in Burkett’s defense argument
in Cole’s testimony
defense of
Edward Christian’s interview with- 25
in Edwards’s testimony
fate of
in Fryer’s testimony
in Hallett’s testimony
in Hayward’s testimony
in Muspratt’s defense argument
in mutiny
in Purcell’s testimony
Byron, George Gordon, Lord
Campbell, Duncan
Bligh as employee of
Bligh’s correspondence with
Camperdown, Battle of
Cam’s Hall
Cape Horn
Cape of Good Hope
Cape Town
Cape Verde Islands
Cape York
Carter, John
Carteret, Philip
Carthy, Francis
Charlotte, Queen of England
Chatham, John Pitt, Earl of
Chatham Dockyard
Christiaan, Captain
Christian, Ann
Christian, Bridget Senhouse
Christian, Charles (brother)- 68
Middlesex mutiny and
Christian, Charles (father)
Christian, Charles (son)
Christian, Cloberry
Christian, Edward
“Appendix” of
death of
Heywood’s anonymous letter to
mutiny inquiry of, see mutiny, Edward Christian’s inquiry into
personality of
Christian, Elizabeth
Christian, Fletcher
in Adventure Bay stopover
in Anamooka visit
background of
Bligh’s conflicts with
Bligh’s relationship with
Christian, Fletcher (cont.)
in Bounty’s Tahiti sojourn
in Burkett’s defense argument
in Byrn’s defense argument
Charles Christian’s account of
in Coleman’s defense argument
in Cole’s testimony
death of- 68
described in deserters list
Edward Christian’s effort to clear, see mutiny, Edward Christian’s inquiry into
in Ellison’s defense argument
family of, in reaction to mutiny news
in Fryer’s testimony
in Hayward’s testimony
as hero of operatic ballet
in Heywood’s defense argument
in McIntosh’s defense argument
mental state of
in Millward’s defense argument
missing coconuts incident and- 34
in Morrison’s defense argument
in Muspratt’s defense argument
mutineers’ relationship with
in mutiny
naval career of
in Norman’s defense argument
in outbound voyage
in Peckover’s testimony
promoted to acting lieutenant
in Purcell’s testimony
raft scheme of
as Romantic hero
rumored to survive in England
skull of
in Southey’s writings
Tahitian family of
Tahitian women kidnapped by
tattoo of
Christian, Hugh Cloberry
Christian, Humphrey (brother)
Christian, John (brother)- 20
Christian, John (uncle)
Christian, John, see Curwen, John Christian
Christian, Joseph
Christian, Mary
Christian, Thursday October
“Christina, the Maid of the South Seas” (Mitford)
Christ’s Hospital
Churchill, Charles
in Bligh’s report to the Admiralty
in Burkett’s defense argument
in Byrn’s defense argument
in Cole’s testimony
desertion of
in Ellison’s defense argument
in Hayward’s testimony
in Heywood’s defense argument
memoir of
in Millward’s defense argument
in Morrison’s defense argument
in Muspratt’s defense argument
in mutiny
in Norman’s defense argument
in Purcell’s testimony
Clarence, William Henry, Duke of
Clark, Ralph
Clarkson, Thomas
Cole, Reverend
Cole, William
background of
in Burkett’s defense argument
court-martial testimony of
death of
in Hallett’s testimony
in Heywood’s defense argument
in McIntosh’s defense argument
in Millward’s defense argument
Morrison’s cross-examination of
in Morrison’s defense argument
in Purcell’s testimony
questioned by Dutch authorities
in Smith’s testimony
Coleman, Elizabeth
Coleman, Joseph
acquittal of
in Bligh’s report to the Admiralty
in Burkett’s defense argument
in Cole’s testimony
death of
defense of
Edward Christian’s interview with- 25
fate of
in Fryer’s testimony
in Hallett’s testimony
in Hayward’s testimony
in Heywood’s defense argument
in McIntosh’s defense argument
in Norman’s defense argument
in Peckover’s testimony
in Smith’s testimony
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Colpoys, John
Const, Francis- 52
Cook, James
death of
desertions dealt with by
first voyage of
second voyage of
Tahiti visited by
third voyage of
Cookson, William
Cooper, John
Copenhagen, Battle of
Corner, Robert
Coupang, Dutch East Indies
court-martial of Bounty mutineers
Admiralty notification of
Bligh’s report and personal log read in
Burkett’s defense argument in
Byrn’s defense argument in
captain-judges assembled for- 200
“circumstantial letter” preamble in
Coleman’s defense argument in
Cole’s testimony in
defendants’ preparation for
Edward Christian’s “Appendix” to transcription of
Edwards’s testimony in
Ellison’s defense argument in
Fryer’s testimony in
Hallett’s testimony in
Hayward’s testimony in
Heywood’s defense argument in
Heywood’s perjury in
Heywood’s petition for separate trial in
Heywood’s request for more time in
and Hood’s decision to try defendants as group
McIntosh’s defense argument in
Millward’s defense argument in
minutes of
Morrison’s defense argument in
Muspratt’s defense argument in
Norman’s defense argument in
onlookers in
court-martial (cont.)
Peckover’s testimony in
piracy charge in
preparations for
Purcell’s testimony in- 65
rebuttals to criticism of
Smith’s testimony in
venue question
verdicts rendered in
see also mutiny, Edward Christian’s inquiry into
Coutts, Thomas
Crown and Sceptre
Cumberland Pacquet
Curtis, Roger
pamphlet by
Curwen, Isabella
Curwen, John Christian
Curwen family
Darnley, Earl of
Delafons, John
Delmé family
Denman, Thomas
Dictionary of National Biography
Doling, John
Don Juan (Byron)
Douglas, Andrew Snape
Douglas, Dunbar
Douglas, Isle of Man
Drury Lane
Duckworth, John
Duke of York Island (Atafu)
Duncan, Adam
Dutch East India Company
Dutch East Indies
East India Company
Edward I, King of England
Edwards, Edward
Admiralty’s instructions to
Bounty court-martial testimony of- 47
court-martial of
death of
Heywood family and
in near-mutiny episode
official report of
in search for Bounty
ship’s log of
sinking of Pandora and
on voyage to England
Elements of Navigation (Robertson)
Ellenborough, Lord
Ellison, Thomas
in Bligh’s report to the Admiralty
in Cole’s testimony
court verdict on
defense of
execution of
in Fryer’s testimony
in Hallett’s testimony
in Hayward’s testimony
in mutiny- 41
in Purcell’s testimony
tattoo of
Elphinstone, William death of
Endeavour Strait (Torres Strait)
Bligh’s navigation of
English Chronicle
Erskine, Lord
Eventful History of the Mutiny and Piratical Seizure of H.M.S. Bounty, The: its Causes and Consequences (Barrow)
Ewanrigg (house)
E’Wood, Piers
Faahotu (Tahitian)
Falkland Islands
False Bay
Farhill, John
Farington, Joseph
Fawkes, Guy
Fell, David
Fisher, John
Fitzmaurice, Lieutenant
Fitzwilliam, Earl
Fletcher, Henry
Flinders, Matthew
Folger, Mayhew
Fort George, Tubuai
Fort Saint George, Madras
Britain at war with
France, John
Franklin, Benjamin
Franklin, John
Frazier, Lieutenant
French Revolution
Frewen, John
Friendly Islands (Tonga)- 28
Fryer, Harrison
Fryer, John
in Anamooka visit
anti-Bligh rumors of
Bligh’s conflicts with
Bligh’s court-martial and
on Bounty’s launch
in Burkett’s defense argument
as Byrn’s defense witness
career of
court-martial testimony of- 57
death of
in Hayward’s testimony
in homeward voyage
Mary Fryer’s correspondence with- 62
memoir of
in Millward’s defense argument
missing coconuts incident and
Morrison’s cross-examination of
in Muspratt’s defense argument
mutiny and
narrative of
in Peckover’s testimony
in Purcell’s testimony
Fryer, Mary Ann
Fryer, Mary Tinkler
Gardner, James
Gentlemen’s Magazine
Geographical Grammar (Guthrie)
George III, King of England
Gibraltar, siege of
Gilpin, Sawrey
Gilpin, William
Glorious First of June, Battle of- 91
Gordon, Robert
Graham, Aaron
background of
Heywood family and
Heywood’s anonymous letter and- 22
Graham, Aaron (cont.)
Heywood’s legal case and
legal abilities of
Nessy Heywood and
Nore mutiny and
Graham, Maria
Graham, Sarah Dawes
Gray, Mary
Great Barrier Reef
Great Britain
France at war with
French Revolution and
Lake District of
Great Mutiny of 1797
Grece, John William
Greenwich Hospital
Greetham, Moses
Grose, Nash
Hall, Thomas
Hallett, Hannah
Hallett, John
background of
in Burkett’s defense argument
in Cole’s testimony
death of
Dutch authorities’ cross-examination of