Page 1 of Incurable Hearts

  Incurable Hearts

  Ellie R Hunter

  Published in 2013

  Copyright © Ellie R Hunter

  The author or authors assert their moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author or authors of this work.

  All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of the copyright holder, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

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  First of all I would like to thank my mum for always believing in me and forever being there to help with her positive thinking.

  Secondly I would like to thank my little sister who sat listening to my story over the phone for hours.

  My final thank you is to my father-in-law who has been my second pair of eyes. Also for all the advice you gave, it was all taken on board and very much appreciated.

  Thank you and love you all.





























  Part One…Jasmine

  Here I sit at twenty-nine years of age thinking back to when I was a young girl listening to my Nan tell me how she still feels eighteen years old at heart. I thought she was crazy, she definitely didn’t look it with her wrinkles, arthritis and her terrible cough from smoking forty cigarettes a day for the last forty years. Today I understand what she meant because I still feel sixteen years old with a whole life in front of me full of what happens now and what will my future hold for me? But like I said I am twenty-nine years old with my own company and enough money to last me several lifetimes. It hadn’t always been this way, I built my company up myself with no help from anyone expect from the bank who now bend over backwards for me.

  I own one of the leading cosmetics companies across the world, I have explored many countries and seen what they have to offer, I have all the latest technology I may not understand how to use it, but I have it none of the less -, I drip from head to toe in designer clothes, lotions and perfumes and none of it can do a thing to keep me alive.

  My name is Jasmine Elizabeth Collins and I found out yesterday that I am not going to live beyond my thirtieth birthday.

  For the past year I have been living with a slow growing tumour on my brain, after the latest set of tests, the results show that the tumour is growing more quicker than it has been.

  For the last ten years I have been unstoppable not only in the business world but in my private life too. The day I was told I had this death sentence hanging over me I never truly believed it was happening especially to me but now, staring down at my trembling hands and the news I heard yesterday, there was no hiding from it anymore.

  The light knock on my office door broke my train of thought; I quickly hid my hands under my desk, put a false smile on and motion for my assistant to come in.

  Jenna is one of the most professional assistants I have had over the years, I make sure she is paid well for it too. I am surprised she has worked for me as long as she has with all the crap I put her way. She is exceptionally beautiful which never hurts when going to meetings with clients. I find deals are easier made when the opposition can't form coherent sentences and can't keep their eyes off of us. I am all for women’s independence and equal rights but I am not fooled that they truly exist in the workplace, the feeling it gives me when I walk into a room and see the effect I have on men is liberating and horny as hell, I always play it to my advantage, if you can't beat them join them.

  “Sorry to disturb you but you said to inform you when Mr Ellot arrives, he is in the conference room.” she said frowning at me.

  “What is it Jenna?” I snap at her. I feel like she pities me and I don’t like it. Like I said, I wonder why she still works for me?

  “You seem distracted, is everything okay?” I knew her concern for me was genuine, however it was disarming and unwelcome.

  “Yes, I am fine. Please send refreshments in and tell him I will be there in five minutes.” I said dismissing her.

  I should have followed the doctors advice and stayed home for a couple of days, with the way I was feeling now I really didn’t need the likes of Mr Ellot today but what would have I done stuck in the fortress I call home?

  Heading towards the conference room, it suddenly dawns on me that if… I mean when I die, what will I do with this place? Something to think about and soon. It makes me feel sick to think that I won't be here this time next year and what will happen to my company. So once again I plaster on the false smile and go to my last appointment of the day with my obnoxious, lecherous personal accountant.

  When we have finished I send for Jenna to see him out of the building, more like to make sure he left. I don’t know how many times I have to tell him I will not go to dinner with him especially now as I only have a limited time left on this earth, it will not be wasted spending time with him. When Jenna arrives back at her desk I call her into my office.

  “Jenna, I want you to arrange a new accountant.” I don’t offer her any explanations but she can guess why, she too has had to decline his advances.

  “Yes Miss Collins.”

  “Thank you. For as soon as possible please, you can leave when you have finished.” I smile weakly at her. I suppose it is my way of apologising for my earlier snap at her. One thing you should know about me is that I hate to apologise even when I know I should, it actually pains me. The therapist I saw when I was a child said it was my way of not letting anyone see my weaknesses. I can’t argue with that.

  “I can stay if you would like me to get ahead of tomorrows orders?” she said. This is why I hired her. She is always keen to get ahead.

  “That is okay, they will still be here in the morning.” I told her.

  She nods and leaves my office, her silence is beautiful. That was the other reason I liked her, she didn’t feel the need to speak for the sake of filling space like some of my previous assistants.

  I pick up my Blackberry to call my lawyer; it is time to sort my will out. The thought of a will makes me laugh, a proper schoolgirl giggle, a will? Who the hell have I got to leave anything too? Family – no, children – like hell, close friends – not likely, I haven’t had a close friend since I left school and lost contact with everyone.

  At six o’clock I call my driver –yes, I have a driver – to be waiting for me outside. The offices are empty as I make my way to the lifts, only the cleaners scurrying around hovering, they don’t acknowledge me as I don’t them, just the way I like it. I repress a shudder seeing them work for minimum wage, it pays the bills for them but it would never be an option for me.

  My driver is standing ready holding my door open when I leave the building. I slide into
the car smelling the familiar aroma wash around me, glad to be out of the misty rain that has begun to fall.

  “Good day Miss Collins?” Henry asks from the front of the car as he pulls out into the rush hour traffic that fills the Cambridge roads. I know he is asking about myself rather than my workload. Henry is a wonderful gentleman who has been working for me for nearly nine years, he was originally hired to be my driver but over time he slowly began to run my errands for me even when I didn’t ask him too. He looks out for me and pulls me back to earth sometimes with a thud if I go to far.

  He is also the only being on the planet that knows of my situation, from my whole life to my news yesterday. He knows how to handle me probably why we have got on so well for so long. He lives with me but in the guesthouse, which I suppose he isn’t a guest anymore, I should call it Henry’s House. Laughing on the inside I make a mental note to have a plaque designed for him. I know he will see the funny side of it.

  “I am okay.” I answered honestly. He raises his eyebrows in the rear view mirror questioning my reply, I raise mine back at him, he knows that is all he is getting and returns his attention back to the road.

  Looking out of the window, there are masses of people rushing home under their umbrellas avoiding the rain. All of a sudden I don’t feel like going home, it is the same everyday, Henry picks me up from work, Rose, my live in cook and cleaner- has my meal prepared and then I head to my home office to carry on working late into the night before trying to sleep on my own in a bed that could easily fit five people in.

  “Henry, why don’t we go for a drink somewhere?” I said.

  “Have you got anywhere in mind?” he asked surprised by my request. In that moment I realised I didn’t have a clue where to go, the places I did know I wouldn’t go to in case I knew somebody from my past. I am not a big drinker, my parents both put me off for life, I sometimes have the occasional glass of wine or champagne but it is rare.

  I don’t like not being in control of myself so avoiding alcohol is what I do.

  “You choose.” I said.

  Ten minutes later we pulled up outside a small pub, it looked old and quiet, which I was grateful for. Inside, the walls are covered in dark wood and covered in pictures of our historical city. I take a seat at a small table in the corner while Henry goes to order our drinks. There are a few men and women sitting and chatting about their days over their drinks, no rowdy drunks to make me feel anxious. I feel my muscles begin to unwind when Henry joins me and places my drink in front of me.

  “How has your day been Henry?” I asked. For a moment he looks bewildered that I have asked, surely I ask him this more often? He clears his throat and answers me.

  “It has been busy, the workmen have been working on the extension, it is going to be one hell of a building site for a while. I have booked you into the Crowne Plaza for the weekend so it wouldn’t disrupt your days off. You rarely take time off from work so I want you to enjoy it.”

  I sit there stunned by his words with something strange pulling in my chest, this is why I have him here, he looks out for me in a way no one else has before.

  “Thank you. I have an appointment tomorrow with Mr Jones at his office to settle all of my assets for when I…” I don’t finish what I was going to say but Henry understands, “and then I am meeting with a possible new accountant at the Regal.” We normally discuss the next day’s appointments in the car on the way home but while we were here I might as well tell him now.

  “I sure am glad you are getting rid of that imbecile Miss Collins.”

  After nine years of our working relationship he still hasn’t called me by my first name.

  “So am I. Will you be okay living on a building site?” As soon as I asked I was shocked by my concern, of course he would be okay, that is what I pay him to do.

  “Certainly, I have to make sure they do what you are paying them to do. I don’t want them taking advantage of you.” he says warmly.

  Henry was with me when I first met with the contractor, I laid my ideas out across the table of what I wanted done and he treated me like the little lady who should be stood in front of the stove cooking his dinner. That was until Henry stepped in, and told him there were other contractors who would want the job, he soon changed his attitude. Since then I let Henry deal with him and so far there hasn’t been any silly sexist business.

  “Rose has already packed your cases, she has left three dresses for you to choose from for the masquerade ball on Saturday.”

  “I had forgotten about the ball.” I said more to myself than to Henry. The masquerade ball is a fundraising event thrown every year to raise money for the Arts, a load of pompous men with trophy women on their arms with too much money, thinking they are lord and master of the universe. For the past five years I attended the ball on my own apart from last year when I took Jenna, everyone thought she was my life partner.

  “I can have Jenna call and cancel for you, if you don’t feel well enough?” he suggested.

  “No-no, I will go. Come on let’s go home.” I said standing to put my coat on, I had had enough now.

  “Excuse me for a moment.” he said moving towards the gents.

  I stood waiting for Henry when the door opened and another group of men walked in, all in work vests and work boots. They all gave me the once over as they passed, once they were up the bar I definitely didn’t want to be here anymore, the atmosphere had gone from quiet drinkers after work to rowdy workmen wanting their pints. I opened the door to wait for Henry by the car when I bumped into a guy who tried entering the pub as I tried exiting. I gasped unintentionally. He held my upper arm gently until I was steady. When I saw his eyes, I was memorized. They were the most startling blue eyes I had ever seen. Drawing my eyes down to his mouth, he was smiling down at me, kindly. Oh my! His dark blonde hair was cut short apart from on top where it was a bit longer. He was gorgeous.

  “Sorry love, are you okay?” he asked taking his hand away from my arm. When I stepped back I thought I recognised him from somewhere but I couldn’t put a name to his face. My heart beats frantically, I don’t know what to do, and luckily for me Henry reappears.

  “Is everything okay Miss Collins?” he asked looking over the guy stood blocking my exit, who then stepped to the side holding his hands up in the air showing he didn’t want any trouble. Henry is not an old man and to anyone else who didn’t know him he can be quite intimidating with his stocky build and shaved head.

  “I am fine,” I said answering them both at the same time, “Let’s go.” I said looking at Henry.

  Henry followed me out apologising for not being there for me, he understands how much I don’t like people touching me. I didn’t know whether to rewrite his contract so he couldn’t go for pee breaks or thank him for not being there so I still got the chance to bump into the gorgeous guy. For the first time in a long time I felt a stirring low in my stomach, aching to be tended to and hopefully by the gorgeous blonde back in the pub. Henry opened my door for me and as I was about to get in when I heard my name being called.

  “Miss Collins,” it was the blonde guy, he was jogging over to me holding something in his hand, “I think you dropped this,” he said handing me my scarf.

  “Thank you Mr…?” I said nodding to Henry to get in the car. Maybe his name will jog my memory.

  “Chris Jenson.” he said holding out his hand, I took his hand and shook it. His name meant nothing to me.

  “Well, thank you Chris Jenson.” I said flashing him my most flirtatious smile. His face lit up in reaction, oh my days what is going on with me? I wanted him here and now!

  “COME ON! It's your round,” one of his friends shouted from the pub door, in that instant I was snapped back into reality and froze in front of this blonde god.

  “Thank you again.” I muttered and scrambled to get in the car leaving one Chris Jenson shocked at my departure.

  “Drive Henry.” I commanded.

  I wanted out of here and now. I sat
the whole way home trying to rack my memories of who he was. Once I was home I made my way to my home office and called Henry up, I gave him instructions to find out who Chris Jenson is. Where the hell do I know him?

  Part Two… Chris Jenson

  I stood looking up at the big white house in front of me, it was massive and the extension we are currently working on will make it huge. Apparently the women we are working for is a very wealthy self-made entrepreneur. The boss man did not like her one bit, I personally put it down to jealousy. My boss Joe Stiles is a good man deep down, I have been working for him since I was eighteen, which was thirteen years ago. One day I will have my own construction company but for now I am content to do the work, get paid and have a laugh with my mates.

  “Yo, CJ,” Jase shouted from his car. Jase has been my best mate since we were kids and we both worked for Joe since we left college, “Were off to the pub, are you in or out?” he asked as I got into the car.

  “In.” I said. Today had been the longest day we had worked on this project and a pint was definitely needed.

  “Do you think we will ever get to see the chick who owns the house?” Jase asked driving away from the ivory tower.

  “Probably not. She probably doesn’t even spend time here.” I replied. We were here early in the mornings everyday and we had never seen her leave for work or whatever it is she does.

  “What do you think she looks like?” he asked.

  “How the hell should I know?” I said.

  “I was only asking what you thought, I think she is old and wears those stiff looking skirt suits,” he said. The thing about Jase is he never takes anything too seriously. I decided to change the conversation.

  “How is Anna?” I asked as we pulled up to the pub. Anna is his on/off girlfriend.

  “I don’t know, I haven’t seen her since Sunday morning.” he shrugged. I knew he meant he stayed the night with her and has ignored her since.