“Ebony, I almost lost him tonight. I can’t. I need him. I just found him.” I sob.

  “Sophia, Nate is awake, and he wants to see you.” Mrs. McCord takes my hand and leads me to his room.

  Entering his room, I see the most beautiful man I have ever laid eyes on, injured or not.

  “There she is, my beautiful savior,” Nathanial says in a raspy, weak voice.

  I rush to his side. “Shh. Save your energy. I will stay with you...uh, as long as I have your permission, Mrs. McCord?”

  “Yes, of course, my dear, as long as your parents are alright with it. I know he is in good hands with you. We will be back first thing in the morning.” She winks.

  The McCords hug and kiss their son goodnight. They say their goodbyes and hug me as they leave.

  I can see that Isaac has various monitors and IVs hooked up to Nathanial. He needs to stay overnight for observation because of the blood transfusion, just to ensure a full recovery. He is extremely drowsy, drifting in and out of sleep, and I’m not leaving. I will stay by his side all night–forever if need be.

  He opens his eyes for a moment. “Hey, sweetie. You are still here?”

  “Where else would I possibly want to be?”

  “I am so sorry.” He reaches for my hand.

  “What on Earth are you apologizing for?” I question.

  “I’m sorry for putting you through all of this torment and anguish. I’m sorry for ruining the winter dance.”

  “You did not put me through anything. There was nothing you could have done. I am sorry you got hurt when Alexander came.” I lower my head, ashamed at the memory of craving his blood.

  “I am fine, thanks to you. Please don’t worry that pretty little head of yours.” He pauses for a moment and then continues, “I am just so glad nothing happened to you. If you had gotten hurt or worse, I just...I would not be able to live with myself,” he said with pain in his voice.

  “Really, you don’t ever have to worry about me. Nothing is ever going to happen to me,” I reassure him with more truth than he’d ever realize. I lean down and kiss him on the forehead and then wait for him to fall asleep again.

  I sneak out to the waiting room so I can speak with my family. “What did the officer have to say?” I inquire.

  “He didn’t say, but he is putting out an APB matching the man’s description, or at least that’s what he was thinking of doing. Obviously they’re never going to find him,”

  Alexander confirms.

  “So what happened? How did you destroy him?” I ask, wanting to make sure he will not return.

  “When Isaac came, he grabbed a stick and staked the vampire in the heart. We decapitated him, and he self-combusted due to the stake. He is gone, no coming back. It was a difficult fight since he was so hungry. We will explain more later, but we think he could have been Cerberus.”

  “Oh that is not good. We will have to talk about it later. You guys should all go home. We don’t need people getting suspicious. Isaac or Constance can stay with me and Nathanial,” I suggest, and everyone agrees.

  Constance decides to stay the night as well, and we head back to Nathanial’s room.

  He has enough medication in him that he should sleep through the night. Isaac is transferring care of Nathanial to Constance. With that dealt with, we settle in to the large recliner chairs situated in Nathanial’s room and begin a night of girl talk. I’m not sure if chairs like this are normally in the rooms, maybe Constance pulled some strings.

  “Did you foresee what happened?” I question.

  “Yes. I tried to call you but your phone was at home, so I called Alexander, but it was too late. It was after you left. I was putting things away in your room. That’s why he and Mati were close behind you and why he was listening to your thoughts,” she explains.

  Constance usually needs to have some kind of connection to the person or situation in order to have a premonition. Touching my things must have given her the connection she needed.

  “Is there anything else you should tell me? Anything I should know?”

  “No, not yet at least, although I was surprised you chose to heal him instead of turning him. I know you love him,” Constance admits.

  I am extremely surprised with that comment, and she has caught me off my guard, but I figure there is no point in hiding it or trying to lie. “I do. I have since that first moment I met him, since I bumped into him on that first day on my way to class. As much as I want to be with him, I can’t do that to him. It was extremely hard for me not to feed from him tonight. I have never been faced with such temptation before,” I am ashamed to admit.

  “Love is more powerful than anything else in the world, but...”

  “But what?” I ask, wondering why she is hesitating.

  “Well, I do see him joining out family in the future,” Constance discloses.

  I walk over to Nathanial, still sleeping peacefully. I lightly run my fingers through his truffle-brown hair. “I know we are soul mates, he is the other half of me. My life is finally complete, with him in it and Mati confirmed it, but I can’t. Why would I want to damn him to a never-ending existence like ours? When I think about the reasons behind it, they are all selfish. I just can’t turn the sweetest man I have ever known into a killer, a monster,” I argue.

  “I do not know the details behind his change. I only know I see him as a member of our family,” Constance sighs and adds. “What is meant to be shall be, and we cannot always change it.”

  Constance and I talk all night and she assures me that Nathanial’s pain is well managed and that his vital signs are good. It’s funny, because every time I touch him, his monitors indicate that his heart rate increases a little; it is becoming a joke to us.

  When the nurses come in to check on him and speak with Constance, I pretend to be asleep. Constance takes a few moments to review hospital charts and records, make a few notes, and perform various hospital duties. Once the nurse leaves, we start talking again.

  “Constance, I am just so torn! Nate is amazing. I could not ask for anything more from him. He has given me more than I could have ever hoped for, and because of him I have felt things I never expected. What on Earth am I supposed to do?” I plead.

  “Enjoy him for as long as you can, but always know the option is there. Because he does not know any different, you can’t possibly know what he might want,” she reasons.

  We agree to talk about some less stressful issues, and Constance starts to tell me how much she is enjoying her job at the hospital. “It is great here. Isaac and I fit right in, and the staff is very welcoming,” she explains.

  “The whole town really is great. I hope we can stay here for a while,” I add.

  I really believe the Wenham has a lot to offer us. The feeling of belonging I get from this town is really making me want to get to know the people better. If they can accept me, maybe I should try to accept them. I look over at Nathanial and begin to wonder if he will still accept me if he finds out what a monster I am. How did Caspian do it? How did he keep such a secret from someone he loved?

  Constance and I reflect on the times when Caspian was around.

  “It has been too long now, over thirty years. Maybe we should try to find him.

  Maybe we should bring Caspian home,” I suggest.

  “Isaac and I have thought the same thing. This might be something to talk to Elijah and Florence about.”

  It has been a long time since Constance and I spent the whole night talking, and it is nice to fully open up and express my feelings about Nathanial. They all know how I feel. It just feels good to open up and admit it to myself as well.


  Morning comes quickly and my Nathanial awakes. “Good morning, sunshine,” I greet with a smile.

  “Good morning, sweetie.” He smiles back and says, “I could get used to waking up to you.”

  “Okay kids, I am still in the room!” Constance announces. She proceeds to give him a complete checkup. “On
e more day in here with the IV antibiotics, and then I can give you a prescription to take at home. Your stitches are looking good, and they can come out in a week. There should be no physical activity for six weeks, and do not lift anything over ten pounds,” Constance orders.

  “No football?” He looks devastated.

  “I’m afraid your season ends here, Nate. I’m sorry.” Constance hates giving people bad news.

  Mr. and Mrs. McCord are back at nine o’clock sharp, and Mrs. McCord hugs me and thanks me again for taking care of him before she gives Nathanial a hug and kiss.

  Nathanial repeats to his parents what Constance told him, and I fill in the parts he misses, ensuring they have all the instructions.

  I say my goodbyes and excuse myself to go home and freshen up. “I will be back later.”

  Constance had me dressed in hospital scrubs so I did not have to stay in her soiled dress all night long, but I need a shower and some real clothes.


  At home, I clean myself up. I give Ebony a call to fill her in on everything that happened. I only saw her for a moment last night at the hospital. We speak for a short period of time and it is nice to have a friend to confide in. “How was your date with Matt?” I ask. “It was nice...well, until we heard what happened. We were so concerned about you and Nate.”

  I assure her that we are both alright and there is no need to worry. “I will call you again later. Thanks for being there for me.”

  Chapter Twenty Four


  I decide to go downstairs and talk with my family about the events of last night.

  “Sophia, I am glad you came down. Are you doing alright? You were amazing last night,” Florence commends.

  “I am alright. It was very difficult though,” I admit.

  “What you did, resisting your greatest temptation, proves how strong you are.

  There are not many who could do that, Sophia,” Elijah praises.

  I know what they are trying to say. I was able to resist him when temptation was the greatest, and that was a major milestone for me. I will most likely be able to resist feeding from him in the future. This is good, very good. It does not mean he is any less tempting, but now I have the true scent of him implanted in me and will not long for it as much.

  “Well, Sophia, while you were away last night, we came to some revelations. I guess we should inform you of what we discovered,” Florence says as she guides me to a chair.

  “I hope everything is okay. What did you learn?” I ask nervously.

  “Well, we believe the vampire that attacked Nate last night was a member of the Cerberus cult. We spent the night tracking disappearances and unsolved murders throughout the northeastern states,” Elijah informs.

  “What did you find? Have there been many?” I ask with concern.

  “More than we would like. It appears as though they have risen from the wastes and are trying to live in the shadows. The problem is that they are hungry, ravenous for fresh, untainted blood,” he continues.

  Thinking of the bonds I have made here, I ask, “So what do we need to do now? If one has already made his way to Wenham, others may follow. I will not allow anything to attack this town.”

  “We agree, Sophia and will continue to work on it. For now, you worry about Nate,”

  Isaac adds.

  “So Danika, I have to ask, where were you when all this was happening? I don’t remember seeing you,” I begin to question. I can’t stop wondering who that guy is that I saw her with.

  “I was enjoying my first winter formal. I had no clue any of you had even left until all the commotion started. By the time I got outside, everything had cleared up. I looked for you and could not find anyone. I overheard someone say you and Nate got attacked,” she defends.

  “So that never clued in to you to check the hospital?” I become a little snarky.

  “Seriously? Check the hospital for a vampire? Yeah, that was my first thought.” She says rolling her eyes before she continued. “I asked my date to bring me home. I figured you would all be here and that maybe Nate was embracing.”

  “You thought I attacked Nate?” I scream as I jump up to get right in her face.

  “No. I figured if he had been attacked, you would just embrace him. Try having a little more faith in me, Sophia–like I do in you.” Danika storms upstairs to her room and slams the door. I can’t tell if she is upset over my comment or the fact that I didn’t Embrace Nathanial.

  Everyone just stands in the living room in total shock. Danika and I have never seen eye to eye, but we have never had it out like this in front of the entire family before. I sit back in my seat and try to calm down a little. I try to trust her, but my gut tells me different. Maybe now is as good a time as any to bring up Caspian.

  “So, Constance and I were talking about Caspian while we were at the hospital, and we agreed that maybe we should contact him.” I slowly look around for my family’s reaction. I know this is a sore topic, but I have to express my feelings about the situation. I want my brother back, for he is the only one who can truly understand my current torment.

  “We understand how you feel, Sophia. We want him to come home, too, but it is his choice,” Elijah insists.

  “I mean no disrespect, but can we not offer a homecoming to him? Maybe he is afraid of what we think of him,” I argue.

  “I will agree with you there, and I will do everything I can to reach him,” Elijah offers.

  With that, I decide I will finish getting ready. Before heading back to my room, I pause and turn to my family. “Thank you for understanding. It means a lot to me.” I hug Elijah and Florence and leave the room.


  When I walk through the door to my room, I fall on my bed and sob. Crying is not easy for a vampire to do, but the tears flow out of me so easily. After a while, I collect myself, go to the washroom, and wash my face. I touch up my hair and makeup. I do not want anyone to know what I am really going through, so once I am presentable again, I begin to collect things to take back to the hospital for Nathanial.

  I start to download some music and movies to my laptop for him, and there comes a knock at my door. “Come in!”

  “Hey, Sophia. How are you holding up? I know this has been harder for you than you are letting the others know.” Alexander closes the door behind him.

  “I can’t hide anything from you, so there is no point in trying.” I wrap my arms around my twin.

  “I actually wanted to talk to you about Caspian. I was surprised when you brought him up today.” He sits on the end of my bed.

  I sit next to him and ask, “Okay. Why do you want to talk to me about him?”

  “I was just wondering if you remember seeing anything else last night.” Alexander nervously twiddles his thumbs.

  “No. Once Nate was stabbed and bitten, all my attention was on him. Why? Did you see something else?” I ask.

  “Yeah I did. When I was fighting the rogue vampire in the woods, I think I saw...no, I’m positive I saw Caspian,” he divulges.

  “You know, I swear I have seen him watching us.”

  “Yeah, I know. That is why I wanted to talk to you. The problem is, I couldn’t tell if he wanted to help me or the suspected Cerberus. I think we need to keep an eye out for him,” Alexander warns.

  “Alexander, I was closest to Caspian, and I promise you he would never side with a vampire cult, though I do agree we should watch for him.”

  “I don’t want to tell the others yet, not until we are sure,” he responds.

  “Agreed. Let’s talk more later on. I need to get back to Nate.”

  Chapter Twenty Five


  I believe enough time has passed, and it is now safe for me to return to the hospital.

  I stop at the convenience store to pick up some snacks for Nathanial and drag out a little more time, so as to not arrive back so soon. I finally get back to the hospital, and it seems like I have been gone all day. As I walk
in the room, I notice some of Nathanial’s friends from school are here.

  Ben is there, and just like that day in photo shop, he insists on teasing us again.

  “Sophia, look at what you are doing to our man here. He is completely head over heels for you. Dude, what happened last night? Did you forget how to play defense?” Ben jokes.

  “Hey, bro, shut your pie hole. You’re embarrassing me.” Nathanial says, glaring at him.

  We visit with them for a little while, and then Nathanial and I spend the remainder of the day and night watching the movies I downloaded earlier. His parents allow me to spend the night again. I have to wonder why they trust me so much, especially since I know I could end it all in an instant. It is nice, although trying to push away from him was no longer an issue because we are becoming closer that I have ever wanted, and there is no turning back now.

  I can’t push him away anymore; instead I vow to protect not only him but his entire family. I will do anything for them. He is now the reason for my existence. I want the world for him, and I want him to experience everything I never could. This is my goal, regardless of what Constance said last night. I am determined to ensure that every single one of Nathanial’s dreams come true.

  “Sweetie, what is it? Are you okay?” Nathanial sounds concerned.

  “Sorry. I’m fine. I was just daydreaming about you.” I smile.

  “I see. Well, I hope it is about our future, because I know you’re in all of my dreams.”

  “It is about our future and all your goals. I want everything for you. My dream is to see all your dreams come true,” I add.

  “Sophia, all of my dreams include you now, so as long as I have you in my life, my dreams have already come true,” Nathanial confesses.

  For a guy everyone says, cares only about school and football, his priorities have sure changed. I don’t ever want him to change his dreams because of me. He is so sweet and caring, and he has no idea about me. Here I am beginning to doubt my decision to be with Nathanial again. I can’t turn back now. I love him too much. I will just have to keep him on the proper path and protect him in the process.