“Are you alright, sweetie?” Nathanial wraps a jacket over my shoulders and sits on the porch swing next to me.

  “I am so sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” I refuse to look him in the face, for I do not want him to see my eyes. “I guess I am more upset over your attack than I let on,” I try to explain. “You mean so much to me. I never want any harm to come to you,” I continue, waiting for him to stop me.

  “I understand. I was so worried that the man would hurt you, and I wanted to keep you safe, but I got hurt, and that hurt you. I want to protect you forever,” he confesses.

  “Nathanial, that is so sweet, but really I am okay. There is nothing to protect me from,” I insist.

  “Even if it is just protecting you from pain, I feel things for you that I have never felt before, and I never want to see you hurt or sad. If there is anything at all I can do to make things easier or happier for you, I will.”

  “I understand. I want to protect you as well, and that is something I have already failed at. You were hurt because I wanted to go for a walk.”

  “Our attack was not your fault. We should be grateful. If it was anyone else, they would probably be dead. Alexander is very protective of you, and his spying on us is what saved us.”

  I cannot disagree with him, because as he knows the story, that is all true. If any other student had gone out, they would probably be dead, killed by the rogue vampire.

  I may not have protected Nathanial, but some other poor soul was saved that night, and I can be grateful for that. Nathanial is only okay because of me and my family.

  “Sophia, you have brought out feelings in me that I never thought existed. Some of the things you told my brother tonight were new to me. I never knew you were adopted or born in Italy. My point is, I want you to feel comfortable enough to tell me anything.

  I want to know everything about you, every inch of your being.”

  “I never think about being adopted or from Italy. I have been in North America for what seems like forever. It is just a part of the past and is not important to me any longer. I want to tell you everything, but some things are just so difficult to explain,” I begin to confide a little.

  “You can tell me anything. Nothing you say will ever change how I feel about you, and I will never leave you. I don’t know if I could live without you now that I found you.” He sighs and holds my hand gently. He lifts my chin with his finger to look into my eyes and continues. “I know we have so much more to learn about each other, and I want to know it all. I hope we can have a lifetime together to learn it, but why not start now?”

  “I want to learn everything about you too.” I smile ever so softly, slightly turning up the corners of my mouth.

  “Sophia, I know it has only been fourteen weeks since we first met, but I knew from that first moment that you were the one.” He takes a deep breath. “Sophia Pierce, I love you, and I always will. You have shown me what it means to live. Now I want you to share your life with me, and I want to share mine with you.” He looks so incredibly nervous and, the way his hair is blowing in the light breeze pulls at my heart, he is so vulnerable and doesn’t even know it.

  Even though Matilda, Alexander, and Constance have all told me Nathanial and I belong together, this surprises me. I know how I feel, but I just never expected him to love me. I stand up, turn in front of him, and drop to my knees. He is completely still, not sure of what I am doing. I lean in toward him, resting my head on his chest over his heart. I listen to the rapid beating of it, a beautiful sound. All the hunger I felt has now left me and the only thing I feel now is love. “Nate...” I look up at him, running my fingers through his beautiful hair. “I am completely and utterly head-over-heels in love with you. I too, have loved you from the moment we met. You have shown me what love is and what it means to live with love. I have never met anyone like you, and I never thought I would. I did not believe I could ever deserve anyone like you, but now that I found you, I do not want to let you go.”

  He places his hands on either side of my face. “We were made for each other, sweetie.” he says softly as he pulls me closer to him until our lips meet. They fit perfectly together, like two missing puzzle pieces.

  Luke peaks his head out the door. “Hey there, lovebirds. Mom’s okay, but we are going to go out for dinner instead.”

  Nathanial gets up and helps me up. He leads me inside. “Mom, Dad, I was wondering if the two of you would mind if Sophia and I just stay here? We can order some pizza and talk.”

  “Not at all, son. Just mind your manners and be the gentleman we raised you to be,”

  Mr. McCord answers. He then helps his wife with her coat and prepares to leave.

  “Mrs. McCord?” I squeak.

  “Yes, dear?”

  “I hope you are okay. I am extremely sorry about my reaction to your injury,” I say, ashamed.

  “No need to worry yourself. I am fine. Nothing a Band-aid couldn’t fix. I understand. I hope you are doing okay, and please know we are always here for you if you need to talk...or anything. You and Nate have both been through a lot this past week, and I am sure it will take a while to heal emotionally. I just want you to know we understand what you have gone through and that we are here for you.” The woman who–in any other life–might be my future mother-in-law hugs me before leaving for dinner.

  Chapter Twenty Eight


  As I gaze into Nathanial’s eyes, I let the air escape slowly from my mouth. “Your family is amazing. They care so much for you and only want happiness for you, like they have found with one another. It amazes me how completely accepting they are of me, without really knowing me,” I confess.

  “I am very lucky. I do have a wonderful family, and now I have a wonderful girl as well. Nothing could ruin this. I have the perfect life.” He grins from ear to ear, showing off his perfectly straight white teeth.

  Nathanial grabs us some sodas from the fridge, along with the pizza delivery menu.

  We head to the family room and get comfortable on the sofa again. “I am glad we have some time alone. I think we have a lot to talk about now. I want to know everything about the woman I am in love with, and I have some questions I am hoping you will answer. I want to understand your past so I can better understand the present and future.” He lays out his intentions in a sweet and calming voice.

  Then Alexander interrupts my thoughts. “Sophia, be careful. He is suspicious.

  Florence’s memory implantation did not fully take. The picture he saw of our family...he will not let this go. I think you should tell him, but tread lightly I will be just outside if you need me. He does seem extremely calm and content, so I believe it will be okay.”

  With Alexander’s warning, I begin to freak out inside. Something I just hours ago I hoped to keep from him forever is about to be revealed. How will he react? Will he be frightened by me? Repulsed? What am I going to do? How do I tell the man I love that I am a dangerous hunter that wanted to drink his blood, and that I am over a 130-years-old? Is he going to be disgusted by me?

  “Calm down, Sophia! It will be okay.” Alexander’s calming thoughts enter my head.

  “Your family is truly wonderful. I hope you know how lucky you are to have a family that cares so much,” I say, trying to avoid the inevitable and knowing full well I have said that before.

  “I do. I just always worry that I cannot live up to their expectations. You also have a great family. They seem very caring, and I know I do not know them well, but Alexander is probably one of the best friends I have ever had,” he confides in me.

  “They are wonderful. My family is a great support system. They never judge and always help when one member makes a mistake instead of turning it into a lecture opportunity like so many other families do. Well with the exception of Danika, I tend to be a little hard on her.”

  I really want to ease into this, and I can tell Nathanial does not want to push me, though I can sense his growing anxiety and know t
hat it will soon come out. I don’t want to lose him, but that is what will happen as soon as he finds out that I am nothing more than a monster. My family has just got settled here, and now we’re going to have to leave already.

  Alexander speaks to me again. “Okay, seriously, sis. I told you it is going to be okay.

  You need to calm down, even just a little. Do you want me to come in and get you?”

  Because our minds are linked, I respond back, “I can’t help it. All I can think about is losing him and what happened to Caspian when he lost Ashley.”

  “That was different. She had no idea what he was, what any of us are, and she died because she didn’t know the risks. It is better this way. Nate will be aware and can learn what to watch for.”

  Alexander is right, but I can’t control my feelings. I have never been so terrified in all my years. I know it will be better if Nate knows the truth about me. It will be safer for him, and if he stays with me, at least he will be fully informed and it won’t be under false pretences. I try to mentally prepare myself, and it helps that Alexander is nearby.

  Nathanial and I look over the takeout menu and ease into the conversation, both knowing it may be uncomfortable. He pulls a knitted afghan over us and just cuddles for a while as we chat. I know this can’t last forever, so I try to prepare for whatever might come next.

  Chapter Twenty Nine


  I think I am ready for this. It is time to tell Nathanial everything. I am ready for what he is about to ask.

  “Okay, Sophia. I want you to know. I am in love with you, and nothing can change that! But I do know there are things you are hiding from me. I want complete honesty,”

  he requests.

  It takes every ounce of strength I have to not get up and run, but Nathanial calms me. He holds my hand and I instantly feel the peace he puts over me. “Yes, there are things I have been hiding from you, and for that I apologize. It is just that these are not only my secrets, but my family’s secrets, and I have never shared them with anyone–at least not without my family.” I take a deep breath, not knowing if I can continue.

  Nathanial opens his brother’s history book to the picture of me. “I know this is you somehow. I would know you anywhere, and I feel it. Plus, I recognize your entire family. I just do not understand how it is possible. Your family has not aged a day since this photograph was taken.” He sighs and adds, “Since the attack, I have had two different memories. One is just like we told everyone, but when I dream about it, I see it differently. I see Alexander moving at unbelievable speeds and you healing me. My injuries were much worse than they are now. I remember feeling my body repairing itself, from the inside out. I have seen your eyes change color before. They go from the most beautiful green to jet black whenever you are around blood. You always seemed chilled, and you are pale most of the time. I have noticed your incredible strength, and you are so much more educated than anyone I know, especially in history. I know you are different, but I just do not understand how any of this is possible.”

  “Okay. I will explain everything. I only hope what I tell you will not change your feelings for me, because you mean the world to me. I also need you to promise that you will keep my family’s secret, whether you decided to stay with me or not.”

  “I not only promise to keep your secret, but also that I will always love you, and nothing will ever change that,” he tries to reassure me.

  “This is not easy for me to explain. I really have never shared this with anyone before.”

  “I understand. Just take your time,” he says peacefully.

  So I take another deep breath and begin my explanation. Here I go, I tell myself and Alexander. “You are right. That is my family in the picture you saw. We saved Matilda from the persecution of witches in the late 1800’s.” I pause momentarily. “I was born in Italy in 1876. I was attacked in the streets one night by a vampire.” I try to read his reaction, but I am more scared than I have ever been in my afterlife, and I can’t tell what he is thinking, so I decide to continue. “Alexander was also out that night, headed to our family home. He found me and tried to save me, but the same vampire attacked him. Elijah, Florence, Isaac, and Constance found us. They were vampires that followed the six traditions. They decided to save us by giving us a few drops of their blood, and we began to make the transformation. They taught us how to live as vampires and to feed off animals and not cause harm to mortals when we feed from them. It is not as satisfying to drink only animal blood, but it keeps us strong enough. That is why we tried to safely supplement with human blood. We have all killed a human by drinking too much blood before, but it has been many years ago. My family has morals, and we find it more difficult to kill a human than most vampires. My family has found a new way to feed now, and that includes a mixture of animal and donated human blood.” I sigh, “Well that is a quick basic explanation of my family.” I notice the blood flush out of his cheeks, and his skin turns pale.

  “Okay, so you and your family are vampires? Um, that is not quite what I expected to hear; honestly I’m not really sure what I expected. Are there other vampires out there?” he asks.

  “Yes. They are all over the world, and not many choose to live the way we do. I also had another brother named Caspian, but things went bad for him, and he left, disappearing into the shadows,” I explain, wondering what he will do with this information.

  “I think I can be okay with it. I’m not afraid of you or your family. I know you won’t hurt me, or at least I don’t think you would hurt me...or should I be scared? I knew it was something. I just didn’t know what,” he admits with a hint of panic that he tries to conceal from me.

  “No. You do not need to fear anyone in my family. You should just because of what we are, but we will never harm you, Nathanial. Quite the opposite, actually we want to protect you.”

  “So how is it you live normally? What about all that burning or sparkling in the sun or whatever?” he asks with a half laugh.

  “Sparkling vampires? That’s just for the movies. Burning is real, though, but my family has these things called day crystals–a magickal black diamond. A powerful witch placed a spell on them to help us live more like mortals. With the power of this crystal, we can eat human food, go out in the sun, look more mortal, and it helps us control our cravings.” I show him my necklace. “As I mentioned, the necklace I wear is special. We all have some kind of jewelry with this special and rare gemstone in it.

  Matilda has a bracelet, Florence a broach, and Constance has earrings. Even the men have something. Alexander has a watch, Elijah a pair of cufflinks, and Isaac has a tie clip. Caspian had a ring that he gave back to us when he left. Once Danika was ready, Elijah lent her the ring. See, she is new to our family. Constance found her about eighteen months ago. We recently got her a day crystal of her own. There are others in the world that have the gem and those who don’t have it want it. Without this little black gem, things would be a whole lot different for my family.”

  At this point, I am becoming concerned about his lack of reaction. He seems to be processing the information I just shared with him. He appears to be slightly concerned and maybe even a little disbelieving.

  “Okay, so vampires are real, but so are witches?” he questions.

  “Yes, and so much more, but I hope I can explain all that later. There is so much to learn, but I hope we have lots of time for explaining.” I become wishful. “Please promise me, no matter what you decide about me from this point on, that you will not tell anyone–not even your family,” I beg.

  And then he leans over and kisses me. “Thank you for being so honest with me. I understand how hard it must have been for you.”

  I let out a sigh of relief. “How are you doing with all this? It is kinda a lot to take in.”

  “Strangely enough, I am okay. I want to know it all, and I want you in my life. I told you nothing will ever change my feelings for you, and I meant it,” he reassures me.

  I can
not believe it was that easy. He just accepts me for who I am. I don’t see one judgmental look coming from him–only love. How is it that even now, after he knows what I am, he still loves me? How can he love a killer? Nathanial is even more incredible than I ever imagined. How did I get so lucky? Then I remember something that can end it all over again.

  “There is one problem. Because my family does not age, we have to move around a lot. We can only stay in one place for a few years, a decade at most.” I lower my head and add, “I want to keep you in my life and I just do not see how it is possible. Worst of all, you could get hurt. The only thing that kept me from feeding on you when you were bleeding in my arms was the fact that I love you so much.” I lift my head and look at him with complete shame.

  “It is okay, sweetie, I know you will not hurt me, and I trust you completely.” He kisses my hand that he continues to hold tightly. “And you can trust me with your secret,” he confirms. “Can you tell me about your other brother, Caspian was it? What went so wrong with him?” Nathanial asks.

  “Well, that is a tough one to explain. Caspian has been gone for many years now. It is really hard for all of us, so we don’t talk about it or him much. We lived in northern Canada at the time, and Caspian was a college student. He was eternally twenty-two years old, but he had been around since the seventeenth century. When Caspian met my family, he had grown tired of his ways, he wanted to find a new way to survive,” I begin to explain. “My family agreed to take him in and teach him how to survive without causing harm to humans. He was doing great. He got a day crystal just like the rest of us and began going to school, and sometimes he would work like a normal member of society. Caspian wrote for the college paper and was enjoying his new life.