Page 30 of Ida a Novel

  The text of Ida A Novel, and along with images of the jacket cover, flap, title page, and first page, copyright © 1941, 1968 by Random House, Inc., from Ida by Gertrude Stein, copyright © 1941 and renewed 1968 by Daniel C. Joseph, Administrator of the Estate of Gertrude Stein. Used by permission of Random House, Inc.

  Excerpts from letters by Bennett Cerf, copyright © by Random House, Inc. Used by permission of Random House, Inc.

  Excerpts from Thornton Wilder’s correspondence as it appears in The Letters of Gertrude Stein and Thornton Wilder (Yale University Press, 1996) or in the Thornton Wilder Collection, YCAL, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, published with permission of Tappan Wilder.

  Thornton Wilder’s introduction to The Geographical History Of America Or The Relation Of Human Nature To The Human Mind (Random House, 1936), published with permission of Tappan Wilder.

  Thornton Wilder’s article “Gertrude Stein Makes Sense,” from ‘47: The Magazine of the Year (Oct. 1947), published with permission of Tappan Wilder.

  Excerpts from letters by Carl Van Vechten, published by permission of Bruce Kellner, Successor Trustee, Estate of Carl Van Vechten, and by permission of Edward Burns, editor of The Letters of Gertrude Stein and Carl Van Vechten, 1913–1946 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1986).

  Earle Birney, Fiction and Diction, Canadian Forum 21 (Apr. 1941): 28, by permission of Wailan Low.

  Clifton Fadiman, “Getting Gertie’s Ida,” New Yorker (Feb. 15, 1941): 78. Copyright © Condé Nast. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission.

  “Abstract Prose,” Time 37.7 (Feb. 17, 1941): 99–100, by permission of Time Inc.

  E. C. S., “Gertrude Stein as Novelist,” reprinted from the March 22, 1941, issue of the Christian Science Monitor. Courtesy of the Christian Science Monitor (www

  W. H. Auden, “All about Ida,” currently collected in The Complete Works of W. H. Auden: Prose: Vol. 2, 1939–1948 (Princeton University Press, 2002), copyright © 1941 by W. H. Auden, used with permission of the Wylie Agency LLC.



  Gertrude Stein, Ida a Novel



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