There were, of course, no lights in the area. However, his eyes gradually became accustomed to the dark as he ran. Besides, to a traveling merchant, who frequently camped out in the wilderness, a bit of darkness was no big deal.

  It was just that, within the darkness of night, the bits of light that suddenly shot out from the cracks beneath the crooked doorframes, or the cat cries and beating of bird wings that came from unknown sources all caused the hair to stand on one's back, and were much more unsettling than during the day.

  As long as he had visited a place once, he would be able to locate its position from any starting point. If he did not possess this unique ability of traveling merchants, perhaps Lawrence would be running away in fear due to getting lost.

  After finally arriving before the door to Deanna's home, Lawrence felt himself loosen up tangibly. The feeling was akin to the sense of relief one would get upon arriving before a familiar woodcutter's residence after passing through a forest of forboding atmosphere.

  Yet on the other side of the door before his eyes did not dwell a close friend willing to unconditionally welcome his visit.

  Although he had obtained the secret password from Bartose, reflecting upon past interactions with Deanna, Lawrence could not help but feel that she truly hated any mention of business.

  Would he really be able to purchase pyrite so smoothly?

  A sense of anxiety grew little by little within his heart. Lawrence quickly took a deep breath, pushing all his feelings of insecurity down toward his belly.

  He must succeed in the purchase.

  Because he wished to continue traveling with Horo in the future. "Is anyone home?”

  Lawrence intentionally lowered his voice and inquired after knocking lightly on the door.

  The silence of someone choosing to remain quiet had a perceivably different quality from the silence that resulted from absence.

  When the air was suffused with a sense of the former kind of silence, one would always avoid making any kind of sound.

  Yet, there was no response at all on the other side of the door.

  Because some light could be seen peering forth from the crack under the door, Deanna was probably at home.

  Though, according to town law, those who went to sleep without extinguishing their lights would face serious punishment, it was quite unlikely that anyone would dare to venture as far as to patrol in this area.

  Just as Lawrence raised his hand to knock once more, he noticed that there seemed to be movement within. "Who is it?”

  The voice that came from the other side carried a hint of sleepiness, sounding somewhat lazy.

  "Sorry to disturb you at such an hour. I am Lawrence, the one who came with Mr. Bartose to visit you yesterday.”

  It was only a little while after Lawrence had announced his name that a rustling of clothes was heard on the other side, followed by a gradual opening of the door.

  As soon as the door was open, the light poured forth from within, along with the air inside Deanna's home. Deanna's eyes looked somewhat displeased, and carried signs of sleepiness as well.

  Like when Lawrence had visited her the day before, she was dressed in a long robe. Because Deanna used to be a nun, it was quite likely that she was so dressed throughout the year regardless of time, so it was impossible for Lawrence to tell whether or not she had been asleep a moment ago.

  Putting aside whether or not she had been asleep, it was extremely impolite behavior to visit a woman living alone in the middle of the night to begin with. Although Lawrence was fully aware of his impoliteness, he did not flinch as he opened his mouth to speak: "I know this is very impolite of me, but I simply had to see you." Lawrence continued: "I've come to buy a crate of white feathers.”

  The instant Lawrence uttered the password provided by Bartose, Deanna narrowed her eyes, then moved aside silently and urged with her hand for him to hurry inside.

  The interior of Deanna's home, which was free of the scent of sulfur, appeared even messier than during the day before.

  The books on the shelf which had retained a trace of organization were almost all taken down. One of these lay open, facing the ceiling in such a messy state.

  Moreover, there was an even greater number of huge feather pens scattered all over the floor.

  The beautiful, almost brand new white feathers scattered on the floor gave off an air that bordered on uncanny.

  "How very peculiar, to have several guests come to visit within a single day. The festival indeed brings to this place an unusual popularity,”

  Deanna said to herself as she sat down in a chair within the messy environment, not inviting Lawrence to sit down as usual.

  Lawrence was just about to sit down in a chair with nothing piled upon it when he suddenly realized something.

  Several visitors in a row had paid visits?

  That meant that someone had already been here before Lawrence's arrival.

  "So, I'm assuming it was Mr. Bartose who told you the phrase, 'come to buy a crate of white feathers?'" Lawrence, who was wondering anxiously about the intent of the previous guest's visit, snapped back to reality and said with a nod: "Y..yes. I begged him stubbornly to meet with you, Miss Deanna.”

  "Oh, is that so? I don't think he's the type of person that would agree to someone's request simply because of stubborn begging.”

  Seeing Deanna utter this with a cheerful laugh, Lawrence was unable to say any more.

  Although the nature was different, speaking with Deanna gave Lawrence a feeling similar to that when he was dealing with Horo.

  "What kind of business is so important that you'd go as far as to persuade that old stubborn mule?" asked Deanna.

  A great number of people with various standpoints desired to obtain the potions created by the alchemists or the skills they possessed for all sorts of different reasons.

  Deanna's existence was surely like a dam preventing such desires from getting out of control.

  Although Lawrence did not know what reason Deanna had for doing this, from his point of view, Deanna, who had been gazing straight at him ever since she sat down, was just like a huge bird guarding her eggs with iron feathers.

  "I wish to obtain your permission to buy pyrite,”

  Lawrence replied, even though he was nearly overcome by Deanna's imposing manner. Deanna stroked her face with her fair-skinned hand as she said: "I heard the price has been rising.” “But-”

  "Of course, I understand Mr. Bartose would never have provided his help over a simple profiting business, so there's some other reason isn't there?”

  Lawrence felt like Deanna was a step ahead in everything. Deanna's reaction was always a bit faster than Lawrence's, and Deanna fully intended to show off her advantage.

  Even so, Lawrence told himself not to get upset. Deanna must be testing him.

  Lawrence nodded and replied: "It's not because of business, but in order to settle a battle that I need pyrite.” “A battle with whom?”

  "It is…”

  Lawrence hesitated over whether or not to mention Amati, but not because he felt it inappropriate to bring up Amati's name.

  Lawrence was considering whether the opponent he was battling against was really Amati.

  Amati was merely the river surrounding and guarding a fortress. There was more that needed to be conquered within the fortress.

  Lawrence answered a "No," and said as he shifted his gaze toward Deanna once more: "It is the cargo.”


  "Regardless of time, a traveling merchant's enemy is always his own cargo. Estimating the value of the cargo, making careful plans about how to transport the cargo, and then carefully considering whom to deliver it to. If an error in judgment occurs in even one of these steps, a traveling merchant will lose. Right now I am struggling to load a piece of cargo that has fallen off my cart back into it. Because after re-evaluating the value, means of transport and target of delivery, the conclusion I have reached is that I absolutely cannot a
fford to allow this piece of cargo to fall from my cart.”

  Deanna's fringe (note: not sure if I'm using the correct terminology here. What I'm referring to is the hair that comes down from the top and partially or completely covers a woman's forehead) was blown aside slightly, and for a moment Lawrence thought a wave of wind had swept across.

  It was not the wind, however, but air exhaled from Deanna's lips. After smiling lightly, Deanna picked up a feather pen beside her foot.

  "'Buying a crate of white feathers' is just an exaggerated password. What it really means is that it's alright as long as I'm able to receive a bit of pleasure. Doesn't a bird drop feathers when it beats its wings in excitement? Besides, the people I give the password to pick and choose my visitors carefully for me, so I simply observe the little details of my guests. I don't suppose it would be a problem, so I'll make an exception and allow you to buy pyrite.”

  Hearing this, Lawrence involuntarily stood up from his chair and said: "Thank-”


  Deanna interrupted from the side. A bad feeling emerged in Lawrence's heart once more. Several visitors in the course of a single day, the empty chair with nothing piled upon it- The dark words, "Could it be" surfaced in Lawrence's mind.

  Deanna's face changed into an apologetic one as she continued: "Someone has already come to make a purchase." Lawrence's fear had become a reality.

  He said the words that one would naturally say as a merchant. "How large was the quantity bought? How much was it sold for?”

  "Please be calm. The other customer purchased on credit, and did not take away the items. To put it plainly, it was no different from making an order. Personally, I don't mind giving the items to you instead, Mr. Lawrence. So, let me try negotiating with that customer first. One more thing, I recall that the amount purchased came to about 16,000 Iredo by today's market value.”

  That was equivalent to four hundred Trenni silver coins. If he could only obtain such an amount, it would be a huge step in carrying out his plan.

  "I understand. Uhm, the name of the customer is…?”

  If Deanna were to say Amati's name, Lawrence's plan to save his situation would be obliterated. Yet, Deanna shook her head lightly, and said in a steady tone: "I will take the responsibility of negotiating with the other party. For safety reasons, we do not allow those dealing with alchemists to know who their opponents are.”


  "You have any objections?”

  A smile that completely lacked the feeling of a smile.

  Lawrence, from the standpoint of one requesting help, could only remain silent.

  "You call it a battle, which indicates that this isn't something ordinary, so I'll do all that I can to help you, and tell you the results of the negotiation as soon as possible. Where would one definitely be able to find you tomorrow?”

  "Ah, uhm….in the marketplace, before the mineral merchant's vending stand. I should be there at all times before and after the marketplace's opening time. Or you can contact the wheat merchant Mark. The location of his stand is…”

  "I know the spot. I understand. I'll send someone to inform you as soon as possible.” “I'm counting on you.”

  Lawrence could say no more, so he said only that.

  Yet, depending on the results of the negotiation, it was possible that Lawrence would not be able to purchase any pyrite. If he really could not manage to buy any, the consequences would be catastrophic and beyond repair.

  Even so, the things Lawrence could say were limited.

  "I won't be stingy about paying a lot of money. Please tell the other party that, as long as he does not make an unreasonable demand, such as two times the market value, I am willing to pay a considerably-large sum.”

  After nodding with a smile, Deanna stood up from her chair.

  Lawrence understood that it was time for him to take his leave. To suddenly show up uninvited at such a time without meeting with refusal could already be considered a miracle, Lawrence thought to himself.

  "I am terribly sorry for coming uninvited at such a late hour," he said. "Not at all. I don't distinguish between night and day.”

  Lawrence did not feel like Deanna was joking, but this caused him to loosen up and smile.

  "Besides, as long as you can provide an interesting story, it wouldn't matter even if you stayed the entire night.”

  Although Deanna's words seemed to carry a sense of seduction, Lawrence was sure they had come from the heart.

  However, Lawrence had long since told the interesting story he knew.

  Instead, a question Lawrence wished to ask suddenly flashed through his mind. "Is something the matter?" Deanna inquired.

  The thought that flashed through his head caused Lawrence to halt in surprise.

  He quickly responded with an "It's nothing" before heading toward the front door. The question that flashed through his head was so utterly ridiculous it was startling.

  "Deliberately acting mysterious on leaving a woman's home, careful you don't bring divine retribution upon yourself.”

  The words Deanna shot out sounded like those of a prank-loving maiden. Seeing the cheerfully-smiling Deanna, Lawrence could not help but feel that no matter what kind of question he asked, she would reply seriously.

  Moreover, this was probably also a question that only Deanna could answer.

  Lawrence reached his hand out for the door, and simultaneously turned around to speak: "I wish to ask you a question.”

  "By all means, ask.”

  Hearing Deanna's unhesitant answer, Lawrence cleared his throat once, and asked his question: "Pagan deities and humans…uh…are there legends of any becoming a pair?”

  If Deanna were to ask why he brought up this question, Lawrence would be completely unable to reply. Even so, Lawrence still wished to ask it, ignoring the risks.

  When Horo said in tears that she had become alone, she had mentioned that if she were to have a child, that would make two people.

  If something like this could possibly happen, Lawrence wished to pass the information to Horo, so that she could continue to hope.

  Hearing such a random, out-of-the-blue question, Deanna appeared somewhat caught off guard. However, she immediately resumed a serious expression. And replied slowly: "There are many.” “Really?”

  Lawrence could not help asking jubilantly. "For instance-ah, are you in a hurry?”

  "Ah, y..yes. But, next time…would you be willing to share with me in detail?” “Of course.”

  Luckily, Deanna did not ask the reason for bringing up the question.

  Lawrence expressed many earnest thanks, and prepared to leave Deanna's residence.

  In the instant the front door was about to be closed, Deanna seemed to give a soft, brief utterance: "Good luck.”

  Just as Lawrence was getting ready to question, the door was already closed.

  Was Deanna aware of the offensive and defensive battle between Lawrence and Amati?

  Though Lawrence felt like something was off, he did not have any more time to waste on thinking about it. What he needed to do next was return to Mark's vending stand, and then proceed to seeking out others who might be in possession of large quantities of pyrite.

  Not only was Lawrence short on time, what was even worse was that he basically had no pyrite on hand. If this continued, he would not even stand a chance, and would only be able to pray for help from above. Lawrence thought that even if he had to be forceful, he had to squeeze out the names of people who might possess pyrite from Mark. Then, even if it meant having to provide extra benefits, he needed to purchase the pyrite.

  But did running about busily at night on the streets like this really mean he could get a bit closer to Horo? As Lawrence posed himself this question, the answer that surfaced in his mind was filled with uncertainty.

  Upon arriving back at Mark's vending stand, Lawrence found Mark drinking at the same table as before, and the boy beside him nibbling on a piece of bread.

  Just as Lawrence was thinking, "What a rare sight, having a meal at such an hour," Mark noticed Lawrence's arrival, and directed his gaze and words toward him: "How'd it go?”

  "You should be able to tell just by looking at me.”

  Lawrence shook both hands lightly, then looked Mark straight in the eye and said: "I brought it up with Miss Deanna. But, someone's beaten me to it. I don't know how things will turn out.” “Someone beat you to it?”

  "As a result, I can only place my hopes on what you told me.”

  Because Deanna had expressed her willingness to help, Lawrence predicted that the chances of obtaining the pyrite were about seventy percent.

  However, Lawrence felt that acting as if he had nowhere left to turn before Mark would probably carry a greater effect.

  In the previous conversation with Mark, Lawrence had already learned that, from a town merchant's point of view, his request was an unreasonable one.

  That being the case, he could only try appealing to Mark's emotions. Yet, hearing Lawrence's words, Mark did not make any response. "Oh….about that.”

  Such were the words that came out of Mark's mouth, and Lawrence could clearly hear the blood draining away within his body.

  However, Mark immediately gave the boy, who was still chewing on bread, a knock on the head, and thrusting forth his chin said: "Hurry up and report the results!”

  The boy who had just received a knock on the head quickly swallowed the bread and, standing up from the chair made from a leftover piece of log said: "If it's to be paid in Trenni silver coins, it's 370 coins' worth of…uh…py-” “You trying to let the whole world know!? That's how it is.”

  Mark quickly surveyed his surroundings once as he covered the boy's mouth with a thickset palm. If this discussion were accidentally overheard by someone nearby, surely it would cause quite a bit of trouble for Mark.

  Yet, Lawrence couldn't suppress a puzzled expression.

  "Paying in Trenni silver coins? Worth 370 coins?" he questioned.

  "Haha. Seeing that expression on your face, even I can't help feeling happy. It's like this, after you left, I did a bit of thinking.”