Page 75 of Cultural Cohesion

  Ezra Pound: Poet as Sculptor (Davie), 71

  Falkland Road (Mark), 594–95

  Fallaci, Oriana, 319

  Far East (Beaton), 575

  Farewell, My Lovely (Chandler), 204, 205, 206, 209

  Farewell, My Lovely Appetizer (Perelman), 205

  Farewell to Arms, A (Hemingway), 168

  Far Field, The (Roethke), 93, 96

  Fatal Shore, The (Hughes), 245–58

  Faulkner, William, 186, 188, 203

  Feininger, Andreas, 591–92, 598

  Feininger’s Chicago 1941 (Feininger), 591–92

  Fellini, Federico, 533–34, 539–60

  Fellini’s Casanova, 555

  Fellini’s Roma, 554

  Female Eunuch, The, 362–64, 366–67

  Fermata, The (Baker), 188

  Fest, Joachim, 482

  Fire on the Moon, A (Mailer), 406

  First Circle, The (Solzhenitsyn), 215, 218, 223

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 378, 379

  Fitzgerald, R. D., 150, 152

  Fitzgerald, Robert, 184–85

  Fivefathers (Murray), 137–38

  Fleming, Ian, 230

  Fontane, Theodor, 486

  Foot, Mitchell, 515

  Forbes, John, 159

  Forbes-Robertson, Johnston, 344

  Ford, Ford Madox, 431

  Ford, Gerald R., 420

  For Lizzie and Harriet (Lowell), 25, 32–36

  Forster, E. M., 3

  For the Union Dead (Lowell), 32

  Forty-Second Street Studio (Baronio), 579

  Forty Years’ Poems (Fitzgerald), 150

  Four Quartets (Eliot), 92, 96, 354

  Fowles, John, 190, 191, 192

  Fox Talbot and the Invention of Photography (Buckland), 583

  Franco, Francisco, 287

  Frank, Hans, 483

  Frears, Stephen, 546

  Freed, Arthur, 521–24

  Frege, Gottlob, 512

  Freud, Sigmund, 338

  Freund, Gisèle, 568

  From Soup to Nuts, 565

  Frost, Robert, 36, 85

  Fruits of the MLA, The (Wilson), 373, 423

  Fry, Christopher, 497–98

  Fuori di Casa (Montale), 457

  Furet, François, 225

  Furphy, Joseph, 156–57

  Galassi, Jonathan, 456–58, 460, 461, 462, 588, 589, 601

  Galbraith, John Kenneth, 432

  Garbo, Greta, 577

  Gardner, John, 196

  Garner, Philippe, 578–79

  Garrett, Betty, 523

  Gathering of Fugitives, A (Trilling), 375

  Gavazzeni, Gianandrea, 463

  Generations of Men, The (Wright), 153–54

  Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, 399

  Germi, Pietro, 543–44

  Getting Married, 365–66

  Gherardi, Piero, 544, 545, 549, 553

  Gilbert, Martin, 475

  Ginger and Fred, 556

  Ginsberg, Allen, 534–35

  Glyn, Elinor, 241

  Godard, Jean-Luc, 359, 360–61, 557

  Goldberg, Vicki, 585

  Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah, 470–96

  Goldwyn, Samuel, 391–92

  Gore Vidal’s Caligula (Vidal), 422

  Gorky, Maxim, 221, 313

  Gospel According to St. Matthew, The, 534–35

  Graham, Billy, 413

  Gramsci, Antonio, 531, 536

  Grayson, Jane, 117, 118

  Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald), 70, 180

  Great Terror, The (Conquest), 219, 221, 298–99

  Green, Adolph, 522, 523

  Greene, Graham, 191, 192

  Greene, Hugh, 191, 192

  Green Hills of Africa (Hemingway), 323

  Greer, Germaine, 255, 362–69

  Griffiths, Philip Jones, 597

  Gross, John, 243

  Guinness, Alec, 235

  Gulag Archipelago, The (Solzhenitsyn), 214, 215, 216, 217, 218–19, 221–22, 224, 299

  Habermas, Jürgen, 494

  Haining, Peter, 198

  Haldeman, H. R., 414, 417

  Half a Lifetime (Wright), 153

  Hambourg, Maria Morris, 589

  Hamilton, Ian, 88–89, 384

  Hammett, Dashiell, 204, 387, 389, 392

  Hampton, Susan, 147–48

  Hands over the City, 544

  Hardwick, Elizabeth, 37, 423

  Hardy, Oliver, 565

  Hardy, Thomas, 71–76, 80

  Harlot’s Ghost (Mailer), 407

  Harrison, Michael, 196

  Harwood, Gwen, 147, 149, 151, 155, 159

  Haskins, Sam, 599–600

  Haus, Andreas, 574

  Hawking, Stephen, 38

  Hawks, Howard, 186, 203, 399

  Hayworth, Rita, 577

  Heaney, Seamus, 19–24

  Hecht, Anthony, 88, 441

  Helena (Waugh), 427

  Hellman, Lillian, 387–93

  Helvin, Marie, 578

  Hemingway, Ernest, 207–8, 323, 378, 389–90

  Herbert List: Photographs, 1930–1970, 598

  Herzl, Theodor, 493

  He That Plays the King (Tynan), 497, 498–99

  High Window, The (Fitzgerald), 205, 206–7

  High Windows (Larkin), xx, 39, 43, 55, 57–68

  Hilberg, Raul, 475, 479

  Hildebrand, Klaus, 494

  Hill, Christopher, 291

  Hill, Paul, 582

  Hillgruber, Andreas, 494

  Himmler, Heinrich, 477, 478

  His Last Bow (Doyle), 191

  Hiss, Alger, 411–12, 419

  History (Lowell), 25–36, 114

  History of My Life (Casanova), 328–39

  History of Western Philosophy, A (Russell), 513

  Hitchcock, Alfred, 562

  Hitchens, Christopher, xiii–xiv, 224, 225

  Hitler, Adolf, 160, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 292, 296, 470–96

  Hitler’s Willing Executioners (Goldhagen), 470–96

  Hobson, G. A., 303

  Ho Chi Minh, 419

  Hodgins, Philip, 161

  Hollywood Color Portraits (Kobal), 601

  Holocaust, The (Gilbert), 475

  Holocaust (miniseries), 268, 269, 282

  Homage to Catalonia (Orwell), 287

  Homage to Clio (Auden), 15

  Honourable Schoolboy, The (le Carré), 227–35

  Hope, A. D., 139, 149, 150, 151, 152, 156, 157

  Hope Against Hope (Mandelstam), 263

  Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 156

  Hound of the Baskervilles, The (Doyle), 190, 192

  Housman, A. E., 3, 7, 437–38

  Howells, William, 313

  Hoyningen-Huene, George, 577

  Huckleberry Finn, 306, 310, 314, 323, 324

  Hughes, Dick, 230

  Hughes, Robert, 245–58

  Hughes, Ted, 20

  Hugo, Victor, 32

  Hull, E. M., 241

  Humphrey, Hubert H., 413–14

  Humphries, Barry, 136

  Huneker, James Gibbons, 187, 254

  Huston, John, 185–86

  I Am! Says the Lamb (Roethke), 93

  Iceman Cometh, The (O’Neill), 204

  If This Is a Man (Levi), 266, 274, 279, 280

  Imitations (Lowell), 29, 30–33

  Imperialism (Hobson), 303

  Imperialism, the Highest State of Capitalism (Lenin), 303

  In China (Arnold), 580

  Inferno III (Dante), 119, 266

  Inferno V (Dante), 65

  Innocents Abroad, The (Twain), 312, 314

  Inside the Whale (Orwell), 300

  In the Footsteps of Sherlock Holmes (Harrison), 196

  Introduction à la poétique (Valéry), 450

  I Shall Bear Witness (Klemperer), 273

  Isherwood, Christopher, 12, 598

  Jackson, William Henry, 592

  Jacobi, Lotte, 574

  Jarrell, Randall, 84–89, 440

  Jill (Larkin), 45, 48
, 68, 69–70, 79

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 415

  Johnston, Charles, 102–16

  Johnston, Duncan, 107

  Josef, Franz, 485

  Juliet of the Spirits, 553–54

  Kangaroo (Lawrence), 174

  Kant, Immanuel, 486

  Kazin, Alfred, 374

  Keller, Helen, 311

  Kelly, Gene, 522–23

  Kennedy, John F., 411, 413, 415

  Kennedy, Joseph P., 413

  Kerouac, Jack, 534–35

  Kerr, Alfred, 486–87

  Ketchum, Robert Glenn, 592

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 222

  Kidd, Michael, 522

  Killing of the Unicorn, The (Bogdanovich), 563

  King David, 535

  Kinnell, Galway, 129–35

  Kipling, Rudyard, 311

  Kirk, Malcolm, 594

  Kissinger, Henry, 319, 415–16

  Klein, William, 587, 596–97

  Klemperer, Victor, 273

  Kobal, John, 577, 601

  Koestler, Arthur, 222, 290, 427

  Krantz, Judith, xx, 236–44

  Krupp, Alfried, 476

  Kundera, Milan, 435

  Kunitz, Stanley, 96

  Kurosawa, Akira, 544, 557

  La Chiave a Stella (Levi), 267

  La Città delle Donne, 555

  La Dolce Vita, 533, 542, 545, 546, 554, 556

  Lady in the Lake, The, 207

  La Notte (Antonioni) 542, 543

  Lardner, Ring, 181

  Larkin, Philip, xx, 38–83, 440–41, 453

  Larkin at Sixty (Thwaite, ed.), 48

  Lartigue, J. H., 578, 582, 590–91

  Last Exit to Brooklyn, 530

  Last Picture Show, The, 562, 566

  La Strada, 550, 553

  La Tregua (Levi), 267

  L’Avventura, 543

  Lawrence, D. H., 165–78, 452, 513–14

  Leavis, F. R., 349–57, 434, 452

  Leavis, Q. D., 349, 356

  le Carré, John, xx, 227, 597

  Le Ceneri di Gramsci (Pasolini), 531

  Le Crime de Monsieur Lange, 545

  Lectures in America (Leavis), 438

  Left-Handed Gun, The (Vidal), 422

  Le Italiane si confessano (Parca), 364

  Le Livre Noir du Communisme, 225

  Le Mani sulla Città, 544

  Lemmon, Jack, 399–400

  Lenin, V. I., 221, 224, 296, 303, 490

  Le Notti di Cabiria (Fellini), 533, 544

  Leopard, The, 548

  Les 200 Jours de 81⁄2, 541

  Les Enfants du Paradis, 559

  Less Deceived, The (Larkin), 39, 42, 43, 54, 57, 60, 61, 68

  Letters of Evelyn Waugh, The (Amory, ed.), 427–35

  Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (Evans and Agee), 181–82, 186–87, 573

  Levant, Oscar, 523

  Lever, Susan, 146–47

  Levi, Primo, xx, 259–83, 530

  Lexikon des Widerstandes, 482

  Lichtenberg, Bernhard, 481

  Life of Kenneth Tynan, The (Tynan), 497–501

  Life on the Mississippi (Twain), 315

  Limits of Power, The (Stürmer), 489

  L’Immorale (Germi), 544

  Lindsay, Norman, 157

  Lippmann, Walter, 420

  Lisovitch, Len, 578

  Listen to the Mocking Bird (Perelman), 200

  Little Drummer Girl, The (le Carré), 234–35

  Little Sister, The (Chandler), 207–8, 209

  Living (Yorke), 429

  Llanto por Ignacio Sánchez Mejías (Lorca), 10

  Lolita (Nabokov), 122

  Lombard, Carole, 577

  London of Sherlock Holmes, The (Harrison), 196

  Long Goodbye, The (Chandler), 208, 209

  Longhi, Roberto, 532

  Look, Stranger! (Auden), 9–12

  Looking at Photographs, 570

  Looking Glass War, The (le Carré), 227, 228

  Lorca, Federico García, 10, 11

  Lord Weary’s Castle, 32–33

  Lost Son, The (Roethke), 92, 96

  Lotte Jacobi (Wise), 574

  Lowell, Robert, 25–37, 84, 114, 437, 440–41

  Lubitsch, Ernst, 562

  Lucky Jim (Amis), 45, 55

  Luhrmann, Baz, 524

  McAuley, James, 145, 149, 150, 151, 152, 157–58, 159

  McBrien, William, 123–28

  McCarey, Leo, 565

  McCarthy, Joseph, 411–12

  McCullin, Don, 597–98, 602

  Macdonald, Dwight, xiv, 179, 182–83, 184, 185, 186–87, 423

  MacDonald, Jeanette, 562

  McFarland, Gerald, 593

  Machiavelli, Niccolò, 446

  Mackendrick, Alexander, 546

  MacLeish, Archibald, 182

  MacNeice, Louis, 15, 36, 108

  McQueen, Ian, 195–96

  McShane, Frank, 202

  Magic Image, The (Beaton and Buckland), 583

  Magic Pudding, The (Lindsay), 157

  Mailer, Norman, 394–408

  Malcolm, Janet, 569, 585

  Mallarmé, Stéphane, 29–30, 449

  Mamet, David, 188

  Man as Art: New Guinea (Kirk), 594

  Mandelstam, Nadezhda, 56–57, 214, 220, 263, 271, 280, 296

  Mann, Golo, 488

  Mann, Heinrich, 479–80

  Mann, Thomas, 293–94, 479–80, 486–87, 488, 516

  Man’s Favourite Sport, 399

  Man Who Loved the Rain, The (Chandler), 202

  Mao Zedong, 490

  Map of Australian Verse, A (McAuley), 157

  Marilyn (Mailer), 394–408

  Mark, Mary Ellen, 594–95

  Marx, Karl, 323

  Masina, Giulietta, 550–51, 552–53, 556

  Mask, 566

  Mastroianni, Marcello, 533, 539, 542, 546, 555–56

  Matters of Fact and of Fiction: Essays, 1973–1976 (Vidal), 421–26

  Mazursky, Paul, 555

  Medea, 534

  Meditations (Coltrane), 50

  Meet Me in St. Louis, 523

  Mehta, Sonny, 187

  Mein Kampf (Hitler), 480

  Meiselas, Susan, 595

  Memoir from the House of the Dead (Nissim), 279

  Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, The (K. Amis), 191

  Menand, Louis, 128

  Metaphysical Club, The (Menand), 128

  Meyer, Nicholas, 197

  Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Shakespeare), 442

  Miles Davis in Europe (Davis), 51

  Millay, Edna St. Vincent, xvii, 147

  Miller, Ann, 523

  Miller, Arthur, 269–70, 402, 405

  Miller, Jonathan, 358, 360, 361

  Mills, Ralph J., Jr., 94–100

  Milo, Sandra, 546, 548

  Milton, John, 438–39

  Minnelli, Vincente, 522

  Mitford, Nancy, 427, 430, 433

  Moholy-Nagy, László, 574–75, 600

  Moholy-Nagy: Photographs and Photograms (Haus), 574

  Moment of Poetry, The (Wilbur), 437

  Monk, Ray, 502, 503, 504, 511

  Monkey’s Wrench, The (Levi), 267

  Monroe, Marilyn, 394–408

  Montaigne, Michel de, 343, 370–71

  Montale, Eugenio, 39, 53–54, 57, 456–65, 532

  Monte Carlo, 562

  Moore, Marianne, 86–87, 132

  Moorehead, Alan, 140

  Mornings in Mexico (Lawrence), 175–76

  Morrell, Ottoline, 171, 507–11

  Morrison, Toni, 310, 311

  Mosley, Diana, xv

  Moulin Rouge, 524

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 120–21

  Mrs. David Bailey (Bailey), 578

  Murder of Quality, A (le Carré), 227

  Murger, Henri, 193

  Murray, Les, 131, 136–48, 155–56, 158–59

  Mussolini, Benito, 134, 278, 279, 287, 288, 458, 482, 528–29

  Nabokov, Vladimir, 117–22

  Nabokov Translated (Grayson), 117, 118

  Naive and Sentimental Lover, The (le Carré), 227–28

  Naked and the Dead, The (Mailer), 405

  Naked Is the Best Disguise (Rosenberg), 197–98

  Nasby, Petroleum V., 306

  Nathan, George Jean, 254

  Near the Ocean (Lowell), 32

  Neilson, Shaw, 158

  Nemerov, Howard, xvi

  New England Reflections, 1882–1907, 593

  Newhall, Nancy, 571, 572

  Newton, Helmut, 578–79

  New Year Letter (Auden), 12–13

  Nicaragua (Meiselas), 595

  Niemoller, Martin, 481

  Night of the Hunter, The (Agee), 185

  Nights of Cabiria, 533, 544, 553

  Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell), 285, 289, 296–99

  Nissim, Luciana, 279

  Nixon, Richard, 409–20

  Nolte, Ernst, 488, 494

  Nones (Auden), 13

  Nordon, Pierre, 191–92, 193, 195

  North Ship, The (Larkin), 39, 48, 57, 68, 72–73, 79

  Notebook (Lowell), 25–36

  Notebooks (Chandler), 202

  Nothing Like the Sun (Burgess), 442

  Novel on Yellow Paper (Smith), 125

  Nuit et Brouillard (Resnais), 268

  Oakes, Philip, 68, 70

  Obolensky, Chloe, 580

  Ocampo, Victoria, 367–68

  O Canada (Wilson), 373

  Oedipus Rex, 534

  Of a Fire on the Moon (Mailer), 407

  Ohrn, Karin Becker, 582

  Olivier, Laurence, 404, 500

  One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (Solzhenitsyn), 221

  One Hundred Poems (Slessor), 139

  O’Neill, Eugene, 204

  On Photography (Sontag), 568, 585

  On the Town, 522–23

  Open House (Roethke), 91, 96, 97

  Ophuls, Max, 545

  Orphée, 549

  Orwell, George, xx, 194, 195, 284–304

  Orwell’s Victory (Hitchens), 225

  Other People’s Trades (Levi), 265–66

  Our Man in Havana (le Carré), 233

  Our Mutual Friend (Dickens), 454

  Oxford Book of Essays (Gross), 243

  Oxford Book of Twentieth-Century English Verse, 71

  Parade’s End (Ford), 431

  Paradise Lost (Milton), 439

  Parca, Gabriella, 364, 367

  Parker, Charlie, 72

  Parker, Dorothy, 498

  Pasolini, Pier Paolo, 525–38

  Pasolini Requiem (Schwartz), 525–38

  Pasternak, Boris, 4, 218, 220, 345

  Patriotic Gore (Wilson), 373, 378

  Pencil of Nature, The, 568

  Pentimento (Hellman), 387–93

  Peregrine Prykke’s Pilgrimage (James), 24

  Perelman, S. J., 183, 200, 205, 307–8

  Perfect Spy, A (le Carré), 234

  Perón, Eva, 576–77

  Perpetrators, Victims, Bystanders (Hilberg), 479

  Pfahl, John, 599

  Photographer’s Eye, The, 570–71, 587

  Photographs for the Tsar (Prokudin-Gorskii), 580

  Photography and Society, 568

  Photography in Print (Goldberg, ed.), 585