Page 14 of With the Band

  "Peyton is coming soon, yeah?" Cooper asks Texas. He's obsessed with the pretty blonde and determined to fuck her, much to Peyton's disgust.

  Texas glares. "Portugal. Leave her alone."

  "Hey, I'll not do anything she doesn't want."

  "She doesn't want anything."

  "Please, everyone wants some of this." Coop gestures to his cock, making us all reach over to slap him.


  Texas twists her body, blocking him out, making it me and her. She is stunning.

  "What's the first thing you're going to do in Germany then?" I ask her.

  "Sleep. I'm tired."

  Yeah, we didn't sleep much last night. Nothing happened, not because of lack of wanting, but we stayed up all night, talking about crap and not watching whatever movie came on next. I think it was around five a.m. when we finally fell asleep. She lay on my chest until we woke up a couple of hours later. I could do that every night and never get bored.

  "Me, too," I whisper.

  Did that sound like an invitation? Like I was asking her to sleep with me again? Because it kind of was.

  Her mouth kicks up at the side, and her eyes turn playful. I start to get hard.

  Do not stand up.

  "Sounds good to me."

  Yep, she definitely took it how it was intended.

  "What are you two whispering about?" Mark asks, sitting down opposite of us.


  Tex is instantly on the lie, and she'll probably feel horrible about it. "All the room service we're ordering the second we get to the hotel."

  I feel a stab of guilt as he looks at me like I'm not a daughter-kissing prick.

  I don't think I've ever told one lie to my grandparents, mostly because they were so open and we had a truth-only rule, much like Mark and Texas. I'm the reason she's broken it, and that doesn't feel good.

  But the truth isn't something Mark would take well. In fact, he'd fucking freak. And rightly so.

  You made him a promise.

  "Is that all you think about?" Mark asks.

  She blinks before replying, "Yes. What are you planning on doing when we get to the hotel?"

  "We have a meeting with Carl."

  "Ugh, all of us?"

  "No, Enigma. Jodie will be in Berlin this evening. Are you attending that meeting with Filthy Sound?"

  "Absolutely. I'm going to tell her they've been terrible and see what happens."

  She would as well.

  I nudge her leg under the table. It's the only part of us hidden, so it's the only physical contact we can have, but I'll take it. Texas looks up at me through her eyelashes, and my breath catches.

  I'm damn crazy about her, and there's nothing I can do to change that now.

  Mark laughs. "She'll believe you over them."

  "Oh, I know. I can't wait to get to Berlin."

  Our trip to Germany is going to be short. It's two days, and we have shows on both of them, same as France. It's a similar story on the rest of the tour, except we mostly have one-nighters. There is a lot of traveling in a short space of time, and although I do worry about crashing and burning, this is the best way.

  The album has been released, and we need to hit as many cities in as many countries to get it out there. I want Filthy Sound to explode. I want number ones. I want to make my--our--dream come true.

  We will do it. I don't give up on something I want.

  Texas will find that out.



  The first show in Berlin was everything we'd hoped for. The crowd was incredible, and the fans backstage were just as passionate about Filthy Sound as we are.

  Carver Harvey, a big name in the industry, is hosting the after-party in his place in Berlin. There's a club in his cellar. He's well-known for his extravagance, so it comes as no surprise when I see the gold-plated walls encrusted with diamonds.

  Tex is eyeing it up, like she thinks she'll get away with chipping one of them out.

  The ceiling is pitch-black with hundreds of lights, making it look like the night's sky. The bar doubles as a tropical fish tank.

  I wouldn't even be able to take a wild guess at the cost of it all.

  "How is anyone this rich?" she whispers.

  "Tex, you're this rich."

  "I...well...whatever. Shut up. Still, I would never spend millions on walls."

  "What would you spend millions on?" I ask.

  She stops and thinks for a second. "Chocolate."



  "You do know a large chocolate bar only costs like two pounds, right?"

  "I'm not a princess! I know the price of chocolate and bread and milk and condoms." She gives me a smug little grin, turns on her heel, and heads to the bar.

  I know the price of condoms, too. I have enough of them. None have been used since I started to grow even closer to her on the tour.

  Wait, what the fuck? Is that right?

  She's ruined me. She's actually ruined me.

  I follow her in a daze. Growing up, I always thought the only person with the power to change me was myself. Without meaning to, without any knowledge of it, Texas has changed me.

  I look around the room at the women dancing in tiny outfits. They're beautiful, there's no denying that, but that's where it ends. They're just beautiful. Texas is...there isn't even a word for it. She is my idea of perfection.

  "You coming?" she asks over her shoulder. Her eyes are playful, and she knows exactly what her flirting is doing to me.

  Damn tease.

  Without thinking, I'm moving toward her, chasing her.

  She stays by my side through shots and beer and some odd-looking blue cocktails that keep appearing.

  As far as after-parties go, this one is awesome. Carver really knows how to do it right. I don't think there's a single sober person in the room, and most of them are dancing on the makeshift dance floor.

  Despite her promise to her dad to take it easy, Tex is wankered and thoroughly enjoying herself. Coop is fucking some girl upstairs, and Milo's necking a girl over by the bar. Thankfully, these parties are the what-happens-here-stays-here kind.

  My boys really are sluts. I'm so proud.

  Was I ever that bad?

  You know the answer to that. You have no idea what your number is.

  Tex falls into my chest, laughing, and wraps her arms around my neck. Her body pressing up against mine is doing nothing to help cool my red-hot blood.

  "Dance with me," I rasp into her ear, gripping her hips.

  I remember the last time we danced together.

  "Mmhmm," she murmurs against my skin.

  The sound vibrates down south.

  She's going to fucking kill me--or Mark is.

  Texas and I have not spoken about keeping the things that have happened between us a secret, but we don't need to. Right now, we're not being very secretive. I'm so glad Mark and Jimmy decided to call it a night earlier. Will took some girl back to his hotel room, so I'm left with Milo and Cooper. Their allegiance is to me, so even if they see me with Texas, they won't tell.

  Tightening my grip of her hips probably a fraction too tight, I slowly walk her backward. She looks at me with hunger in her eyes, and despite going backward, she doesn't stop watching me.

  Bad idea.

  We reach the middle of the crowd, which seems to have doubled in size, and I pull her flush with my body. Her hands go to my neck, and she sways her body against mine to the beat of the music.

  It's hot and sweaty in here, but I couldn't give a fuck. Texas is maddening. I know I'm losing myself in her, and part of me doesn't care about the consequences. I want her badly, and it's becoming impossible to hold off.

  She captures her bottom lip between her teeth, and my dick thickens. I run my hands around to her arse and below those sinful leather shorts. Texas should always be in leather.

  I spin her around because she's too tempting, and I wrap my arms
around her waist. This position was supposed to take some of the heat out of being pressed up against her, but she arches her hips and presses her arse against my crotch.

  "Fuck," I hiss into her ear, digging my fingers into her waist.

  Over the obnoxiously loud beat of the music, I hear her groan. Her head lands on my shoulder, and she rolls her hips again.

  I close my eyes and bury my head in her neck. Lowering a hand, I dip inside the waistband of those shorts, and she claws my forearm. There are too many people for the size of the dance floor, so although we're surrounded, we won't be caught. Besides, the lighting is dull and smoky, hiding multiple sins happening in this room.

  Lowering my mouth, I lick along her neck, and she bucks her hips, demanding more. I'm only too willing and so fucking ready to give her more, to give her everything.

  Impatient, she pushes my hand, forcing it down. It's sexy as hell, and I waste no time in granting her request. I slip down further and moan as I find her hot and wet and ready.

  "Yes," she cries, tilting her head to the side.

  I take her mouth in a slightly awkward hot kiss just as my questing hand reaches its goal. With two fingers, I rub around the bundle of nerves that make her grind against my dick, and then my hand moves in frantic circular motions.

  I'm so wired up and on edge. I want nothing more than to turn her around, get her naked, and push myself inside her--or to drop to my knees and taste her.

  She digs her nails into my arm so hard that I feel the skin cut. Nothing is sexier. She comes apart super fast, moaning my name. I love how quickly I can get her to orgasm. When she's spent, her head falls back against my chest.

  I reluctantly pull my hand away and kiss the side of her head. The crowd is still oblivious. Thank God.

  Texas turns around, breathing heavily, and stares at me like we haven't just fucked up. She looks the way I want her to look at me, like we're everything.

  "Tex," I groan.

  "No. You can't take that back, Kitt."

  Gulping, I lean my head against hers. "I know I can't."

  "Do you want to?" The hesitation in her voice makes my heart clench.

  I tilt my head to the side and close my eyes. Besides a career on the stage, Texas is the only thing I really want.

  "No, not at all."

  "Then, what's the problem, Kitt? I don't understand why we never talk about what's happening between us, especially after the Eiffel Tower."

  She's hurt and frustrated, and it kills me, especially knowing that it's my fault. I want to jump in and go with this because nothing has felt so right since we started Filthy Sound, but it's not that easy.

  "Let's go back to the hotel and talk. We can't do this here."

  Her eyes widen as she looks around, like she's only just realised we're not alone. It feels good that everything and everyone disappears for her, too. That's the second time I've made her come in public. I give myself a mental high five.

  "Yeah. Okay," she says.

  We find Ted out in the hallway, chatting to a few other people. He tends to give Texas a little space when we're at parties. No one is going to harm her here, especially not with me near.

  He takes us back to the bus and then heads back to wait for Milo and Cooper. Also, he clearly had his eye on a guy there. Him making sure the rest of my band gets back home is a shit cover-up for wanting to get laid.

  I follow Texas into her room in silence. She's not said a word since we left the party, and I'm not sure what to say. I feel like I never know what to say to her. I'm good with women--hell, I'm great with women, but this one sends my mind spinning.

  I'm a clueless, lovesick fool when it comes to her.

  "Talk to me, Kitt." She groans in anger and pushes her hands through her hair, turning to face me. "Seriously, what the hell is going on with us? I want to talk about it. I don't want it to be something we ignore. I can't ignore it. You are so...argh!"

  Raising my hands, I take a step back. "Whoa, where is all this coming from?"

  Pausing, she looks up, like a deer caught in the headlights, like she's said too much. "I don't like not knowing what's going on. That's all."

  "Really? Is that all?" I ask. "Because it sure looks and sounds like there's more to it." Like the more I'm feeling.

  She stands taller and folds her arms, defiant.

  Is this self-preservation? Like, she won't admit it first in case I tell her I'm not fucking obsessed with her.

  "Put it this way, Texas. We're not going anywhere until you open up and talk to me. I hate how strained things have gotten between us, and I know you do, too."

  "I'm just tired."

  I so don't want to admit I like him first!

  "Don't fucking lie to me! Tell me you need time, tell me you don't want to talk about it, but don't make up some bullshit excuse!" Turning, I pace.

  I'm pissed off. So much for fucking honesty. She's the only person who can get me to explode in a nanosecond.

  "I can't believe you, you know? You go on and on about how we should all be truthful, and then you turn around and lie to my face, Tex!"

  "I like you, dickhead!" she snaps.

  Time stands still as I freeze. Then, I very slowly twist my head toward her.

  She definitely said she likes me.

  I like her, and she likes me.

  Finally, it's out there.

  "You do?"

  Embarrassed about blurting it out, she turns away from me.


  "Can we not do this now, please?"

  It takes me three steps to reach her, and when I do, I suddenly have no idea how I've managed to stay away for so long. She turns and meets my eye.

  Her breath catches as my chest presses against hers. I can feel her breasts through her thin cotton T-shirt.

  "We are absolutely doing this now. After Paris, you know we're doing this."

  "I hate you."

  "No, you don't. You like me."

  "A girl can change her mind."

  "I like you, too, Tex. You don't have to be embarrassed. Wanting me is only natural."

  She rolls her eyes. "Okay, I'm going to go now."

  "No, I'm sorry," I say, gripping her arm. "I'll be serious now, I promise. Things have changed, and we both know it. I don't want them to go back to how it was. I want"

  She looks at me like I'm her whole world, and my heart soars.

  "If I kiss you, are you going to yell at me again?"

  Blushing, she shakes her head. "No, I definitely won't be shouting."

  "Good," I say before capturing her lips.




  I wake up and still feel like I'm in one of my fantasies. Kitt is wrapped around me, and we're in my bed. He's making me sweltering hot, but I couldn't care less.

  Kitt groans and tightens his arms around my waist. "Good morning," he whispers into my hair.

  The fact that he's used the term good to describe this moment is hilarious. This is beyond amazing. Being in bed with him--although all we did was kiss--and being tucked in his arms is ten times better than I ever imagined. And I've imagined a lot.

  I've got Kitt Daniels, and I feel like squealing.

  "Good morning yourself," I reply, grinning like a lovesick puppy.

  "Are you okay?"

  Again, hilarious.

  "I'm very okay. You?"

  "Mmhmm," he murmurs as he tightens his arms, giving me a little squeeze. "I like this."

  "Not complaining over here either. Although people will be getting up soon."

  "And by people, you mean, your dad, and you're scared of what he'll say?" he guesses.


  "Er...kind of. I'm sorry. It's just that--"

  "Don't sweat it, Tex. I understand, and for now, I want you all to myself anyway."

  "I like that idea." A lot.

  The thought of sneaking around with him turns me on--like in insane amounts.

s eyes smile. "Good. Let's have fun for now."


  He exposes the back of my neck and presses a kiss to the skin. I feel it everywhere.

  "Hmm, lots of fun."

  I turn over to face him because I'm so on board with that idea, and right now, I just want to get him inside me. Kitt wastes no time in pinning me to the bed with his body. I feel each bump of muscle on his chest. His shirtless form is something I've admired many, many times before, but this is the first time I've seen it up close and personal.

  Kitt is perfect, and he's currently kissing my collarbone.

  This is like a six-figure lottery win or walking into a hotel room to find Nick Bateman naked and handcuffed to the bed.

  Through my Kitt-filled haze, I hear a toilet being flushed along the corridor, and I freeze. Yeah, he needs to get out of here before we get caught. But I don't want to move.

  He must have heard it, too, because he lifts his head and scowls at the door, like he wants to kill it. "The one day someone else gets up early..."

  "Rain check?" I say, wrapping my hands around his neck.

  His eyes get dark. "Until tonight. I'm gonna rock your world, sweetheart."


  "Not at all. I fuck as good as I sing."

  "And who says we'll be fucking?"

  Lifting his eyebrow, he says, "Texas, your legs are wrapped around my waist, and you've been squirming around on my dick since I rolled on top of you."

  Oh. "Yes, well..."

  "Well?" He smirks.

  "Well, you should go." Because I need a really cold shower.

  Laughing, he kisses my forehead and gets up. I want to whip his T-shirt away as he reaches down to put it on, but I need to cool down and let him leave. We can't have sexy sneak-around time if we get caught on the very first day.

  Kitt gives me a smile over his shoulder and then leaves my bedroom. I fall back against my pillows and sigh.

  I have him.

  Watching the clock, I give it a few minutes after Kitt leaves, and then I head out of my tiny room and downstairs into the kitchen. No one is up, so whoever went to the toilet headed straight back to bed.

  A door down the hallway opens, and I hear Dad groan. I guess he drank a little too much last night.

  "Tex?" he mutters quietly. "Get your old man a strong coffee, please."

  "Are you okay?" I ask entirely too loudly.

  He winces and holds one hand up. "Inside voice. Fuck. I'm getting too old to drink like that."

  "Yeah. So, why did you? You don't usually get so drunk that you're hungover the next day--at least when I'm on tour with you anyway. Not that it matters, so don't feel guilty. I'm not a kid. But is something bothering you?"