Page 45 of The Last Hawk

  "But I haven't finished my studies."

  "I can wait."

  "I have to talk to my parents. To my Mentor."

  Ixpar nodded. "I will write them." Then she made herself open the door. As Jimorla stepped Outside, his escort surrounded him in an implacable bulwark and he watched her from behind that fortification like a cipher. His guards swept him away. Just before he disappeared down the stairs, he looked back—and his smile flashed like a promise.

  Then he was gone.

  Ixpar exhaled. One final visit remained before she could retreat to her suite, to face her grief in private. She went down the stairs, crossed several halls, and entered another suite. As she closed the door, a small girl with glorious golden hair came padding into the living room. She stopped and regarded Ixpar with large eyes shimmering like liquid gold.

  "Who are you?" Roca asked.

  "Manager Karn."

  The girl bit her lip. Then she went to an alcove. She climbed up on a ledge and sat looking at the floor, her legs dangling in the air.

  Ixpar sat next to her. "Roca? What is it?"

  The child blinked as tears gathered in her eyes.

  "Are you upset with me for taking you from Miesa?" Ixpar asked.

  The girl blinked harder.

  "Ai." Ixpar felt like an ogre. She lifted Roca onto her lap. "I won't hurt you."

  "Minister Varz got hurt." Roca looked up at her. "She got killed."

  How could the child know? "The fighting is over now."

  "But why my father? Why is he gone?"

  "I-I wish I knew." I will care for you and love you as if you were my own, Ixpar thought You have my oath.

  Roca relaxed in her arms, almost as if she had heard the vow and trusted Ixpar enough to find it reassuring. Two big tears rolled down her cheeks. "My father had the Magic with you, Minister Karn. With you and me and the boy."

  "The Magic? What is that?"

  "Like Jasina and Tomi. The Magic that makes you warm."

  "I don't understand, Roca"

  "I felt it everywhere Before he was gone. His thoughts filled up the whole world."

  His thoughts? What did she mean?

  Then Ixpar realized Roca had called her Minister Karn. Not Manager, but Minister. Yet the child had never known her as Minister and only the Council yet knew the title had reverted back to Karn.

  Ixpar swallowed "Is hearing thoughts the Magic, Roca?"


  "Can you explain it to me?"

  "The Magic is what makes people want to say 'I love you.' "

  Ixpar's eyes felt hot. "You think your father had that with me?"

  "I felt it." She spread her small arms as if encompassing the world. "Everywhere."

  Ixpar cradled the girl, aching to believe her. Could it be true what Kelric had told her, that his daughter was a telepath? Rhon child, he called her. Rhon. Child of a House that ruled an interstellar empire.

  Through his daughter, Kelric had left them a priceless legacy. Ixpar had seen it the moment Stahna Varz stated her condition for relinquishing the Ministry. In that instant Ixpar had chosen her successor.

  Stahna believed Varz had triumphed, but in truth all Coba had won. The Restriction wouldn't last forever. Someday the Imperialate would come. But Coba would be ready. The conquerors would find this world ruled by a golden-eyed woman who bore the right to claim her place among the Rhon.

  For she who will lead my people, Ixpar thought, is heir to the stars.

  Appendix I

  The Estates

  Quis rank

  first tier: Karn, Varz

  second tier: Haka, Dahl

  third tier: Ahkah, Bahvla, Viasa

  fourth tier: Miesa, Shazorla

  fifth tier: Eviza, Tehnsa, Lasa. First tier Estates have the strongest Quis and thus the most power. Second tier Estates are also forces to be reckoned with. Third tier has less clout, but still considerable influence. Fourth has respectable Quis with moderate influence. Fifth is weak. Prior to its destruction, Hahvna was third tier. Kej was destroyed before Quis became prominent.

  Primary Estates, in order of influence: (Kej), Karn, Varz, Haka, Dahl, Viasa, Bahvla, Ahkah, (Hahvna), Shazorla, Miesa. The Haka/Dahl and Viasa/Bahvla rankings are close and hotly contested.

  Secondary Estates, in order of influence: (Primary in parentheses): Eviza (Shazorla), Tehnsa (Viasa), Lasa (Ahkah).

  Estate symbols:

  Ahkah: A stalk of silkcorn grain crossed by a needle threaded with blue silkcorn yarn.

  Bahvla: A rosewood tree: black bark, rose highlights, emerald leaves.

  Dahl: A suntree: gold bark, pale green leaves, gold fruit.

  Eviza: A jahalla tree plumped by water: yellow bark, green-gray leaves, red and yellow flowers.

  Hahvna: Two children holding hands, a girl and boy, each in blue pants, a white shirt, and gray boots.

  Haka: A large red-gold sun rising over a red desert.

  Karn: A giant althawk in flight, with black wings edged by red feathers and gold eyes.

  Kej: A warrior's spear with a jahalla shaft and a stone spearhead.

  Lasa: An airbug.

  Miesa: The sungoddess Savina in her sky-blue althawk, pulling the gold chariot that carries the sun.

  Shazorla: A crystal carafe edged with gold and full of rosewine.

  Tehnsa: A grayrock castle high in the mountains, wreathed in mist.

  Viasa: The Grayrock Falls, a spectacular mountain waterfall. Varz: A clawcat on a mountain cliff, silhouetted against the sky.


  Ahkah: a sprawling eastern Estate with a large population. Its Managers are infamous for their business acumen. Primarily agricultural, Ahkah is also known for its garment industry and pleasant climate. It allies with Varz.

  Bahvla: a small northern Estate in a region of dense forest. It derives most of its support from its lumber industry, in particular the sale of rosewood. Bahvla and Viasa are the only Primary Estates within visible distance of each other, and they maintain a long-standing feud, though no one remembers exactly why. Bahvla is a strong Karn ally.

  Dahl: an attractive holding about midway between Shazorla and Ahkah. Known for its lovely climate, it supports a number of industries including orchards, carpentry, and tourism. A powerful Estate, on par with Haka, it has long been Karn's strongest ally:

  Eviza: a small agricultural holding near Shazorla, with a population similar to Haka but less conservative. Secondary to Shazorla.

  Hahvna: formerly northwest of Dahl, Hahvna was destroyed by an earthquake in year 422 of the Modern Age. Most survivors went to Dahl, a few to Bahvla. Until its demise, it was the largest exporter of ceramics and goods for Children's Cooperatives. It allied with Karn.

  Haka: a desert holding legendary for the ferocity of its Old Age warrior queens and the mystique of its men. It exports silicate compounds and is known for exquisite stained glass. The most conservative Estate, it still enforces laws from the Old Age, including the Propriety Laws for men. The Hakaborn, those with a long Haka lineage, top its hierarchies. The black eyes, glossy black hair, and dusky complexion of the Hakaborn is one Coban standard for beauty (the other being Miesan).

  Haka is a powerful Estate, on par with Dahl. In the Old Age it was a staunch Kej ally. After Karn destroyed Kej, Haka swore allegiance to Varz, which was just beginning its rise to power and its millennia-long challenge of Karn.

  Karn: a large cosmopolitan Estate generally considered the center of civilization. It is known for scholars and accomplished Quis players, exports most machinery used among the Estates, and draws many tourists. Its autumn foliage displays spectacular colors, and in spring plumberry vines cover the city in flowers.

  Year One of the Old Age dates from the year Karn was built. Its Manager also serves as Minister and as such rules the Estates. Throughout history, Karn and Varz have been bitter enemies.

  Kej: an ancient holding south of Haka, the only Estate ever built entirely in the desert. At its height, Kej surpassed all othe
r Estates in power. It existed in an almost continual state of warfare and fought Karn in a savage series of battles known as the Desert Wars. They ended in Year 632 of the Old Age, when Queen Odana Kej kidnapped a Karn Akasi and made him her Akasi. In retaliation, the Karn queen raised one of the largest armies ever known among the Estates and burned Kej to the ground.

  Lasa: a small holding near Ahkah. Notorious for seamy gambling houses and corrupt Quis, it is considered the least desirable Estate. Secondary to Ahkah.

  Miesa: a small northern Estate. Among the oldest holdings, it dates from the early Old Age. Miesans tend to be small and are known for breathtaking beauty, with exotic yellow hair and blue or gray eyes. During the Old Age, warriors often came down from Varz to raid Miesa and kidnap its men, though prisoners were usually released after a few days. The raids continued well into the Modern Age, until finally Miesa appealed to the Quis Council. After passage of the Consent Law, which made raiding illegal, the harassment of Miesa's men by Varz's women tapered off.

  Miesa is Ward of the Miesa Plateau, which supports the Jatec Mineral Flats, a main source of minerals and inorganic chemicals among the Estates. In the Old Age, Miesa controlled the Plateau's output and claimed great wealth; in modern times Varz has gradually taken control. Miesa allies with Varz.

  Shazorla: a large holding famed, for its vineyards and rosewine. Although most geographers classify it as a desert Estate, it is actually in the Shaza foothills of the Teotecs. It tends to ally with Karn, more rarely with Haka.

  Tehnsa: a small holding above Viasa known for fine rock sculptures and frazzled Managers. Secondary to Viasa.

  Varz: a northern fortress on the apex of Mount Skywalk, at the highest altitude of any Estate, Infamous during the Old Age for its armies, it remains known for fierce hunters. Strict immigration laws, and a climate that is colder in summer than some Estates are in winter, hold down the population. Its citizens tend to fair coloring and are tall even for Cobans, women and men both averaging well over six feet. In the Old Age they were even taller and looked more Hakaborn, but centuries of raiding the Miesa Men's Houses introduced Miesa traits into the population.

  Varz does a strong commerce in goods: stunners, knives, honed discuses, javelins; furs from snowtigers, clawcats, silver talopes; lumber from icefirs. Second in power only to Karn, it has long disputed Karn's right to the Ministry. After the fall of Kej, the most violent Old Age battles took place between Karn and Varz.

  Viasa: a northern holding above the spectacular Grayrock Falls, in a dense forest known for perpetual mist. As Ward of the Viasa-Tehnsa dam, it has sole rights to sell electricity, making it one of the wealthiest Estates despite its small size. Viasa has no strong political ties but leans toward Varz. Its feud partner, Bahvla, can be seen in the southeast when the fog lifts.

  Appendix II


  Unless otherwise specified, words are Teotecan. Italicization of a word indicates it also appears in the glossary.

  Abbreviations: Arch.-Archaic; Io.-Iotic; Lysh.-Lyshrioli; Myth-Mythology; OS.-Old Script; pl.-plural; Qs.-Quis; Sk.-Skolian; sl.-slang; Uc.-Ucatan. Languages defined below.

  advantage Qs. Having the highest-ranked dice within a structure. Player with advantage takes possession of the structure.

  airbug Small insect with blue wings.

  airplant Diurnal mountain plant topped by a blue airsack.

  airsack Pouch on an airplant. In the day it fills with air, raising the head of the plant to the sun; at night, the pouch loses air and the head bows over.

  Akasi OS., pl. Akasi Calani who is also a Manager's husband.

  alchemist's gamble Qs. A risky move intended to convert one structure into another.

  amberwood Rich gold Wood from Dahl suntrees.

  ascendant Qs. Situation where player is gaining advantage.

  atom cracking Nuclear fission.

  augmented spectrum Qs. Spectrum with white, gray, and black dice.

  Avtac Myth. Goddess of iron.

  bar-builder Qs. Builder made with bars arranged according to length as well as order, both increasing together.

  blown-glass Quis die sl. Fragile person or thing.

  bone sl. Fondness for something. Got a bone for slithering snakes: likes to spy on people.

  Borj Myth. Ancient race of giants said to dwell in the desert. A Borj was as tall as twelve women standing on each other's shoulders.

  brews sl. Upsets, causes agitation or anger.

  bridge Qs. Dice structure joining two others. Player with highest- ranked structure gains possession of all three.

  bridge of Olonton Qs. Sunsky bridge made to offer another player sanctuary

  builder Qs. An unbroken curve of polyhedrons, all the same color arranged according to order

  Calani pl. Calani A man who lives in a calanya as a dice player.

  Calanya OS., pl. Calanya 1. Group of Calani living in seclusion. 2. Buildings and parks where Calani live. 3. Arch. In the Old Age, a male harem.

  camouflage Qs. Any dice structure hidden by structures or surfaces of similar appearance.

  carn-abi OS. One who guards or wards. May derive from the Tozil word chabi: to care for, watch over, guard.

  chabiat k'in Uc. "The day is guarded" or "the day is watched over." 1. A spiritual thing, a guarding of life. 2. The life a warrior gives in battle by offering her own to save another.

  Chankah Myth. Goddess and harbinger of change.

  circle Qs. Ring of dice that captures a structure by enclosing it.

  clawcat 1. Giant mountain cat known for ferocity. 2. Female warrior. 3. Feminine woman.

  Coba Myth. Goddess of eternity. Mother of Jahlt, Mox, Avtac, and Hayl

  color Qs. Dice attribute Color determines rank according to the optical spectrum, with red lowest and violet highest.

  column of time Qs. Cylindrical structure that represents the passage of time. Its flat base is the past and the cylinder is the progress of time from past to future.

  continuity law Qs. 1. Applies when player loses a game in one move due to playing a dice with the wrong color, dimension, or order. If his opponent opens the next game with the same die she played in the last, he must fix his previous move using a piece that (a) has the same attributes as the misplayed die and (b) outranks his opponent's die. 2. sl. Dilemma with no solution.

  cream pheasant Large bird with ivory plumage marked by gold spots that resemble eyes. Prized for its tender meat.

  crooner sl. Crazy person who tells stories, usually a convict.

  Cuaz Myth. Wind god known for his capricious nature. See Savina.

  descendant Qs. Situation where player withdraws from play, either by leaving game or making moves that don't affect main structures.

  Deha Myth. Goddess of air and storms. Craftiest of all deities. Mother of Cuaz and Khozaar, both sired by Mox.

  desert tower Qs. Tower made with "desert" colors: ruby, topaz, and gold. Although generally lower in rank than a tower with more colors, it ranks higher when determining advantage over other desert structures.

  dice cheater's hell Myth. Underground cave where people who cheat at Quis go when they die. They are made into human dice and used by fog spirits to play Quis.

  Dice Queen 1. Estate Manager. 2. Superior player; a dice wizard.

  dimension Qs. Dice attribute. Rods, rings, and so on have one dimension, flat dice have two, other dice have three. Rank increases with dimension.

  dismantle Qs. Capture another player's structure in a way that requires she remove it from the playing area.

  double circle Qs. Circle made by one player to prevent a second player from encircling a third player's dice.

  drumbug 1. Slow- flying bug with round, flat body. Makes a booming noise at twilight. 2. st. Dull-witted person.

  Elder Mentor Man in charge of a Preparatory House.

  flat-stack Qs. Stack of flat dice, all with same shape.

  grand spectrum Qs Spectrum with ten or more dice

  halften Fifth day of a te
nday cycle

  hawk's claw Qs. Structure shaped like a talon. The player who owns the closed claw also owns any structure within it.

  hawk's fire Qs. Hawk's claw that captures a tower. Player making the capture can topple, dismantle, or ravage the tower, or leave it intact. See ravaged tower and toppled builder.

  hawk's flight Qs. Half arch. It has a high rank because it is difficult to construct a stable arch that is supported on only one side. Gives advantage over any structure's below it.

  hawk's rage Qs. Hawk's fire that ravages a tower.

  Hayl Myth. God of the hearth. Son of Calm and Sevtar.

  hazelle OS., pl. hazelle 1. Long-limbed animal with gold antlers and white hooves. Known for speed and beauty, hazelle live in the mid to upper ranges and are prey to claw-cats. 2. Desirable man.

  hazelle colt 1. Young hazelle. 2. Desirable youth.

  Henta OS. Matchmaker.

  High Quis Sessions played by Managers and Minister during Quis Council. It is considered the highest form of Quis. Some scholars believe Quis among high-level Calani equals High Quis, but the claims can't be verified because Calani live in seclusion. Modernists suggest the Oath is used to deny Calani the influence commensurate with their Quis expertise.

  hot-light sailor Laser carbine.

  hyella Pale blue reed found near desert oases. An iridescent orb floats on the tip of a mature hyella.

  icefir Tree found at high altitudes, with needled branches that resemble frozen lace. Named for ability to survive ice and snow.

  Initiate Boy in Preparatory House who has qualified to study Calanya Quis. See Novice.

  inverted tower Qs. An upside- down tower, with the lowest rank pieces at bottom and the highest at top.

  Iotic Io. Ancient language from Ruby Empire now spoken only by scholars and Imperial nobility.

  Ixpar Myth, Goddess of War. Unlike most Coban myths. which date from the Old Age, tales of the war goddess pre-date known history.