly, then I’ll insert it, and I’ll let Brock and Sam help. Is that what you want?”

  She shook her head fiercely, her face flaming.

  “Good,” he whispered. “Now, spread your legs. I want to fuck you with your new dildo before you suck my cock for me.”

  He lifted the thick shaft from the drawer, watching her eyes widen at the size of it.

  “Oh yes, it will fit,” he promised her, seeing the protest in her eyes. “Now, spread your legs. Brace your hands on my shoulders if you have to, but don’t move.”

  Cade shifted forward as he lubricated the head of the dildo. Excitement flared inside him, fire pulsed in his cock. She was his, and tonight he would prove it to her.

  Marly was shaking as she stared down at Cade, barely able to stay steady, awash in the most incredible sensations of her life. The plug had her stretched to capacity, burning her, making her so wild to have Cade she couldn’t stand it. But it wasn’t him she was about to get, it was the thick dildo he was slowly preparing, his eyes locked with hers as he spread the lubrication on it.

  “Spread your legs wider. We want Jennings to get a clear view,” he told her softly.

  Marly flushed, her heart speeding with fear as the idea of her stepfather watching. Then she couldn’t think anymore. Her hand clutched at his shoulders as she felt the head of the rubber cock being inserted in her vagina.

  “Tight,” Cade growled as he slowly pushed it further, small shallow, twisting thrusts that lodged it deeper and deeper inside her. It stretched her impossibly, made the plug in her rear shift gently almost throwing her head long into a climax.

  “Yeah, take it all, baby.” She felt his hand at her lips as he pushed the dildo deep inside her, making her back arch and her cry to echo around the room.

  He pulled it back, then pushed it in again, fucking her with slow easy strokes that had her forgetting all about who was watching, or who could hear her. All she cared about was the fire burning in her body and the need turning her into a creature of arousal, of lust.

  “Cade. Cade. I can’t stand it.” She tossed her head, her inner body clutching at the slick device as he thrust it over and over inside her body, making her crazy. She could feel each movement, each fold of skin as it stretched over the flared head and thick shaft, clutching it, gripping hot and tight as she fought for release.

  “No, not this time.” His fingers plucked gently at her nipple as he pulled back, then pushed in again. “You can’t climax on the dildo, baby. I’m just getting you ready for my cock. And you know how I like to fuck you.”

  Marly screamed as the dildo speared home again in a long, hard thrust that had her teetering on climax. Then he pulled it back easy, delaying her as she cried out, nearly begging for it again.

  “Suck my cock.” He jerked the dildo from her body, allowing it to fall carelessly to the floor. “Bend over and suck it, Marly. Remember, you’re being watched.”

  She filled her mouth with his erection, not caring who saw or how angry they got. The hot flesh filled her mouth as Cade’s fingers went to her hair, clenching in the curls as he moaned against the suckling motions as she drew on him.

  She drew over the thick length slowly, wanting to please him, wanting him groaning in his need for her. She felt his cock throb between her lips and beneath her hands that clutched the base of it. His hips lifted to her, thrusting himself inside her mouth as he fought his own release.

  Her tongue flickered against the head, laving it, then her mouth sucked in deep, her lips stretched over the width, loving the taste of him, the sound of his harsh groans, the way his hips lifted to her.

  “Enough.” He pushed her back. “Lay on the bed. Spread your legs real wide for me, Marly. I’ll make you come before I pull that plug out and sink into your tight little ass.”

  Marly whimpered. She moved to the bed, doing as he told her, lying back on the bed, her legs spread wide. She watched as Cade moved over her, his hard cock angry looking, thick and full as he braced his weight on his elbows. He didn’t prepare her. He just adjusted his position then slammed himself to the hilt inside her. That was all it took. As he set up a hard, driving rhythm Marly’s climax shattered over her. She heard herself screaming his name, felt her body explode into white-hot fragments of pleasure that left her gasping, her chest heaving with the effort to draw in enough air to survive as he built her up again.

  He pushed in, thrusting inside her again and again. His face was drawn into lines of agonized pleasure as he raided the tight, ultra-sensitive channel. Marly could feel the snug fit of her vagina around his erection. The device filling her rear making the pleasure so extreme, so impossible to resist that within minutes she was shattering again, bucking against his body, hearing his triumphant male cry and feeling the harsh blasts of his release into the receptive portal he plundered.

  Marly was exhausted, her body dripping with perspiration, the echoes of pleasure unlike anything she had ever known vibrating through her as she felt Cade gently turning her body, placing her hips over the pillows he had lain beside her.

  “I’ve dreamed of this, Marly,” he whispered as he slowly drew the plug from her rear, making her body shudder with renewed pleasure.

  It was too much. She moaned on a protest as she felt the cool, slick application of the lubrication there once again.

  “I’ve waited a long time, baby,” he growled, moving behind her now, one hand pulling the cheeks of her rear apart. “Too long for this.”

  He sank in slowly, easily. Marly’s cries were more guttural now. She was distantly shocked at the sounds as she felt him slide to the hilt inside her. Finally, agonizingly, burningly aware of the tight fullness, the rush of blood as she lifted her hips, she took all of him.

  Cade lay over her, his weight braced on his elbows at her shoulders as his lips ran a line of kisses over her shoulder.

  “You’re so tight,” he whispered hotly. “So damned tight and hot I won’t make it long.”

  As he started to thrust slowly, one hand moved beneath her body, his long fingers seeking the slick flesh of her vagina, then two fingers were plunging inside her in time to the heated thrusts burning her alive from behind. She tightened around him, making him groan harshly. She bucked against him, driving him deeper, whimpering as she felt a crescendo of pleasure unlike anything she had known before. She was drowning in it, burning alive as he began to move faster, harder. His fingers filled her, his cock destroyed her. Her vision grew hazy as fire spread along her body, drawing her taut, frightening her with its extremity.

  “Don’t fight it, Marly,” he panted at her ear as her head began to toss in fear. “I’m here, baby. I’ll hold you. Just let it have you, Marly. Let it have you.”

  She didn’t have a choice. Marly wanted to scream, but as the orgasm raced through her body, she couldn’t find the breath to emit that desperate cry. Then Cade’s fingers were plunging one last time, and she toppled over the precipice. She stiffened, tightened on his thrusting erection, his long fingers, further, relishing the drawn out moan of surrender, as she felt harsh, hot jets of his sperm releasing into her body.

  Chapter T

  “My kingdom for a beer.” Sam was pitiful, confined to his hospital bed, staring in bleak reflection at the wall opposite his bed.

  “You don’t have a kingdom,” Marly informed him as she stared at him from the bottom of his bed.

  He gave her a narrowed look promising retribution.

  “Fine, then. Cade’s kingdom for a beer. My fucking Harley for a beer. Some one get me some damned alcohol.”

  “What kind of drugs are you on?” Marly frowned down at him, wondering at his morose state of being.

  “None of your business.” His mouth turned down, his blue eyes staring moodily up at Marly. “Did you bring me a beer, Sweetness? Please say you did.”

  Marly tilted her head, then checked the doorway, ignoring his hopeful look.

  “You brought me a beer?” Pleasure infused his voice.

  “No, I didn’t bring you a damned beer,” she bit out, turning back to him and reaching into her large purse. “I did better than that. I made Cade stop at BK. That’s even better.”

  His eyes lit up at the familiar bag, and he eased himself into a sitting position as Marly set the bag on the bedside table and wheeled it closer. Then she pulled out a large cola, poured it into his ice pitcher and set it beside him.

  Sam dug into the bag, emitting pleasured whimpers as the smell of the Whopper with the works wafted across his senses. Within seconds he was biting into the huge burger, growling like a starving bear as he ate.

  Marly sat down in the chair beside his bed, a smile crossing her face at his enjoyment. Sam was nothing more than a little boy in a man’s body. He wasn’t dominant like Cade, or intense like Brock. He enjoyed the simple things, and found laughter where he could. If there was one person she knew cared about her, it was Sam.

  “Oh man, Marly, I knew you loved me the best.” He smacked his lips as he swallowed, then bit into another bite as he plucked several fries from the box and stuffed them in behind it.

  Marly propped her chin on her fist as she watched him eat. Gusto. That described Sam. He did everything with gusto. Whether it was a ball game, a fight or a feast, he went after it with everything he had. She fought her blush as she wondered if he had approached sex with the women he had shared with his brothers in the same way.

  “Do you have any idea how lousy their hospital food is?” he mumbled around the burger. Then he grinned. “Sorry hon. Forgot.”

  Marly shook her head. How could he forget all the times she stayed in the hospital? It was usually him Cade hit for being in on whatever put her there. She frowned. She wanted to hit Cade. The man should be outlawed for being a nuisance.

  “I’m glad to see you’re doing okay.” Marly felt tears gather in her eyes as she watched him. “I’m sorry about this, Sam. It’s all my fault.”

  Sam frowned. “How?” he asked her around another mouthful of food.

  “I know who did it, and why.” She wasn’t going to allow him to lie to her. Not Sam. She couldn’t handle it. “I know everything now, Sam.”

  Sam sighed, plopping the last bite of burger and fries in his mouth and chewing thoughtfully as he stared at the ceiling. Several long drinks of soda later, he finally brought his gaze back to hers.

  “None of us could have predicted what he would do.” He shrugged carefully. “I don’t blame you, Marly. None of this is your fault.”

  “Did you know Cade was sleeping with me to keep me protected?” She had to know the truth. She had to know who was in on it.

  Surprise lit his eyes, then amusement. “Oh yeah. I forgot. Cade’s dick gets hard for every damsel in distress he meets. Get serious, Marly.”

  Marly lowered her head, relief rushing through her.

  “I heard him talking to Rick Glaston. Rick told Cade to keep me in his room, and Cade said that was why I was there to begin with,” she told him softly, the pain of it still present in her voice.

  Sam frowned. He sniffed thoughtfully, then pursed his mouth in consideration.

  “And you believed it?” Sam asked her, narrowing his eyes on her.

  Marly shrugged. “He said it, Sam.”

  He belched softly, then leaned back, his eyes never leaving hers.

  “He hurt you, huh?” He frowned at the thought of that.

  “Yeah.” Marly lowered her head, her fingers picking at a loose thread in the knees of her well-worn jeans. “He did.”

  “So you two had a huge fight, and you’re refusing to have sex with him, and he’s now on the defense trying to worm his way back into your pants?” Sam laughed at this, shaking his head. “I love it. I couldn’t have planned this one better myself.”

  Marly’s eyes narrowed. “You sure that bullet didn’t travel to your brain, moron?”

  He chuckled again.

  “It’s perfect. See, Marly. Knothead has no idea just exactly how much he does love you. He’s been fighting it for years. Now, he’s gonna have to come off his little island long enough to prove it.” He nodded as though it had been his plan all along.

  Marly blinked.

  “You know, Sam. I’m real glad I’m not blood relation to you in particular, because you are certifiably insane. And I really don’t want to pass that gene to my children later.”

  He looked at her in amazement.

  “Hell, Marly, Cade’s my brother. Course it’ll get passed.”

  “Not if I never touch him again,” she snarled, thinking about last night, the domination, the wild pleasure. The self-confidence of a man who knew what he was doing and what he wanted.

  “Whoa!” He blinked now, amazement crossing his face. “You look like you mean that, Munchkin.”

  Marly rolled her eyes. She hadn’t spoken to Cade since the night before. Since her last gasping moan, her last desperate plea deep into the night as he used the large rubber dildo in sync to his own deep thrusts inside her body as he whispered to her. Reaffirming the wild rumors, warning her, daring her to push him into it. Daring her to make the choice by denying him, by whispering the forbidden word, ‘no’.

  “Son of a bitch, I get laid up here in the hospital and all the good shit starts happening and I can’t even be blamed for it,” he moaned. “When did you decide to grow teeth anyway?”

  “When my lover decided to fuck me to keep me from getting killed instead of because he just couldn’t keep his hands off me,” she informed him bitterly. When her lover had jerked her out of the fairy tale she would have been content to live in.

  Marly didn’t like the things she was learning about herself, or the depraved images her lover had put in her head.

  “You think so, huh?” He asked her softly. “Interesting.”

  “You don’t act convinced.” Marly crossed her arms over her breasts as she watched his psuedo-innocent expression.

  His brows arched.

  “Brother Sam knows many things, little Munchkin,” he chuckled. “But trust me, you’re way off base. But give him hell anyway; he needs it. You always were too agreeable with him.”

  Marly sighed in resignation, watching him with his former morose expression. She had expected Sam to be just a tad bit more sympathetic to her plight here.

  “Tell me, Marly, what’s the one thing about Cade that you love the most?” he finally asked her gently.

  She lowered her head, fighting to control the hurt and the tears.

  “Come on. There has to be one thing,” he urged softly, his hazel eyes velvet soft as he watched her with affection.

  She lifted a shoulder negligently.

  “Let me see, we’ve had a lot of conversations in the past,” he mused quietly. “But the one thing that comes to mind, is the fact that Cade is always so determined. No matter what, to see to your happiness, your safety, your smiles and your pleasure. You’ve always been in awe of that, haven’t you Little Sister?”

  She looked up at him with a frown. “That has nothing to do with it.”

  How could he have her pleasure in mind? Her needs uppermost. He wanted to share her. He wanted to watch
her writhe under the touch of his brothers’ hands. Marly shook off the flare of excitement, attributing it instead to fear and disgust. She wouldn’t enjoy such a thing, she couldn’t.

  “Doesn’t it, Marly?” he asked her patiently. “Come on, Marly. Cade wouldn’t make love with you if he loved you like a sister or a niece. He wouldn’t be so concerned with all those things in any other instance unless he loved you like a woman. Cade just doesn’t realize it yet.”

  Marly shook her head. “You’re wrong, Sam,” she denied painfully. “I wish you weren’t, but you are. It’s not love, as much as I wish it were.”

  Sam sighed roughly. “Come here, Munchkin, if you have to cry, at least let me pet you while you do it.”

  Marly shook her head. She couldn’t go into his arms. She couldn’t. Did he get hard when he held her? Did his mind fill with sexual thoughts, sexual needs? Her hands shook as she remembered her own flare of desire the other morning, the hot flush of arousal at his touch. The information Cade had given her only made it worse. Could she handle it now, without wondering—

  “Marly?” He tilted his head, his blue eyes quizzical and faintly hurt. “You won’t let me hold you?”

  She couldn’t hurt Sam. She couldn’t let her fears do this to her. They wouldn’t force her. She knew they wouldn’t. But could she keep herself from wanting?”Now, here’s what you’re gonna do,” he advised her quietly at he patted her shoulder. “You’re gonna give him hell for being a knothead. And he deserves it. But be careful, Marly, because he can be hurt, too. And you are the only person guar-an-damn-teed to be able to hurt, Cade.”

  “I couldn’t hurt, Cade,” she whispered. “Even now, when it hurts so bad, Sam. I can’t hurt him.”

  “That’s because you love him. And I know Cade didn’t deliberately hurt you. He’s just a little fried in the brain from all that rough and ready kitchen sex you two have been having. Dangerous for the mental faculties there, Marly-girl,” he told her half-seriously. “Not to mention my mental well-being. I’m young and impressionable, ya know?”