Page 9 of Incurable Hearts

  “Do you think they will catch up to schedule Henry?” I asked, both of us still sitting in the car.

  “They should do if they pull their fingers out and do the work.” He replied.

  “I want to speak with the boss, shall we go and have some fun. I have it on good authority that he has been working them hard.” I asked coming up with an idea.

  Christopher didn’t know that I knew he was working on my house. Yet.

  “I will get the door for you Miss Collins.” He smirked.

  As we walked over to the building site that was the side of my home, Henry passed me a hard hat.

  “What is his name again?” I ask.

  “Joe Stiles. He should be in here,” he said leading me to a portable office.

  When we walked in the office, Joe the sexist pig was sitting at his make shift desk with his feet perched up on it, well, that was until he saw who had walked in. Hmm, the rush of having power over someone washed through me. I had missed it.

  “Miss Collins, I wasn’t expecting you today,” he said putting his feet firmly on the ground.

  “Obviously. Henry has informed me that you are behind schedule. I would like you to show me what work has been done.” I said using my professional tone, letting him know who was the boss here and it definitely wasn’t him. You could see he was trying his hardest not to talk back to me.

  “If you will follow me this way then. Oh and you will need to put that on.” He said pointing to the hard hat in my hands.

  As we walked through to the house, all heads turned to stare. I knew they saw the expensive Prada dress suit with matching Prada shoes snugly wrapped around a slim figure, finally they get a glimpse of the women paying their wages for the next couple of months and they liked what they saw.

  Joe was saying something about the outside brickwork but I wasn’t listening, I was searching for Christopher trying to catch a glimpse of him before he saw me first. Joe lead us into the extension, you could kind of see the layout taking shape. There was a big rectangular hole in the ground where the swimming pool was going to be. Joe began showing me the tiles I had chosen for the pool, large white squares with thin black and pink tiles that would run in vertical lines along the bottom of the pool. All of a sudden I was desperate for it to be finished in case I wasn’t around to see the completed look.

  “Joe, if you want to keep this contract then you will be honest and tell me how quickly you can have this finished, with an incentive of course.” His face fell in shock, and this is the reaction I wanted.

  “I would have to pull in more labourers,” He said as if that was going to be a problem.

  “Do whatever you have to do, how long?” I asked again losing my patience.

  My other reason for having it completed so fast was that when I told Christopher I couldn’t see him anymore I didn’t want him working on my house. I wanted all our ties cut.

  “With extra workers and the incentive we could be finished in a month.” He said.

  I could handle a month.

  “Then we have a deal?” I said holding out my hand.

  “Yes.” he said shaking it to seal the deal. He turned to look for someone while I turned back to look over the tiles again.

  “CJ.” he called. Show time!

  I turned back to see him walking towards us, he faulted when he saw me with his boss. I couldn’t tell if he was angry or not to see me, more like confused as to why I was here.

  “Miss Collins this is CJ – one of my best workers, CJ this is the lady we are building the extension for. The time frame has been moved drastically, we have one month to complete the job, the incentive is…” he stopped talking looking at me, oh yeah, I hadn’t said what it was.

  “If the work is completed on time and to my satisfaction, I will personally write you a check for fifty thousand pounds and thirty thousand pounds for each labourer on top of your fees as a bonus.” I said.

  I thought Joe was going to have a heart attack where he stood. Christopher hadn’t said anything, I don’t think he could.

  “But be warned, if you fall even one day behind there will be no bonuses and I will ruin you, you will be left with nothing.” I warned him.

  It felt like someone else had overtaken my body and wasn’t going to stop. This was meant to be fun, I felt venomous, it could be the effect Joe had on me, I hadn’t liked him from day one.

  “That is one hell of a incentive Miss Collins,” he whistled through his teeth.

  “It is, I suggest you have your men finish for the day so they can be well rested for tomorrow. I trust that is enough time for you to recruit more workers?” I asked as Henry was quietly laughing beside me.

  “Guys, listen up,” Joe bellowed.

  Once they all stopped what they were doing and he had their attention, I noticed not only had Christopher been working here but so had Jase.

  “Miss Collins here would like the job completed within a month,” they all looked at me sharply probably cursing me about longer hours for the same amount of money. Jase finally saw who I was and had the same open-mouthed expression on his face Christopher had just been wearing.

  “She will be giving you all personally a thirty thousand pound bonus if we complete the job on time, go home and rest up, you’re going to be working hard for the next month.” He finished. Now they all wore the open mouthed expressions. Joe turned his attention back to me.

  “I will leave you now Miss Collins, I have another workforce to find.” His tone had changed towards me but than a hefty bonus will do that.

  “Good luck, one month Joe, one month,” I repeated as he walked back to his office.

  “When the workers turn up tomorrow I want to know all their names Henry. I don’t want any more surprises please.”

  “Sure, are you okay here or do you need me to stay?” he asked.

  “I am fine.”

  “Okay, I will be in the main house, nicely done by the way Miss Collins, his face was a picture.” He smirked before leaving Christopher and I on our own.

  He was still saying nothing, he was just staring at me. I was about to say something to break the silence but Jase came over.

  “Your full of surprises aren’t you. This is really your house?” he asked. I nodded.

  “And you are going to give us a thirty thousand pound bonus plus wages to complete this job in a month?” he confirmed.

  “Yes, do you think it can be done,” I asked him; after all he was doing the work.

  “If the boss man can bring in the extra workers there is no reason why it shouldn’t be.” He answered honestly.

  “Then you will get your bonuses.” I said in a dismissing tone, he took the hint and left.

  “When were you going to tell me I was working on your house?” Christopher finally spoke.

  “Excuse me? I didn’t know you were working here until you text me the address earlier.” I said defending myself once again,

  “Shit Jas, this is really your house?” he asked looking around, I nodded again, “All that time I was trying to find you and I was working here all along.” He said laughing at himself.

  “I am surprised you don’t have folders on everyone who works here,” He teased.

  “I will have by tomorrow,” I mumbled, “Jase isn’t going to tell anyone where I live or who I am is he?” I asked with a touch of worry.

  “I will have a word with him,” he promised stepping closer to me, “You came back early to see me ay?” he said as he closed the distance between us completely and kissed me.

  He left me breathless when he released me, it was worth coming back early for that kiss alone.

  “It was worth it,” I said, “Would you like a tour?” I asked waving to the main house.

  “Sure.” He said keeping hold of my hand.

  We walked around to the back door leading into the kitchen, Christopher whistled at how big it was. Rose was cooking and smiled at us when she saw us.

  “Shall I set an extra place for dinner?” sh
e asked me.

  He knew where I lived now so there was no harm in him staying, if he wanted too.

  “Why not.” I said leading him through to the living area, it was a grand living room. Pure white thick carpet running through, housing a large black corner unit sofa, luxurious lamps dotted around, grand pieces of art hanging on the walls. On the centre wall hung a fifty-inch plasma television with a cinema surround system built into the wall beside it.

  “Jesus Jas, this is extraordinary, I would kill for a TV this big,” he said wondering around eyeing all the gadgets up.

  “I won’t tell you that I have never turned it on then.” I said.

  His face looked as if I had just told him I had committed murder.

  “How long have you had it?” He asked.

  “About two years.” Okay so now he definitely looked sick. So, now I knew he was a major telly watcher.

  “Why do you have it if you don’t watch it?”

  Was I going to tell him the real reason? He would think I was a horrible snob but if he runs thinking I am a bitch it would save me asking him to leave. I would tell him the truth.

  “I bought it because I knew most people wouldn’t be able to afford it and I could.” I said truthfully.

  “I understand, it sounds harsh though.” He said he understood? This man was really confusing me.

  “Come on, I will show you the rest of the house.” I said taking his hand and leading him to the games room.

  His eyes lit up like a child at Christmas when he walked in and saw the full size pool table in the middle of the room. There was a small bar at the end of the room fully stocked with all kinds of drinks, another telly –not as big as the one in the living room – hanging on the wall by the bar. I had big posters of my favourite films going around the room.

  “Do you play?” He asked picking up a pool cue.

  “Sometimes…with Henry, I am not very good.” I admitted.

  “Come here, I will show you. It is how you position yourself,” he said.

  Although I got the impression he wanted more than to show me how to pot a ball, two could play this game. I walked over to him slowly letting my hips sway side to side more than usual and stood in front of him, he turned me so I was in front of him bringing the cue round so I was circled in his arms. He pushed his chest down on my back until I was bent over the table and he was leaning over me.

  “Looking down the cue like this will give you a better view of where to hit the ball hence giving you a better chance of potting a ball,” he said.

  “Looking down the cue like this with you feels good.” I said pushing myself back against him.

  “Your amazing.” Christopher whispered into my hair whilst pulling the throw over of the sofa and draping it across us.

  “I could say the same about you.” I said cuddling closer to him.

  “Your dangerous for me.” I whispered, he leant up on his elbow looking down at me.

  “What do you mean?” He asked running his finger softly down my cheek.

  He was dangerous for me because I couldn’t hide any longer that I was falling for him, I wanted him in my life. I wanted to do the whole getting-to-know-you dating thing, I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible but I couldn’t, as I didn’t have much time left. If I could guarantee he wouldn’t develop deeper feelings for me and it was me who would be the only one to get hurt I would go for it but the way he was looking at me right now didn’t convince me that he hadn’t already. I couldn’t tell him any of this without telling him the truth.

  “Because you side tracked me with your…fantasies of having sex on a pool table, I missed dinner.” I said laughing.

  He knew I wasn’t telling him the real reason but he didn’t push me for it.

  “Well, we should go find you some food, I don’t want you passing out on me,” He said pulling me up.

  Rose had left our meals in the oven, it was her homemade shepherd’s pie and steamed vegetables on the side. I felt hungry earlier but now the thought of food was making me nauseous.

  “You don’t eat much do you?” He said watching me pick my food.

  “I eat enough,” I said remembering about Jase, “Are you sure Jase won't say anything?” I asked again.

  “I asked him not to, what is with that anyway? I would have thought you would have loved to show this off,” he said gesturing around the place.

  “I promised myself years ago that I wouldn’t have anything to do with anyone from the estate again, I built Jasmine Enterprises and never looked back. Seeing them again after all these years has been…weird. I have been on my own all this time, I like to keep my life private.” I said shoving shepherd’s pie into mouth so I didn’t have to talk anymore.

  “Has it been weird with me?” he asked nervously.

  I recounted all the things I had thought about him since our first night at the Crowne Plaza hotel together, it was weird at first when he said my name but then it was good, very good.

  “A little but it isn’t now.” I reassured him reaching across the table for his hand. He smiled broadly at me squeezing my hand. He started laughing.

  “What is so funny?” I asked.

  “I won’t be letting my boss call you the queen bitch anymore,” He said making me laugh too.

  “Surely after a fifty-thousand pound bonus I will have a new name?” I said faking that my feelings were hurt, “I have learnt men like Joe don’t like women like me.”

  “Are you really going to give him the bonus?” he asked finishing his food.

  “Yes, I want it completed as soon as possible and money is the only way your boss will take me seriously.”

  “He said we had a limited time to catch up on the work, that is why he has been uptight the last few days but for the offer of a bonus that big he is going to work us harder than ever.” He said paling at the idea,

  “I could always find a way to fire him and you can take over the contract, if you want?” I said. I would as well.

  Nothing is impossible in my world.

  For the fourth time today his face fell, he was too shocked to speak. I let him think about it while I finished my meal.

  “You would do that?” he asked, I nodded, “No I am good. He is a good boss most of the time. One day I will have my own company but I will get there when I can.” He said.

  “Is that what you want, your own construction business?” I asked interested in his dreams and ambitions other than my own.

  “Yeah, and when it is established I am going to buy a plot of land on the outskirts of Cambridge and build my own house.”

  “What is stopping you?” I asked, if he wanted it that bad he would do something about it, like I did.

  “The bank wouldn’t give me a loan to get started up,” He said brushing it off.

  “I could give it to you.” I said before thinking. He didn’t think about my offer, he answered straight away,

  “No, I will do it myself. I don’t want your money,” he said. Oops, I have offended him.

  “Come on I will show you the rest of the house.” I said changing the topic of conversation.

  He began clearing the plates away, what was he doing? He knew I had a cleaner. He caught me watching him with wonderment.

  “It doesn’t hurt to help sometimes,” he said taking my hand, “Lead the way.”

  I showed him round the six bedrooms and en-suites, my home office, saving my bedroom for last. My bedroom was the largest of them all, the same white carpet as downstairs, a queen size four poster bed – without the drapes, there just tacky – and a TV set up at the end of the bed, the only time I watch television is when I am in bed. The rest of the room was empty of furniture, the less objects in here the better I slept. The walk in wardrobe held all my belongings.

  “Bloody hell, it feels like I have walked into a shop.” He said looking at the rows of designer clothes hanging neatly, shelves of shoes and bags hanging everywhere.

  “I had the bedroom next door converted
into my wardrobe to fit it all in.” I said walking back into the room to show him my en-suite.

  I woke up the next morning to Christopher trailing his finger along my back in circular patterns, his smile growing when he noticed I was awake.

  “Morning.” I said making no effort to move, his touch felt nice.

  “I am glad you woke up, I have to go. The women I am working for is a right slave driver.” He chuckled.

  “I think she would make an exception for you.” I said trying to seduce into staying in bed a while longer. My head thwarted my plan instantly feeling like it had been split open, the pain was intense.

  I screamed out, I didn’t want him to see me like this but the pain took me by surprise, my vision doubling, all I could think was this was the end. If the pain didn’t go soon I would welcome the end rather than suffer this pain for much longer.

  “What is wrong Jas?” He urged sitting up abruptly. I blocked out his pleas and focused on deep breathing. The pain slowly receded after a few minutes, remaining as a dull ache. Christopher silently begged me to answer him but I couldn’t look at him. Who was I trying to fool. I couldn’t see him while I was like this. Everything I was going through didn’t happen at specific times, I wouldn’t risk him seeing me like that again.

  “It was just a headache, it has gone now.” I said getting out of bed.

  “That didn’t look like a normal headache Jas,” He said pulling his jeans on.

  “Well it was,” damn, he isn’t buying it. I am going to have to cut ties sooner rather later.

  “I can’t do this, you should leave.”

  “I am leaving, I have work,” he said.

  “That is not what I meant Christopher, I meant…I can’t do this.”

  “This?” He asked wanting more of an explanation, how could I put this so he would leave soon, I was getting dizzy and I was struggling to see straight.

  “Us, I told you I am complicated. I don’t have the time to know you.” I shouted hoping he would think I was a crazy bitch and want nothing to do with me.

  “You know what Jas, I am gone. I hope you enjoy yourself in your ivory tower on your own.” He said backing up towards the door.